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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳美麗 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析高二生作文用字情形以期呈現學生高頻率單字並比較不同語文能力學生的寫作文字。同時,本研究也探討課文單字與學生實際使用單字的重疊與落差。再者,本研究也探討學生用字成長的比例。 經過為期一學期的四次寫作練習後,共有五百六十份學生寫作文章在不得參考字典及互相討論的前提下完成。系統分析後的學生寫作文字以出現頻率高低及字母順序呈現不同情形。另外,這些學生不同用字也做分析對照表。 本研究結果如下:(一)學生寫作單字存在著質與量的問題。(二)學生寫作能力因練習而加強,而且英文能力與寫作能力有正面關係。(三)在各別用字方面,有二十四個字的反覆地出現在四篇不同題目的文章中。(四)隨著寫作進行,課文單字在學生文章的使用上有增加的趨勢。(五)在不同字彙使用上,四次寫作的用字並無明顯地成長。

台灣高中生英文寫作用字分析與教學 / A Study on Teaching Vocabulary for English Writing to Taiwanese High School Students

李芷涵, Lee, Chih Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在實驗一套單字教學活動是否能成功增加台灣高中生的寫作應用字彙。在實驗開始前,研究者先進行前測,採用了字彙知識自評表(Vocabulary Knowledge Scale)和一份作文題目以了解學生一開始的字彙知識及主要單字的使用情況。之後,研究者開始了為期十二週的教學活動,此活動分為三階段:呈現(Presentation)、練習(Practice)、應用(Production),每個階段皆採用不同的活動進行教學,並根據這四大原則來設計教導應用字彙的活動:刻意性、重複性、參與性、情境性。教學實驗過後,研究者進行後測以了解字彙知識的改變及主要單字的使用情況,並分析不同程度的學生作品,以了解學生實際的用字情況。 研究結果顯示,本教學活動能有效增進學生的辨識字彙能力及字彙的應用。字彙知識自評表顯示前後測分數有顯著性差異,在後測中,超過半數以上的單字進步到比前測更高的等級,而且有八個字進升到應用字彙的程度。百分之八十七的學生有把主要字彙用在他們的作文中,且正確的使用頻率及相關單字的使用也增加了,無論是新字或舊字,在後測的使用數量都是前測的兩倍。 / The current study experiments with a series of teaching activities for productive words to Taiwanese students at the senior high level. It aims to understand the changes of word knowledge and target word use after the experiment. In the beginning, a pre-test was administered with the help of two instruments, the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale and a writing prompt, to understand the students’ initial level. Then, the researcher conducted the teaching experiment for 12 weeks, which consisted of the Presentation, Practice, and Production stages. In each stage, the activities were designed based on four important principles for teaching productive words: intentional, repeated, involving, and contextualized. After the experiment, a post-test using the same instruments was carried out to analyze the changes of word knowledge and target word use. Moreover, individual writing products of different levels were analyzed to see the actual usage of words in the students’ writing. The results showed that the teaching experiment was effective in increasing the students’ receptive knowledge and productive use of the target words. The VKS scores of the pre- and post-test differed significantly. More than half of the words moved up to higher levels, and eight words moved to the productive level in the post-test. The students’ writing products also indicated a considerable increase in the use of target words in terms of the correct usages and related words. Eighty-seven percent of the students used the target words in the post-test. Moreover, the number of old and new words used doubled in the post-test.

