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利用WebQuest實施小學網路資源運用與閱讀之研究 / An application of WebQuest in network resources and reading of an elementary school古靜怡, Guu, Ching Yi Unknown Date (has links)
最後根據研究結論,就教師教學以及對於未來研究提出相關性的建議。 / The purpose of the research is to an application of WebQuest to the implementation of the primary network resources and reading through the use of systematic instructional design model "for learners, course content, teaching objectives and evaluation methods to analyze the planning, design teaching activities, writing learning materials Quanta tour at the Arts ~ Art urchin, Max Liu‧ explore the world "theme for teaching and research, practical action research conducted in two phases, via feedback, reflect on and modify teaching process and other procedures, developed in a rigorous manner.
In this study, through an application of the WebQuest primary network resources and reading, students in the learning status of study course conditions, and promote the effectiveness and impact of the implementation of activities, and finally after the use of WebQuest for teaching and student behavioral intentions. Using action research, the students of classes taught by the researcher for the study, the implementation of WebQuest teaching strategies. Through observation, interviews and documents collection, such as the research process, and then supplemented by quantitative data to conduct evidence, the interaction of the data through analysis and discussion. The main research results the following findings:
One, more than the number of students is certainly WebQuest guide the way to enrich their own reading to understand capacity through exploring opportunities for independent study, and the use of the concept diagram drawing of the way, to deepen and broader network to read the information literacy ability therefore to enhance the learning transfer escape and reflection capabilities, and enhanced learning to have self-confidence. From the above analysis to understand an application of WebQuest to the implementation of the primary school network resources and reading teaching strategies helps enhance the performance of the students' reading ability to force solution.
Second, in a study course, through cooperative learning conducted to explore learning courses, team members through the discussion and remind each other to complete the task of learning. The course of the study found that the atmosphere of the head of leadership and group discussion good group, the learning outcomes show are better. Teaching those who follow the established systematic instructional design and integration of "learning how to learn" the ability, makes a good job in teaching before want teaching preparation, and learner-centered instructional design. The above analyzed the solution of the WebQuest the implementation of the primary school network resources and reading teaching strategies fully demonstrated with the use of relevant theory, and significantly enhance the professional growth of teachers, and students' motivation to learn from passive to active.
Use behavioral intention through the WebQuest-curricular activities, learners established under the guidance of the task, displaying self - directed learning. Construct a Web-based teaching environment, teachers and students the opportunity to interact as well as on the talk goodness mechanisms, and use the network to provide multiple communication mechanisms, and features without the constraints of time, to expand the benefits of active learning and the promotion of reading to increase the network to read reading comprehension skills.
Finally, according to research findings, classroom implementation and future research recommendations of relevance.
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中文電子資源合作編目規範之研究 / A study of cooperative cataloging specifications in Chinese electronic resources曾秋香, Tseng, Chiou Shaing Unknown Date (has links)
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報社記者對網路訊息採納態度之初探彭慧明 Unknown Date (has links)
