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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

家暴相對人對「未成年子女會面交往服務」之經驗與改變內涵及影響因素之探討 / Batterers’ Experiences, Changes, and Catalysts for Change in Supervised Visitation Program

陳祈安, Chen, Chi An Unknown Date (has links)
「未成年子女會面交往服務」乃是透過社工人員協助,在確保安全之前提下提供高衝突家庭親子會面。本研究旨探討家暴相對人進入未成年子女會面交往服務後,接受服務的經驗及改變內涵,並分析其中影響相對人改變之因素。本研究運用質性研究深度訪談法,採用半結構式訪談大綱,訪談了五位參與服務之家暴相對人及四位社工。運用主題分析法進行資料之分析,研究結果如下: 1.接受服務之經驗:相對人明確指出了會面服務的助益及社工協助的重要性,正向經驗的累積成為循環;負向經驗來自會面中的挫折,也看見相對人面對家暴指控及社工預設立場的掙扎與無奈。 2.家暴相對人的改變內涵:相對人自述的改變包含人際互動、復原力、自我成長及親子互動的提升;社工則觀察到親子關係提升、與同住方關係提昇、專業關係提昇、自我成長等改變內涵。子女和同住方也因會面而受益。 3.影響改變之因素:影響因素可分為兩大類:促進改變與阻礙改變。分析相對人訪談資料,促進因素為社工專業關係及維繫親情的動力;阻礙因素為聚焦於衝突及怨懟、父母雙方衝突及司法訴訟。社工則認為促進因素為社工專業關係、維繫親情的動力、相對人狀態的改變及支持資源;阻礙因素為過度聚焦於負面想法、同住方的阻礙、司法訴訟及自身侷限。 研究結果證實會面服務有助於相對人同理心及親子關係的促進且利於復原力的發展,形成正向循環。維繫親情的情感連結及身為父母的責任感是激發改變的基礎,社工的工作技巧運用在改變過程中佔有一定的影響力。過度聚焦於衝突及怨懟則阻礙改變動力的形成。最後,研究者依據本研究之結果提出實務與政策上之建議。 / The Supervised Visitation Program (SVP) provides parent-child meetings for high-conflict families with social workers’ help to ensure safety on the premises. This study addressed batterers’ experiences with SVP services and the changes they experienced because of the SVP services through an analysis of the factors that influenced those changes. In-depth qualitative interviews with five batterers and four social workers involved in SVP were conducted using a semi-structured interview schedule. This study analyzed the interview data in a thematic analysis. The research findings are summarized as follows. 1.Experiences receiving the SVP services. The batterers explicitly pointed out the helpfulness of the SVP services and the importance of the social workers’ assistance. Positive experiences were cyclically accumulated. The negative experiences were accumulated from the sense of frustration present during the meetings and their psychological struggles and helplessness related to the accusations of domestic violence and the perspectives and opinions of the social workers. 2.Changes experienced by the batterers: The batterers stated that the changes they experienced included improved interpersonal interactions, ability to recuperate, personal growth, and parent-child interactions. The changes observed by the social workers included the batterers’ personal growth and improvements in parent-child relationships, relationship with roommates, and professional relationships. The batterers’ children and roommates also benefited from the SVP. 3.Factors that influenced the changes: The influencing factors were classified as promotive factors or obstructive factors. The analysis of the batterer interview data found that the promotive factors included the social workers’ professionalism and motivational influences on maintaining family affections. The obstructive factors included overemphasis on conflicts and resentments, inter-parental conflicts, and judicial litigations. In the social workers’ opinions, the promotive factors included the social workers’ professionalism, their motivational influences on maintaining family affections, changes to the batterers’ states, and their supportive resources; the obstructive factors included excessive negativity, obstructions by roommates, judicial litigations, and the batterers’ personal limitations. The results found that SVP was beneficial for promoting the batterers’ sense of empathy, parent-child relationships, and for developing the ability to recuperate, thus creating a positive cycle. Family affections and a sense of parental responsibility were the basis of stimulating the batterers’ changes, and the social workers’ professional expertise exerted an influence on the process of the changes. In contrast, overemphasis on conflicts and resentments obstructed the formation of motivational influences for change. Suggestions for practice and policy are presented based on the study’s results.

家庭暴力互為相對人案件之處遇模式研究 / A study on intervention model for couples with mutual violence

史惠姍, Shih, Hui Shan Unknown Date (has links)
以家庭暴力或親密關係暴力為主題的相關文獻相當豐富,但關於互為相對人案件的探究仍屬少數,因此,本研究以互為相對人案件的處遇模式為題,希望能更加瞭解互為相對人案件的情況,以及整理出社會工作者在提供服務的過程中會運用到哪些資源,以及透過哪些服務方式滿足互為相對人個案的需求。本研究採半結構式訪談,訪談了八位分別在被害人服務單位以及相對人方案任職的社會工作者。研究結果如下: 社會工作者在提供互為相對人案件服務時所面臨的價值議題包含: 1.互為相對人案件的樣貌差異:社會工作者必須面對互為相對人案件中的兩造,在權力彼此抗衡下所呈現出的樣貌,包含「被害人不再弱勢;相對人不再強權」以及許多「工具性的通報進案」。 2.相對人社工角色的衝突:受訪的相對人方案社工在以被害人為服務主體的家暴體制之下,在提供互為相對人案件服務時必須面對的便是與被害人體制的衝撞,以及「要以誰為案主」的價值選擇議題。 在提供互為相對人案件服務時所運用的處遇觀點則包含 1.選擇能夠接受的處遇觀點:受訪社工在提供互為相對人案件服務的過程中,最常以女性主義觀點、優勢觀點以及系統觀點等三個處遇觀點作為提供服務的依歸。 2.服務方向:整理出社會工作者在提供互為相對人案件的服務過程中包含了六個面向,包含釐清哪方為相對人、保持中立超然立場、評估的面向依對象而異、促進兩造達成共識、轉介相對人服務以及夫妻協談,每一個面向都是受訪者在提供互為相對人案件服務時所會運用到的。 最後,研究者結合上述研究結果以及受訪社會工作者的建議,在最後提出本研究的限制與建議,提供實務工作者、政策制定者以及未來研究者參考。 / Since past till today, there has a great number of family violence or intimate violence literature and analyses, but mutual violence. Consequently, this research is studying with the intervention model for couples with mutual violence, in order to much more understood the situation of mutual violence cases, and sort out how social workers use resources or service model to meet service user’s need. This research interviewed 8 social workers via semi-structured interview, who were worked in victim service organizations or batterer programs. The results are as follows: The issue about personal value will be met when social workers provide mutual violence cases services include: 1.The different pattern between mutual violence cases: social workers need to face the both side of mutual cases, and have to figure out the pattern of power contention. These conditions includes ” victim no more weakness and batterer no more powerful” and a lot of “ instrumental purpose report”. 2.The conflict of batterer social worker’s role: under the family violence system, the batterer program social workers need to fight with the victim system, and deal with the issue of “who should be the service user?” The intervention perspective including: 1.Choose an intervention perspective can be accepted: Feminist perspective, Strength perspective and System perspective are the most often used in mutual violence service process. 2.The service orientations: clarify who should be the batterer, maintain neutrality, different service user with different evaluation, promote the consensus between both side of service users, referral to batterer program services and couple counceling. These six orientations were applied in social workers provide mutual violence cases services process. At last, this research lists out the limitations of the study, and provide some suggestions which are according to all of the results and social workers’ advises to social workers, policy maker and researcher in the future.

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