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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

B2B網通業者提升服務品質之研究-以FTTx個案C公司為例 / A case study about enhancing service quality in B2B network facility industry

楊書豪 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣科技廠商從過去的代工製造而在科技業供應鏈中扮演著非常重要的角色,但也逐漸得面臨更低成本的競爭,因此許多廠商逐漸想轉型為自有品牌經營的模式,同樣的情況在網通產業一樣發生,台灣網通業者在國際上站有非常重要之地位,而在轉型為自有品牌經營的時候,公司內部必須要從上到下改變為顧客導向的經營模式,尤其在網通產業當中,因為產品本身技術複雜、應用多元,因此除了產品本身的品質穩定之外,更需要網通設備廠商提供客製化的服務,因此本研究將以專注於光纖網路之個案公司深入了解個案公司之服務體系透過服務藍圖法與深度訪談了解個案公司之現行服務體系之問題,並提出改善之建議。 本研究針對光纖網路產業與個案公司之現行服務體系作深入之研究歸納出以下幾點: 一、各國均投入大量資源佈建FTTx光纖網路,新通訊協定以及網路應用服務不斷推陳出新,將是中小型網通廠商崛起與打造自有品牌之機會。 二、自有品牌廠商必須由過去製造導向轉變為顧客導向 三、中小型網通廠以提供客製化產品為切入點 四、售後服務注重在地服務與及時回應 五、銷售前服務注重市場需求了解以及資料提供 本研究筆者實地至一家中小型光纖網路設備廠,參與該個案公司之現行銷售流程中所涵蓋之服務內容,深入了解各項服務內容之流程並從中發掘相關之問題,希望透過本研究所提出之問題解決方案強化個案公司之現行服務體系,並提升個案公司將品牌精神落實至服務體系當中,強化品牌精神之體現。 本研究結果除了可以應用於相關之光纖網路設備同業之外,對於相關需要客製化產品與服務且建立自有品牌之產業也具備參考價值,期望能使相關之公司在建立自有品牌與服務體系時有所幫助。

顧客導向之企業流程再造 -以桃園國際機場客運服務為例 / Customer-Oriented Business Process Reengineering: A Case Study of Bus Service in Taoyuan International Airport

蔡佩欣 Unknown Date (has links)
企業流程再造自1990年代被提出,由於國際貿易頻繁,加劇全球廠商競爭壓力,遂開始提出企業必須進行根本性重新思考其工作設計,以達到顯著性的營運改善,譬如成本、速度、品質…等,進而提供客戶更佳的產品服務,且隨著電腦設備、機械等資訊科技快速發展,其中又以製造產業最先開始熱切關注,如何將資訊科技導入其日常生產營運流程,以降低其生產與管理成本。 然而,隨著時代發展,現在服務產業已成為台灣的第三大產業,且由於製造廠商面對諸多同業低成本競爭壓力下,遂紛紛開始推行製造業服務化,開始強調其價值是自於優質且可靠的服務,可見製造產業與服務產業間的邊界已越來越模糊,以及服務產業對於未來之重要。 且拜賜現代科技發展,諸多服務廠商為了滿足顧客更多的需求和期望,開始嘗試透過新科技導入,改善舊有服務模式,以優化或重新建構服務流程,進而提供顧客更佳之服務,不過服務業的關鍵仍是顧客,由於顧客同時參與服務生產過程中,故必須將顧客的聲音同時納入改造規劃之中,並非以廠商利益作為前提,而是以顧客觀點為核心思考,才可設計出兼顧顧客與企業需求之新服務流程,故本研究目的欲探討服務系統運用顧客觀點規劃與發展新服務流程之重要性。 對此,本研究採用個案研究法,首先透過文獻探討整理出研究的分析步驟,再配合桃園國際機場的客運服務作為研究個案,以進行調查。其中分析將經歷六大步驟「準備動員與辨識願景」、「診斷現行流程與資源」、「定義與辨識關鍵流程」、「重新規劃設計新服務藍圖」、「執行辦法建議」和「擬定監督與衡量指標」,並運用服務藍圖工具劃分出顧客各階段行動,以顧客行動變化來劃分服務流程,以及運用顧客評估客運服務六大指標於其中,以將顧客導向精神落實。 本研究發現,於「準備動員與辨識願景」階段,有別於過往大多仰賴企業內部高層意識到改革之需要,在服務系統中,亦可透過洽詢顧客得到想法回饋,作為改革之契機;此外,在「診斷現行流程與資源」時,透過服務藍圖劃分旅客動作流程,並藉由旅客評估客運服務之六大因素—舒適度、便利性、安全性、資訊可及性、服務反應性與人員服務,融合檢驗各環節之失誤點,可充分將顧客觀點納入企業流程改造中,而本個案中,又以「資訊可及性」和「服務反應性」表現最不佳,進而找出本個案之關鍵流程,並做為後續規劃流程改造和擬定控制指標之主體。 並透過實際案例探討,了解到服務系統在推行企業流程再造時,顧客想法可劃分為六大指標納入其中考量,並使用服務藍圖工具以顧客觀點來劃分內部流程,其結果不但擴充了“企業流程再造”的理論探討,同時也能夠提供給未來相關領域的研究者和其他相關企業發展作為參考。 / The concept of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been expanded since the 1990s when the globalization boosted the competition in various industries. Therefore, companies were longed to fundamentally rethink how they do their work in order to significantly improve production speed, service quality or operational costs. Especially, with the development of Information Technology, the manufacturing industry adapts new technology in daily operation to save the production and management cost. As the progress of time, the service industry plays a critical role to Taiwan’s economy. This in turn drives the manufacturing industry to servitize with the low-cost pressure. A growing number of manufacturing companies now emphasize their value not only production but also good and reliable service. The boundary between manufacturing industries and service industry is getting more and more unclear. With the development of technology, service companies try to implement new technology to improve service process and satisfy customer needs. Since service tends to have customers’ involvement in the delivering process, customer orientation plays a more important role in service firms. This study thus argues that customers’ thoughts should be included in the BPR process to redesign a process that meets customers and companies’ needs. This study utilizes the case study methodology, with in-depth interviews of bus service providers in Taoyuan International Airport. In this research, the BPR analysis steps are divided into 6 steps, which are identifying the vision and compose BPR team, diagnosing process and resources, defining and identifying the key process, re-designing new service blueprint, and designing control index system. This paper also utilizes the service blueprint as a tool to display the process functions above and below the line of visibility to the customer. The research results indicate that service system could utilize customer feedbacks to identify specific problems instead of only from the top-management team awareness in the first step to identify the vision and build the BPR team. Furthermore, in the next step to diagnose process and resources, it can be analyzed by the six indices concerned by customers to check fail points. These indices are comfort, convenience, safety, information accessibility, service reaction and service personals. In the Taoyuan International Airport case, “information accessibility” and “service reaction” were the worst among those that are defined and identified as key process and set as control index. This research reveals the importance of customers’ role in the BPR process. It also illustrates how to use service blueprint as a tool to divide operational process from customer’s perspective. The result not only contributes to the academic research of BPR but also provides valuable insight for service industry with further expansion on BPR.