各種形式的資訊透過網路傳布並迅速被獲取,線上資源(on-line resources)的形式多元化,線上資訊(on-line information)的數量龐大。網路讓記者收集資料的方式及管道都起了變化,而網路媒體的興起更使得記者加強使用網路、並採納網路新聞的內容作為新聞寫作的參考。由於網路的強力傳播,原本僅僅是傳言和流言的網路訊息,一躍成為傳統大型平面媒體、電視台報導的訊息,許多不台理的傳言,在口耳相傳及轉寄傳閱後,反而成了值得去追查的新聞線索和生活話題。尤其最近幾年,網路搜尋引擎、網路資料庫,變成新聞從業人員收集資訊的最佳工具,但網路的傳播能力和似真非真的訊息大量出現,對新聞從業人員來說,在巨量的資料中找出真正的資訊、進一步作為值得報導的新聞,正在考驗傳統媒體新聞從業人員的專業能力。
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網路資源融入國小五年級英語教學之研究 / A study of integrating internet resources into english course on elementary school fifth grade沈淑芬, Shen, Shu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用問卷調查法輔以對學生與校內教師進行深度訪談進行研究,透過改編之「網路資源融入英語教學問卷調查表」,以Google 線上問卷形式對五年級196位學生進行調查,調查結果以Excel 統計其次數分配及百分比,並以立意抽樣方式,選取7位學生與3位教師進行深度訪談。
一、 網路資源融入英語教學對學生的英語學習興趣與動機有正面的影響,對學生英語成績的提升有幫助且更能吸收課外知識,還能提升對英語的喜好。
二、 全英文的網頁說明或還沒學過的英語單字是學生認為在使用英語網路資源時會遭遇的困難;網站分類清楚且各項說明容易理解並易於操作,網站內容有依程度分級,或具搜尋功能,較能吸引學生喜愛。
三、 教師篩選彙整資源網站後連結於其教學網站,上課時是老師的雲端資源庫,課後亦可成為學生的學習平台。
四、 動畫、影片是學生最喜愛且認為最具學習幫助的網路素材,動畫語音速度放慢,並附有中文字幕輔助學生理解,較具有輔助英語學習的效果。
五、 使用網路資源融入英語教學能豐富教學內容,有效激發學生的學習動機,並養成學生複習的習慣,是可行的教學方式。
最後根據研究結論,就教師教學、教育行政單位以及後續研究等方面提出建議。 / Through integrating the internet resources into the fifth grade English classroom instruction, the aims of this research are : (1) investigating the students’ attitudes and opinions on the use of English language internet resources, (2) analyzing the characteristics of English language internet resources that are suitable for the level of fifth grade English class as well as (3) discussing the teachers ’suggestions and viewpoints on the integrating the internet resources into the English teaching. In addition, the summary of research results offers the information on the understanding of the assistance given by, difficulty encountered and processing situations in the use of the English language internet resources.
This research adopted questionnaire survey and in- depth interviews to realize the openions of students and teachers. The questionnaires accomplished by online survey with Google Forms. The questionnaires received 196 respones of students. Microsoft Excel were taken to compile statistics distribution and percentages. This research also had in-depth interviews conducted with seven fifth grade students and three school teachers in working of teaching English.
According to the results of the statistics analysis, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. There are positive impacts on students' interest and motivation in learning English by using internet resources into English class. Not only can enhance the effects of learning English, but also improve the absorption of extra-curricular knowledge. More importantly, can promote the joy of learning English.
2. Students consider that the problems in using English internet resources are the instructions of webpages in English and the vocabularies which have not learned. Students like to use the website which classification is clear, the instructions are easy to understand and operate. If the content can be classified by students’levels and be easy to search, it would be best for student learning.
3. Teachers select and collect English internet resources by linking to their teaching website. It will be the resource library of teachers when they’re teaching. It also can be a platform for student's learning after class.
4. The favorite internet resources of students are animations and films. They help students to learn more. In order to enhance the effects of learning English and increase their understanding of English. It’s necessary to slow down the sound speed of the animation and increase Chinese subtitles
5. Using internet resources into English class can enrich teaching contents and inspire students’ learning motivation effectively. By this method, students can cultivate good habit of reviewing English. Furthermore, it is a practicable teaching method.
According to the conclusions of this study, Suggestions and recommendations were provided for the teachers, schools and future studies.
