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俄漢翻譯研究:俄語語調與翻譯策略 / A study of Russian-Chinese translation: Russian intonation and the translation strategies羅惠娟, Luo, Hui Juan Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣華語語調詞組與三聲變調 / Taiwan Mandarin tone sandhi and the intonational phrase陳怡臻, Chen, Yi Jen Unknown Date (has links)
華語三聲變調的運作範疇(domain)一直以來皆是漢語音韻學家激烈探討的主題,不同研究對於運作範疇的定義皆不同,而過去研究也留下了一些尚待解決的問題,例如分類詞(Classifier)以及介係詞(Preposition)如何與其他音節形成三聲變調的運作範疇。本篇論文藉由觀察語料庫中324句最短為6音節,最長為24音節且由數個三聲音節所組成的中文句子,來檢視台灣華語三聲變調若以Nespor & Vogel (1986)所提出之韻律階層(Prosodic hierarchy)為範疇來運作是否能得出自然且多樣的聲調組合。以下分析主要根據韻律階層的順序分成以下四部分:音韻詞(Phonological word)、附著詞組(Clitic group)、音韻詞組(Phonological phrase)、語調詞組(Intonational phrase)。而作者假設三聲變調有兩種運作方式,一種為循環(Cyclic),一種為同時(Simultaneous)。循環運作時,三聲變調可先以音韻詞邊界為範疇,再以附著詞組邊界為範疇,再以音韻詞組邊界為範疇,最後再以語調詞組邊界為範疇。同時運作時,三聲變調則只以語調詞組邊界為範疇。語料庫分析結果顯示,中心語(Head)之非遞歸邊(Nonrecursive side)的分支性(Branchingness)需被納入音韻詞組的定義中以得出正確的聲調組合。再者,語調詞組的定義也需將語意(Semantic)以及韻律(Metric)的因素納入考量,以限制語調詞組邊界的形成。經過修正,韻律階層理論不僅能成功描述分類詞以及介係詞之三聲變調現象更可預測華語三聲變調的多樣性。 / Mandarin tone sandhi has been argued by different scholars to apply to different phonological domains such as the foot, the phonological phrase etc. This thesis tackles three main issues left by Shih (1986) and Hsiao (1991): the classifier, the preposition and the under-generation problem. In revising the framework of Nespor & Vogel (1986)’s Prosodic Hierarchy, this thesis proposes a possible explanation of the problems.
This thesis constructed a corpus of 324 sentence tokens consisting of 6 to 24 third tone syllables. The tokens were recorded from four Taiwan Mandarin native speakers at a speech rate of at least 200 beats per minute. Through the observation of the tone patterns collected, it is found that the original definitions of the phonological phrase and the intonational phrase given by Nespor & Vogel (1986) are not able to describe the Taiwan Mandarin data. This thesis provides a revision of the prosodic hierarchy by taking into account the branchingness of the nonrecursive side on the phonological phrase level and by incorporating Selkirk (1984)’s Sense Unit Condition on the intonational phrase level. Finally, a foot formation condition is also proposed in order to restrict the minimal length of a phonological phrase or an intonational phrase.
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臺灣國中英語重音與語調的教學研究 / The Teaching and Learning of English Stress and Intonation in Taiwan Junior High Schools白宏彬, Bai, Hong Bin Unknown Date (has links)
文末對教學方法、教材以及老師和學生的教學均有建議,期望對英語教學的更臻完善有所幫助。 / This thesis evaluates Taiwan junior high school students' performances in English stress and intonation and uncovers some reasons causing students' learning difficulties. Compared against ten native speakers' performances, forty students' performances in reading two dialogues are evaluated. The results show that the contours with attitudinal meanings are more difficult for students than the contours of special grammatical constructions, which in turn are more difficult than ordinary falling and rising contours. And students have more difficulties in the stress patterns involving English rhythm and discourse knowledge than those that do not.
