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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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透過文化學習提升國中英語低成就者英語學習態度之研究 / A Study on Motivating JHS English Low Achievers through Cultural Learning

朱秋怡, Chu,Chiou-yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中英語低成就生接受一文化學習計畫之後,對於英語本身學習態度之成效影響,並藉由此實驗進而探究英語科低成就者最佳的文化學習模式。本研究採等組前後測準實驗之設計,研究對象為新竹縣一所中型國中的九年級的英語科低成就學生,總共三十人。將受試者隨機等程度分配到對照組和實驗組各十五人。研究期間,實驗組進行每週一節共十週的文化學習活動,而對照組則於同時間自修英語功課,但無任何學習活動。資料之收集包括有研究者參考文獻編製的英語態度問卷調查、文化單元學習回饋問卷、及追蹤訪談。 本研究以「英語學習態度」,分別測量受試者在實驗處理前、後在英語學習態度上的反應情形,所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定及配對t檢定分析,同時以實驗組成員所填寫的文化單元學習回饋問卷、及追蹤訪談結果作進一步研究結果佐證及補充分析。 本研究結果顯示實驗組於接受文化學習計劃後,其整體的英語學習態度問卷分數,有意義優於對照組,其中尤以其對英文概括性的態度及對英文的社會文化態度有顯著性改變。但實驗組英語學習動機分數並無有意義高於控制組,且受試者於訪談中表達其課後英語學習態度尤無明顯改變。另文化學習單元回饋問卷的分析,亦顯示英語低成就者對文化學習過程及內容的偏好。據研究結果,研究者對英語低成就者的文化學習設計及未來相關研究提出數點建議。 / The study was to investigate whether culture learning can efficiently and effectively improve low-achievers’ English learning attitude and to perceive the characteristics of English low achievers’ culture learning. A total of 30 JHS English low achievers, matched into two groups—the experimental group and the control group participated in the study. SELAM Questionnaire was distributed to each subject before and after the treatment, the culture learning project, to perceive the change of their English learning attitude. The pretest and posttest scores of SELAM Questionnaire were examined by the software SAS (Statistic Analysis System) Version 9.1, including t-test and paired t-test. Besides, the interval CLF Questionnaires and the follow-up interview were analyzed to provide the answer to the qualitative study on English low achievers’ optimal culture learning mode. The results of the study were summarized as follows. (1) The subjects’ overall learning attitudes toward English were significantly and positively affected by the cultural learning project especially their general attitude and social cultural attitudes toward English learning but the culture learning project exerted no evident effect on their desire and motive to learn. (2) In terms of culture learning content, the subjects’ interest in the culture project was highly related to the content of the culture study unit—cultural materials relevant to their background knowledge and catering to their preferences could lead to their more active learning involvement. (3) As to the culture learning process, English low achievers’ culture learning requires a lower pace of culture instruction, more instructional repetition, a variety of cultural learning activities and cultural instructors’ attention to their ongoing learning feedbacks is in need in English low achievers’ culture learning process. The major findings of this study suggested that a culture learning project experience helped significantly to enhance English low-achievers’ English learning attitude but other measures should be adopted to sustain their motivation to learn and affirmative attitude toward English learning.

台灣中學生對英語字彙語意之操控使用研究--以五個常用動詞為例 / The Manipulation of English Word Meaning by Senior High School Students in Taiwan : Taking Five Most Frequently Used Verbs for Example

