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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣生育政策之研究 / The Study of Fertility Policy in Taiwan

易雅如, Yi, Ya Ju Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文的目的在理論的探討及生育政策的轉變的基礎之下,了解文化、社會、經濟和生育之間的關係、台灣政府在生育方面的政策所扮演的角色及這些政策對台灣人口所造成的影響。由法國、德國、英國、美國及日本的經驗,我們可以知道生育政策在人口變遷扮演了一個非重要的角色,而這些成功或失敗的政策可成為政府將來制定相關政策時的參考。 / The purpose of this master thesis “The Study of Fertility Policy in Taiwan” is to examine the relation between culture, society, economy and fertility based upon theories and to introduce the transition of fertility policy, the role of the Taiwan government in influencing and regulating childbearing and assess the demographic impacts of population. Based on the experience of France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States and Japan, fertility policies play an important role in demographic transition and may provide a window into Taiwan’s future development. This study finds that low fertility is a widespread phenomenon in Taiwan and is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Government policies, as in the cases of France and The United States, are effective in combating low fertility. France is a pioneer in providing financial rewards and services to families and children while minorities and immigration have contributed to increased fertility rates in United States. Without national subsidies and affordable childcare, Taiwan’s fertility policies have failed to maintain a replacement rate since 1983. Judging from policies and practices in advanced countries, Taiwan’s governments should foster a supportive working environment for women and families when they are having or raising children. Specifically, whether Taiwan’s birth rate can be pushed up will depend on measures that offer flexible work schedules, better subsidies for maternity leave, and affordable, high-quality day-care services for career women. Meanwhile, the government should also modulate the education system and redistribute education resources, re-evaluate the relationship between population and sustainable development, better utilize the ageing labor force and strengthen lifelong-learning for older workers.

蠟燭兩頭燒?-台灣不同世代女性的生命圖像 / Burn the candle at both ends- women's life image in different generations in Taiwan.

羅舜元 Unknown Date (has links)
過去半世紀的台灣,隨著經濟的快速發展與社會變遷,使得人們的生活條件與行為隨之改變。於此同時,社會價值觀與經濟條件的差異,也使得台灣女性的社會地位與人力資本逐漸提升、在社會中所被賦予的社會期待與責任也與五十年前不同。台灣女性在社會中的角色已經從鑲嵌在家庭的「照顧者」之中脫離,然而,在這個過程當中,卻形成女性必須兼顧家庭與工作的責任,而產生「蠟燭兩頭燒」的現象。有鑑於此,本文藉由整理並討論過去台灣社會當中,女性在家庭照護與勞動參與之間的變化,以了解「蠟燭兩頭燒」此一情形是如何體現在台灣女性的生活之中。   本文以「人力資源調查資料庫附帶之婦女婚育與就業調查」作為基礎,整理1950至1974出生年次的台灣女性,其生、養育行為及勞動參與資料,分析不同出生世代的女性在教育、家庭與工作等行為之間的差異,以及已婚婦女是否因為工作身分及生、養育狀態的不同,而形成不同的「蠟燭兩頭燒」程度。結果發現:「蠟燭兩頭燒」的現象,來自於女性意識抬頭後,台灣女性希望能在職場上有所成就,卻仍被傳統的社會價值觀所束縛,造成已婚婦女在家庭與工作兩邊都不討好。雖然孩子的照顧壓力能由家屬協助分擔,然而,職業婦女的小孩若交由保母照顧,卻可能由於對外人的信任度不足,使得母親的負擔不減反增,最終形成近年來,台灣晚近出生世代女性「不婚」、「不育」的現況。   因此,政府若欲尋求生育議題的解決之道,建議從延長父母親留職停薪(育嬰假)時間,或是擴大托育補助對象至實際協助照顧孩子的家屬,才能真正減少台灣已婚婦女「蠟燭兩頭燒」情形發生。

臺灣生育政策之研究-以雙北市家庭為例 / The birth policy in Taiwan: a study based on families in the Taipei metropolitan area

