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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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線上社交網站之媒介溝通經驗研究 / Study on media communication of on-line social network sites

尤芷芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探究,在線上社交網站(Socail network site,簡稱SNS)風行的時代,網路社交行為將對社交生活、社會關係以及傳播互動造成何種影響,背後意涵為何。 本文選定機緣理論作為研究視角,透過文獻探討、參與觀察與深度訪談,一方面探究SNS的傳播脈絡,另一方面尋查SNS的活動開展。循著機緣觀點的理路,奠定觀察準則在於:將SNS視為一處媒介空間,具有其特有「情境的空間性」,而此空間性來自媒介的科技特性、使用者對媒介的知覺、實際使用行為等的多方形塑,因而SNS的媒介溝通經驗為一循環互動的過程,緊嵌著使用者的個人脈絡而發展。 研究發現有三部份。首先,SNS以介面為據點、以有機成長的網絡為運作邏輯,因而形成具有一體兩面效應的媒介空間;且SNS所具備之「表達性網路」的媒介特性情境,結合個人的日常使用脈絡,提供了「短暫溝通」的可能。其次,SNS機緣彰顯出「規格化」、「若即若離」的溝通可能;另外,本研究歸納出六組不同的鑲嵌關係,揭示出,個人如何領略到SNS所能提供的溝通可能性,與個人心中對於「虛擬化與現實化之辯證」的光譜落點息息相關。最後,發現SNS之所以作為SNS的意涵有二。第一,人們對使用線上社交工具進行溝通有「雙重期待」:要能「拓展」關係又要能「縮減」關係、要能「短暫溝通」又要能「永續聯繫」。第二,溝通在此特定情境中具衝突本質:其一為「界線的挪移不定」,其二為「想溝通但不想對話,卻又無法擺脫溝通目的之束縛」,其三為「速度導致記憶感的缺失」。

新聞記者尋人行為研究:以小人物消息來源採訪為例 / People-seeking research: How journalists seek their sources

徐志偉, Hsu, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
有別於傳統新聞學研究探討記者與消息來源的互動關係,因礙於研究對象的預設限制,因而相關研究大多僅探討記者如何與消息來源培養、鞏固、強化及修補關係,對於記者如何尋覓至消息來源卻少有著墨。有鑑於此,本研究試圖跳脫以往僅以政治人物或公關人員作為研究對象,乃以低社會能見度之小人物作為消息來源,試以探究記者在尋找小人物消息來源的過程中,如何運用環境周遭的物質工具及人際關係網絡等中介資源以達成任務。 透過深度訪談及參與觀察方式,本研究發現記者尋找小人物消息來源乃是一種富涵新聞機構性的行為,在尋人初始階段,記者乃會對於尋找何種類型的小人物存有特定假設;然而,假設的形成並非全然由表徵系統進行控制,而是一循環建構的過程;另一方面,在新聞常規的作用之下,本研究發現小人物新聞乃需與其他新聞類型進行版面競爭,此時,在突發新聞不可獨漏的情況下,又需兼顧因時事議題所發展的小人物專題,記者乃會利用傳播或資訊科技工具來縮短一般新聞的處理時間,進而延長小人物新聞資訊素材的蒐集時間;再者,新聞常規亦會造成小人物新聞遺漏的現象產生,而記者亦會適時選擇特定傳播或資訊科技工具以彌補小人物新聞遺漏的缺口。 除此之外,人際關係網絡更是記者尋人不可或缺的資源之一。本研究發現記者在選擇資訊中間人時,乃會依據雙方之間的關係特質,以形成各式不同策略來與資訊中間人應對,藉以獲取尋人線索或相關資訊素材,尤其記者乃會利用與自身擁有弱連結關係的資訊中間人,作為新資訊擷取與流通的橋樑,而利用強連結關係作為與這些弱連結關係資源交換的籌碼。 綜言之,記者尋人行為乃是一種「配置型智能」的展現,將原先大腦所需承擔的認知負荷交由環境中各式中介資源分散處理;另一方面,記者尋人行為更加蘊含「行動中思考」之過程,任何中介資源的使用,乃是端視記者當下所處情境,是否賦予記者視見中介資源之功能性用途。由此可知,記者尋人的知識即是展現在記者審時度勢的功夫上,以適時運用環境周遭的中介資源,協助解決任務、尋覓至小人物消息來源。 / As previous studies have emphasized on journalist-source relationship for a long time, they provide a jumping-off point for this study to divert from them. In terms of traditional research subjects (politicians and public relations), most of those studies mainly focus on how journalists develop, cement, augment and repair mutual relationship with their sources. However, the question of how journalists seek for their sources has been rarely discussed. Therefore, this study attempts to turn to low-status sources (i.e. ordinary people) and examine how journalists manipulate artifacts and social networks to seek for them. This study conducted by in-depth interview and participant observation shows that the institutionalization of newspapers makes big impacts on journalists’ people-seeking behavior. At the first phase, journalists will be cultivated to form specific hypotheses for the type of sources they are seeking for. Second, it may cause ordinary people news necessary to compete with other news genres for news pages. Finally, it may also cause some of ordinary people news stories to be omitted. However, even though journalists’ people-seeking behavior is constricted to the social structure, they are still able to exercise their agency in the use of information and communication technology to extend the time of newsgathering and to ensure all potential ordinary people news will be found. Moreover, those hypotheses for the people they are seeking for are not totally controlled by journalists’ representational systems either but constituted recursively. In addition, social networks are also one of indispensable resources for journalists’ people-seeking behavior. According to research results, the factor that impacts journalists on deciding which intermediary they will ask help for is based on mutual relational characteristics. Journalists will use weak ties to access new information and strong ties as a bargain chip to negotiate with weak ties for resource exchange. In sum, during the process of people-seeking, journalists’ cognitive functions will be distributed and offloaded to the mediated resources in the situation in a cooperative way to ease the cognitive burden imposed on their brains. In addition, the usage of mediated resources also depends on the situation journalists stay in, which enables them to perceive the function of each mediated resource. All in all, journalists’ knowledge of people-seeking behavior rests on how they consider the situation and manipulate mediated resources properly to solve their tasks.