楊心蕙, Yang, Xin-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
字彙在英語教學上佔有重要地位。因為字彙中的形式、語意和功能用法非屬於一對一之關係,所以常會造成學習者使用上的困擾,進而阻礙溝通。此篇論文主要在探討學習者對於語意之使用情形,希望可以找出以中文為母語的學習者在形式-語意連結上的共通點和所遵循的規則,以及連結背後之影響因素。 在方法上,因為強調學習者的真實使用情形,故以task填寫的方式進行語料蒐集。以同時程的研究方法來尋求同樣母語背景學習者之interlanguage共同特色。動詞因為在句子中佔有重要地位,故此研究以動詞為例來深入做探討。而選用bring, get, give, make, take等五個動詞,乃因為其出現頻率高、搭配性高,且部分語意互通之特性。task的設計則是藉助英語為母語者之語料庫,從中蒐集高頻率的語意和搭配詞等,加上國立編譯館前四冊課本之資料,來融入task的設計。受試者為台北地區中等程度學校之高三學生。採用英語在校成績、英語自我評鑑、英語程度測驗等標準,將受試者做英語能力上的分類,以便更清楚區分不同造成語意使用表現之影響變因。個人資料表也提供了受試者的基本英語背景、對英語字彙學習之看法,供做背景與表現之研究。 研究結果顯示,在受試者當中存在一個對該五個動詞使用上的偏好順序。此結果證明同樣母語的英語學習者的確有共享之interlanguage知識特點。從四個task的表現,可看出搭配詞的使用、上下文的語意推測是學習者表現不佳之處。而英語程度較高、來自社會組、來自較高排名之學校的受試者,會有較佳的語意使用表現。另一個結果顯示,出現頻率、核心語意和母語轉借為影響形式-語意連結的三個重要因素。而學習者因為程度不同,也會有不同之遵循規則。如程度較高的學習者偏重在英語的知識上,出現頻率和核心語意會互相競爭,成為影響學習者語意正確使用的最重要因素。程度較低的學習者則偏重在中文的知識上,即把母語知識轉借到英語的使用上。而且不同程度學習者表現出英語學習發展上不同的階段和歷程,程度越高的學習者,其英語上的知識越接近以英語為母語者。此外,在此研究中,開始學習英語的年紀和學習時間長短並非主要影響學習者語意使用表現之因素。喜愛英語及對自身英語有較高自信的學習者相對的有較佳的語意使用表現。而在英語字彙學習上,學習者一般仍注意字彙本身的形式,如拼字、發音,多於字彙之豐富語意及使用。雖然較多的學習者在用英語表達時,偏好先在中文中找到合適的字再轉換成相當的英文接在英語中找到合適的字來表達的學習者有較好之語意使用表現。 最後,把研究分析所得之結果,運用在教學活動上。透過語料庫的使用和語意網路圖的呈現,期望能進一步釐清語意之間的關係,也加強學習者對語意的正確使用。 / As Wilkins (1972) states that "Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed" (p.111), vocabulary plays an important role in the learning of a foreign language. However, the form, meaning, and function of vocabulary is not of a one-to-one correspondence. The mismapping often leads to misunderstanding and blocks communication. The study tries to explore how English learners in Taiwan manipulate the form-meaning mapping, and what the factors are to influence the mapping. From the aspects of lexical meaning, frequency, collocation, and L1 transfer, verbs are given as an example to be investigated from both the on-line corpus of native speakers, BOE, and the corpus of Chinese learners of English, obtained from four well-designed tasks. The five verbs selected are common and frequently used, but the usages are confusing for English learners. To investigate the verbs can help learners clarify the usage of the basic verbs in English. Subjects are 3rd graders from senior high schools of medial in the ranking of academic reputation in Taipei. Based on three criteria, the subjects are classified into three different levels to see the influence of variables. In addition, a subject background sheet provides the subjects' background of English and attitudes towards English vocabulary learning. From the analyses, we find that there is indeed a preference order of the five verbs among subjects with the same mother tongue. Among the tasks, collocation and the meaning inferring from contexts are difficult for the subjects to deal with. Subjects of higher proficiency level, from social science group, or from school of a higher academic reputation have a better manipulation of the five verbs. When doing the form-meaning mapping, three factors, that is, core meaning, frequency, and L1 transfer, do influence the performance. Learners with higher proficiency levels rely much on L2 knowledge, thus core meaning and frequency have a stronger preference over L1 transfer in the form-meaning mapping process. Learners with lower proficiency levels usually make use of L1 knowledge to map the L2 form with L1 meaning, thus there is more negative transfer from L1. The performance of the three proficiency levels represents the different developmental stages of interlanguage. The higher proficiency level one hs, the more his knowledge is close to the target language (L2). In the research, we also find that an earlier age and a longer period of learning do not necessarily ensure a better English ability. Furthermore, subjects who have more interest and stronger motivation to learn English generally have a higher proficiency level. In vocabulary learning, subjects often pay attention to form rather than usage and function of vocabulary. As for the process of self-expressing in English, subjects tend to make sure the words wanted in Chinese and then translate them into English. However, subjects who directly look for words wanted in English have higher proficiency levels and better performance in English. After the analyses, the results are applied to teaching activities. With the use of corpora and semantic networks, further clarification of the relations among word meanings, and enhancement of the correct use of word meanings are expected.

