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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

公私協力與自主規制之研究—兼論消防火災預防行政 / A Study in the Public Private Partnership and Self-Regulation

郭貞君, Kuo, Chen Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在各國政府部門為減輕財政負擔、提高行政效能,紛紛引進民間資源並與私部門建立夥伴關係之全球性風潮推波助瀾下,我國近年亦力倡政府瘦身、組織精簡、引用民力、公私協力。再者,運用民力參與公共任務之公私協力,寓有私部門自主規制成分,惟法學上自主規制與公私協力通常為分離探討之論題,兩者之關連性究為何;又兩者態樣眾多且無普世同意之定義,在多元分殊之學理及實務中,是否存在共通並行之法理脈絡與類型系譜,誠屬行政法總論上饒富逸趣之課題。另行政法各論上,為預防火災以維護公共安全並確保人民生命財產,各國莫不多方運用公私協力與自主規制,建構建築物之消防安全管理制度,惟綜觀國內有關公私協力與自主規制之法學論著尤以前者可謂繁花錦簇,事涉公共安全之消防火災預防行政領域相關研究則付諸闕如猶待開拓。 本文爰透過中外文獻梳理公私協力與自主規制法學理論,並放眼國際取樣研究運用公私協力與自主規制之消防行政實務規範,以歐盟與英國為取法對象,就消防安全管理制度硬體層面及軟體層面分別探討歐盟產品(兼及建築產品[再兼及消防安全設備產品])監管機制以及英國建築物防火安全管理機制。除解析法理基礎更探究實務規範架構於我國與先進國家之異同,期許回饋提供公私協力與自主規制所涉行政法理論若干啟示並促使本國相關消防行政規範更趨周全。 / In the wake of global trend of government department introducing private resources and establishing partnerships with private sectors to reduce financial burden and improve administrative efficacy, Taiwan authorities in recent years have also been advocating government downsizing, streamlining organizations, adopting private resources, and public private partnership. Furthermore, public private partnership contains private sector’s self-regulation element, but in jurisprudential circle, self-regulation and public private partnership are usually independently researched topics, what are the exact relationships between them; otherwise, each of both has great variety of types and has not universally consented definition, therefore, it seems to be an issue full of keen interest for General Administrative Law: whether there exists common legal context and typological pedigree in the pluralistic and divergent theories and practices of public private partnership and self-regulation. Besides, as regards Specific Administrative Law, in order to prevent fires for protecting public safety and people's lives and property, countries all over the world utilize various approaches to public private partnership and self-regulation, to construct fire protection management regime for buildings; the domestic juristic studies of public private partnership and self-regulation have overall fruitful achievements, especially the former, however, apparently none of them refers to fire protection administrative category that thus eagerly needs to be cultivated. This thesis wherefore sorted domestic and foreign juristic literature about public private partnership and self-regulation, and combed internationally relative fire protection administrative legislation. Focusing on legislation of European Union and United Kingdom, it separately explored hardware dimension and software dimension of fire protection management regimes, that is, EU’s product safety and market surveillance regime (involving that for construction product [further involving that for fixed fire fighting equipment]) and UK’s fire safety regime. In addition to analyzing the legal theories and exploring the similarities and differences of legislative framework between EU or UK and Taiwan, it expects to provide several revelations to the jurisprudence of public private partnership and self-regulation, and to actuate the relative domestic fire protection legislation more comprehensively.

公私協力與自主規制在我國勞動法之實踐研究─以保全業為例 / A Study of Public-Private Partnerships & Self-Regulation in Practice of Taiwan Labor Law-Take Security Service Industry as an Example

張成發, Chang, Chen-Fa Unknown Date (has links)
公私協力與自主規制在現代國家中,作為國家整體管制架構與管制行政之一環,有輔助國家行政機關之功能,減輕國家財力與人力之負擔,其有委託私人行使公權力者,則應有法律保留原則之適用,具公共目的存在與實現之關聯性與合比例性,方符合憲性之要件。若以組織法之規定,或無法律授權基礎之職權命令,均有違法治國之法律保留原則。在勞動契約上,政府透過法規範,對私法自治關係之勞動契約,以核備、備查或核定等之事前審查;在勞工保護上,課雇主以應作為與不作為之強制義務,及勞動三權之自主運作規範,協力與政府部門共同達成行政任務目標。 綜合本文研究,公私協力與自主規制在勞動法之實踐,係以公法規制私法,及容認私經濟主體在勞動關係之自主規制,連結公私部門關係,協力達成國家行政任務目標。這種公法介入私法關係,使私法形成之行政處分,作為保護勞工權益之行政處分,在勞動法上以勞基法第八十四條之一,有關勞雇約定書送地方主管機關核備之准駁行政處分。此行政處分導致勞雇間之私法關係變化,或與主管機關間之爭訟,其爭訟救濟之審判管轄權互有不同。 本研究有關建議摘要如下: 一、對勞動關係具成效之私經濟主體,毋寧採取自主規制方式,減少國家管制成本、降低資源耗費。 二、因法條文義不明致生重大爭議,主管機關之處理仍應具法律正當性。 三、公私協力與自主規制在勞動法之實踐,大抵以公法規制私法為基礎規範,主管機關執行上,仍須依循法律授權及法律明確性原則。 四、地方主管機關之行政裁量,不宜各自為政導致差異過大;且私法形成之行政處分,更應符合行政原則。

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