高中英文教科書字彙頻率分析 / A Study of Vocabulary Frequency in Senior High School English Textbooks

范龍妹, Fan, Lung-mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析現行在台灣較為普遍使用的二種英文教科書—遠東版及龍騰版—的字彙量、字彙頻率、字根字首的出現頻率及類型,以協助教師更瞭解教科書中的字彙並進而協助學生習得他們所最需要的字彙。 本研究除了分析比對出現於教科書的所有字彙外,也就每課生字表中的生字作比較分析。在字彙量的統計方面,是先將含有文法語尾變化 (inflection) 的字併為一字及將含有副詞字尾 (-ly) 的副詞與形容詞並併為一字後,再作字數的計算。在字彙頻率的統計方面是以The General Service List (GSL) 和The University Word list (UWL) 作為參照比較的對象。字根字首的出現頻率是以含有同一字根字首的不同字彙為計算標準。 本研究的結果如下:(一)教科書的字彙量大約為5000字。(二)在GSL中的字彙,大約有88%出現在教科書中;而在UWL中的字彙,大約有47%出現在教科書中。(三)在遠東版的生字表中,有64%的字與GSL和UWL兩個字彙表有關連;而在龍騰版的生字表中,有51%的字與GSL和UWL兩個字彙表有關連。(四)以字彙量來看,有部分字根字首的學習是較為有利的。總而言之,本研究可促進教師對課本字彙的瞭解,並啟發教師作更有效能的字彙教學。 / The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of the vocabulary occurring in the two sets of senior high school textbooks—Far East English Reader (FE) and Lungteng English Reader (LT). It is hoped that the results will help teachers know more about the quantity, frequency, and composition of the vocabulary in the textbooks and thus facilitate their vocabulary instruction. In addition to all the vocabulary occurring in the textbooks, the vocabulary in the word-for-production lists is also analyzed in terms of quantity, frequency, and composition. The quantity of the vocabulary is computed after the lemmatization of the vocabulary; the frequency of it is explored through the comparison with the General Service List (GSL) and the University Word List (UWL); the composition of it is analyzed on the basis of affixation. The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) There are about 5000 words in each reader. (2) There are about 88% of the GSL words and 47% of the UWL words appearing in the textbooks. The GSL words generally have a higher frequency of occurrence in the textbooks than the UWL words. (3) About 64% of the words in FE word-for-production list are related to the GSL and the UWL and about 51% of the words in LT word-for-production list are related to the GSL and the UWL. (4) In terms of quantity, some of the affixes occurring in the whole set of textbooks or in the word-for-production lists are more easily to be acquired by learners than the others. Based on the findings, this study has some pedagogical implications regarding how to teach vocabulary in terms of word family and multiple exposures to supplement the inadequacy of vocabulary in the textbooks.

推論技巧在字彙學習及閱讀理解之應用 / The Effect of Lexical Inferencing in Vocabulary Learning and Reading Comprehension