台中地區小學學生及其英文教師對於有效英語教學信念之比較 / A study on elementary school students’ and teachers’ perceptions of effective English teaching

楊祐華, Yang,Yu hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究並比較小學學生及其英語教師對於有效外語教學之信念。在英語教室中,學生其及老師對於教學的看法有許多相同與相異之處,這些信念會直接或間接影響到教學的有效性。 本研究以問卷調查法進行,對象為台中市34名公立小學英語教師及其811位高年級學生,問卷內容改編自Brown(2009)自編問卷及教育部九年一貫課程綱要 (2007)。問卷回收後資料以統計軟體SPSS 18.0進行敘述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及薛費事後法分析,獲得結果簡述如下: 1.國小學生及其英語教師對於各項教學法抱持正向的態度。 2.在性別、課外學習經驗、學習英文時間早晚等因素影響下,會影響小學學生對於有效英語教學習的信念。 3.在文法教學上,學生及其教師均持正向態度,教師尤其偏愛歸納式教學。 4.在錯誤糾正上,學生認為教師須立即處理錯誤,但教師們允許適當的忽略。 5.在溝通式教學法上,學生及其教師均持正向態度,但學生對於小組互動的上課方式持較保留的態度。 6.在多元評量方面,學生及其教師均持正向態度,但學生們對於傳統紙筆測驗的看法高於教師們。 根據問卷調查結果,本研究最後提供教學上相關建議以供參考。 / The major purpose of the study is to identify elementary school students’ beliefs toward effective teaching and make a comparison to those of their teachers’. In language classrooms, the students and their English teachers may have very similar or disparate notions of effective teaching, and the intersection of the two sets of beliefs shows direct or indirect impacts on teaching effectiveness. A questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from 34 English teachers and 811 students in public elementary schools in Taichung Area. The items in the questionnaire were mainly adapted from the model by Brown (2009) and the Instruction Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education (MOE, 2007). In this study, statistic computerization, including descriptive statistics, the independent sample t-test, and ANOVA with the post- hoc Scheffe test were used to analyze the collected data. The major findings are summarized as follows: 1.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude toward these teaching pedagogies. 2.The demographic variables of gender, extracurricular English learning experience and different length of prior English learning yield an effect on different students’ beliefs. 3.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude concerning Grammar Instruction; moreover, the teachers have more preference for inductive teaching. 4.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude concerning Error Correction; moreover, the students expect teachers to deal with their errors immediately, but their teachers tend to neglect error correction at times. 5.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude concerning Communicative Language Teaching; however, the students seem more hesitant to participate in group interactions in class. 6.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude concerning Multiple Assessments. Furthermore, the students appear to find more value in traditional paper- and- pencil tests than their teachers do. Finally, based on the findings in this study, several suggestions and implications were presented in the conclusion of the paper.

英文限定性關係子句的篇章功能及其在英語教學上的啟示 / Discourse Functions of English Restrictive Relative Clauses and Its Pedagogical Implications