曾怡華, Tseng, Yi Hua Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於台灣生育率逐年降低,民國92年臺灣婦女總生育率僅1.23,正式邁向「超低生育率」(lowest-low)地區,為因應少子化危機,中央政府自民國93年著手研擬人口政策白皮書,而各縣市政府為催生獎勵,亦陸續於民國90年代之前開辦生育補助或津貼等獎勵金方案,其中嘉義縣及苗栗縣開辦最早(民國87年)、新竹市次之(民國88年)。因現行第3胎新生兒人數已不到新生兒總數一成,政府若繼續推行舊有的第3胎鼓勵生育政策,實已無太大具體效益。本研究希望了解台灣家庭生育率偏低情況,建議將鼓勵生育政策的胎次別下修至第2胎或以下,假定生育一胎子女是多數父母會做的事,在公共財政資源有限的情況下,政府可針對第2胎及以上胎次進行獎勵,以較低的成本及較有效率的途徑,達到提升生育率的目的。 因此,本研究將以第一胎家庭為研究目標,試圖了解影響繼續生育第2胎意願之相關因素,並採用民國99年行政院主計總處「婦女婚育與就業狀況調查」為資料來源,研究對象為雙北市(台北市及新北市)家庭生育1子或1女的一胎家庭,有效樣本數368人。民國99年適逢五都升格之直轄市市長暨市議員選舉,五都直轄市政府(台北市、新北市、台中市、台南市、高雄市)陸續於民國99年至101年推出各式生育補助政策,其中政策最完整並備有配套方案者,屬台北市於民國99年5月7日推出之「助妳好孕」專案最為完善。本研究將以行政院主計處「婦女婚育與就業調查」問卷為研究工具,輔以台北市及新北市政府等生育補助政策,就台灣現行鼓勵生育政策進行討論與建議。 研究結果發現,育齡婦女的理想子女數仍呈現以2個小孩恰恰好為趨勢,第1胎家庭之已婚有偶婦女並非不想生育,而是晚婚及年齡推遲等因素影響第2胎生育意願,其理想子女數與實際生育數存有落差,至於教育程度、妻子就業與否、家庭月收入及丈夫月收入等變數則與生育意願無顯著相關性;另外初婚年齡、第1胎子女性別經卡方檢定結果亦與生育意願無顯著相關性。若以政策面來說,台北市與新北市自民國100年每胎2萬元生育獎勵金發放起,新生兒人口數開始大幅攀升,台北市成長率34.56%,新北市24.84%,與全台出生總人口數增加19.14%相比,雙北市的出生率有偏高情況,其中台北市增幅較新北市偏高之原因,經推測可能與台北市政府助妳好孕政策中「每位兒童每月可領2,500元育兒津貼,領至5歲」方案有關,可能促使新生兒父母較有意願將戶口遷入台北市。 因婚育年齡逐年遞延,台灣婦女總生育率偏低將造成人力短缺、生產力下降、人口老化等負面影響,因此研究者希望政府可推動較積極的鼓勵生育政策,讓台灣生育率儘快提升至人口替代水準之上,建議政策包括適度提供人工生殖補助及配套方案、規劃不同胎次別的獎勵政策、同等重視育嬰留職停薪政策與托育政策。

世代和年代生育率、死亡率模型的比較 / Comparing fertility and mortality models in the view of cohort and period

