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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃貝雯 Unknown Date (has links)
平衡計分卡被財星雜誌列為七十五個最有影響力的管理制度之一,不僅風靡國內外營利組織,國外的政府機構與非營利組織亦廣泛採納。然細究國內公共組織運用平衡計分卡之狀況,多為管理制度的參考,或將四大構面套入既有的績效管理制度,真正融會貫通其精髓概念的推行者尚屬有限。本文透過深度訪談法探討公共組織導入平衡計分卡可能遭遇之障礙。 研究結果顯示,公部門採納平衡計分卡之先決要件為「感到組織需要變革」、「高階領導者支持與承諾」、「了解『為什麼』採納平衡計分卡」、「發展績效的組織文化」、「假如真的需要改變管理制度,BSC也要顯示出不會增加額外工作負擔」。 公共組織導入平衡計分卡受限之因素,分為公部門特性面、人為面與技術面,詳述如下: 一、公部門特性面:「無使命、願景、策略觀」、「政治因素限制決策制 定」、「預算受限於立法審議」、「多元利害相關人」、「績效與激勵制度未加以整合」、「我的工作難以被衡量」、「績效目標值挑戰性不足」。 二、人為面:「缺乏高層領導者支持,使它成為官方的管理工具」、「不了解平衡計分卡」、「不希罕效應」、「官僚式管理」、「需投入的時間與精神過多,擔心增加工作負擔」。 三、技術面:「現制無法執行策略性預算與策略性獎酬」、「難以進行七大要素歸類」、「部分工作與策略難以緊密結合」、「考評過程文書作業繁雜」、「因果連結程度不足」。 關鍵詞:平衡計分卡、績效管理、深度訪談法

從現階段台日國會交流探討台灣的國會外交 / To Explore The Congressional Diplomacy of Taiwan through The Exchanges of Congress between Taiwan and Japan at Current Stage

簡瑞隆, Chien, Jui-Long Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是從現階段台日國會交流,探討台灣的國會外交。由於台灣外交受到中國全方位無理的打壓,國際社會的處境十分艱難。因此在許多無邦交國家,傳統外交工作及駐外單位與外國行政機關的接洽聯繫經常受到限制,然而經由國會交流管道,卻往往可以達到一定的成效。另外就邦交國而言,由於國會代表民意,國會議員間的互訪、交流、聯繫也更能加強雙邊互動。選定日本為研究個案的原因,主要是日本為內閣制國家,國會外交的影響較為直接,且近期台日交流有重大發展,如美日安保諮商「二加二會談」首度納入台海問題、日本支持台灣成為WHA觀察員、台灣觀光客赴日免簽證等;另外,台日雙方國會議員往來密切,且有運作成熟之跨黨派國會聯誼組織,進行有系統的交流,如台日交流聯誼會、日華議員懇談會等。 本研究係採用深度訪談法,選擇的訪談對象為參與外交事務的國會議員、立法院行政人員、外交部官員、日本國會議員,以及國際關係學者。經由訪談分析,所獲致的研究成果有:一、了解台灣目前國會外交現況、困境以及未來可能的發展策略。二、評估國會外交的功能,並探討其運作方式對台灣外交與其他方面之影響。三、借重台日國會交流經驗,提供政府國會外交政策建議,藉以協助台灣突破目前所面臨的外交困境。 / It is mainly to explore the implications of congressional diplomacy of Taiwan in this study, by reviewing the exchanges of the Congress between Taiwan and Japan at current stage. Undoubtedly, China is doing its best to keep Taiwan out of the diplomatic arena at all levels in the world, so as to worsen the situation of national identity of Taiwan in the international community. Under such circumstances, the restrictions are constantly imposed upon the routine works and contacts for the Taiwan Representative Offices abroad with government authorities or agencies in the undiplomatic countries. As for the congress represents the general public will in the democratic countries, it is surely helpful for the interactions of bilateral relations among congressmen of Taiwan and other countries through visits, exchanges and contacts. Furthermore, it is achieved in the goal of the promotion on the substantial relations with other countries. Japan is a cabinet-oriented country, its members of the Cabinet come from the Congress. It therefore produces direct influence on diplomacy of congress. Besides, there are some enormous breakthroughs on the exchanges between Taiwan and Japan at current stage, such as: the Taiwan issue has been put on the agenda of ”2 plus 2” US-Japan security consultation meeting for the first time, Japan supports Taiwan as an observer in the WHA, free visa entry treatment for Taiwanese tourists, and so on. Based on this, it is primary to take the exchanges of the Congresses between Taiwan and Japan as the subject of this study. Moreover, there are maturely operating and multiparty members’ amity groups conducted in both country’s congress, which are keeping close contacts, such as Taiwan-Japan Exchanges Amity Group, Sino-Japanese Diet Members Conference. It is going to be reviewed on this part in the study. The method of in-depth interview will be exercising in the research. The selected interviewees are ranging from those legislators who are actively participating in foreign affairs, senior administrators of the Legislative Yuan, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japanese Congressmen and heavy-weighted scholars who are familiar with international relations. Through the analysis of interviews, it will be expected to produce some outcomes in this study, such as following: 1. To realize the situation, hardship and future possible development strategy of the congressional diplomacy of Taiwan at current stage. 2. To evaluate the achievement of the congressional diplomacy of Taiwan, and to explore what influence its operation will be on Taiwan’s diplomacy and other aspects. 3. To advise the Government about the feasible policy of the congressional diplomacy and assist in breaking through hardship of Taiwan’s diplomacy right at the moment by borrowing the experiences of the exchanges of the Congress between Taiwan and Japan.