陳良鳳, Chen,Liang-feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討在英文敘述文和論說文文本中,英文限定關係子句的篇章功能(discourse functions)。我們主要是從句法、語意、語用和篇章結構(discourse structure)的觀點,來探討限定性關係子句的功能與它在篇章單位(discourse unit)所出現的位置有何關聯。研究結果顯示多數的限定性關係子句出現在篇章單位最前面的位置,而且他們往往引導他們新的先行詞(new head NPs)作為整個篇章單位的主題(topic)。因此我們認為,大多數限定性關係子句會出現在篇章單位最前面的位置,是因為它們有一個很重要的篇章功能,那就是它們要引介新的先行詞作為整個篇章單位的主題。此外,本論文也探討大學英文系學生在他們的英文寫作中,使用限定性關係子句的情形。研究結果發現,在大學生的寫作中,限定性關係子句的先行詞常是泛指,而且限定性關係子句的內容常常是舊有的訊息。因此,台灣大學生鮮少使用限定性關係子句來引導新的先行詞作為篇章單位的主題。我們推論大部份學生並未習得限定性關係子句的篇章功能。本論文根據此研究結果提出一些在英語教學上的建議:在課堂上教導英文限定性關係子句時,應以篇章單位為主,使學生了解限定性關係子句的篇章功能。 / The findings of the previous studies on discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses are mainly based on spontaneous conversations and written narrations. Rare studies were found on the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses in written data. The purpose of the present study, thus, is to investigate the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses in written expositions and argumentations by native speakers of English. Also, we study the use of English restrictive relative clauses in the compositions by Taiwanese college students. In particular, we want to know how the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses are related to their occurrences in discourse structures. Thus, our analysis includes considerations from four dimensions: syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse. We found that the majority of English restrictive relative clauses occur in the beginning position of discourse units. And they serve as a device to introduce their new head NPs as the topics in the subsequent discourse when occurring in such a position. Therefore, we conclude that the main purpose of using a restrictive relative clause is to introduce a new head NP as the topic when the new referent is firstly mentioned in a new discourse unit. Moreover, we examined English restrictive relative clauses in the compositions by English Department juniors to see if the factors found in native speakers’ writings are also at work in their compositions. We found that students have not fully understood the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses. Based on our findings, we offer pedagogical implications with the aim of hoping that students can learn the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses.

資訊科技工具應用於國中英語教學與口語練習之分析探討 / Use of information and communication technology to facilitate english speaking practices

吳鳳翔, Wu, Feng Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是藉由 ICT(Information and Communication Technology)工具應用在國中英語教學及口語練習的教學實驗,來初探 ICT 工具對於英語教學及口語練習的成效。本研究的工具為一個可供老師靈活教學及學生口語練習的 ICT 工具:eCard 系統,研究時間為一學期(2008.2 – 2008.7),經由老師與學生實際應用此工具來教學及進行口語練習作業,並以 eCard 系統的學習記錄檔(log file)、問卷、訪談、錄音、隨班觀察及錄影來做為本研究的研究資料。研究結果發現,老師及學生均對使用 ICT 工具教學有正面的評價,老師利用此工具可對教學方式做不同的變化,而學生也因這種新式的教學方式而增加學習的注意力,並對字彙的記憶更加深刻;在口語練習方面,老師覺得 ICT 工具可以增加學生口語練習的機會,但因實行時間太短,對學生英語能力的提升較不顯著,而學生覺得 ICT工具提供更多的口語練習機會,並對其發音很有幫助,但對於「說」英語的信心並沒有增加。此外,本研究亦提出許多未來 ICT 工具融入英語教學及口語練習的建議與努力方向,以作為未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools to facilitate oral practices in learning of English. The ICT tool (ie, the eCard system) was developed for the instructor to create oral practice assignments and for the students to conduct oral drills. The study lasted one semester. Research data were collected via automatic logging of student activities, post-experiment questionnaires, student and teacher interviews, and in-class video recordings. The major findings are: (1) both the teacher and the students have good appreciation of using ICT tools in teaching and learning; (2) Students do have increased oral practices with the availability of the ICT tool; (3) the increased practices resulted in better pronunciations; (4) rise in the confidence level on English speaking was not observed.

國中英語教師教學意見調查之研究 / The study of the investigation of the teachers' opinions about in Junior High School