羅文莉, Lo,Wen-li Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是探討學生由上下文猜測字義的能力及其與字彙學習、閱讀能力之相關關係。 研究的對象是台中市育英國中68位二年級的學生。研究的主要工具是兩份評估學生字彙及閱讀能力的全民英檢字彙及閱讀測驗,調查學生關於字彙推論技巧的問卷及訪談各一份。研究過程分為三個步驟:(1)前測— 字彙、閱讀能力測驗及問卷,(2)教學實驗— 字彙推論教學,及(3)後測— 字彙、閱讀能力測驗,問卷,及(4)個別訪談,以獲得更詳盡的資料來支持研究結果的分析。 研究結果發現: (1) 學生的字彙能力及閱讀理解能力具有顯著相關。學生的字彙能力越強,越能幫助他們對文章意義的理解,進而相對地提高他們的閱讀理解能力。 (2) 教授字彙推論技巧有助於學生的字彙學習及閱讀理解。接受字彙推論技巧教學的實驗組學生於後測階段,在字彙能力及閱讀理解測驗的表現均明顯優於未接受字彙推論教學的控制組學生。 (3) 字形、句義及文章大意為最常被學生運用來做字彙推論的線索。這一點控制組及實驗組學生均是如此,但實驗組學生使用地較頻繁,而且利用的推論線索也較控制組學生更多且更適當。 根據以上的結果,本研究提出三點建議: (1) 字彙推論教學可以融合於學校課程之中進行,一節課十至十五分鐘讓學生練習推論字義,四個月的教學,學生已能利用各類推論線索對字義做適當的推論。英語教學雜誌及英語郵報上的文章,是提供學生更多練習機會的理想補充教材。 (2) 老師教導字彙推論技巧時,應選擇適合學生程度、符合學生背景知識及具有充分線索供學生推論的教材或文章,避免學生因推論線索不足而胡亂猜測,無法對其閱讀理解有助益。並從較簡單的『單字本身』及『句內上下文』線索教起,再循序進入較難的『跨句上下文』和『背景知識』線索。 (3) 當學生出現閱讀困難時,老師應先確定困難形成的原因,分辨究竟是字彙基本能力不足或不懂得運用策略造成的,才能對症下藥,幫助學生增進字彙學習及培養閱讀理解能力。 / This study investigates the lexical inferencing made by Taiwan EFL students at a junior high school when they encounter unknown words in English texts. The researcher examines the effect of lexical inferencing on their vocabulary learning and reading comprehension, and the types of knowledge sources and contextual cues they use in the process. Sixty-eight students, thirty-four from Class 201 and thirty-four from Class 204, are selected as the participants for this study. These students are at the similar English proficiency level according to their academic proficiency scores last semester. The vocabulary test and reading comprehension test of GEPT, elementary level (LTTC, 2001) are used in the pretest to measure the participants’ vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension ability before treatment. A questionnaire is applied to investigate the varied types of knowledge sources and contextual cues used by the participants in the process of lexical inferencing both in the pretest and the posttest. The treatment—lexical inferencing instruction, lasting for four months, is conducted on the participants in the experimental group. After the treatment, two posttests of vocabulary and reading comprehension are conducted again to assess if there is any significant difference on vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension between the controlled group and the experimental group. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. There is a significant correlation between students’ vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension. Better vocabulary competence contributes to better reading comprehension. Vocabulary competence can serve as good predictors of reading ability in a foreign language. 2. Lexical inferencing instruction does contribute to better performances in vocabulary and reading comprehension tests. The participants who receive instruction demonstrate significant progress. Lexical inferencing instruction also results in the recognition and employment of varied types of knowledge sources and contextual cues which facilitate the appropriate word meanings inferred. 3. Both groups use similar types of knowledge sources and contextual cues when making inferences. However, students in the experimental group make use of more types of knowledge sources and contextual cues in the process of inferencing and they practice the inferencing strategy more frequently. Sentence level meaning, word morphology, and discourse level meaning are the cues most frequently used by both groups. Pedagogical implications of this study and suggestions for further research are also presented. 1. Instruction of vocabulary inferring can be integrated into regular curriculum. It takes only 10 to 15 minutes per class for students to practice the inference strategy. As shown in our experiment, after four months of instruction, students achieve significant progress in the use of knowledge sources and contextual cues while reading. Articles in English learning magazines or bilingual newspapers are good supplementary reading materials for practice. These materials are usually longer and contain various types of knowledge sources and contextual cues. 2. To teach inferring skills, teachers should choose the reading texts which are familiar to students and contain enough knowledge sources and contextual cues. Students incline to giving wild guesses when they can not find adequate cues to help them do the job. Lexical inference instruction can be conducted by focusing on the word level cues in the first phase, then extending to the sentence level cues, and to the wilder discourse level cues. Equipping students with rich world knowledge is also helpful. 3. Teachers should examine students’ reading difficulties should to figure out what the problems are. Students’ reading problems may result from lack of basic linguistic competence or lexical strategies in reading. With knowledge of these problems, the teacher can help the students overcome their difficulties and become successful readers.