當記憶作為一種新聞文本-以新聞雜誌節目『福爾摩沙事件簿』為例 / Transforming memories into media textures-- a case study of news magazine program "Formosa Note"

林欣穎, Lin, Hsin Ying Unknown Date (has links)

失落的因應歷程之探討--以青少年時期父(母)親過世的成人為例 / The study on loss coping process of adults when they were adolescent following parental death

黃淑清, Huang, Shu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討於青少年時期曾經驗父(母)親過世的成人,面對其父(母)親過世的失落事件個人之因應方式,以及失落事件對個人造成的影響和意義是什麼? 研究採現象學取向的深度訪談方式為研究方法,邀請五位成年人,進行回溯性資料蒐集,並以中心主題及個人描敘文加以分析資料。主要的研究發現如下: 一、失落事件與自我之間存在一個互為背景與圖像的關係。以此一觀點引申,發現失落具有四個內涵:失落感覺的產生來自情境的引發、失落是經驗主體的主動感知、失落是循環不止的質變過程、失落其實是部份自我的失落。 二、失落事件的發生對個人最主要的影響在於,經驗失落的主體之自我概念的改變。其中改變的向度包括自我認同、家庭動力、人際互動及生命觀等四個層面。 三、成功的因應失落來自於經驗主體其自我概念的成功重建。 四、失落的意義在於,個人因與過世父(母)親的關係的中斷,促使經驗失落的主體得以發展新的眼光來看待過去關係中的「自我」。 五、以時間序列的縱觀角度探討失落的因應歷程時,發現個人因應失落的歷程有極高的個殊性,無法歸納出相同的步驟、階段。但在失落感受發生的片刻之間,發現個人在面對其失落感受及現實生活挑戰時,具有極為相似的心理歷程。 最後依據以上的研究發現,提出有關對諮商人員、父母及教育工作者及對未來研究的建議。 / The purpose of this study was to understand coping process, the influence, and the meaning of adults when they were adolescent following parental death. Five interviewees participated this study. Phenomenological deep interview was adopted to collect data. Central themes and essential descriptions were chosen to analyze. The main finding were as follow: 1. The relationship of loss and self was just like figure and ground. There were four implications from this concept such as: 1) loss was induced by the environment 2)loss was an active feeling 3)the meaning of loss was changeable.4) loss came from part of self loss. 2. Facing the event of loss, the most critical influence towards interviewees was the change to his/hers self-concept. Changed aspects included self-indentity, family dynamics, interpersonal dynamics, and vision to life. 3. Successful coping skills mean the self-concept had been successfully reconstructed. 4. The meaning of loss was what could get a new self-concept ideal by the interrupted parental relationship. 5. There were no typical loss coping process among these interviewees. But when loss appears in daily life, there was a similar psychological process. The discussion and suggestion about the develoment of loss counseling were raised at the end the article.

