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音樂聆聽經驗的意義建構歷程:以十二位大學生聽、說歌曲〈菊花夜行軍〉為例許馨文, Hsu, Hsin-wen Unknown Date (has links)
簡言之,「音樂聆聽經驗的意義建構」就像是「究竟」與「認識」的歷程,在此之中,聆聽意義在辨證與給出的過程中與原初的「渾沌情緒」逐漸脫鈎。然而,儘管「音樂聆聽經驗的意義建構」不能充分表達聆聽者當下的體會,但這不表示聆聽者所敘說、分享的故事與感覺不夠「原真」而沒有價值;相反地,聆聽者以自身的意識與生命經驗與文本彼此呼應,從而給作品多采多姿的意義,不但豐富了音樂的價值,更讓聆聽者藉此了解到作品與自身的關係,並且從意義的映照當中,看見自己某個當下的處境、價值與慾求。 / The purpose of this thesis is to explore people’s listening experience, and to establish an interpretative grounded theory about the process of personal musical meaning construction, which is usually thought to be trivial.
Several research questions are to be answered under the research purpose above: First, how do listeners interact with a piece of music and locate certain personal meanings in minds for the originally non-semantic acoustic sounds? Second, in which ways are these personal meanings given by oral narrations? Third, what’s the crucial factor affecting listeners’ idea about their feelings? How does the factor influence the process of meaning construction?
To answer these questions, the researcher interviewed 12 college students, asking them to talk about their personal views toward one musical text: Labor Exchange Band’s song titled “The Night March of the Chrysanthemums” before and after reading the lyrics.
The collective narratives indicate that interviewees felt an ineffable “chaos” state, in which they tried to position their consciousness, once embraced in the sonorous envelop of the musical text. To understand what and why some feelings were aroused in their mind, interviewees searched for the “pre-understanding” themselves, and then the “pre-possession” and the “pre-grasp” in their personal life experience let them make sense of certain “musical attributes” in the musical text, such as melody, harmony, rhythm, timber, language, linguistic meaning. Moreover, the interaction between these musical attributes and listeners’ pre-understanding invented some acoustic or semantic clues, and then produced vivid meanings for the previous chaos listening experience.
On the other hand, the personal musical meanings were given in three ways: First, the interviewees expressed their feelings by “metaphorical correction”, which consists of the following four kinds of narrative form: “Associated story, image, or one abstract artistic conception”, “synesthesia character”, “formal condition” and “subjective judgment”. Second, they identified what they had heard by “formal jargons”, which are taken by generally musicological common consensus. Third, they elaborated their musical meanings by “semantic clues” identified by cultural system they aware of, as well as the lyric content they had just caught.
In sum, the process of musical meaning construction is like a journey of making sense what the listener has heard within personal psychological history. In the process, the fluid meaning interpreted by the listener might be different from the primitive moved arousal. However, it doesn’t indicate that the reflective discourses are not “authentic” enough or too trivial. On the contrary, the idiosyncratic narratives from private life experience not only bestow diverse values on the musical text, but also represent the relationship between the listener and the music, mirroring the interpreter’s condition, value and desire at a particular moment.
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意見一致性、潛水動機與潛水行為初探:社群聆聽技術與調查法之比較分析 / Exploring Relations among Opinion Congruency, Lurking Motives and Behavior: Social Listening versus Survey Method王嘉呈 Unknown Date (has links)
社群網站使用者不分年齡,幾乎沒有人不在這虛擬社交的浪潮上。儘管如此, 社群網站的交往卻不如現實般,社群中的絕大多數的內容是由少數發言者貢獻, 從來不發言的潛水者則佔了使用者基數的大部分。
本研究使用沈默螺旋理論的意見一致性概念與多種潛水動機作連接,藉此探 討發言者言論如何影響潛水者的動機選擇以及潛水行為表現。除此外,本研究藉 由同時使用社群聆聽技術和調查法作為研究方法,試圖以主、客觀區分兩種方法 並比較各自的益處和限制,也對社群聆聽技術只能使用發言者言論作為分析資料 來源的先天限制做出初步探討。
本研究收集到 599 份有效問卷和 285 篇社群網站文章,研究結果發現害怕被 孤立、社會性散漫兩種潛水動機完全中介了意見一致性對潛水行為的效果。主、 客觀研究方法的測量結果顯著相關,且對潛水動機之中介效果有相同預測能力。 / It is hard to find one had no experience using social networks in any age ranges. However, most of social network members are lurkers who barely post or comment to express their opinion. On the other hand, little regular posters contribute most content in every virtual society.
This study used the concept of opinion congruency in spiral of silence theory to link up multiple lurking motives found by past studies in order to clarify how posters’ texts influence lurking motives and behavior. Besides, for the purpose of comparing pros and cons between social listening and survey, this study adopted both research methods to measure major opinion in discussion threads wherea seprated the two methods into subjective and objective ones. Also, this study would have preliminary discuss about the fact of limited analytical source of social listening.
Collected 599 valid surveys and 285 social network discuss thread text, the result found that opinion congruency negatively influenced both lurking motives which positively influenced lurking behavior. The result also found that the subjective and objective research methods in this study were significantly related, and shared same predictive ability on both lurking motives’ mediated effect.
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