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觀看.意識形態廣告崔荷 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 問題的起點
第二節 有一家廣告公司叫做意識形態廣告公司
第三節 「意識形態廣告」
第四節 小結
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 意識形態廣告相關文獻回顧
第二節 廣告創意策略
第三章 研究方法
第一節 訪談
第二節 文本分析法
第四章 影片分析
第五章 分析結果與發現
第一節 廣告內容
第二節 廣告形式
第六章 結論與討論
第一節 研究限制
第二節 回答研究問題
第三節 風格恐懼
第四節 研究建議
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憂鬱傾向者之微博書寫分析 / Search for Depress Tendency: An Analysis on Chinese Micro-Blog Texts任喆鸝, Ren, Zhe Li Unknown Date (has links)
透過對十位已確認之憂鬱症患者之微博關係圈進行滾雪球,發現 127憂鬱傾向者,共爬取憂鬱傾向者之微博文本20748則,作為文本分析之數據集,並運用內容分析、質化分析、詞頻分析及詞語共現等多種方法分析文本。
分析結果顯示:(1)透過對文本進行語調、情緒、主題及憂鬱程度的編碼後,我們發現憂鬱傾向者在微博之書寫含62%的負面語調及25.1%的憂鬱文本,其中,負面及憂鬱程度較高的書寫主題是「自我」、「親情」、「自殺」及「睡眠障礙」。(2)深入對「自我」及「親情」憂鬱書寫的質化分析後,發現他們不同於一般人的心理特質,其中,「自我厭惡」及「不被理解」是他們心中最難以釋懷的角落。(3)由於「自殺」、「睡眠障礙」屬於憂鬱人群特徵,經過分析發現透過主題關聯詞的共現詞組有助於辨識憂鬱人群,其中,「睡眠障礙」共現詞的憂鬱文本辨識度達74%,「自殺」共現詞的憂鬱文本辨識度達34%,未來透過機器的方式,可進一步優化該方法,提升憂鬱文本的辨識度。 / This research aims to answer the following questions:(1)What are the characteristics of micro-blog writing by the depressed tendency people? (2)How to identify the text in social media? Ten Wei-bo users with identified depressed tendency were chosen as starting points of snow-ball searching, and 127 users were located. A total of 20748 messages from this group of the users was collected as the dataset. Multiple methods were applied to analyze the texts: content analysis, qualitative text analysis, word frequency analysis and word co-occurrence.
The result indicated that: (1)Through the coding of the text tone, mood, theme and degree of depression, we find out that in micro blog writing, the depressive tendency uses 62% of the negative tone and 25.1% of the blue text. Among them, higher negative and degree of depression of writing subjects are "self", "family", "suicide" and "sleep disorder". (2)Through deep qualitative analysis of "self" and "affection" depressed writing, the "self loathing" and "don't understand" in their mind are the most unforgettable. (3)Because the depressed people have the features of "suicide" and "sleep disorder", through the analysis, we find that through theme related words, it is helpful in the identification of the depression text. Among them, the "sleep disorders" co-occurrence words depressed text identification is up to 74%, and "suicide" co-occurrence words depressed text identification degree is 34 %.In the future, through the computer, we can further optimize the method, and enhance the degree of identification of depression text.