字彙分析教學對高中生單字習得影響之研究 / A Study of the Effect of Word Analysis Instruction on Vocabulary Acquisition in a Taiwanese Senior High School

徐鍬鳳, Hsu, Chiou-feng Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要內容: 本研究旨在探討字彙分析教學對台灣高中生學習生字、強化已習得之單字和推測字意三方面之影響。本研究結果希望對英文老師在教單字上有很大的啟示作用和幫助。 共有146位仁愛高中二年級學生參與這項研究,他們被分為實驗組和控制組;學期初,受試者接受英文能力測驗和單字前測,依據英文能力測驗成績,實驗組和控制組又細分為高低分兩組群。受試者在接受單字前測後,施以不同之單字教學:實驗組之教學方法包含字彙分析而控制組則否。18週後,他們接受單字後測。除接受後測外,實驗組還接受問卷調查和訪談。 研究結果顯示實驗組在學習生字、強化已習得之單字和推測字意三方面之進步均大於控制組。在學習生字方面的進步,實驗組和控制組平均數差異檢定已達到顯著水準(t = 2.777, p = .006)。此外,以英文程度而言,在學習生字、強化已習得之單字和推測字意三方面,高分組表現均優於低分組;在學習生字方面的進步,實驗高分組和控制組高分平均數差異檢定已達到顯著水準(t = .4529, p = .000);低分組群則否(t = .249, p = .804)。經問卷調查分析和訪談,實驗組對字彙分析教學大部分持正面看法,高低分組群看法也大致上相似;在字尾使用、利用字首、字根、字尾推測字義和字彙分析法強化已習得單字三方面,高分組較低分組持更肯定之看法。本文根據研究結果,提出英語教學上之應用以及未來研究之建議。 / Abstract The purpose of the study is to explore the effect of Word Analysis Instruction on Taiwanese senior high school students’ vocabulary acquisition in learning new words, in consolidating previously learned words, and in inferring word meanings. It is hoped that the results of the study can give suggestions and inspirations to English teachers in vocabulary development. Involved in this study were 146 second graders at Jen-ai Senior High School. They were divided into the experimental and the control groups. At the beginning of the semester, all subjects took an English proficiency test and a vocabulary pretest. According to their scores in the English proficiency test, they were further divided into high and low proficiency levels. After the vocabulary pre-test, the experiment began. The experimental and the control groups received different vocabulary instructions: the instruction of the former involved word analysis, but that of the latter did not. After 18 weeks, all of the subjects took a vocabulary post-test. In addition to the vocabulary test, the experimental group was also asked to fill in a questionnaire. Later, some interviews were conducted. The results of the studies reveal that the experimental group made more progress than the control group in acquiring new words, in consolidating previously learned words, and in inferring word meanings. With regard to acquiring new words, the former significantly outperformed the latter (t = 2.777, p = .006). Besides, in terms of proficiency levels, the experimental high subgroup made more progress than the experimental low one. Regarding learning new words, the experimental high subgroup significantly outperformed the control one (t = .4529, p = .000), but there was no statistical difference between the low proficiency subgroups (t = .249, p = .804). Also, the questionnaire and interview results show that most of the subjects in the experimental group were positive about Word Analysis Instruction and that the high and low proficiency levels share similar points of view; in use of suffixes and vocabulary consolidation, high proficiency subjects tend to hold a more positive view than low proficiency ones. Based on the above results, some pedagogical implications for English teachers and suggestions are provided at the end of the study.

台灣綜合高中學生字彙學習策略之研究 / An Exploratory Study on Vocabulary Learning Strategies by Comprehensive High School Students in Taiwan