黃馨葆, Janet Huang Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究主要在調查國中英語教師對於教學方面的意見,其內容包含以下六個部分:一、探討語言學的內涵與研究範圍。二、探討語言學習理論的基礎。三、介紹語言教學的發展。四、介紹語言測驗的重要性。五、了解教具與教學資源的種類。六、建議與結論。 本研究以台北市國民中學英語教師為調查對象,在學校方面抽出20所國民中學,發出200份問卷,回收167份,回收率83.5%,有效問卷151份。調查工具採自編之「國中英語教師教學意見調查」問卷。研究中所採用的統計方法包括次長分配、百分比統計以及卡方考驗等,問卷的處理則採SPSS for windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 據此,本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 在英語教師應接受的專業訓練方面:超過90%的國中英語教師認為英語教師應接受語言學的訓練,而其中以語言發展史與語音學為最重要的範圍。 二、 在各種英語教學方法中以溝通、口說教學法最受國中英語教師的重視。值得注意的是默示教學法、暗示教學法這類新式的教學法只有不到六成的英語教師覺得重要,這有可能是因為有多數的英語教師不了解其意涵,且此兩種教學法在現行的國中英語教學上有其施行的困難。 三、 在教學技巧上,現行國中英語教師認為教導學生學習會話與造句的技巧最重要。 四、 在語言測驗方面,現行國中英語教師認為聽力與發音的測驗最重要。 五、 在教具與教學資源上,現行國中英語教師認為使用圖片與黑板、戲劇來教學是重要的。 再者,綜合文獻探討、研究過程及實證調查之分析結果,針對有關單位與 國中英語教師、未來研究提出以下建議: 對於有關單位的建議: 一、 釐清英語教學的目的及其在中學教育的地位。 二、 實施英語教學的內容,宜將聽、說、讀、寫四種技能列為平常地位來設計課程與教材。 三、 提供充分的教具與教學資源。 四、 採用合宜的入學測驗,導正正確的英語教學。 五、 具有彈性的英語課程內容與授課時數。 六、 籌劃真正實用的英語師資培養課程及提供足夠進修管道。 對於國中英語教師的建議: 一、 教師應建立終身學習的信念。 二、 授課時所採用的教學教法須與教學理論配合。 三、 採用合宜學習評量的方式。 對於未來研究的建議: 一、 本研究採量化之研究,未能再深入了解英語教學的現況,建議可再採深度訪談或觀察的方式來進行研究。 二、 研究對象方面,建議可將研究對象擴大至台灣省英語教師的研究。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究問題與名詞釋義 第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 語言學的意義與研究範圍 第二節 語言習得理論 第三節 英語教學法的介紹 第四節 英語測驗的重要 第五節 英語教學與視聽教育工具 第三章 研究方法 第一節 調查研究的架構 第二節 調查對象與樣本之選取 第三節 調查研究工具的編製 第四節 調查研究的實施過程 第五節 調查研究資料的統計處理 第四章 調查結果的分析與討論 第一節 對於教師應接受的教學訓練的調查結果 第二節 對於各種英語教學法看法的調查結果 第三節 對於各種教學技巧看法的調查結果 第四節 對於英語測驗的看法的調查結果 第五節 對於使用教具看法的調查結果 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 / The study of the investigation of the teachers' opinions about teaching in Junior High School Abstract The main purpose of this study are to explore junior high school teachers' opinions about teaching. It contains six parts: First, the study explores the content of Linguistics. Second, the study explores the basic theories of language learning. Third, the study introduces the development of language teaching. Forth, the study introduces the importance of language exams. Fifth, the study wants to understand the kinds of teaching resources. Six, the conclusions and suggestions. Objectives of the study include public junior high school English teachers in Taipei City. 20 schools have been sampled and 200 copies of the questionnaires dispatched. 151 copies of effective samples are actually acquired. Data of questionnaires statistic packaging software "SPSS for windows". Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, conclusions have been reached as follow: 1.The professional training about English teachers: Over than 90% of English teachers think that an English teacher should accept the training of linguistics. Most important parts of linguistics are Phonetics and the history of language development. 2.Most of the junior high school English teachers think that communicative language teaching method, and audio-lingual method are most important teaching methods to teach English in junior high school. 3.Most of the English teachers think that the most important teaching skills is how to teach conversation and sentence-making. 4.The junior high school English teachers think that the listening exam is the most important part of language exams. 5.The junior high school English teachers think it important to use blackboard, drama to teach English. According to the results of this study, following proposals are offered: 1. As to the educational authorities, they should (1) Make sure that status of English in junior high school education. (2) Design the textbook with the equality of four skills, the content contains: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing. (3) Offer enough teaching resources. (4) Adopt suitable entrance examination. (5) Design flexible class. 2. As to the teacher: (1) The teachers should have the faith to learn as old as one can. (2) The teachers should use suitable teaching method. (3) The teachers should adopt suitable exams. 3. As to further study: (1) They can enlarge the samples. (2) The can use another way understand the truth of English teaching in junior high schools.

