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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

2010年中日釣魚臺危機之研究—稀土能源角色分析 / 2010 Study of the Sino-Japanese Diaoyutai crisis- Analysis of the role of rare earth energy

江盛宗 Unknown Date (has links)
2010年9月「中」日釣魚台海域撞船扣人事件,最終在中共使出撒手鐧:「禁止對日輸出稀土」,始獲日本願意放人而平和落幕。然而中共這式絕招,卻坐實了美國等西方國家的深刻隱憂,即擔心中共食髓知味,日後頻以稀土資源作為談判施壓的手段。源自1990年起,中國大陸開始大幅開採境內稀土礦賣資源,使之逐步成為世界上主要的稀土礦物出口供給國家,而基於政治上的對立以及對本國高附加價值工業的保護,美國等34個國家特別針對中共、伊朗及北韓等國訂定「瓦聖那協定」英文:The Wassenaar Arrangement),限制中共在稀土礦產提煉技術的取得、研發與發展,將中共的提煉技術約束在「低階技術」層面。同時,美、日等國為因應中共大量開採稀土資源而建立了稀土戰略儲備機制;此兩項國際間針對中共而訂立的限制,使得中共啟發要建立如OPEC(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,石油輸出國組織)國家一般,對於本國天然資源有壟斷、獨佔、定價權以及取得國際事務上更強而有力的影響力與發言權的構思。中共利用控制稀土出口配額限制的策略,更在2010年9月中日釣魚台事件中初試啼聲,也如中共所預期的達致「震撼國際」目的。在中共的外匯存底不斷增加,國內的冶煉技術不斷提升的前提下,可預期的中共將會大規模的運用「稀土戰術」在每個國際談判場合博弈,以維護其自身國家利益,未來動向影響實值予持續關注。

中國稀土的政治經濟分析 / The political economy analysis of China’s rare earth

吳皇明, Wu, Huan Ming Unknown Date (has links)
自2010年9月以來,中國大陸限制對日稀土出口所造成影響,在全球演然以成為熱門話題,亦為我所探究本論文鵠的。當時中國大陸在一片撻伐聲中,似成麻煩製造者,因影響片及整體稀土元素供需市場,特別是那些缺乏稀土元素生產卻又非常依賴中國大陸稀土的進口廠商所發出來的抗議。然事實上,稀土這元素在地球上並不匱乏,但因為它的開採上的成本高利潤卻不高,相對存量卻一直減少造成許多國家並不願去開採它,漸漸全球高逹95%以上的生產量由中國取代,卻也間接造成中國在稀土市場上的獨佔市場地位,但中國卻又是整個稀土市場價格的接受者,供需不均衡所造成的結果卻是相反地。因此中國政府當局大力支持與整合稀土產業進行一連串的體制改造及革新計畫整體架構十分迅速進行中。 此篇論文藉由所蒐集匱乏資料分析瞭解中國大陸稀土元素的發展,並透過經濟、政治分析中國不宜過度依賴稀土短期優勢,事實上,應可加強其稀土整體計劃在國際發展空間、提升稀土產業效能及加速其產業整合與技術提煉上改進,並同時兼顧環保及降低開採上污染等多個面向的思考,再者更瞭解稀土資源不但可增進人類的生活品質,其根本是歸屬大地之母-地球所擁有。 / The objective of this paper is to explore the hot issues of China’s Rare Earths Elements (REEs) on the global. Using a commonly-accepted methods and materials to research of China’s REEs, On the whole, the impact of China’s REEs restriction is almost regarded as mainstream troublemaker who become overshadows influence the REEs market in the world. However it’s not, On the contrary, the Earth is not in shortage of rare earth resources. The problem is in the worldwide supply and demand structure of REEs unbalance and the price is not reasonable for China’s REEs. China’s REEs growing forcefulness regards as a new strength called attention to foreign powers claim China stops exports of rare earth is completely groundless. REEs are as a new symbol of strength and high value metals in upcoming century changed China’s REEs racial policies turn into aggressively to enhance its national level security and pursing its welfare and hegemony in REEs. China is devoted to manage its REEs output quota reduced reliance on demand countries as strategic policies but so to the foreign countries changed their policies. Analysis of the paper indicated basic findings. China holds a main of capturing a larger portion of the global supply but couldn’t depend on its superiority of REEs’ reserves. In other words, China should be devoted to develop its REEs policies as a way to promote and engage China’s REEs grow space agenda with the rest of the world. Find ways to deals with the rough harsh international reality, strive to streamline its rare earth industry, accelerate industrial upgrading, technological innovation in accordance to protect its domestic REEs industries, the environment, reserve REEs resources and learn how to get along with other countries. Extremely, the China government should recognize the resources of REEs are belonging to human-beings and the Earth, not only to China has.

2008年後的中日政治與經濟關係 -變化中的「政冷經熱」 / "Hot Economics, Cold Politics" - the Evolving Political and Economic Relations between China and Japan after 2008

黃羽汶, Huang, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)

由中國於WTO下之國際法義務探討其稀土出口管制政策 / China’s Rare Earths Export Restriction Measures under WTO Regulation

黃滋立 Unknown Date (has links)
稀土作為國防工業和科技產品之主要原料,因其材質具有特殊性及不可替代性,故原料供給來源之穩定有其重要性。目前全球稀土90%以上皆產於中國,然中國近年來積極地對於稀土之開採及出口,透過配額及許可證、出口關稅、價格控制、開採量限制等,對稀土採取管制措施,造成各國製造能源科技設備原料短缺,而引發美國、日本、歐盟等科技產品製造大國的不滿。 本文以GATT 1994及中國入會議定書對貨品貿易所作之承諾,作為分析中國稀土出口限制政策之法律依據,並主要參考「中國-原物料案(China-Raw Materials)」之小組裁決,輔以「中國-視聽服務案(China- Audiovisual Services)」之裁決,探究違反中國入會議定書承諾之稀土出口管制措施,是否有援用GATT 1994第20條一般例外條款之正當性,並對於中國稀土出口管制政策於WTO規範下之適法性進行分析,最後作出結論。 / The rare earths are essential for many hundreds of applications. The versatility and specificity of the rare earths has given them a level of technological, environmental, and economic importance considerably greater than might be expected from their relative obscurity. China supplies over 90 percent of rare earths globally, but has applied a series of restraints to limit the exportation and production of rare earths, including export duties and export quotas, and price and production control , leadind to raise serious concerns among industry in the U.S., Japan and European Unions. This thesis takes GATT 1994 and the Protocol of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter China’s Accession Protocal) as the legal basis to analyze China’s rare earths export restriction measures. And in order to examine whether these dispute measures are pursuant to the WTO’s agreements, and whether Article XX of the GATT 1994 is available as a defense under China’s Accession Protocal, this thesis takes China-Raw Materials and China- Audiovisual Services’s ruling as the main references, and providing the conclusion of the study.

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