董佳雯, Tung, Chia-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣綜合高中學生學習字彙時所運用的字彙學習策略,研究問題主要探討:學術學程及職業學程的學生在學習字彙時是否運用不同的字彙學習策略並找出其較常和較少使用之字彙學習策略,以及字彙學習高成就者和低成就者字彙學習策略之差異。藉此俾能提供英文老師幫助不同學程、成就的學生運用字彙學習策略,以期達到更佳的字彙學習成效。 本研究抽樣台北縣、市8所綜合高中共648位高三學生為調查對象,研究工具為字彙學習策略問卷與字彙能力測驗。分析方法主要採量化分析,包括獨立樣本t檢定、描述性統計、斯皮爾曼等級相關,本研究結果發現如下: 一、學術學程及職業學程的學生之字彙學習策略使用頻率具有顯著差異,學術學程的學生比職業學程的學生運用較多決定策略及記憶策略。 二、學術學程及職業學程的學生之字彙學習策略使用頻率排序相同,在發現字義部份依序為決定策略、社會策略;在鞏固字義部份依序為認知策略、記憶策略、後設認知策略、社會策略。 三、字彙學習高成就者和低成就者之字彙學習策略使用頻率具有顯著差異,高成就者比低成就者運用較多字彙學習策略。 最後,本文依據研究結果,提出老師英語教學上之應用及未來研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the vocabulary learning strategies used by comprehensive high school students in Taiwan. There were three questions focusing on the differences of use frequency of vocabulary learning strategies between academic-oriented and vocational-oriented students, the strategy use rank between these two groups of students, as well as the relation between vocabulary achievement and vocabulary learning strategy use frequency. A total of 648 students in Taipei City and Taipei County participated in the study. A vocabulary learning strategy questionnaire and a vocabulary achievement test were applied as instruments to obtain the data needed. Data from the students’ responses were computed and analyzed by means of independent-sample t-tests, descriptive statistics, and Spearman’s rank correlation. The findings of this study were summarized as follows. 1.There was a significant difference in vocabulary learning strategy use frequency between academic-oriented students and vocational-oriented students. The former applied more determination strategies to discover the meaning of a new word, and more memory strategies to consolidate the words encountered. 2.The ranking order of use frequency in vocabulary learning strategies by academic-oriented and vocational-oriented students was identical. In Part 1 (discovering the meaning of a new word), determination strategies were used most frequently, then followed by social strategies. In part 2 (consolidating the words encountered), cognitive strategies were used most frequently, followed by memory strategies, metacognitive strategies, and the last, social strategies. 3.There was a significant difference between good learners and poor learners in vocabulary learning strategy use frequency. Good learners applied more vocabulary learning strategies than poor learners to know an English word’s meaning. Based on the above results, some pedagogical implications for English teachers were developed and suggestions for future research were provided at the end of the study.

台灣國中學生英語字彙學習策略之研究 / An Investigation into English Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Junior High School Students in Taiwan