臺灣國中英語重音與語調的教學研究 / The Teaching and Learning of English Stress and Intonation in Taiwan Junior High Schools

白宏彬, Bai, Hong Bin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文評量臺灣學生國中三年對英文重音與語調的學習成果,並探討造成學生學習困難的原因。五,名高一學生唸相同兩篇對話和十名母語為英語的外藉人士比較。結果顯示可暗示說話者態度的調型對學生最難,一些特殊句型的調型次之,而普通句型的升、降調最容易。重音方面則以牽涉到英文節奏和前後文的重音型較難。   經由對比分析,發現英文本身的問題和中英文的差異都對學習不利。英文本身的問題包括重音與語調的多變性和書面表示方式的不足。中英文的差異包括音調的範圍、語調對單字發音的影響、訊息焦點的表示方式、態度的表示方式、音調的高低度、以及中文調型的干擾。另外,由五十位國中老師和五十位學生所回答的問卷結果也顯示一些教學上的因素也會造成某種程度的干擾。   文末對教學方法、教材以及老師和學生的教學均有建議,期望對英語教學的更臻完善有所幫助。 / This thesis evaluates Taiwan junior high school students' performances in English stress and intonation and uncovers some reasons causing students' learning difficulties. Compared against ten native speakers' performances, forty students' performances in reading two dialogues are evaluated. The results show that the contours with attitudinal meanings are more difficult for students than the contours of special grammatical constructions, which in turn are more difficult than ordinary falling and rising contours. And students have more difficulties in the stress patterns involving English rhythm and discourse knowledge than those that do not.   Through contrastive analysis, we find intralingual and interlingual factors interfering with students' learning. Intralingual factors include the variability of English stress and intonation, and the deficiency in their representation. Interlingual factors include the scope of pitch, the influence of intonation on citation forms, expressions of focus, expressions of attitudes, ranges of pitch, and interference from Mandarin contours. Moreover, the results of two sets of questionnaires answered by fifty teachers and fifty students show some pedagogical factors also come into play.   Suggestions for teaching methods, teaching materials, teachers, and students are also given with a view to helping improve English teaching and learning.

初級英語教材中文化主題的再現分析 / Analysis on the representation of different culture themes in two English learning magazines for basic-level English learners

蕭玉涵, Hsiao, Sara Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於了解市面上英語教學雜誌中,如何再現文化相關的議題。其中,英語教學雜誌使用甚麼方式來再現不同文化和它們所呈現的內容為何為本研究的軸心。此研究採用質化的文本分析法細讀從2009年6月號到2010年5月號的兩本初級英語教學雜誌---"大家說英語"和"ABC互動英語雜誌"的文化內容。 研究發現兩本雜誌都使用描述性文章(descriptive text)和圖片來敘文化相關的議題,而呈現的文化內容多以節慶、旅遊、文學等主題為主;"大家說英語"著重在美國生活文化的介紹;而"ABC互動英文雜誌"則以本土化來結合異國文化。 / This study aims to seek what and how culture-related contents are represented and introduced in English learning materials. Two best-selling English learning magazines targeting at basic-level English learners are selected—“Let’s Talk in English” and “ABC Interactive English Magazine”. Through integrating and re-categorizing the classification of cultural themes developed by Fleewelling (1994), Pesola (1991), Robinson (1982), and Chen (2002), the study creates a new system to classify different culture-related topics. Combining with textual analysis, the study examines the forms used to show culture-related topics, the representation of different cultural themes, and the balance of introducing different cultures. Moreover, the similarities and differences in terms of the way both English learning magazines represent cultural themes are addressed. The result shows that informative text, contextualized practice, vocabulary, and pictures are forms commonly used by both magazines. In Let’s Talk in English (LTE), various forms are adopted in introducing the same topic; while ABC Interactive English Magazine (ABC) uses only one form on each topic. Both magazines include big C themes, i.e. politics, economy, and literature and small c themes such as celebration of holidays and traveling. However, LTE uses examples concerning American lifestyles to illustrate these themes, whereas ABC combines more different foreign and local cultures in representing culture-related topics. The findings also suggest the diversity and immediacy of English learning magazines on the representation of culture-related topics.