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布寧「藝術哲學三部曲」的敘事研究 / Narrative study on I. A. Bunin's "Artistic-philosophical Trilogy"王鵬, Wang, Paul Peng Unknown Date (has links)
俄國作家伊凡‧布寧(Иван Алексеевич Бунин, 1870-1953)的《兄弟們》(Братья, 1914)、《從舊金山來的先生》(Господин из Сан-Фраициско, 1915)以及《阿強的夢》(Сны Чанга, 1916),被稱為「藝術哲學三部曲」。 / 論文作者從傳記相關資料以及小說的內容推論,這三篇作品雖然都有死亡情節(或死亡主題),然而作品主旨卻在於探討生命,亦即布寧的死亡詩學著眼於存在的價值與意義。作者將透過分析小說的藝術形式,指出對比辯證是作家「言說不可言傳之物」的敘事策略,作品以此呈現難以窮盡的人生道理。 / 作者首先以文本分析法、細讀法、敘事話語分析與敘事時間分析等途徑,說明對比形式是這組作品的共通特點,在陳述各種類型的重複與對比之後,將說明此一形式具有強化作品主題的敘事功能。 / 接著,論文作者指出三篇小說的細節描寫具有「忠於視覺生理現象」的特點:布寧描寫的是「所見」,而非「所知」。此外,這個部分也將說明包括「動態性」、「精確性」在內的幾項文字藝術特徵,並論述這些細節描寫在小說裡發揮如下的功能:作家透過具有動態影像特徵的敘事,導引讀者的關注焦點,這些敘事內容本身即隱含作家意旨;而忠實反映視覺生理的、精確的細節描寫,能夠讓讀者在感同身受的基礎上,把信任感延伸至作品的內容,作家藉此達到加強作品藝術效果的目的。 / 這組作品的共同形式基礎在於對比,論文最後也將以對比的形式呈現作品的重要內容──存在的多重矛盾,並總結這組小說的藝術形式與思想內容之間的對應關係。
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當記憶作為一種新聞文本-以新聞雜誌節目『福爾摩沙事件簿』為例 / Transforming memories into media textures-- a case study of news magazine program "Formosa Note"林欣穎, Lin, Hsin Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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中共「軟實力」戰略之根基及其建構 / The foundation and structure of Chinese characteristic soft power黃德源 Unknown Date (has links)
不同於一般學術文獻在研究中共的Soft Power時,多習於從Nye的敘事體系出發,本論文則是直接從文本分析進入中共的系絡,探究問題之所在。
本論文所欲探討的問題意識包括:Nye 的Soft Power究竟是放諸四海皆準的真理,抑或是鑲嵌於某一特定歷史系絡中的特殊存在?若為後者,則屬於此一系絡之問題意識與政策建議為何?其是否同樣適用於其他行動者身上呢?其次,作為Soft Power的主要引介者,中共知識份子究竟係以何種方式承接此一概念?是全盤接收之,抑或是採批判方式引入Nye的觀點?倘若為後者,則其批判的部分為何?改造的部分又為何?進一步言,中共知識份子所建構的「軟實力」,究竟與Soft Power有何不同?第三,就官方的角度來看,中共領導人是如何看待「軟實力」?特別是「軟實力」對其而言應定位在何處?其所指涉的意涵又為何?而此是否與學術界存在著認知上的差異?第四,在中共的系絡中,其對「軟實力」一詞係以何種傳統承接之,甚者,其又是以何種未來戰略想定對此加以定位?第五,對中共而言,「軟實力」的具體內涵為何?有哪些具體政策或措施有助於提升「軟實力」?又,這些政策或措施的成效應如何衡量?
本論文不在證明或否證某個理論或論述,亦非志在建構一個放諸四海皆準的社會科學理論;甚者,作為一個開放的文本,本論文更非旨在宣示另一套絕對的「客觀」或「真理」。透過對「軟實力」之「建構的建構」,本論文期望呈現的是「語言/文字/符號」表象下的權力關係網絡,以及這些「能指」(signifying)對中共自我建構的意義。 / A way of seeing is a way of not seeing. Those who study Chinese soft power usually accept the legitimate of the narrative system of Joseph Nye's soft power theory. But the Chinese do not tranlate it that way. China has its own distinctive history, context, political economy system, and national grand strategy. So, it is dangerous and harmful to view the young rising global power as the same as the current dominant global power---USA. Obviously, China is marching on a very path to construct its soft power compared to the U.S..
Through the analysis of meta-narrative, the author find many interesting espects that cannot be seen via Nye's theory. These espects are in-ward dimension, highly connected with propagada and united front, mainly focus on Chinese characteristic culture . The CCP take the Chinese culure as its outside appearance and socialism value system as its guiding core.
This dissertation is not intended to construct a grand theory or something. All it want to do is to disclose the hidden dimension of the Chinese characteristic soft power.
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初級英語教材中文化主題的再現分析 / Analysis on the representation of different culture themes in two English learning magazines for basic-level English learners蕭玉涵, Hsiao, Sara Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現兩本雜誌都使用描述性文章(descriptive text)和圖片來敘文化相關的議題,而呈現的文化內容多以節慶、旅遊、文學等主題為主;"大家說英語"著重在美國生活文化的介紹;而"ABC互動英文雜誌"則以本土化來結合異國文化。 / This study aims to seek what and how culture-related contents are represented and introduced in English learning materials. Two best-selling English learning magazines targeting at basic-level English learners are selected—“Let’s Talk in English” and “ABC Interactive English Magazine”. Through integrating and re-categorizing the classification of cultural themes developed by Fleewelling (1994), Pesola (1991), Robinson (1982), and Chen (2002), the study creates a new system to classify different culture-related topics. Combining with textual analysis, the study examines the forms used to show culture-related topics, the representation of different cultural themes, and the balance of introducing different cultures. Moreover, the similarities and differences in terms of the way both English learning magazines represent cultural themes are addressed.