提升公共圖書館服務品質之研究 -以新竹縣政府文化局圖書館為例 / A Research of improving the effectiveness for Public Libraries :A Case Study of Hsinchu County Library

王彥筑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文獻探討對服務品質理論及LibQUAL+™量表進行瞭解,進而對於國內外探討圖書館服務品質之作法加以探討,並選擇新竹縣立圖書館為個案研究對象,對新竹縣立圖書館入館讀者採隨機抽樣調查,就研究結果提出關於服務品質之相關分析與建議,作為新竹縣立圖書館未來營運管理及讀者服務之參考,期使藉由本研究讓圖書館能更正確瞭解讀者需求及圖書館現況問題並能有效調整資源分配,提升圖書館服務品質,提供民眾更優質的公共圖書館。    本研究採用問卷調查法,以圖書館服務品質LibQUAL+™量表為基礎,於106年3月期間對新竹縣立圖書館入館民眾進行隨機抽樣調查。研究結果顯示:(一)新竹縣立圖書館讀者類型中以自修族群為最多(二)以讀者使用資源頻率來看,低涉入讀者為最多(三)讀者不同背景對於使用圖書館館藏資訊系統上有差異性(四)讀者最重視圖書館環境構面的服務品質(五)圖書館服務品質中表現最佳是服務影響性構面(六)以四象限分析法探討服務品質要項,讀者最在意的為環境 (七)讀者服務涉入程度與服務品質三構面上有重要關聯性(八)讀者對圖書館服務成果認同度排名第一為整體閱讀環境(九)不同學歷背景讀者對服務成果認同度有顯著差異(十) 56歲以上年長族群相對較少(十一)服務成果與服務品質三構面有高度正相關(十二)讀者的意見回饋中,以「圖書館環境」為讀者最重視因素(十三)圖書館可依服務藍圖檢視服務品質改善方法。 根據上述研究結果,本論文提出七項建議:(一)改善閱讀空間品質,滅少干擾元素(二)加強閱讀活動辦理,鼓勵讀者參與(三)強化資訊提供功能,改善數位資源及設備(四)成立館藏發展小組,加強編目專業訓練(五)深入瞭解讀者需求,提升服務品質(六)保持優質服務態度,暢通讀者意見回饋管道(七)加強分齡分眾概念之服務。 / The key goal of this research is to discuss the improving of service quality of some university libraries through applying LibQUAL+™ as a qualitative method and theory. We apply this to evaluate the library service quality of the Hsinchu county library through random sampling on the library readers. From the result of the research, we can get some conclusion and advices for the library to take it as as the reference. We expect that the library can realize the demand of readers more and find the bottleneck of it's operation so that they can rearrange the allocation of the resources to improve the service quality from the reader's perception. We complete the research with the questionnaire method through applying LibQUAL+™. The investigation was carried out by random sampling the readers of the Hsinchu county library during the opening hours in March in 2017. The research result shows that: (1) The major part of the readers are those for self-studying. (2) From the view of souring frequency of library resources, most readers are "low involvement". (3) the sourcing of Library Information Processing System differ from the background of the readers. (4) What the readers care most are the enviromental factors of service quality. (5) The service factors get highest score. (6) from the Four quadrant analysis, what the readers care most are the enviroment. (7) The involvement of the readers is high related to the three factors of service quality. (8) What the readers recognize most considering the service result is the reading enviromment. (9) The recognition degree of the service result differ from the educational background of the readers. (10) The recognition degree of the service result differ from the "service involvement" of the readers. (11) The service result is highly related to the three factors of service quality. (12) The library can get the way to improve the service quality through th service blueprint. According the research above, this thesis propose 7 suggestion: (1) To improving the Reading space to minimize interference. (2) To hold more reading activities and encourage more readers to participate in. (3) To enhance the information support and improve the information indicaiton. (4) To establish the Library Collections Development Panel and enhancing the training of cataloging. (5) To enhance the electrical resource to improve the information equipment. (6) To understand the demand of readers more to improve the service quality. (7) To provide service with good attitude and keep the communication chanels smooth.

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