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影響高科技研發人員過度工作因素及工作類型之探討郭若蘭, Daphne J. L. Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以Spence和Robbins(1992)工作狂熱建構中的內在驅迫因素和工作樂趣因素為基礎,並加入外在驅迫因素,來探討高科技研發人員過度工作的不同因素對於工作時數以及健康生活工作等層面變項的預測力或關聯性,最後由因素劃分出過度工作者類型,並比較不同類型過度工作者的差異性。本研究採問卷調查法,以249位台灣北部地區的高科技研發人員為樣本以及52位高科技行政人員為工作時數的對照組。研究結果發現:(1)研發人員與全國製造業工作者及高科技行政人員相較下,有顯著的過度工作現象。(2)外在驅迫因素意指源自專業工作環境而迫使個體長時數工作的各影響因素。針對研發人員,包括工作負荷過重、產業特性、組織文化酬賞等外在驅迫因素,以及內在驅迫因素,皆對過度工作具有顯著的預測力。而外在驅迫因素對研發人員過度工作的相對預測力高於內在因素。(3)對於健康生活工作三層面的影響性而言,內在因素中的內在驅迫有廣泛不利於三層面的顯著影響性而屬於健康生活工作的危險因子,內在因素中的工作樂趣則相對地於三層面皆有顯著助益而在三層面居於保護因子的角色;外在驅迫因素中的工作負荷過重,對於生活層面有顯著的不良影響,但對健康和工作沒有顯著影響。(4)辨識出三類型的過度工作研發人員,其中內在驅迫高工作樂趣低的「被驅迫狂」在各層面皆有最不利的行為表現,屬於積極的健康定義下的高危險群,內在驅迫高工作樂趣高的「幹勁狂」則較「被驅迫狂」有顯著較高的生活滿足,內在驅迫普通而工作樂趣高的「幹勁者」雖然長時數工作,但各層面狀況反而有優於全體研發人員平均值的傾向。最後,本研究針對上述研究結果做更深層的探討,並說明在個人層次和組織層次實務上的意涵。 / Two internal factors, “driveness” and “enjoyment of work” from the workaholism model of Spence and Robbins (1992), and “external force” factors were adopted to investigate the phenomenon of excessive work (defined as long hours of working) in the population of high-tech R&D professionals. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of these factors on high-tech R&D professionals’ working habits, as well as on their health and life styles. These factors were used to categorize high-tech R&D professionals further. The results showed (1) R&D professionals worked significantly longer hours than high-tech administrative staff and workers in manufacturing industry. (2) “Work overload”, one external force factor, compared to other factors, predicted best to R&D professionals’ hours of working. Moreover, the amount of variance explained by the external force factors was relatively larger than the internal factors. (3) Driveness was constantly found to be a risk factor for one’s holistic health, whereas the enjoyment of work was found to be a protective factor. The third factor, work overload, influenced one’s health only on one’s social life. (4) Three types of overworkers were identified: the nonenthusiastic workaholics (NWs), the enthusiastic workaholics (EWs), and the enthusiasts (Es). Among these overworkers, the NWs acted most consistently with the indicators of unhealthiness, showing that the NWs may be most vulnerable to health complaints, unsatisfied social life, and inefficient work habits. The EWs, though acted similarly as the NWs, were not as extreme as the NWs and had higher life-satisfaction than the NWs. As for Es, who also worked long hours, their health complains were the least of all workers and they had relatively healthy life styles than the other two kinds of workers. Implications of the internal and external factors on the high-tech R&D professionals, as well as the typology of the overworkers, were discussed.
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探索技術市場失靈的解決方式: 以「中國技術交易所」交易模式為例 / Explore the Solutions of Technology Market Failure : Transaction Patterns of China Technology Exchange蔡宛臻 Unknown Date (has links)
中國長期實施計畫經濟使科技研發面與產業面脫節情形較其他國家情形更為嚴重,為此中國企業與政府在投入大量研究經費從事科學技術之研發與創新的同時於各地方設立大量相關技術中介機構作為科研成果轉變為實質產出之孵化器。2009年由中國國務院批准北京市人民政府、科技部、國家智慧財產權局和中科院於北京聯合設立唯一以國家為命名的交易服務機構─中國技術交易所(China Technology Exchange)。不同於傳統技術中介機構在技術供需雙方之外所提供的第三方專業服務,「中國技術交易所」倡導的「IPOS知識權一站式服務平臺」為一整合技術供需雙方與技術中介機構的第四方平台,試圖利用北京中關村國家自主創新示範區之優勢,並針對科技成果產業化的不同需求以創新交易模式結合技術、金融與產業,提供技術交易雙方一系列客製化技術交易的相關服務。
如今,「中國技術交易所」營運四年多並逐步探索出適合中國科研成果商品化之創新模式。因此,本研究以「中國技術交易所」為例,配合歷史文獻與統計資料,針對交易所經典個案分析,探討中國如何解決其技術交易市場所面臨之市場失靈問題。本研究發現,「中國技術交易所」的第四方整合交易平台與創新的交易服務機制有機會成為目前中國在技術移轉商品化過程中所面臨市場失靈問題的解決方式。 / The R&D capability of independent innovation is important to the growth of economic and the potential of industrial development. The market failure of technical transactions is due to high transaction costs caused by market imperfections, and in the process of technology commercialization often faces: 1. the belonging of intellectual property and the exclusive of usufruct, 2. The information asymmetry, 3. it is hard to evaluate the value of technology, 4. The investment risks, 5. The risk of lack of trust.