李心維, Lee, Sin Wei Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣婦女生育率下降快速,近年來屢創新低,堪稱全球生育率最低的國家,總生育率自民國89年1.68、降為民國98年1.03,民國99年甚至降至0.90以下,提升生育率成為政府施政的重要課題。因為資料限制,生育率大多以總生育率(Total Fertility Rate)表示,而非較能反映婦女一生生育總數的世代完成生育率(Completed Cohort Fertility Rate)。這兩者間存有不少差異,以生育率下降的臺灣為例,總生育率會因生育時機遞延而低估世代生育率,以總生育率詮釋生育率可能有瑕疵。有鑒於此,本文以比較「世代」及「年代」兩者的差異,以生育率及死亡率為研究對象,探討較適宜描述臺灣特性的模型。 由於世代生育率會有資料不足的問題,本文使用外推法(Extrapolation)補足年齡較高(如35歲以上)的婦女生育率,並以四種模型估計年代生育率與世代生育率,包括Gamma模型、Gompertz模型、主成份分析(Principle Component Analysis)與單一年齡組個別估計法,希望找出適合預測臺灣世代完成生育率的模型。除了台灣資料,也用日本、法國與美國的世代生育率資料,比較各國世代生育率模型的異同。另外,本文也以世代及年代兩種觀點,類似生育率的探討方式,比較常用死亡率模型的優劣。 不論是生育率或是死亡率資料,配適模型結果皆以世代資料可得到較好的估計結果,生育率以單一年齡組個別估計法為最佳的模型,死亡率則以Gamma模型、主成份分析、單一年齡組個別估計法為較佳的模型。 / Taiwan’s fertility rates have been declining radically in recent years, much faster than most countries in the world. For example, the total fertility rate (TFR) is 1.68 in 2000, 1.03 in 2009, and even reduces to 0.90 in 2010. Therefore, one of the top priorities for Taiwan government policies is to enhance the willingness of having children. Due to the data availability, the TFR is used more often, although the completed cohort fertility rate (CFR) is a more reasonable measurement. However, previous studies showed that the TFR is likely to be influenced by the deferring (i.e., tempo effect) of childbearing and produces misleading results. In order to measure the effect of deferring childbearing, this study focuses on exploring the difference of measures in the view of cohort and period (especially the CFR vs. TFR) and evaluates which fertility and mortality model is more appropriate for Taiwan. Because there are fewer complete cohort fertility data, we use extrapolation to make up the higher age-group fertility data (such as aged 35 and above). We consider four fertility models in this study, including Gamma model, Gompertz model, principal component analysis, and individual group estimation. We use the data from Taiwan, Japan, France and United State data to evaluate these fertility models. The results indicate that the parametric models (Gamma and Gompertz) have the worst performance, probably due to the rapid change of fertility behaviors. In addition, similar to evaluating the fertility models, we compare the performance of frequently used mortality models using the cohort and period mortality data. The result shows that using cohort data to estimate fertility and mortality is better than period data. Also individual group estimation is the best model to fit fertility; the better models to fit mortality are Gamma model, principle component analysis and individual group estimation.


邱惟俊 Unknown Date (has links)
人口政策是政府的重要政策之一,而總人口數則是政府制定政治、經濟、社會及文化發展計畫之主要參考依據,因此如何準確地預測未來的總人口數就成為政府相關部門重要的課題。 本論文試圖為台灣地區總人口數建立時間數列預測模式。我們考慮下列模式:單變量自我迴歸整合移動平均介入模式、時間數列迴歸模式、轉換函數介入模式與指數平滑法,其中轉換函數介入模式中所考慮的投入變數包括育齡婦女總生育率、粗出生率及粗死亡率。我們同時以平均絕對百分誤差 (MAPE) 、根均方百分誤差 (RMSPE) 來評估各模式的預測能力,結果顯示以育齡婦女總生育率為投入變數的轉換函數介入模式最佳,而以粗出生率為投入變數的轉換函數介入模式次之,若以這兩個模式進行未來十年總人口數之預測,並與行政院經建會人力規劃處所作的人口預測中推計值比較,其平均絕對百分誤差分別為0.138%,0.156%,顯示時間數列預測模式有相當佳的預測能力。 / In this thesis, we plan to construct various time series models for the total population in Taiwan. The following time series models are considered: ARIMA intervention model, time series regression model, transfers founction intervention model and exponential smoothing method. The input variable considered in the transfer function intervention model include total fertility rate, crude birth rate and crude death rate. We also compare the prediction performance of these models by using mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and root mean square percentage error (RNSPE). It turns out that the transfer function intervention model with total fertility rate as input is the best model. While the transfer function intervention model with crude birth rate as input ranks the second best. Finally we forecast the total population of the next ten years by using the above two best models and compare with the middle population projection by Manpower Planning Department in Executive YUAN-Council for Economic Planning and Development. The mean absolute percentage error are 0.138% and 0.165% respectively. This result justifies that the time series model has excellent predictive ability and should be considered for total population prediction.

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