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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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將文化的因素納入英語教學:以台北縣國小為例 / Integrating culture teaching as a component of English Language instruction in elementary schools of Taipei county

江曉慧, Chiang, Hsiao Hui Unknown Date (has links)
將文化納入國小英語教學課程 / Nowadays the policy of implementing children’s English education has become a growing trend in non-English speaking countries all over the world. The purpose of this study was to provide a vehicle offering alternatives and assistance for English language teachers to prepare students and advance language competence through integrating culture teaching into their instruction. The present study was designed to investigate (1) English language teachers’ concept of culture; (2) goals of culture teaching; (3) strategies of culture teaching and (4) evaluation after culture was included in teaching. A total of 201 questionnaires were completed online and three elementary school English language teachers in Taipei County were interviewed. Based on one way ANOVA, results form the questionnaires indicated that there were significant differences among the above mentioned aspects and the subjects’ background variables: age, highest educational status, educational background, teaching hours of English language instruction per week, and frequency of integrating culture teaching into English language instruction. Results from interviews revealed that “holiday teaching” was adopted by most English language teachers when they integrated culture teaching into English language instruction. Observation of students’ learning attitude was the most common form of evaluation after culture teaching. English language teachers and the other parties, including the government, the educational authorities, textbook writers, and publishers can also consider this subject more seriously and take action to integrate culture teaching as a component into English language instruction in elementary schools. Key words: culture teaching, English language instruction, elementary schools