The result shows that informative text, contextualized practice, vocabulary, and pictures are forms commonly used by both magazines. In Let’s Talk in English (LTE), various forms are adopted in introducing the same topic; while ABC Interactive English Magazine (ABC) uses only one form on each topic. Both magazines include big C themes, i.e. politics, economy, and literature and small c themes such as celebration of holidays and traveling. However, LTE uses examples concerning American lifestyles to illustrate these themes, whereas ABC combines more different foreign and local cultures in representing culture-related topics. The findings also suggest the diversity and immediacy of English learning magazines on the representation of culture-related topics.
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從小說文本看台灣華語中的語碼轉換現象:社會語用分析 / Code-switching in a Chinese Novel: Sociopragmatic Analysis林龍吟, Lin, Lung Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的分析框架建立在Gumperz (1972,1982) 提出的情境型語碼轉換 (Situational code-switching )、隱喻型語碼轉換(Metaphorical code-switching)、對話對話型語碼轉換(Conversational code-switching),Poplack(1980)提出的句間語碼轉換(Inter-sentential switching)、句內語碼轉換(Intra-sentential switching)、附加語碼轉換(Tag switching),以及Leech(1983)的語篇修辭(Textual Rhetoric)與人際修辭(Interpersonal Rhetoric )的觀念。
在句間語碼轉換(Inter-sentential switching)、句內語碼轉換(Intra-sentential switching)與附加語碼轉換(Tag switching)中,句間語碼轉換占80.0%比例最高,句內語碼轉換居次(占16.0%),可能是因為句間語碼轉換較不像句內語碼轉換,需要較多文法上的技巧問題,所以對人們來說比較容易。附加語碼轉換在文本出現的比例僅占4.3%。
在情境型語碼轉換 (Situational code-switching )、隱喻型語碼轉換(Metaphorical code-switching)與對話型語碼轉換(Conversational code-switching)中,隱喻型語碼轉換高達80.1%;而情境型和對話型語碼轉換總共僅占19.9%,其中情境型語碼轉換占12.1%,對話型語碼轉換占7.8%。在情境型轉碼中,國語轉閩南語占3.2%,國語轉英語占5.7%,閩南語轉國語占2.5%。隱喻型語碼轉換中,以國語轉閩南語占41.8%及閩南語轉國語占23.0%比例最高。
本研究發現文本中轉碼被運用於語篇修辭的比例略高於人際修辭。就語篇修辭而言,分析結果顯示語碼轉換在語篇修辭中計有:訊息有無(添加訊息、詢問)、全面瞭解(解釋、糾正、確認、澄清)、比較、話題轉換(主題、段落)及指涉(具體、替代)等五類11項功能策略。文本中的語碼轉換大部分是為了要對訊息做入碼運作(Processibility Principle),占34.0%,表達原則(Expressivity Principle)占29.2% ,清晰原則(Clarity Principle)占25.9% ,經濟原則(Economy Principle)占10.9%。
語碼轉換在人際修辭社會情境中的使用大多是為社會面向的目的(占人際修辭總語料的87.4%),比場合面向(12.6%)高出非常多,顯示在人際修辭中,轉碼主要的目的是處理人際關係,而不是應付場合條件之所需。在社會面向中,語碼轉換所占的比例多寡順序為:社會標記(41.5%) > 態度(26.7%) > 社會距離的順應調整(19.3%) 。
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品嚐酸甜苦辣的「羅雜」滋味:論雅絲敏電影中的族群關係再現 / A study on the representation of ethnic relationship in Yasmin Ahmad' films.周蔚延, Chew, Hui Yan Unknown Date (has links)
雅絲敏•阿莫(Yasmin Ahmad),是馬來西亞已故的電影及廣告女導演。其電影最大特色是反映出馬來西亞族群與文化多元性,賦予了馬來西亞電影真正的意義,除了受國內各族群觀眾的喜愛,也在許多國際影展上獲得殊榮。
雅絲敏的電影中有許多的情節,是在指涉馬來西亞社會中特定的情境與文化現象,有其獨特意義,極具研究價值。因此,本論文將以作者論態度和文本分析法探究雅絲敏的六部作品,包括《愛到眼茫茫》、《我愛單眼皮》、《花開總有時》、《木星的初戀》、《愛從心開始》和《戀戀茉莉香》,主要在於了解雅絲敏在電影中對於馬來西亞族群關係的再現。文獻方面,將對作者論、文本分析法以及族群相關概念及理論進行梳理與探討。另外,也將整理出雅絲敏六部作品的共通性,以確認雅絲敏的電影風格以及她在馬來西亞電影發展脈絡中所作出的貢獻與代表意義。 / The late Yasmin Ahmad is one of the most outstanding film directors from Malaysia. Yasmin’ films always depict the multiethnic and multicultural society of Malaysia, which not only attracted audiences from different ethnic within the country but also won many awards in the international film festival.