Through contrastive analysis, we find intralingual and interlingual factors interfering with students' learning. Intralingual factors include the variability of English stress and intonation, and the deficiency in their representation. Interlingual factors include the scope of pitch, the influence of intonation on citation forms, expressions of focus, expressions of attitudes, ranges of pitch, and interference from Mandarin contours. Moreover, the results of two sets of questionnaires answered by fifty teachers and fifty students show some pedagogical factors also come into play.
Suggestions for teaching methods, teaching materials, teachers, and students are also given with a view to helping improve English teaching and learning.
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Facebook企業粉絲頁之危機溝通效果:探討 人性化語調、危機情境與危機回應策略之影響 / The communication effectivity with consumers in corporate crises on Facebook fan pages:the effect of conversational human voice ,crisis situations and crisis communication strategies.吳懋嫻, Wu, Mao Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討Facebook企業粉絲頁進行危機溝通之效果。由於企業粉絲頁在訊息與互動策略上都與傳統官方網站截然不同,其中如同朋友般對話口吻的「人性化語調」(conversational human voice),可說是現今國內企業粉絲頁的主要溝通特色。然而,在危機溝通的情境下,企業粉絲頁卻往往採用官方口吻,使用較傳統的新聞稿模式,似乎未因應粉絲頁特性而採取相適的溝通策略,其溝通效果如何值得加以探討。同時,綜觀過去危機溝通文獻,多數研究仍聚焦於驗證危機情境與回應策略間對應關係,預測危機溝通效果的實用性,並未深入討論訊息策略的內容,也尚未有粉絲頁平台上的效果研究。因此,本論文即以「人性化語調」的概念切入,檢視該訊息策略於危機情境中的溝通效果,以探討企業於粉絲專頁上進行危機溝通的可能之有效策略,以及企業於社群媒體進行危機溝通之可行性。
實驗設計主要以「產品瑕疵」為危機情境,三個操弄變項包含危機責任程度(小╱大)、回應策略(遞減╱重建)、與人性化語調(低╱高),以2 × 2 × 2之組間設計實驗設計,驗證危機溝通的效果(組織聲譽,正負面口碑行為意向)。
研究結果發現,不論組織責任大小,重建策略皆帶來正面溝通效果;而人性化語調雖然在組織聲譽、正面口碑行為意向上無顯著的效益,但能有效減緩負面口碑行為意向,尤其在危機責任大的情境下,採取重建策略與人性化語調高的溝通組合能更加強其緩和負面口碑行為之成效。顯示危機回應策略相關理論在企業粉絲專頁的情境依然適用,但在具體溝通策略與內容的設計上,必須進一步考量危機情境與所使用之溝通平台,也表示國內企業對於社群媒體之公關管理必須加以重視。 / “Conversational human voice” is one of the key features in how Taiwan’s corporations communicate on their Facebook fanpages, which is quite different from how they communicate on their corporate websites. And yet, how such communication strategies work during a time of crisis remains unknown; thus, the current study aims to investigate the effect of conversational human voice in the scope of crisis communication. In the experimental design, the independent variables included: human voice (low/high), crisis responsibility (low/high), and crisis communication strategy (diminish/rebuild); the dependent variables included corporate reputation and word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions.
The key finding included positive effects of constructive strategies on corporate reputation and WOM intentions, which is consistent with past literature. Although human voice was found with no main effects on reputation or WOM intentions, human voice was effective in reducing negative WOM, when the crisis responsibility was high and constructive communication strategy was employed. This implies that consumers who are exposed to more human-tone messages on the fanpages are less likely to boycott the product should there be a relevant crisis, and thus, social media play an important role in crisis communication and should be valued and managed in corporate public relations efforts.