陳俊佑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市實施國小英語教學的相關問題,目的為探討兒童學習英語的理論基礎、臺北市國小英語教學基本架構、實施困難與解決策略,並歸納研究結果提出國小開設英語教學課程之建議,供教育當局與實施學校參考。 為達成研究目的,首先進行文獻探討,並改編陳春蓮(民87)編製之「國民小學實施外語教學意見調查表」進行問卷普查,以臺北市全體150所國民小學為對象(包括市立138所,國立2所,以及私立10所),填答者為各校校長、教務主任與6位教師,共發出1,200分問卷,有效回收727分。研究採用之統計方法為:次數和百分比、卡方考驗(χ² test)與寇克蘭Q考驗法(Cochran Q test)。 據此,研究結果分述以下: 一、 國小英語教學基本架構 (一) 國小英語教學的師資來源依序為科任教師、美語補習班教師與通 過英語能力檢核測驗正在受訓者。 (二) 絕大多數填答者認為需要在國小實施英語教學。 (三) 實施國小英語教學的意義主要在因應國際化潮流與未來社會、培養學生學習英語的興趣與信心、以及擴展文化視野。 (四) 大多數填答者認為國小英語教學應從小學三年級或小學一年級開始實施,但以客觀條件未臻成熟,仍以三年級開始實施為宜。 (五) 絕大多數填答者認為國小英語教學認為英語在小學課程中應列為必修的正式課程。 (六) 大多數填答者認為每週英語教學的總時數應為四十分鐘至八十分鐘。 (七) 大多數填答者認為國小英語教學的首要目標為培養學習英語的興趣與信心。 (八) 大多數填答者認為國小英語教學應實施評量。 二、 國小英語教學的實施困難 (一) 不贊成實施國小英語教學的理由依序為缺少應用英語環境、課程欠缺妥善規畫以及師資不足;學生負擔太重、排擠其他學科與影響國語文學習較不構成反對的理由。 (二) 目前實施國小英語教學遭遇最大的問題為缺乏英語教學能力的師資與教學時間不足。 (三) 國小教師進行英語教學的困難為英語專業知能不足、教學時間不足、缺乏英語教學方法論的訓練以及欠缺適當的教材。 三、 國小英語教學的實施困難與解決策略 (一) 多數填答者認為培育英語師資是規畫國小英語教學最重要的因素,其次為擬定實際可行的目標。 (二) 大多數填答者認為最理想的國小英語教學師資應為通過英語教學能力檢定的國小合格教師。 (三) 大多數填答者認為國小教師進行英語教學最需要的協助為提供在職進修機會。 (四) 大多數填答者認為國小英語教師最需具備的能力為小學英語教學方法與對小學生身心發展特質的瞭解。 (五) 多數填答者認為優先解決師資不足問題的短期方案為特案准聘不具國小教師資格但具有英語教學能力者,其次為辦理暑期教材教法研習。 (六) 大多數填答者認為解決師資不足問題的長期方案為師院或一般大學成立英語教育系。 (七) 絕大多數填答者認為師資養成最需要教育行政機關之協助,其次為教材編選、成立英語教學資源中心、以及課程結構的調整。 最後,根據研究結論,對國內即將正式實施的國小英語教學,提出包括對教育行政機關、對實施學校以及對未來研究等三方面的建議,茲分述如下: 一、 對教育行政機關的建議 (一) 國小英語教學,以小學三年級開始,列為必修,每週二節正式課程為主,並視實際條件考慮調整。 (二) 建立師資培育管道,落實英語能力檢定,為師資品質把關,使英語師資培育多元化、長期化與穩定化。 (三) 儘速成立英語教學資源中心與持續訪視輔導,提供教師英語教材教法的協助。 二、 對實施學校的建議 (一) 國小英語教學目標為培養學生學習英語的興趣以及擴展其文化視野。 (二) 儘速讓通過英語能力檢核測驗者進入小學任教,以解決現階段師資短缺問題。 三、 對未來研究的建議 (一) 對臺北市國小英語教學的實施狀況繼續深入探討。 (二) 國小英語教學與國中英語學習的銜接問題繼續探討。 (三) 對九年一貫英語課程的實施狀況深入探討。 第一章 緒論………………………………………………….1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………….1 第二節 研究問題…………………………………………………….6 第三節 主要名詞釋義……………………………………………….7 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………….9 第一節 外語學習相關理論與實驗研究……………………………9 第二節 國內兒童英語教學的相關研究…………………………...20 第三節 兒童英語教學準則………………………………………...56 第四節 鄰近國家實施國小英語教學現況………………………..68 第三章 研究設計與實施……………………………………88 第一節 研究對象……………………………………………………88 第二節 研究工具……………………………………………………90 第三節 研究步驟…………………………………………………...91 第四節 資料處理………………………………………….………..93 第四章 研究結果與分析……………………………………95 第一節 國小英語教學基本架構…………………………………...98 第二節 國小英語教學實施困難…………………………………115 第三節 國小英語教學實施困難解決策略………………………123 第五章 結論與建議………………………………………..139 第一節 結論………………………………………………………139 第二節 建議………………………………………………………162 參考書目……………………………………………………..170 附錄 附錄一 「國民小學實施外語教學意見調查表」 授權使用同意書……………………………………178 附錄二 正式問卷…………………………………………….179 附錄三 正式施測函……………………………………………...184 附錄四 正式施測說明函………………………………………...185