鄭孟淳, Cheng, Meng-chun Unknown Date (has links)
字彙學習在語言學習上佔有非常重要的地位。本研究之目的旨在探究台灣國中學生在學習英語字彙時使用字彙學習策略的情形,首先,想了解各種不同字彙學習策略的使用頻率,並找出較常和較少使用的字彙學習策略,此外,想探討字彙學習策略的使用和字彙學習成就之間的關係,並找出不同字彙學習成就程度的學生在字彙學習策略使用上的差異之處。 本研究以147位國中三年級學生為調查對象,研究的工具為字彙學習策略問卷和字彙學習成就測驗,資料的分析採用SPSS,包含描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關分析及單因子變異數分析。研究結果指出(1)整體而言,國中學生使用字彙學習策略的頻率並不高;(2)國中學生最常使用認知策略,最少使用社會策略;(3)國中學生比較常使用「表層」處理策略,比較少使用「深層」處理策略,例如,學生會注意單字的發音及拼法,並且偏愛重複背誦的方式,相反地,他們很少使用聯想或造句的方式來學習字彙;(4)國中學生的字彙學習成就和字彙策略的使用有顯著的相關性,在字彙學習上成就較高的學生,不僅會使用較多樣的策略來學習字彙,而且會更常使用這些字彙策略;(5)在字彙學習上成就較高的學生會比較注意上下文的關聯性、發音與拼法的相關性、字彙的詞性,他們會把單字分成音節而且會把字彙學習與自身的經驗相結合,另外,他們在教材的使用比較積極,相反地,成就較低的學生比較不注重單字的發音;(6)國中學生的學習策略來源主要是學校老師,他們選擇使用某些特定的策略主要原因是因為這些策略比較方便且容易使用,此外他們最想學的字彙學習策略與增加自然練習英語的環境有關。 最後,本研究建議老師應該 (1)教導學生如何使用各種不同的字彙學習策略;(2)在介紹策略的時候要考慮學生的程度;(3)教導學生聯合使用「表層」及「深層」處理策略;(4)教學生猜測單字的意思後,要查字典;(5)提供互動的活動讓學生在自然的環境下學習字彙;(6)鼓勵學生獨立規劃自己的字彙學習。 / Vocabulary learning is of critical importance to language acquisition, whether the language is first, second, or foreign. After suffering from being neglected for decades, vocabulary learning and teaching now have attracted considerable attention in the field of ESL or EFL research. The interest of research has been particularly in studying learners’ approaches to vocabulary learning. The present study aims to investigate the kinds of vocabulary learning strategies used by JHS students in Taiwan. Moreover, it examines whether there is any relationship between JHS students’ vocabulary strategy use and their vocabulary learning achievement. The data were collected from 147 third-grade students from a junior high school in Miaoli by means of two materials. The Vocabulary Learning Strategy Questionnaire was designated to survey what kinds of vocabulary learning strategies JHS students used and how often. The Vocabulary Achievement Test was used to discriminate the participants into different levels in vocabulary learning achievement. Data analysis was performed by SPSS, including descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlations, and one-way ANOVA. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows. (1) JHS students as a whole are moderate users of vocabulary learning strategies. (2) JHS students use cognitive strategies most frequently and social strategies least frequently. (3) JHS students employ “shallow” processing strategies more often than “deep” processing strategies. They particularly favor repetition strategies and pay more attention to the form of a word. On the other hand, they seldom put words in a meaningful context or utilize imagery techniques. (4) JHS students’ vocabulary strategy use is strongly related to their vocabulary learning achievement. Students with better vocabulary learning achievement not only use a wider range of strategies but also use them much more frequently. (5) JHS students with the highest level of vocabulary learning achievement pay much more attention to textual context, dividing words into syllables, active use of the learning materials, the matching between spelling and sound, word classes, and the personalization of information. On the other hand, JHS students with the lowest level of vocabulary learning achievement pay much less attention to the sound of a word. (6) JHS students learn vocabulary strategies primarily from school teachers and their major reason for strategy choice is because of convenience and ease of employment. The strategies that they want to learn most have something to do with increasing authentic input. According to the findings, several pedagogical implications are suggested. Teachers should (1) help JHS learners to raise their awareness of vocabulary learning strategy use; (2) take JHS learners' individual differences, such as vocabulary learning achievement, into account when recommending strategies; (3) instruct JHS learners to increase using the “shallow” processing and “deep” processing strategies in combination; (4) guide JHS students to use the “guessing” and “dictionary” strategies in combination; (5) provide JHS students with more authentic input and communicative interaction for vocabulary learning; (6) encourage JHS students to take charge of their vocabulary learning and view it as a life-long process. If JHS students can be equipped with the abilities to employ appropriate strategies, they can build up vocabulary more effectively and efficiently on their own.

字彙圖教學對台灣國中生單字學習之成效 / The effects of instruction using graphic organizers on vocabulary learning of junior high school students in Taiwan

