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產物保險公司之風險控管模型與資本效益分析評估郭鴻文 Unknown Date (has links)
除介紹如何利用核保財務分析模型(Underwriting Financial Model)來解決適當訂價的問題,並配合運用風險資本額的公式求出各險種之風險資本額、各險種之業主權益分配額、各險種之可運用資金、各險種之自留綜合率、各險種業主權益報酬率、以預測來年之營運績效,另外尚討論信用風險與風險累積的控制,運用創新的觀念及技術來管理公司的業務量。
關鍵字:風險管理、業主權益報酬、風險資本額、核保、產物保險經營 / The main theme of this research is to explore the issues related to the ways of risk management and internal operation control for insurance companies. The insurance companies could be efficiently controlled and projected to create higher return on equity, to guarantee the insured’s benefit, and to maintain the company’s long-term operation by implementing risk management process.
Insurance companies, as one of the tools for risk management, are required to realize their own risks in operation. Firstly they must explore how to build up a process of risk management and to recognize that inadequate price is one of the main reasons to cause insurance company’s insolvency. Secondly they should explore how to build up an adequate underwriting risk mechanism to develop the core value of insurance companies, and to illustrate its process and detail of the building-up with Fire insurance business.
Insurance companies are also required to know how to solve inadequate price by using Underwriting Financial Model, and how to calculate Risk Base Capital, Capital Allocation, Asset Allocation, Combined Ratio, Return on Equity for each line of business to predict business results for the coming year. This paper also discusses the importance of credit risk and risk accumulation in order that insurance companies can manage their own business by using innovating concept and technique.
Finally Insurance companies are recommended to set up a risk management unit that should plan and prepare for the process of risk management. They ought to show their high wiliness to increase the capability of risk management, and to exercise high discipline and put into work in order to enhance the concept and need of risk management.
Key Words: Risk Management, Return on Equity, Risk Base Capital, Underwriting, Insurance Operation.
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金融產業結構及經營效率與獲利能力之關聯性研究 / The Profit-Structure Relationship in Banking-Tests of Market-Power and Efficient-Structure Hypothesis楊慧敏, Yang, Hui-Min Unknown Date (has links)
銀行獲利能力影響因素的研究上,有以個體觀點出發的市場力量(market power)理論,其中一個假說為結構-行為-績效(S-C-P)假說,其認為整體產業結構之市場集中度愈高,銀行將有較高的獲利率,另一假說為相對市場力量(RMP)假說,該假說認為個別銀行市場占有率較高,獲利能力亦較高;以總體觀點出發的效率結構(efficiency structure)理論,其中一假說為以X-efficiency為出發點之管理效率結構(ESX)假說,其認為公司較佳的管理效率,將提高公司獲利能力,另一假說為規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說,該假說認為個別銀行藉規模經濟的達成、降低成本提高利潤。
1. 70至83年之所有銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說成立,市場占有率(MS)與ROA為負向關係、且達顯著水準,與預期不符。
2. 70至83年之公營銀:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說、規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立,管理效率(XEFF)亦有相當影響力。
3. 70至83年之民營銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說、相對市場力量(RMP)假說、管理效率結構(ESX)假說成立。
4. 70至80年之所有銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說成立,市場占有率(MS)與ROA為負向關係、且達顯著水準,與預期不符。
5. 81至83年之所有銀行:無解釋能力。
6. 70至80年之公營銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說成立,市場占有率(MS)與ROA為負向關係、上達顯著水準,與預期不符。
7. 70至80年之民營銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說成立,效率值與ROA呈負向關係。
8. 81至83年之公營銀行:市場集中度較具解釋力(與ROA為負向關係),但亦未達顯著水準。
9. 81至83年之民營銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說成立。
1. 70至83年之所有銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說、相對市場力量(RMP)假說、規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立,管理效率(XEFF)亦有相當影響力。
2. 70至83年之公營銀行:管理效率結構(ESX)假說、規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立。
3. 70至83年之民營銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說、相對市場力量(RMP)假說成立。
4. 70至80年之所有銀行:無解釋能力。
5. 81至83年之所有銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說。規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立。
6. 70至80年之公營銀行:無解釋能力。
7. 70至80年之民營銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說、規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立,但管理效率(XEFF)與ROA為負向關係、且達顯著水準,與預期不符。
8. 81至83年之公營銀行:市場集中度(CONC)與ROE負向關係、且達顯著水準,與預期不符。
9. 81至83年之民營銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說。規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立。
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