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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


鄭雅丰 Unknown Date (has links)
高齡社會下,是否能夠準備足夠的退休金是每個人都很關心的重要議題。本研究探討反向房屋抵押貸款(Reverse Mortgages)在提升老年經濟安全準備之應用。以美英澳三國之反向房屋抵押貸款商品之形式為基礎,分析發行機構與消費者之風險,建立反向房屋抵押貸款之基本定價模型,模擬保險人和發行機構之損失分佈並作敏感度分析,最後提出反向房屋抵押貸款在提升老年經濟安全準備議題上之應用策略,期望本研究結果可為台灣高齡社會之經濟問題提供新的思考方向。


黃士玲, HUANG,SHI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
隨著醫療技術的精進,人類平均壽命增長,與出生率不斷降低之雙重因素下,人口結 構漸趨老化,老年人口逐漸增加。而老年人的被迫退出勞動市場,失去所得來源與個 人儲蓄不敷支應生活下,更使得貧窮成為老年普偏存在現象,在老年貧窮與老年人口 激增之情況下,老年經濟安定成為社會一大問題。歐美各國針對老年經濟問題,早有 以老年年金制度保障老年經經濟安全,但近來在不斷提升保障與人口結構變化下,老 年年金支出成為財政一大負擔,各國老年年金支出額占國內生產毛額比重不斷升高, 社會資源大量聚集于此,形成財政上毒瘤,各國紛紛采取對策,以降低年金支出額。 我國在老年經濟對策上,向來缺乏妥善規劃之整體性措施,勞工保險與公務人員保險 之老年給付項,根本不足以保障老年生活。我國人口結構趨勢雖不若歐美各國嚴重, 但逐漸步入老化之國,卻是不容置疑之事實,如何在老年經濟未釀成嚴重社會問題前 ,妥謀整體規劃之解決方式,實為政府當局刻不容緩之務。 本文研究之目的,旨在提供一適合我國經濟、社會情勢之老年經濟對策的健全財務。 第二章主在探討老年危險與老年保險之特性、起源、目的,與老年保險對經濟之影響 及其型態,藉以充分了解老年保險性質。第三章則探討老年保險之財源籌措,包括財 務來源、籌措方式與給付結構,以為我國老年保險制度尋求一最適方式之參考。第四 章以保險費率之訂定為主要探討內容,研究一制度之健全,究需若干財源支應。此外 并以我國勞工保險與公務人員保險兩大系統為例,預估其成本率。第五章主要針對我 國現行勞工保險與公務人員保險現況之缺失,提出改進之建議。第六章為結論與建議 ,祁政府及早謀求妥善措施,落實社會福利制度,消弭貧富差距,以增進全民福祉。

我國退休金制度與老人經濟安全保障之探討 / Study of the pension system and old-age economic security in Taiwan

王季云, Wang , Ji-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本文分析現在的退休金制度和老年經濟安全保障的情形,同時討論家庭所得來源的趨勢,並推估未來退休後所需的費用。最後提供予個人儘早為自己做一些規劃與準備的建議。老年經濟安全保障在台灣地區因為各項因素的影響,顯得十分不足,經由收集資料並分析比較後,以15~64歲的人口來看老年經濟安全三層的保障情況,其中佔4%的軍公教人員有較完整的退休保障制度;佔50%的勞工人口,在第一層的保障中,於2000年平均勞保老年給付每人658,273元。又因為制度未臻完善,第二層之保障只有1~2%的人可以領到退休金。此外,佔有7%的農民在年滿65歲之後,只有不完整的第一層保障,即每月3,000元的老農津貼可領。其他39%的人是未參加公保、勞保或農保等任一項社會保險的。也就是有95%的人是需要儘早規劃退休後的經濟準備。面對大環境中的財政赤字及個人平均壽命的增長,子女親朋經濟支援的減少等等因素,更顯得及早規劃老年經濟安全的迫切性。 關鍵詞:老年經濟安全保障、退休金、國民年金、生活費用推估、所得替代率 / This study focused on investigation and evaluation of the pension system and economic security program in Taiwan. For indviduals, the trend on home income and the required expense for the future retirement were discussed and estimated. Becaurs of several factors, the program of old-age economic security in Taiwan area seems not sound. For this topic, the work force, between 15 and 64 ears old, are taken into account, There are three tiers for the program of old-age economic security, which anr social security and benefit, pension, and individual saving. One of hte finding was that public officials, about four percent of the work force, benefit much more form the pension system and old-age economic security program. The labores, about 50 percent of the work force, have the everage amount NT$658,273 for the 1<sup>st</sup>-tier social security and benefit in 2000. Due to the unsound system and the qualiication problem, less than two percent of the laborers can obtain the 2<sup>nd</sup>-tier pension. Beside, farmers, about seven percent of the work force, can obtain the 1<sup>st</sup>-tier social security and benefit until they are 65 years old or more. Those qualified farmers can obtain NT$3,000 each month. Other individuals are not enrolled in any social insurance and pension program. The public welfare system can hardly cover the economic needs for the aged individuals. Therefore, 95 percent of the work force should plan their own retirement welfare programs in advance to secure thir economic safety. Key words: Old-age Economic Security, Pension, Citizen Beneficiary, Living Expensee Estimate, income replacement rate

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