金仁淑, Kim, In-Suk Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在對於國民小學階段實施英語教學及相關問題進行學理上的尋繹與探究,並以中、韓兩國現任國民小學英語教師為對像,比較分析英語教學法與對學生評量方式之認知與使用程度、教學方法知識之來源,以作為中、韓兩國國民小學英語教學實施上的參考。 為達成研究目的,首先進行相關文獻的探討,包括外語教育之相關理論與實施方法之種類、國民小學英語教學的實施依據、理論基礎與相關研究,探討各種英語教學方法、與國民小學英語教學上所使用之評量方式的研究文獻。其次,以文獻探討為基礎,藉由問卷調查瞭解中、韓兩國現任國民小學英語教師為對像,比較分析英語教學法與對學生評量方式之認知與使用程度、教學方法知識之來源與其幫助程度。本研究依據文獻探討與問卷調查之分析結果,作成以下結論與建議: 一、結論 (一) 中、韓兩國在國民小學低年級中實施英語教學已為相當普及 (二) 中、韓兩國國民小學英語師資,在學科專業知能與教學素養之平衡發展,與良好英語教學經驗之累積方面有待加強 (三) 中、韓兩國現任國民小學英語教師,對現行國民小學英語教學實施方案之認知上,在教學方法與對學生之評量方式方面有待加強,以增進教學效能 (四) 在英語教學法之認知與使用程度方面,中華民國地區與韓國相較之下,多種英語教學法之使用程度較高,認知程度較低 (五) 教師進修等研習活動、同事間經驗的分享,及教師手冊或教學指引對國民小學英語教學上頗有幫助 (六) 在英語教學評量方式,中、韓兩國教師均多使用以聽、說為主之評量方式,少使用以讀、寫為主之評量方式,並且以讀、寫為主之評量方式年級愈低使用程度愈低 (七) 中、韓兩國國民小學英語教師,比學生之學習成果更重視學生的學習過程 二、 對中、韓兩國英語教學之建議 (一) 中、韓兩國國民小學英語教學課程綱要中,妥善擬定低年級之教學目標、教學方法與評量方式 (二) 教育當局妥善擬定短期方案以解決目前師資短缺問題,以及提昇國民小學英語教學品質 (三) 教育當局應妥善研擬長期國小英語師資培育計畫,以培養充裕且學科專業知能與教學素養良好的國民小學英語師資 (四) 教師多利用現有的教學雜誌、刊物與相關資訊網站,或成立英語教師會與利用社區大學之資源,以便獲得相關資訊和協助

網際網路溝通式活動在英語教學上之應用 / A survey study of computer-mediated communication activities for EFL/ESL teaching

李玉嫈, Li, Yu-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
在網際網路眾多功能當中,溝通是重要的活動之一,網際網路溝通式活動包含了電子郵件,電子布告欄等。網際網路溝通式活動具備的一些特性,例如互動性,以及真實語言與情境的使用使得網際網路溝通式活動在英語教學上漸漸成為重要的輔助工具。本篇論文旨在從英語教學理論與應用兩方面探討網際網路溝通式活動於英語教學上之應用。在理論層面,本論文主要從溝通式教學法,以及其他英語教學上重要的理論依據來剖析網際網路溝通式活動。在實際應用方面,本論文對於國內外老師運用網際網路溝通式活動的情形作了一個調查研究。從理論與應用情形的調查結果發現,網際網路溝通式活動對於英語教學確實有其正面意義,不過結果也顯示在應用的過程中亦有一些問題存在,如何解決這些問題以及如何設計良好的網際網路教學活動以促使網際網路溝通式活動能成為有效的教學輔助工具則必須更多的教師與專家們共同努力研究。 / With the rapid development of the computer technology, the computer network has been widely introduced into everyday life around the world. Communication is an important function provided by the Internet. The computer-mediated communication (CMC) system provides an interactive and communicative environment for users to share ideas and exchange messages. Due to the various characteristics, the CMC system has gradually become an important facilitator in EFL/ESL education. In the study, the CMC system is investigated from the theoretical base and the practical aspect. In the theoretical aspect, the CMC system is thought to be effective in facilitating EFL/ESL education from the latest EFL/ESL theories or approaches. In the practical aspect, a survey is designed to investigate the implementation of the CMC system around the world and in Taiwan. The results of the survey show that in face of various CMC tools, many college teachers in Taiwan still have little idea about them, and the CMC activities that are implemented in Taiwan seem to be fewer and lack of variety when compared with those around the world. As for the benefits and problems of the CMC activities for EFL/ESL teaching, most teachers think that the CMC activities have brought many benefits in facilitating EFL/ESL teaching, but some problems still exist so as to decrease the effect of teaching. From the general discussion, some suggestions and implications for EFL/ESL teaching are proposed in the study.