大家都不看新聞了?手機新聞接收的日常節奏實踐 / How to “read” the news? Rhythmanalysis on mobile news

蕭奕雯, Hsiao, Yi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以日常生活為研究範疇,探討使用者的手機新聞接收實踐如何鑲嵌於日常節奏中,並重新釐清該如何理解如此經驗下的新聞。故以液態現代性為基本認識架構,重新詮釋新聞如何液化;接著,再從液態的時間經驗轉向節奏,並從列斐伏爾物的節奏分析中發現「人-技術-日常節奏」的交互關係;最後以關聯性機緣了解節奏的生成,開展本文的分析架構:日常生活脈絡、主動揭露的技術、以及與整體媒介世界的關聯,進一步理解使用者殊異的手機新聞接收實踐。 因此,為了更深入瞭解使用者的個人經驗,以及如何詮釋意義,本研究採取深度訪談法。從中發現,當手機新聞進入使用者的日常生活,為了與原有日常節奏協調,使用者會形成一套調配時間與空間的邏輯,或建立特定接收規則,進而形構如「拿起來看一下」的接收節奏、和「都看討論比較熱烈」的篩選機制;這過程中,手機和接收平台的技術節奏、既有的功能條件、以及技術的社會意涵皆會影響使用者的手機新聞接收實踐;最後我們亦發現,如此接收實踐背後更隱含與整體媒介世界的關聯,且媒介世界的基礎結構亦會作為背景、認識架構滿實使用者自身的新聞接收經驗。 是以,我們不能只討論新聞本身,而需擴大到使新聞顯現的背景脈絡與整體環節,進而提出「新聞體驗」的想法,認為如此體驗是相應關聯下、具明確指向性的個人體驗,且是於世之中,由不斷連續的、當下的直接知覺形構而成,期盼能以新聞體驗的概念重新釐清新聞之於個別使用者的核心價值,這才是新聞不被淘汰的關鍵。 / This study aims at exploring how users’ daily reception of mobile news embedded in their everyday life. In order to clarify the essence of news, the study applies the concept of Liquid Modernity as the research framework, adopting Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis to reframe the interrelationships of “human- technics- daily rhythm”. In response to this question, this study develops three analysis units: contexts of everyday life, self-revealed technics, and the interrelation to the whole media world. In-depth interview is conducted to deeply understand user experience. It is found that, when mobile news enters users’ life, users adjust their thinking patterns of zoning time and space, and restructure the rules of reception for integrating original daily pace. The technical rhythms of the mobiles and the reception platforms, the technical properties, and social affordances of the technics, all are the factors to affect users’ mobile news reception. This study also found that the practices implying the interrelation with the whole media world, and the whole media world would be the background to fulfill user experience of news reception. In conclusion, this study suggests that, ‘News’ is an activity of experience. This personal experience is instituted by continuing direct-perception at a given time. Individual users have been changed from passive acceptance to active experience and restructure the value of news. The concept of ‘news experience’ helps us think the meaning of news for each user; clarify how to ‘experience’ news rather than “reading” news.

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