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臺灣大學生透過電腦輔助軟體學習英語發音的研究 / A Passage to being understood and understanding others:蔡碧華, Tsai, Pi Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查電腦輔助英語發音學習軟體 「MyET」,對學習者在學習英語發音方面的影響。 利用電腦輔助英語發音學習軟體(CAPT),練習英語的類化效果,也列為調查重點之一。 此外,學生使用CAPT過程中遭遇的困難和挑戰,以及互動過程中發展出來的對策也一一加以探討。 本研究的目的是要把CAPT在英語聲韻教學的領域中做正確的定位,並且探討如何使用其他的中介工具(例如人類)來強化此類軟體的輔助學習效果。
參與本次研究的大學生一共有九十名,分為三組:兩組CAPT組(亦即實驗組,使用CAPT獨自或與同儕一起使用CAPT學習英語發音)、非CAPT組(控制組)一 組。每組三十名。實驗開始,所有學生以十週的時間練習朗讀 從「灰姑娘」(Cinderella) 摘錄的文字,此段文字由發行 MyET 的公司線上免費提供。 實驗前與實驗後,兩組的學生各接受一次測驗。 每週練習結束後,學生必須將學習心得記載於學習日誌上;教師也針對每個學生的學習心得給予指導回饋。
雖然如此,在質化的探究上,經過分析學生的學習心得後得知:所有組別當中,獨自使用CAPT學習英語發音的組別,最能夠自我審視語言學習歷程 (包括模仿和學習樂趣)。至於共同使用CAPT學習的學生自述在英語流暢度、語調及發音方面獲致最大的改善。控制組的學生因為沒有同儕的鷹架教學及回饋,也沒有 MyET提供的練習回饋,練習過程中,學生自述學習困難的頻率最高,學生也認為學習收穫很少。 參與本次研究實驗組的學生認為, CAPT提供練習回饋的機制設計有改進的空間。 有關本研究結果在理論及英語教學上的意涵以及研究限制,於結論當中一一提出加以討論。
中介 / This present study investigated the impact of computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) software, i.e., MyET, on students’ learning of English pronunciation. The investigation foci included the generalization of the effect of practice with the CAPT system. Also examined are the difficulties and challenges reported by the students who employed the CAPT system and the strategy scheme they developed from their interaction with the system. This study aimed to position the role of the CAPT system in the arena of instruction on English pronunciation and to investigate how other kinds of mediation, such as that of peer support, could reinforce its efficacy.
This study involved 90 Taiwanese college students, divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The two experimental groups practiced English pronunciation by using a computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) program either independently or with peers while the control group only had access to MP3 files in their practice. All the groups practiced for ten weeks texts adopted from a play, Cinderella, provided by MyET free of charge on line. They all received a pretest and a posttest on the texts they had practiced and a novel text. Each week after their practice with the texts, the participants were asked to write down in their learning logs their reflections on the learning process in Chinese. In the same way, the instructor would provide her feedback on the students’ reflections in the logs every week.
The results showed that the ten-week practice with the CAPT system resulted in significant and positive changes in the learning of English pronunciation of CAPT groups (i.e., the Self-Access CAPT Group and the Collaborative CAPT Group). The progress of the participants in intonation and timing was always higher than in segmental pronunciation. Moreover, the ten-week practice with the CAPT system was found to be generalized (though the generalization is less than mediocre) to the participants’ performance in the production of segmental pronunciation and intonation but not in the timing component in reading the novel text. However, the improvement of the CAPT groups was not great enough to differentiate themselves from the MP3 Group.
Though the quantitative investigation did not reveal significant group differences, the qualitative analysis of the students’ reflections showed that the learning processes all the three groups went through differed. The Self-Access CAPT Group outperformed the other two groups in developing self-monitoring of language learning and production, and in enjoying working with the CAPT system/texts. Among the three groups, the Collaborative CAPT Group outscored the other two groups in reporting their gains and improvement in fluency, intonation and segmental pronunciation, as well as developing strategies to deal with their learning difficulty. Though the students in the MP3 group also made significant progress after the practice, without peers’ scaffolding and the feedback provided by MyET, they reported the highest frequency of difficulties and the least frequency of gains and strategies during the practice. The participants of this study also considered necessary the improvement of the CAPT system’s feedback design. At the end of the study theoretical and pedagogical implications as well as research limitations are presented.
Key words: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Automatic Speech Recognition System (ASRS), segmental pronunciation, prosody, intonation, timing, learning strategies, mediation
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