臺灣大學生對英語連接詞的理解與使用之研究 / A Study on College-Level Chinese Students' Use of English Conjunctions and Their Reading Comprehension

吳卓勳, Wu, Jwo Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺灣的大學生連接詞的理解與使用。除比較大學生對「句內」及「句間」連接詞的使用外,所閱讀文章內容的熟悉與否是否影響其使用連接詞,以及英文能力與連接詞使用能力之間的相關性,也是本研究的重點所在。   一百三十五位國立臺灣工業技術學院大一學生參與此研究。其測驗結果顯示:(一)英文能力愈強者,使用連接詞的能力也愈強;(二)「句間」連接詞比「句內」連接詞較難理解使用;(三)對文章內容的熟悉並未顯著幫助受試者選用正確連接詞。 / The present study was designed to investigate college-level Chinese students' use of English conjunctions at the intra- and inter-sentential levels, the interaction of content familiarity and use of conjunctions, and the relationship between English proficiency and ability to use conjunctions. It aimed at understanding their weakness in using conjunctions and in comprehending expository texts, and thus providing some pedagogical implications for teaching English conjunctions and reading comprehension.   One hundred and thirty-five freshmen at National Taiwan Institute of Technology participated in the present study. One hundred and three of them were engineering majors and thirty-two of them were business majors. They were given a simulated TOEFL test and a conjunction test. The conjunction test was composed of a sentence-completion test, which was designed to test subjects' ability to use conjunctions within sentences (intrasentential), and a three-passage rational multiple-choice cloze, which was designed to measure subjects' ability to use conjunctions in extended discourses (intersentential) and the interaction of content familiarity and the ability to use conjunctions.   The results showed that (1) college-level Chinese students were more competent in using English conjunctions at the intrasentential level than at the intersentential level, (2) most of the subjects did not seem to comprehend logical development better and thus did not use conjunctions more accurately in content-familiar texts than in content unfamiliar texts, and (3) subjects with higher level of English proficiency exhibited greater ability in using conjunctions both intrasententially and intersententially.


林璟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建立「幼兒英語教學光碟評鑑表」,協助家有四到六歲幼兒,且有購買幼兒英語教學光碟需求之家長,在選用購買時能有所依據,買到符合需求、品質精良、包裝與內容相符合之幼兒英語教學光碟類產品。 首先,研究者以國內外對於兒童英語學習、英語教材評鑑、電腦輔助教學/學習軟體及電腦輔助語言學習軟體評鑑各方面的相關研究結果,作為幼兒英語教學光碟評鑑指標建立之基礎,進而歸納彙整出幼兒英語教學光碟之品質面向,並發展各面向之評鑑類別與評鑑項目,以建構幼兒英語教學光碟評鑑指標。 其次,為建立幼兒英語教學光碟評鑑表,並瞭解本評鑑表各評鑑指標之代表性及完善性,研究者邀請兒童發展、幼兒英語學習、電腦輔助語言學習及電腦輔助教學/學習軟體設計各領域的專家,針對各評鑑類別及項目進行適當性之審議,確立幼兒英語教學光碟品質面向以學習者需求為中心,包含教學內容設計、螢幕介面設計及多媒體設計三大層面,「教學內容」、「真實性」、「回饋」、「協助」、「使用者控制」及「多媒體」六個類別,並特別強調消費者不滿意可退貨。 接著,為瞭解本評鑑表之實際可用程度,研究者邀請15位家有四到六歲,且有購買幼兒英語教學光碟類產品需求之家長,及具有幼兒英語教學相關學經歷背景之研究生,分四組試用評鑑三片不同的光碟,並以信度分析、t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 根據資料分析,證明本評鑑表具有信度與效度;研究中也發現,一般市售幼兒英語教學光碟的內容品質,在「真實性」、「協助」及「使用者控制」三類上,需要有所改進。 本研究以「幼兒英語教學光碟評鑑表」做為結論,針對幼兒英語教學光碟類產品品質審議之相關單位、消費者、軟體製造廠商、產品設計研究人員及未來研究提出建議,以作為使用、發展或改進之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to develop an evaluative checklist of multimedia English language courseware for preschoolers. Review of literature about language acquisition, evaluation criteria of English textbooks, computer assisted instruction/learning and language learning courseware were summarized to develop the evaluation indexes. To validate the indexes, professors of child development, language development, computer assisted learning and courseware design were consulted to check all the indexes of the checklist. Then, parents were given the checklist to assess the multimedia English courseware.3 different discs were cross examined by 15 parents and 5 graduate students. The results shows the checklist valid and reliable to be an evaluative instrument to ensure the quality of English language learning courseware. It’s also found that the weaknesses of the available discs are “authenticity”, “help message” and “user-control”. Five suggestions for manufacturers, courseware designers and future studies are provided.