網路資源融入國小五年級英語教學之研究 / A study of integrating internet resources into english course on elementary school fifth grade

沈淑芬, Shen, Shu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨以網路資源融入國小五年級英語教學,探討學生對於實際使用英語相關網路資源的學習態度與意見,分析適合國民小學五年級學生學習程度的英語網路資源特質以及探討教師對於利用網站資源融入英語教學的意見與看法;並綜合研究結果,瞭解英語網路資源對於學生的幫助、困難及實施情形。 本研究使用問卷調查法輔以對學生與校內教師進行深度訪談進行研究,透過改編之「網路資源融入英語教學問卷調查表」,以Google 線上問卷形式對五年級196位學生進行調查,調查結果以Excel 統計其次數分配及百分比,並以立意抽樣方式,選取7位學生與3位教師進行深度訪談。 根據資料分析結果,本研究結論如下: 一、 網路資源融入英語教學對學生的英語學習興趣與動機有正面的影響,對學生英語成績的提升有幫助且更能吸收課外知識,還能提升對英語的喜好。 二、 全英文的網頁說明或還沒學過的英語單字是學生認為在使用英語網路資源時會遭遇的困難;網站分類清楚且各項說明容易理解並易於操作,網站內容有依程度分級,或具搜尋功能,較能吸引學生喜愛。 三、 教師篩選彙整資源網站後連結於其教學網站,上課時是老師的雲端資源庫,課後亦可成為學生的學習平台。 四、 動畫、影片是學生最喜愛且認為最具學習幫助的網路素材,動畫語音速度放慢,並附有中文字幕輔助學生理解,較具有輔助英語學習的效果。 五、 使用網路資源融入英語教學能豐富教學內容,有效激發學生的學習動機,並養成學生複習的習慣,是可行的教學方式。 最後根據研究結論,就教師教學、教育行政單位以及後續研究等方面提出建議。 / Through integrating the internet resources into the fifth grade English classroom instruction, the aims of this research are : (1) investigating the students’ attitudes and opinions on the use of English language internet resources, (2) analyzing the characteristics of English language internet resources that are suitable for the level of fifth grade English class as well as (3) discussing the teachers ’suggestions and viewpoints on the integrating the internet resources into the English teaching. In addition, the summary of research results offers the information on the understanding of the assistance given by, difficulty encountered and processing situations in the use of the English language internet resources. This research adopted questionnaire survey and in- depth interviews to realize the openions of students and teachers. The questionnaires accomplished by online survey with Google Forms. The questionnaires received 196 respones of students. Microsoft Excel were taken to compile statistics distribution and percentages. This research also had in-depth interviews conducted with seven fifth grade students and three school teachers in working of teaching English. According to the results of the statistics analysis, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. There are positive impacts on students' interest and motivation in learning English by using internet resources into English class. Not only can enhance the effects of learning English, but also improve the absorption of extra-curricular knowledge. More importantly, can promote the joy of learning English. 2. Students consider that the problems in using English internet resources are the instructions of webpages in English and the vocabularies which have not learned. Students like to use the website which classification is clear, the instructions are easy to understand and operate. If the content can be classified by students’levels and be easy to search, it would be best for student learning. 3. Teachers select and collect English internet resources by linking to their teaching website. It will be the resource library of teachers when they’re teaching. It also can be a platform for student's learning after class. 4. The favorite internet resources of students are animations and films. They help students to learn more. In order to enhance the effects of learning English and increase their understanding of English. It’s necessary to slow down the sound speed of the animation and increase Chinese subtitles 5. Using internet resources into English class can enrich teaching contents and inspire students’ learning motivation effectively. By this method, students can cultivate good habit of reviewing English. Furthermore, it is a practicable teaching method. According to the conclusions of this study, Suggestions and recommendations were provided for the teachers, schools and future studies.