黃瀞瑤, Huang, Ching Yao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討字彙圖教學對台灣國中生英文單字學習之成效,以及此教學方式對學生英文單字學習態度的影響。研究對象為六十三位來自中台灣某國中兩班三年級的學生,隨機指派一班為實驗組,而另一班為對照組。實驗組實施字彙圖教學,對照組實施傳統單字教學,每週上課一次,為期八週。兩組均在教學前後接受字彙測驗並施以單字學習態度問卷,實驗組另以問卷詢問對字彙圖教學的看法。研究結果顯示字彙圖教學比傳統單字教學更能顯著提升學生的單字學習,實驗組在字形、字義及用法上的表現均顯著優於對照組。雖然兩組在教學後對單字學習的態度仍未有顯著差異,實驗組在認知方面的學習態度卻在教學後有顯著改變,此外,實驗組普遍認為字彙圖教學有助於記憶新單字,而且表達出繼續使用的意願。本研究結果建議可採用字彙圖做為幫助國中生學習英文單字的教學工具。 / The present study employed an experimental/control group, pretest-posttest design to investigate the effects of vocabulary instruction using graphic organizers on Taiwanese junior high school students’ vocabulary learning. The subjects were 63 ninth graders from two classes in a public junior high school in central Taiwan. One was randomly assigned as the experimental group (N=32), and the other as the control group (N=31). The experimental group received graphic organizer instruction, while the control group received traditional vocabulary instruction once a week. Vocabulary pre-and post-tests and a vocabulary learning attitude questionnaire were administered before and after the 8-week treatment to examine students’ knowledge of the target words and their attitudes toward vocabulary learning. In addition, their perceptions of the graphic organizer instruction were also explored. The results revealed that graphic organizer instruction could significantly improve students’ vocabulary learning more than traditional vocabulary instruction, and it was effective in improving learners’ knowledge of word form, meaning, and use. Although students in the experimental group did not develop significantly more positive attitudes toward vocabulary learning than their counterparts in the control group, they significantly changed their cognitive attitudes after the treatment. Besides, they generally perceived that graphic organizer instruction could effectively help them remember English words and they were willing to use the word map in their future learning. The findings of this study suggest that the graphic organizer can be used as an alternative instructional tool to facilitate junior high school students’ vocabulary learning.

台灣高中學生英語字彙學習策略之探討 / An Investigation into Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Senior High School Students in Taiwan

王玉華, Wang, Yu-hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣高中學生學習英語字彙時所使用之學習策略,除了解各種不同字彙學習策略的使用頻率情形,找出較常和較少使用之字彙學習策略,探求字彙學習策略的使用和字彙成就表現的關係外,並找出字彙成就高者和字彙成就低者對學習策略使用之不同處,藉此,俾能提供老師有效教學及學生有效學習字彙之依據。 本研究以271位高三學生為調查對象,研究工具為字彙學習策略問卷和字彙測驗。分析方法主要採量化分析,包括描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關分析及獨立樣本t檢定。 本研究結果如下:(一)最常使用的是認知策略,最少使用的是社會策略。(二)學生偏愛機械記憶或與拼字及發音有關之策略。(三)學生的策略使用和其字彙成就表現有明顯相關。(四)字彙學習成就較高者與字彙成就學習較低者在策略使用上亦有明顯差異。高字彙學習成就者較喜重複念誦記憶單字的策略,並傾向於有上下文的情境中學習單字;低字彙學習成就者偏愛重複書寫的策略,並傾向學習孤立的單字。 / This study investigated the vocabulary learning strategies used by senior high students in Taiwan. The aim was (a) to investigate the frequencies of different vocabulary learning strategies use; (b) to find out the most and the least frequently used strategies; (c) to explore the relationship between strategy use and vocabulary size; and (d) to identify the differences in strategy use between good and poor learners. A total of 271 senior high students in northern Taiwan participated in the study. A vocabulary learning strategies questionnaire and a Vocabulary Levels Test were administered to the participants as instruments. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS version 10.0, including descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlations, and independent-samples t-tests. The results are summarized as follows. (1) Cognitive strategies were reported as the most frequently used strategies while metacognitive and social strategies the least frequently used strategies. (2) Students favored strategies related to “rote repetition” or “the form of a word.” (3) Students’ strategy use was significantly correlated with their vocabulary size. (4) There was a significant difference in strategy use between good and poor learners. Good learners tended to learn words in context while poor learners tended to learn words in isolation. The findings of the study suggest that teachers should introduce students to a variety of vocabulary learning strategies, especially deep strategies and strategies related to context.