學術理論與實務觀點的對話─傳統紡織企業的經營績效與公司治理問題探討 / The Dialogues between Academic and Practice -- Business Performance and Corporate Governance from Traditional Textile Industry

李淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本文從學術理論的研究觀點出發,利用大量的量化資料與質化資料對個案公司進行競爭力分析,同時提出(1)學術理論與實務觀點的差異問題,以及(2)對個案公司的針砭與建言。 量化資料使用個案公司的經營績效與公司治理等財務與非財務相關的次級資料,藉由傳統學術理論發展的指標與財務報表分析方法(同時包含時間序列的縱斷面分析與同紡織業公司間的橫斷面分析),提出個案公司可能存在的優勢、缺失與風險並做成訪談內容,進一步採用質化研究中的個案研究方法與深度訪談法,取得本研究之訪談初級資料。最後對訪談的初級資料進行質化分析,以了解學術觀點所提出的問題對實務界是否具有管理意涵與適用性,並且對個案公司提出可能的缺失與改善的建言。預期研究的成果可給予實務界與主管機關進一步思考紡織與傳統產業可能面臨的問題,以及給予學術界了解傳統學術與實務觀點落差的問題。

入口網站服務品質提昇之研究--以休閒農業服務網為例 / Electronic service quality improvement-- the case of ezgo web portal

洪凡嵐, Hung, Fanlan Unknown Date (has links)
行政院農委會為了提昇網站服務品質,委託台灣農業資訊科技發展協會將「休閒農業服務網」入口網站與所屬的二十個家族網站進行相關整合計畫,同時以2007年12月研考會公布的「政府服務品質獎評獎作業手冊」為參考依據,希望透過「休閒農業服務網」入口網站改善來提昇網站的服務品質,整合各相關業務機關的資訊,提供民眾完善的資訊服務平台,為農村旅遊配套措施加值,並促進農村經濟活絡與提昇生活品質之終極目標。 本研究首先依據評獎的計分方式,以內部效益、外部效益、整合性的解決手法與資通訊(ICT)服務導入等四大項評分標準,協助建置客觀且可衡量的構面與指標。然後利用深度訪談、專家訪談的專業建議、焦點團體訪談(FGI)等方式來瞭解使用者真正的需求與題項,並修正前項構面與指標。並採用層級分析法(AHP)來計算服務品質構面的題項,最後以網路問卷與問卷調查的方式進行滿意度分析,進而產生初步KPI。 同時,透過初步KPI進行實際的網站功能改善,分析民眾對網站服務品質的滿意度是否提升,提出具體可行、較大幅度的修正建議,以趕上目前科技網路的進步。希望透過此次研究,能更深入了解非營利入口網站的實務機制與流程,日後可依不同網站需求做調整,推展到其他非營利的網站。 本研究的網站服務品質提升的計畫經過嚴謹的調查,確實執行所有階段活動,並實體進行網站服務品質的功能改善,經過改善前後的兩次問卷調查結果對照,來評估網站功能改善的效益。研究結果依據評獎計分方式,在總得分1000分中獲得989分。整體而言,本次計畫確實有達到服務品質提升的目的。網站內容技術的發展以及網站應用普及,已促使政府機關或民眾,在觀念上及對網站內容的預期上,都遠高於以往。近年,整體大環境加上政府資訊網路的大幅發展,也促使我們需要認真思考,非營利網站與休閒農業相關的政府網站能加強改進,以滿足網路使用者的需求。 / The Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan authorized the Taiwan Agriculture Information Technology Association—the management team of the EZGO website—to integrate COA’s twenty sub-websites into a “EZGO” portal website. Referring to the service benchmarks of the annual “Executive Yuan Service Quality Award“, which the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan presented on December, 2007, EZGO hopes to improve the COA’s web service quality with integrated information from related government agencies. Furthermore, with this portal, EZGO aims to promote agri-tourism, to expedite the economic revival of farm and fishing villages, and to improve the living quality of rural communities. The objective of this research is to provide EZGO with measurable and objective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)to evaluate EZGO’s portal. First, measurable evaluate on criteria, which are based on the Government Service Quality Award’s benchmarks, were established. Second, some literatures review, in-depth interviews, expert interviews and a focus group interview to investigate the current situation of the web portal and its sub-websites and to determine the real needs of primary users were conducted. These results were adapted to previous criteria. Third, utilize the analytic hierarchy process method was utilized to calculate the weight of criteria and convert them into performance indicators. Finally, online questionnaire surveys and face-to-face interviews were conducted to turn those indicators into preliminary KPIs. Furthermore, EZGO used those preliminary KPIs to improve their website service quality, analyze users’ feedback to website and even suggest web redesign, in alignment with contemporary Internet user behavior trends. This research intends to establish fair, measurable and adjustable KPIs to evaluate non-profit portals and other similar websites. The research demonstrates a website service improvement process that combines rigorous investigation and thorough execution. The research actually did interpret and apply research findings to the EZGO portal website services and compared the before and after KPIs to evaluate improvements to the EZGO portal.

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