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Coping with colorectal cancer and the creation of a colostomy in the Thai contextRattanajarana, Sahattaya, n/a January 2005 (has links)
The number of patients who suffer from colorectal cancer in Thailand has increased
during the last three decades as a result of the change to a Westem-style diet. Due to
many patients presenting at a late stage and the location of tumours in the rectum,
patients have a higher probability of needing a colostomy. This study explores the
experiences, coping strategies and the factors that influence coping strategies over a sixmonth
period in a group of Thai colorectal cancer patients who have a colostomy.
The conceptual framework used in this study was based on the Moos and Schaefer
conceptual model of the stress and coping process. A case study methodology was
employed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from eleven participants at
three points in time: within one month after the operation to create a colostomy, three
months and six months after the operation. Data were collected from structured
interviews, which followed the Coping Responses Inventory (CRI), the Ostomy
Adjustment Scale (OAS), the Personal Resources Questionnaire 2000 (PRQ 2000), the
Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), and the Functional Assessment Cancer Therapy-
Colon (FACT-C). These data provided information on the participants' levels of coping
strategies, adjustment to a colostomy, social support, optimism and quality of life. Indepth
interviews with open-ended questions provided a deeper understanding of the
participants' experiences in relation to their colostomy.
Findings from quantitative data showed statistically significant changes in the
participants' quality of life over time, particularly in their physical and functional wellbeing.
An examination of the coping focus used (approach and avoidance) indicated that
participants utilised both approach and avoidance coping at the same time, although
approach coping was more common. Changes in the most frequently and the least
frequently used coping subtypes at six months after the operation were observed.
Correlation tests showed various relationships between the levels of quality of life
domains and coping subtypes as time passed. Multidimensional scaling procedures
uncovered a consistent pattern of coping which involved 'problem solving' and 'seeking
guidance and support'. Six major qualitative themes emerged through content analysis of
the in-depth interview data. The themes described how participants' psychological and
emotional concerns changed over time; the steady improvements in physical health after
the operation; the difficulties of adjusting to life with a stoma; facing up to the reality of
the new circumstances; the spiritual aspects of their lives; and the level of social support
experienced. Religious beliefs such as the 'Law of Kanna', as well as a variety of
religious rituals and other practices such as Buddhist chanting and "making merit" played
important roles in coping. The findings from the quantitative and qualitative data were
used in a complementary and confirmatory manner to provide a richer understanding of
the participants' experiences as they coped with this life changing event.
The findings of the study are significant as they provide important indicators for
improvements in nursing service, particularly the development of nursing procedures to
enhance the psychological aspects of care. In addition, they offer important indicators for
improvement of the nursing curriculum and directions for further research in Thai culture
and the health care system.
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Individuella upplevelser av sexuallivet efter en förvärvad hjärnskada-en intervjustudieEk, Ann-Sofie January 2010 (has links)
Det finns tidigare studier som visat att sexuallivet påverkats efter förvärvade hjärnskador. I denna studie avsågs att lyfta personernas individuella perspektiv. Intervjustudien omfattar nio personer som förvärvat en hjärnskada för mer än ett år sedan, och som deltagit i hjärnskaderehabilitering vid Skånes universitetssjukhus. Åldern på deltagarna varierade mellan 25 och 64 år, och ålder vid skadetillfälle eller insjuknande var 16-55 år. Frågeställningar i uppsatsen var huruvida personerna i studien upplevt förändringar i sexuallivet efter att ha förvärvat en hjärnskada, och hur personerna hanterat detta, samt om det förekom skillnader i mäns och kvinnors upplevelse. I resultatet framkom att förändringar skett inom flera områden relaterade till sexualitet. Tydligast var förändringar som påverkats av trötthet, förändringar i erektion, lubrikation samt orgasmförmåga. Förändringarna påverkade även sexualiteten på det interpersonella planet. Dessa förändringar tolkades och hanterades olika av deltagarna. I analysen har scriptteorin använts, samt resonemang om copingprocesser. Slutsatsen är att sexualitet är en viktig del i rehabiliteringsprocessen, och att program som omfattar detta bör utvecklas / Sexuality is a central part of life among people in general. What happens to sexuality when a person suddenly acquires a brain injury as a result of severe illness or an accident? The focus at primary rehabilitation concerns more obvious functions which are aimed to make the person more independent in daily life. Questions about the personal experience of how the brain injury has affected identity as a male or female, and questions about sexuality can therefore be neglected. A review of earlier studies shows that sexuality is affected among persons who have acquired a brain injury. Sexuality can be seen as constructed both on intra psychic and interpersonal level, and script theory can be used to analyze changes in experiences of sexuality. AIMS: The aim of the current study was to illuminate the personal perspective of sexual changes among persons who had acquired a brain injury. Has the brain injury resulted in changes of the experienced sexual life, and if so how did the person manage these? Methods: In the current study nine people, both women and men were interviewed. The participants aged between 25 and 64 years had acquired a brain injury at the age between 16 and 55. All participants had acquired the brain injury for more than one year ago, and all had participated in a rehabilitation program at Skåne University Hospital. Results: Changes in sexuality was seen in relation to common consequences of brain injury such as fatigue and difficulties concerning concentration. Changes also appeared in relation to the ability to achieve erection, lubrication and orgasm (the intrapsychic level). There were also changes at the interpersonal level for example role changes in the relationship. All changes were managed in different ways by the participants including different coping strategies. Not all coping strategies were efficient for the person.Conclusions: Sexuality can be seen as a vital part of the rehabilitation process and therefore rehabilitation programs including sexuality should be developed. Partners’ perspective should also be considered.