It is important to think and understand the messages Yasmin trying to convey through her films. Therefore by using the auteur theory and textual analysis, this research will study the representation of ethnic relationship in all her six films, Rabun(2003), Sepet(2004), Gubra(2006),
Mukhsin(2007), Muallaf(2008) and Talentime(2009). In order to provide background knowledge regarding the circumstances of Malaysia multiethnic society, this research also involves the theory of pluralism, ethnic identity, ethnic boundary, and stereotypes as part of the literature review. And also, this research will analyses mise-en-scène that was used to appear in Yasmin’ films to prove that Yasmin is truly a film auteur. Lastly, this research will conclude the unique film style which solely belongs to Yasmin and her contribution towards Malaysia film industry.
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以整合觀點分析《鹿鼎記》之管理行為吳一凡, Wu, I-Fan Unknown Date (has links)
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探索性資料分析方法在文本資料中的應用─以「新青年」雜誌為例 / A Study of Exploratory Data Analysis on Text Data ── A Case study based on New Youth Magazine潘艷艷, Pan, Yan Yan Unknown Date (has links)
首先,本文以卷為分析單位,多角度量化《新青年》雜誌各卷的文本結構,包括文本用字、用句、文言和白虛字使用以及常用字詞共用等方面,通過多種圖表相結合的呈現方式,窺探《新青年》雜誌語言變化歷程以及轉變特點。這其中既包括了對文言文到白話文轉變機制的探索,也包括白話語言演化的探索。其次,根據各卷初探的結果,尋找可區隔文言文和白話文兩種語言形式的文本特徵變數,再以《新青年》第一卷和第七卷為訓練樣本,結合主成分和羅吉斯迴歸,對文、白兩種語言形式的文章進行分類訓練,再利用第四卷進行測試。結果證實,所提取的文本變數能夠有效實現對文、白兩種語言形式的文章的區分。此外,本文亦根據前述初探結果以及人文學者經驗,探索《新青年》雜誌後期語言形式的變化,即從五四運動時期的白話文至以「紅色中文」為特徵的白話文(二戰之後中國使用的白話文)的變化。以第七卷和第十一卷為樣本進行訓練,結果證實這兩卷語言形式存在明顯區別;並加入台灣《聯合報》和中國大陸的《人民日報》進行分類預測,發現兩類報刊的語言偏向有明顯差異,值得後續深入研究。 / Tremendous data are produced every day, due to the rapid development of computer technology and economics. Unstructured data, such as text, pictures, videos, etc., account for nearly 80 percent of all data created. Choosing appropriate methods for quantifying and analyzing this kind of data would determine whether or not we can extract useful information. For that, we propose a standard operating process of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and use a case study of language changes in New Youth Magazine as a demonstration.
First, we quantify the texts of New Youth magazine from different perspectives, including the uses of words, sentences, function words, and share of common vocabulary. We aim to detect the evolution of modern language itself as well as changes from traditional Chinese to modern Chinese. Then, according to the results of exploratory data analysis, we treat the first and seventh volumes of New Youth magazine for training data to develop classification model and apply the model to fourth volume (i.e., testing data). The results show that the traditional Chinese and modern Chinese can be successfully classified. Next, we intend to verify the changes from modern Chinese of the May 4th Movement to those by advocating Socialism. We treat the seventh volume and eleventh volume of New Youth magazine as training data and again develop a classification model. Then we apply this model to the United Daily News from Taiwan and People’s Daily from Mainland China. We found these two newspapers are very different and the style of United Daily News is closer to that of seventh volume, while the style of People’s Daily is more like that of eleventh volume. This indicates that the People’s Daily is likely to be influenced by the Soviet Union.
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