從上下文推論字義教學對高職學生英文字彙學習之影響:個案研究 / The Effects of “Word Meanings Inferred from Context” Instruction in English Vocabulary Learning of Vocational High School Students: A Case Study

陳泠錡, Ling-chi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討從上下文推論字義教學應用在高職英文字彙教學之效益。 本實驗之研究對象為台北縣某高職80位高二學生,所有的受試者依據其原班級,分為實驗及控制兩組,每組再依前一學年英文成績分為高分與低分兩組,實驗組接受推論字意教學法訓練,而控制組則採用傳統的字彙教學法。在教學實驗開始之前,所有的受試者均參加前測;教學實驗結束之後,所有的受試者再參加後測。前測與後測之題目相同,皆為Oxford的學習策略量表及Nation的單字程度測驗。教學時間每週20分鐘,共計12次,利用猜測字義測驗及文意字彙式短文測驗取得相關資料,各項資料經由次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t考驗等統計分析探討學習成效,最後再對實驗組施以問卷調查,以期了解他們對從上下文推論字義教學之回應。 本研究的結果摘要如下: 一、英文字彙教學實驗之後,除了控制組低分組外,其他受測學生的學習策略都有小幅的進步,惟對於實驗組低分組學生進步達顯著水準。 二、英文字彙教學實驗之後,所有的受測學生在單字程度測驗答對題數均有些微增加,高分組的進步的幅度高於低分組,惟對於實驗組高分組學生進步達顯著水準。 三、文意字彙式短文測驗的成績,控制組較實驗組高,惟對於實驗組低分組與控制組低分組的分數差異達顯著水準。 四、實驗組推論字義的能力與文意字彙式短文字彙測驗的成績,不論對高分組或低分組都呈現高度相關。 五、在60個推論字義的單字測驗當中,實驗組所選出來較難推論的單字,其詞類依序為副詞、形容詞、動詞、名詞。 六、經問卷調查分析,實驗組對於從上下文推論字義教學大部份傾向於正面的肯定。 最後,本文根據研究結果,提出英語教育學上之應用以及未來研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study is to explore two instructional methods on vocational high school students: word meanings inferred from context and word meanings learned from translation. To reach the research goal, the study assumes the quasi-experimental method, which includes the pretest and the posttest. The duration of this experimental teaching program is twelve weeks. A total of 80 sophomores coming from 2 classes at a vocational high school in northern Taiwan are involved in the study. One class is assigned as the experimental group, and the other one the control group. For further comparison, each group is divided into two proficiency subgroups, high and low, based on their English achievement scores in the last academic year. The experimental group receives “word meaning inferred from context” training while the control group is instructed in the traditional vocabulary teaching method. Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and Nation’s Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) are selected as the test items in both the pretest and the posttest. Data for analysis are collected from two sources. One is the subjects’ scores on SILL and VLT, word-inferring test and words-in-context test, and the other comes from the questionnaire regarding the experimental group’s feedbacks and reflections on vocabulary learning through inferring. The collected data are analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, means, standard deviation, and t-test. The conclusions of the study are summarized as follows: 1. All the subjects make a little improvement after the experiment except the low achievers in the control group. The low achievers in the experimental group improve significantly in performance on language learning strategies. 2. Both the experimental group and the control group show certain progress in VLT. However, only the high achievers in the experimental group perform significantly better. 3. There exists a positive correlation between the subjects’ performance in word-inferring test and words-in-context test for the experimental group. 4. There is a significant difference in words-in-context test score between the low achievers in the experimental and those in the control group. 5. According to the responses of the experimental group, adverbs cause the heaviest learning burden, followed by adjectives, verbs, and nouns. 6. There is a fairly general agreement that the experimental group shows appreciation of the instruction. Further pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies are provided at the end of the study.

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