呂珮菁, Lu, Pei-ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於評量中文與英文之「聲韻覺識」(phonological awareness)能力,以探討幼兒在不同英語教學法下的學習效果。「年齡」與「教學法」對「聲韻覺識」能力影響的差異。研究對象,為接受不同英語教學法的學前幼兒(大班生與中班生),一者採固定時間進行英語教學,定位英語為語言學習教材之一,稱之為M系統;一為採全時間教英語的機構,且定位英語為學習其他科目的媒介,稱之為W系統。測驗工具乃參酌胡潔芳教授提供之「聲韻覺識測驗」,經改編後共分八項分測驗--「中文音節刪除、英文音節刪除、中文音素刪除、英文音素刪除、中文音節替代、英文音節替代、中文音素替代與英文音素替代」。研究資料除了測驗成績之外,尚有教學現場之觀察資料,及兩系統之主管與教師之訪談文本,以了解不同英語教學法在教學內涵上之實質差異。 研究結果顯示,中文聲韻覺識能力,有「年齡」的差異,大班生表現優於中班生;「教學法」的差異,發生在中文「音素覺識」,M系統幼兒優於W系統。英文聲韻覺識能力,有「年齡」上的差異,大班生優於中班生,但無教學法上的差異。加測「注音符號」測驗,結果顯示有「年齡」與「教學法」上的差異,大班生比中班生好,M系統幼兒比W系統幼兒好,比較兩系統教學內涵的差異後,顯示M系統幼兒中文聲韻覺識能力表現較佳與「注音符號」教學有關;英文聲韻覺識能力無教學法上的差異,英文教學時間長短不影響聲韻覺識能力。研究結果似乎指出,真正影響中文與英文聲韻覺識能力發展的是年齡。 由於「聲韻覺識能力」的重要性,幼兒英語教學與學習,以培養「聲韻覺識」能力為出發點的教學內容應該要被參考,但基於年齡的限制,聲韻覺識教學,並不急於小班時期或中班初期開始。關於聲韻覺識的教學,文中另有討論。 關鍵詞:英語教學法,學前幼兒,聲韻覺識 / The purpose of this study is to investigate English learning effect of young children in Taiwan by means of examining the influence of age and English teaching approaches on young children’s phonological awareness in Chinese and in English. The participants consisted of the age of preschool (average five years old) and kindergarten (average six years old) children who are accepted different English language teaching approach in two schools. One school was called M school where young children were taught English partial time and English was one kind of language teaching materials. The other was called W school where young children were taught all time and learn everything in English. The results indicate that the age significantly affects on young children’s phonological awareness in Chinese and the teaching approach significantly affects on young children’s phonemic awareness in Chinese. The age significantly affects on young children’s phonological awareness in English. These results of this study seem to reveal that the main factor affecting on the development of young children’s phonological awareness in Chinese and in English is age. Due to the importance of phonological awareness, it should be to consider that English language teaching for young children could begin by training phonological awareness. However, based on the development of young children, it is not instant to train the capacity of phonological awareness in English language teaching. About the teaching of phonological awareness was discussed in the text. Keyword: English teaching approaches, young children, phonological awareness

字彙分析教學對高中生單字習得影響之研究 / A Study of the Effect of Word Analysis Instruction on Vocabulary Acquisition in a Taiwanese Senior High School