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失落的因應歷程之探討--以青少年時期父(母)親過世的成人為例 / The study on loss coping process of adults when they were adolescent following parental death黃淑清, Huang, Shu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
最後依據以上的研究發現,提出有關對諮商人員、父母及教育工作者及對未來研究的建議。 / The purpose of this study was to understand coping process, the influence, and the meaning of adults when they were adolescent following parental death.
Five interviewees participated this study. Phenomenological deep interview was adopted to collect data. Central themes and essential descriptions were chosen to analyze. The main finding were as follow:
1. The relationship of loss and self was just like figure and ground. There were four implications from this concept such as: 1) loss was induced by the environment 2)loss was an active feeling 3)the meaning of loss was changeable.4) loss came from part of self loss.
2. Facing the event of loss, the most critical influence towards interviewees was the change to his/hers self-concept. Changed aspects included self-indentity, family dynamics, interpersonal dynamics, and vision to life.
3. Successful coping skills mean the self-concept had been successfully reconstructed.
4. The meaning of loss was what could get a new self-concept ideal by the interrupted parental relationship.
5. There were no typical loss coping process among these interviewees. But when loss appears in daily life, there was a similar psychological process.
The discussion and suggestion about the develoment of loss counseling were raised at the end the article.
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Religiositet och coping : religionspsykologiska studier av kristna med cancerLundmark, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates the interdependence of religiosity and a life situation changed by cancer, focusing especially on the coping process. This implies analyses of a number of identified expressions of religiosity regarding prerequisites and functions in the coping process. In order to synthesize the results from the studies, the aim has been operationalized into three comprehensive research questions that were posed to each of the empirical studies of the thesis: 1) What are the functions of the analysed expressions of religiosity during the coping process? 2) What prerequisites for the influence of religiosity on the coping process can be identified? 3) How is religiosity influenced by a life situation changed by cancer? The empirical studies are presented in four separate articles. Each of the studies has its own specific research questions that are related to the comprehensive research questions. The method was qualitative and explorative. The research material was gathered with qualitative interviews of 20 Swedish informants of varying gender, age, congregational affiliation and diagnosis. The informants defined themselves as Christians and practised their Christian faith and had or had had a cancer disease. There is longitudinal data from half of the group. The theoretical framework was based on the coping theories developed by Kenneth Pargament and Ruard Ganzevoort and complemented by, among other things, the object-relations theoretical concept of transitional objects. The results show that most of the analysed expressions of religiosity function as a preserving coping method but some of them also function as a reconstructing coping method. In some cases, the expressions of religiosity also function as methods of attributing control, either to God or to the individual. Two main groups of prerequisites for the expressions of religiosity were identified in conjunction with the coping process: contextual and psychological. The former could in turn be divided into religious and medical contexts; the latter into several different kinds, such as perceptual psychological factors, the need to create and use transitional objects, locus of control, and personality traits. Reconstructing coping methods imply varying degrees of changes in the informants’ religiosity, both regarding the analysed expression of religiosity and other expressions of religiosity. In addition to gaining insights into the interdependence of religion and coping for Christians living with cancer, the study contributes to the development of the psychology of religion coping theory by adding to the theory: 1) suggested specifications to the current concepts of Pargament’s coping theory; 2) the concept coping tool; 3) the distinction between functional and relational regarding the concepts of coping mechanism and coping method; 4) the coping mechanism attributing, and 5) the distinction between unilateral and bilateral deferring coping styles. The results indicate that the coping process can include a creative element in the form of a search for, or creation of, functional coping methods and/or coping tools which enhance the functionality of the coping process.
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