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我國大學圖書館網站網頁連結引用之研究 / The study on the sitatoin analysis of university library websites in Taiwan方靜如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在應用網路計量法,尤其是網頁連引分析法,對我國大學圖書館網站網頁進行測量和分析。一方面、以EXtract URL蒐集大學圖書館網站網路資源之相關數據,並從國家/地區(top-level domain)、單位屬性(Second-level domain)、網域名稱(Domain Name)、一致性資源位址(URL)等四個網域層級,剖析我國大學圖書館網站所蒐錄之「網路資源」的數量、網站類型、網頁內容屬性等,從而比較各大學圖書館網站所連引網路資源的共通性與特殊性;另一方面,採用搜尋引擎A1taiSta檢索並分析這些大學圖書館網站綱頁在網網相連的虛擬世界中,為其他綱頁所連結引用的程度與情形,包括連引次數與網路影響係數的計算,以及連引網頁之語文,並透過跨時研究比較其在前後七個月的兩個時點上被連引情形的消長。
外部連引可作為評估圖書館網站對外部網站的影響力之依據;而內部連引則反映了圖書館網站與校園網域內的其他網站的互動。本研究結果顯示,外部連引次數以成大、台大、央大等圖書館次數為領先;內部連引次數則以台大、交大、政大等圖書館居前。以連引數為分子,網頁數為分母所計算出的網路影響係數方面,所有大學圖書館網站的影響係數為0,33,亦即表示我國大學圖書館網站,平均每一個網頁被連引0.33次;外部連引的網路影響係數以逢甲、東華、中正等大學圖書館領先;內部連引的網路影響係數則以東華、南華、世新等大學圖書館居前。另外,在連引網頁的語文方面,我國大學圖書館網站被中文綱頁所連引的數量佔 93.57%;被英文綱頁所連引的數量佔9.46%,其餘語言則佔0、73%。
本研究建議圖書館應透過電腦軟體與人工定期檢閱連引節 點之有效性;並拓展專題性與特藏性網路資源的建置,以期建立各館之不可替代性的網路資源;同時深入連引網站內層之綱頁內容,以一個網頁或一個網頁片段作為一個連引單元,俾能強化其對使用者的實質效益。圖書館也能善用搜尋引擎以調查圖書館網站被內部和外部連引的情形,以自我評估圖書館網站與內、外部網域社群之間的互動和影響。另外,本土性的幾家中文搜尋引擎,加Openfind、Gais等,除應致力於擴展索引涵蓋的版圖興提升穩定性高的檢索結果外,還能豐富其相關檢索功能。 / The purpose of this study is to apply webometrics, especially sitation analysis, to examine and analyze thirty-nine university library websites in Taiwan. On one hand, the study utilized Extract URL to collect data aboutInternet resources of university library websites, and analyzed top-level DNS,second-level DNS, Domain Name, URL, respectively. The similarities and differences of the university library websites among each other were compared based on the analyses of number, types of websites and attributes of web pages of the "Internet resources". On the other hand, the study used AltaVista to retrieve and analyze the web pages of university library websites which interlinked by other web pages in the labyrinthine cyberspace. The Items measured included the numbers of total sitation, external sitation, internal sitation, and self-sitation, as well as languages of linking web pages.Furthermore, the investigation ran through two time spots across seven months to observe the changes of the sitations.
The "Internet resources" appeared on the library website were organized into three categories: "general resources" and "reference resources", came out to be the majority, whereas the "specific resources" was the minority. The study found that thirty-four out of thirty-nine university library websites had provided service of Internet resources, and the items of Internet resources were 10,144 in total, from 54 different top-level DNS, 4,606 different Domain Name, and 6,818 different URLs. The average number of Internet resources per library website was 298.35. The Providence University Library earned the first. The analysis of top-level domain showed that the Taiwan was in the majority, and USA got the second. The analysis of second-level domain also found that academic domain earned the first, and business domain was the second. TheInternet resources can be grouped into eight types: library and information services was the first, and the other included government institutions, academic organizations,reseah institutes, museum/digital museum, bookstores/Internet bookstores, international organizations and others.
External sitation is seen as an indicator of significance and influence of a site for external websites, and internal sitation may respond interaction and effect between a university library website and other websites in web domain of campus. The findings of study revealed that the external sitations ofNational Cheng Kung Universe Library, National Taiwan University Library and National Central University Library were the first group; and the internal sitations of National Taiwan University Library, National Chengchi University Library and National Chiao Tung University Library were the top group.Besides, the Web Impact Factor of university libraries in Taiwan was 0.33. The number of Chinese web pages that linked to university library websites turned out to be 93.57% whereas the number of English web pages was only 9.46%.The number of web pages linked in other language was only 0.73%.
Finally, the study suggested that libraries should better use computer software and human aids to check the validity of hyperlinks; and devote library staff's energies into the development of specific Internet resources; further,libraries should link the content of web pages of websites in depth. Libraries should also examine various sitations of self library website to evaluate the interaction and influence of the library website with inside and outside web domain. Local search engines, for instance, Openfind and Gais, should strengthen the scope of index, enhance the stability of searching, and improve the retrieval functions in the filture.
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