徐鍬鳳, Hsu, Chiou-feng Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要內容: 本研究旨在探討字彙分析教學對台灣高中生學習生字、強化已習得之單字和推測字意三方面之影響。本研究結果希望對英文老師在教單字上有很大的啟示作用和幫助。 共有146位仁愛高中二年級學生參與這項研究,他們被分為實驗組和控制組;學期初,受試者接受英文能力測驗和單字前測,依據英文能力測驗成績,實驗組和控制組又細分為高低分兩組群。受試者在接受單字前測後,施以不同之單字教學:實驗組之教學方法包含字彙分析而控制組則否。18週後,他們接受單字後測。除接受後測外,實驗組還接受問卷調查和訪談。 研究結果顯示實驗組在學習生字、強化已習得之單字和推測字意三方面之進步均大於控制組。在學習生字方面的進步,實驗組和控制組平均數差異檢定已達到顯著水準(t = 2.777, p = .006)。此外,以英文程度而言,在學習生字、強化已習得之單字和推測字意三方面,高分組表現均優於低分組;在學習生字方面的進步,實驗高分組和控制組高分平均數差異檢定已達到顯著水準(t = .4529, p = .000);低分組群則否(t = .249, p = .804)。經問卷調查分析和訪談,實驗組對字彙分析教學大部分持正面看法,高低分組群看法也大致上相似;在字尾使用、利用字首、字根、字尾推測字義和字彙分析法強化已習得單字三方面,高分組較低分組持更肯定之看法。本文根據研究結果,提出英語教學上之應用以及未來研究之建議。 / Abstract The purpose of the study is to explore the effect of Word Analysis Instruction on Taiwanese senior high school students’ vocabulary acquisition in learning new words, in consolidating previously learned words, and in inferring word meanings. It is hoped that the results of the study can give suggestions and inspirations to English teachers in vocabulary development. Involved in this study were 146 second graders at Jen-ai Senior High School. They were divided into the experimental and the control groups. At the beginning of the semester, all subjects took an English proficiency test and a vocabulary pretest. According to their scores in the English proficiency test, they were further divided into high and low proficiency levels. After the vocabulary pre-test, the experiment began. The experimental and the control groups received different vocabulary instructions: the instruction of the former involved word analysis, but that of the latter did not. After 18 weeks, all of the subjects took a vocabulary post-test. In addition to the vocabulary test, the experimental group was also asked to fill in a questionnaire. Later, some interviews were conducted. The results of the studies reveal that the experimental group made more progress than the control group in acquiring new words, in consolidating previously learned words, and in inferring word meanings. With regard to acquiring new words, the former significantly outperformed the latter (t = 2.777, p = .006). Besides, in terms of proficiency levels, the experimental high subgroup made more progress than the experimental low one. Regarding learning new words, the experimental high subgroup significantly outperformed the control one (t = .4529, p = .000), but there was no statistical difference between the low proficiency subgroups (t = .249, p = .804). Also, the questionnaire and interview results show that most of the subjects in the experimental group were positive about Word Analysis Instruction and that the high and low proficiency levels share similar points of view; in use of suffixes and vocabulary consolidation, high proficiency subjects tend to hold a more positive view than low proficiency ones. Based on the above results, some pedagogical implications for English teachers and suggestions are provided at the end of the study.