英語教學做中學:合作敘事探究 / Learning to Teach English in situ: A Collaborative Narrative Inquiry

陳錦珊, Chen, Jin shan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文重組並重現一個合作敘事探究的生命經驗。在這集體的生命故事中,研究者與四位女性英語實習教師,透過一個全校性的英語同儕輔導計畫,一同探究學習如何教英語。本研究包含兩個研究重點:(一)探索英語實習教師在教學實習過程中對英語教學的概念覺知與教學發展;(二)檢視機構與社會情境與英語實習教師之教學發展的互動關係。本研究提出三個研究問題核心,協助對於現象的分析與詮釋:(一)英語實習教師在實境教學中教學發展之轉化歷程;(二)驅動英語實習教師之教學發展轉化的支配力類型;(三)英語實習教師對於實境教學之生命經驗的理解與覺知。 本研究發現,英語實習教師的教學發展,呈現前進式的結構模式。教學行動系統中的內、外部矛盾,引發一連串的衝突與失序,直接衝擊英語實習教師的教學發展轉化。在問題解決的轉化過程中,有三種主要的驅動能量,對教學發展轉化形成支配:情境支配力、策略支配力、情意支配力。在故事的尾聲,英語實習教師對於英語教學有新的覺知:對於教學行為及身為英語教師本體的覺知、對於英語學習者的認知、對於英語學習的本質的理解。 本研究回應相關文獻,提出三點新發現。首先,學習如何教的過程,包含持續性的觀察、分析、評量和反思。其次,英語實習教師的教學發展,透過跨層次行動系統的比對與分析,發現並理解可能存在的失序、衝突與解決方案,進而從事教學改變與教學發展轉化。最後,本研究提出,有關教師學習、學習如何教的相關研究,應該採用一種全方位的研究方法、一種廣泛理解的觀點,用以分析詮釋實作教學中既存的知識斷層。 / This collaborative narrative inquiry reconfigures and represents the lived experiences of four female prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach through a campus-based tutoring program. The research foci of this inquiry-based study are twofold. Firstly, the research aims at exploring how prospective TESOL teachers learn to teach through practical teaching experiences, as they examine the definition of learning to teach itself and the understanding of the what and how of the learning process evolves. Secondly, the research investigates the role of the social and institutional context in prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach, in examining how activity setting shapes the process of learning to teach. Drawing on the research approach of narrative inquiry, prospective TESOL teachers’ stories are told in their own voices while the school’s stories, and the stories about the school are told by the supervisor of the structured program in this research, the researcher, for purpose of providing a context to the prospective TESOL teachers’ stories. Following such respects, research questions are generated with special emphasis on (a) the transformational process of the prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach in situ; (b) the driving forces for the transformation to take place; (c) how the prospective TESOL teachers make sense of the lived experiences of learning to teach. The prospective teachers’ collective story appeared to be a progressive mode of development. The transformational process was overwhelmingly influenced by the dissonance and conflicts emerging from the contradictions within and across the collective activity system of teaching, namely primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary contradictions. In order to solve the problems resulting from the contradictions, the prospective teachers undertook changes and transformation in their teaching. Three types of driving force appeared to be significant for the transformation in the process of the prospective teachers’ learning to teach, including contextual force, strategic force, and attitudinal force. During the process of engaging in the socially situated activity of teaching, the prospective teachers formulated new conceptualizations of teaching, inclusive of the understanding of their teaching and of themselves as English teachers, of the students as English learners, and of the nature of English learning. The findings of the research suggest that a campus-based tutoring EFL program could be an alternative form of practicum teaching. Corresponding to previous research into teachers’ learning and learning to teach in second and foreign languages, three notions are provided. Firstly, the process of learning to teach prospective teachers includes continuous observation, analysis, evaluation and reflection on the entirety of the teaching activity embedded within a specific context, rather than shifting their focus from one entity to another entity, such as focusing on themselves at early stage and then shifting their focus to either on students or instructional techniques. Secondly, the process of prospective teachers’ learning to teach includes changes and transformation following iterative analysis and interpretations of cross-level activity systems to determine possible dissonance and solutions with the help of structured resources. Thirdly, research into teachers’ learning should employ a holistic research approach with a comprehensive perspective in analyzing and interpreting existing gaps in teaching practice.

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