After long-term implementation of the planned economy, the achievements of China’s R&D are disconnected with its industries. Because of that, China enterprises and the government invested a lot in R&D and innovation. China government also set up lots of intermediaries as incubators to change scientific achievements into real outputs.
China Technology Exchange (CTE) set up in 2009 by the Beijing Municipal People's Government, the Ministry of Science, the National Intellectual Property Office and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, and approved by General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. Unlike traditional technology intermediary agencies need outsourcing some parts of professional services to other agencies, CTE advocated " Intellectual Property One stop Service(IPOS) " as the fourth platform which integrated technology supply sides, demand sides and technology intermediary agencies. CTE tries to take the advantages of Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park. For the different needs from industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, CTE uses innovative trading patterns which combined with technology, finance and industry to provide technical transactors a series of technology transactions related to Customization Innovative Services.
Today, CTE has operated for more than four years and gradually explores suitable innovative models for commercialization in China. Therefore, by collecting historical documents and statistic data, this study chose China Technology Exchange as a case to analyze that how to solve the market failure of China technology transaction market. The study found that the fourth integrated platform and innovative trading mechanisms have the opportunity to become the solution of market failure which is faced in the process of the commercialization of technology transaction.
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運用資料包絡分析法評量行政法人經營績效之研究-以 A 法人為例 / A Study on Performance Evaluation of the Administrative Institution by Using Data Envelopment Analysis Method – An Example of A Administrative Institution周達敏 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,「新公共管理」及「政府再造」已蔚為世界潮流,公共政策以民意為依歸,施政方向取決於民眾的滿意度,因此績效的衡量成為提升行政績效的基礎。我國自2002年始制定科技組織績效評鑑制度,作為各研究機構訂定評估作業之參考,對研究機構評估機制的重視可見一般。A法人為以國防科技研究發展為主的研究機構,自2014年轉型為行政法人,究竟其轉型前後其經營績效如何? 乃為本研究主要動機。
經過實證研究發現,A法人轉型後整體規模提升,究其原因主要為規模效率變動所導致;此外,相對無效率單位普遍有規模效率值較純技術效率值高的情形,顯示無效率單位應提高其純技術效率,才能提高其生產效率;再者,差額變數的分析顯示,無效率單位效率不佳的原因主要為資本支出投入資源太多,及計畫產值的產出太低,由於計畫產值涉及國防兵力整備計畫及年度預算編製等因素影響,較無法透過營運管理加以控制,因此相對無效率單位應優先考慮降低資本支出等投入資源。 / Along with the conception of "new public management" and "government reengineering" thrive around the world, every country starts to negotiate about public opinions. As important roles of satisfaction of the general public, the measurement of public policies performance has become the basis for enhancing administrative performance. We had formulated a performance appraisal system for scientific and technological organizations in 2002 as a reference for evaluating research assignments by research institutes. It means that evaluation mechanism for research institutes has become the global trend.
This thesis examines the impact of administrative corporation on operating performance, not only evaluating the achievement rate of organization goal, but also promoting resource utilization efficiency. In order to evaluate the performance of the administrative corporation, this study uses data envelopment analysis to evaluate the relative efficiency among research institutes. Through the empirical result, the change of scale efficiency led to an increase in the size of the organization. Moreover, the scale efficiency is generally higher than the pure technical efficiency among relatively inefficient units. We found that inefficient units should increase pure technical efficiencies to improve their productivities.
Eventually, we did confirm that there are too many resources invested in capital expenditures and output value is too low. Therefore, as output value is subject to the country budget, inefficiency units should give priority to reducing capital input to improve performance.
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