一位美籍英語教師在台灣的教學經驗 / An American English Teacher's Teaching Experience in Taiwan

呂佳儒, Lu, Chia Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化快速的腳步之下,英語教育逐漸受到非英語系國家的重視。各國政府紛紛將英語納入國小必修課程之中。為了提升孩童英語能力,各國更是積極引進外籍教師。因此,外籍教師的教學開始受到關注(Arva & Medgyes, 2000; Barratt & Kontra, 2000)。然而,許多國內研究皆顯示引進外籍教師的成效無法完全彰顯。其原因除了外師缺乏教學經驗與技巧之外,外師的流動率也是主因之一(林怡瑾,2002;周美瑜,2005;溫智雄,2006;陳錦芬,2007)。本研究以個案研究方式探討一位美籍英語教師,Bert,在台超過十四年的英語教學經驗以及其教學現況。本研究採取質性研究法,透過訪談、教室觀察與文件分析收集資料,並討論三個議題:(1)Bert的教學經驗及其影響,(2)Bert的教室教學、教學成效以及教學問題,(3)Bert在台所遇到之困難。本研究結果顯示Bert豐富的教學經驗、認真的教學態度、以及積極的面對困難的個性使得他能成功在台灣長期從事英語教學。最後,依據本研究結果,針於在台外籍英語教師以及政策制定者,進一步提供相關建議,以作為未來外籍教師在英語教學專業成長上,以及政府外籍教師引進政策制定及修訂之參考。 / With the rapid pace of globalization, many Asian governments have introduced English education to elementary school curriculum with the recognition of the importance of English. Meanwhile, many native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) have also been recruited to teach local students to enhance their English competence. However, many studies indicate that the effect of recruiting NESTs has been reduced because of NESTs’ insufficient professional knowledge and their high turnover rate (Lin, 2002; Chou, 2005; Wen, 2006; Chen, 2007). Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the teaching of one American English teacher, Bert, who has taught English in Taiwan for over fourteen years. A qualitative research method was adopted in this case study. Data were collected through interviews, classroom observation and document analysis to discuss three issues concerning Bert’s teaching experience: (a) his past teaching experience, (b) his current classroom practices, teaching effectiveness, teaching problems and (c) the difficulties he encountered in Taiwan. The study concluded that although Bert began his teaching with insufficient EFL teaching knowledge and skills, his rich experience, serious teaching attitude and his positive personality toward the difficulties he encountered in Taiwan have enabled him to successfully teach English in Taiwan. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions derived from the discussions were offered to the NESTs in Taiwan for professional growth and to the government for policy-making.

國中英語教師閱讀教學信念與實踐:兩位教師之個案研究 / Junior high school EFL teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices on reading instruction: a case study

陳瑋芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討兩位國中英語教師閱讀教學信念及其課堂教學,同時分析師生課堂互動如何影響教師的課堂閱讀教學。過去研究顯示出學生對於教師的信念及教學有很大的影響,但課堂上的師生互動如何影響教師教學卻需要進一步的研究。本研究採取質性個案研究,研究過程採取訪談教師及學生和課堂觀察兩位教師的教學為主要資料蒐集來源。結果顯示教師所聲稱的閱讀教學信念與其實際課堂教學確有差異之處,而學生因素包括: (1) 學生課堂參與 (2) 學生對教授內容的理解 (3) 學生英語程度差異 (4) 學生考試壓力均影響教師調整課堂教學的內容。然而教師信念與實際教學差異卻反映了教師信念因應個別教學情境而改變的本質,同時透過教師信念研究亦凸顯了教師於課堂中真正扮演的角色。文末進一步提出相關建議,以期能作為在職教師及未來研究參考。 / The purposes of the present study are to investigate two junior high school English teachers’ beliefs and practices on reading instruction and how the teacher-student interaction in class impacts teachers’ reading instruction behaviors. Previous studies have shown the impacts of student issues on the teachers’ beliefs, but how exactly these issues interact with teachers’ in-class practices demands further investigation. The case study research, that is semi-structured interviews with participating teachers and students and classroom observations, was adopted in the present study. The results reveal that there are indeed discrepancies between the teachers’ claimed pedagogical beliefs and their in-class actions, and students’ in-class participation, their comprehension of teachers’ instruction, their diverse English proficiency levels and their examination pressure all present challenges to shape teachers’ actions in class. Nevertheless, these discrepancies between teachers’ beliefs and practice in turn reveal the situated nature of teachers’ beliefs, which help teachers develop more contextualized adjustments to meet their individual teaching contexts. Moreover, the investigation of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs make the instruction roles they play explicit. Finally, it is expected that the findings of the present study offer a new perspective to understand teachers’ beliefs and practices and provide pedagogical implications for in-service teaching profession.

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