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航空產業對溫室效應的影響與改善對策葉清發 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 航空產業對溫室效應的影響?
2. 航空產業在科技面、營運操作面、經濟政策面可以減緩溫室氣體排放的對策有哪些?哪一個對策成本較低,較有效?
3. 航空產業相關的企業組織中,誰最適合做為溫室氣體排放負責的實體?
4. 以利害關係人的觀點,評估經濟政策面的解決方案在經濟面的衝擊為何?
5. 在ICAO的架構下如何進行航空產業溫室氣體減量的國際合作?
1. 經由航空科技的研發,是削減溫室氣體排放量的根本方法,因為它有利於所有利害關係人,但新一代的航空科技研發通常需要10-15年以上的時間,以及充滿不確定性,所以在短、中期不是削減溫室氣體排放的有效方法。
2. 改善航管系統及飛航操作的方法在法律、技術及經濟上所面臨的挑戰比較小,在短、中期就可以減少8-18%燃油的消耗,不過長期而言,不足以抵消航空產業每年成長所增加的廢氣排放量。
3. 排放交易體系是以市場機制運作的碳交易市場,航空產業在開放式的排放交易體系可用最低的減緩成本達到排放減量目標。排放交易體系經過英航實際運作證明它是可行的方法,既可以達到減量的目標又不會妨礙航空產業的成長。
4. ICAO是1944年依據芝加哥公約成立的,它的會員國適用”無差異原則”,聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)的會員國適用”共同但有差異的責任”,所以京都議定書也只對Annex I的國家限制溫室氣體排放量。在會員國不同意單方面擴展排放交易體系下,ICAO要求在雙方同意下才能將他國的航班併到自己的排放交易體系,這使得歐盟在2012年企圖單方面擴展排放交易體系到所有進出歐盟的航班變得不大可能,這對歐盟積極推動溫室氣體減量的行動是一項挫折。
5. 飛機引擎所排放的廢氣,除二氧化碳確定會造成溫室效應外,其餘排放的廢氣尚缺乏科學證據會造成溫室效應。這種缺乏科學證據的氣候協商在國際間很難達成共識,所以在ICAO及IATA的排放交易體系都只建議限制二氧化碳的排放量,但二氧化碳只佔航空器排放廢氣的37%,這種溫室氣體的限制並不具環境的有效性。
6. 全球暖化已成為全球矚目的議題,各國紛紛採取「節能減碳」措施,台灣也不例外,京都議定書顯然不能有效解決溫室效應問題。在2012年後替代的新合約必定增加溫室氣體限制的國家及產業,也有可能包含航空產業。航空公司可以從參與碳補償體系、和政府簽署自願環保合約、參與其他產業的自願排放交易體系,先取得碳市場的交易經驗,日後可在UNFCCC或ICAO的架構下承諾溫室氣體排放減量。 / In 2007, the Nobel Peace prize was awarded to the former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore and the IPCC for their great efforts in global climate change issue. The Kyoto Protocol entered into force on February 16, 2005; this treaty assigns mandatory emission limitations for the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) to the signatory nations. International aviation GHG emissions are not included in Kyoto Protocol, as it will be addressed through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) according to Article 2.2 of the Kyoto Protocol. This indicates that it is politically agreed upon to use a sector-based approach to limit GHG emission beyond the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
During flight, aircraft engines emit carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, water vapor, hydrocarbons and particles. These emissions alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere in a variety of ways. Except for carbon dioxide, the other emissions from aircraft in flight are still under investigation for their impact on global climate change. Passenger airlines growth is anticipated to increase about 5% annually, so the aviation industry is expected to be the fastest growing emissions contributor in the future. Therefore, the aviation industry should take responsible actions to alleviate GHG emission. For exploring the root cause of global climate change, European and American scientists are leading the investigation of the atmosphere, and the government of Taiwan recently announced they will support MOZAIC in their observation of the north Pacific atmosphere.
This research is performed by reviewing the articles published by researchers, the briefing material from aircraft manufacturer and the expertise from companies. The conclusions are that the methods are useful to alleviate GHG emission for aviation industry. Meanwhile, British Airways was selected to be the case study to verify their implementation of environmental policy. Finally, an approach under ICAO is being introduced for the aviation industry to alleviate GHG emission through global collaboration. This study is to answer the following questions:
1. What is the environmental impact by the emissions from the aviation industry?
2. What methods are available from technology, flight operations and economic policies to alleviate GHG emission? Which one is more economic and effective?
3. Who is the accountable entity in the aviation industry to alleviate GHG emissions?
4. What is the impact on economics by the method of implementation of economic policies to alleviate GHG emissions based on the stakeholders’ viewpoints?
5. How does the aviation industry collaborate globally to alleviate GHG emissions under ICAO?
The conclusions from the research are as follows.
1. The basic method for the aviation industry to resolve GHG emissions is by the use of new fuel or engine technologies. Normally, it takes 10 to 15 years to pioneer new technologies for aviation with uncertainty, so it is not an effective method in short and mid term to alleviate GHG emissions.
2. The improvement of air traffic management and flight operation presents little difficulty in law, technologies and economics to alleviate GHG emissions. This method can reduce 8-18% of fuel comsumption in short and mid term, but it can not offset the growing emissions by air traffic annually.
3. The Aviation Industry can reach the lowest alleviation cost to meet emissions target by open emission trading scheme. Emission trading is not only environmentally effective, but also does not hinder the growth of aviation industry in the future.
4. The ICAO, the state members apply to the principle of non-discrimination, however the UNFCCC, the state members apply to the principle of common but differential responsibility. The Kyoto Protocol just restricts the GHG emissions for Annex I countries. ICAO is obliged to request the integration of foreign operators in the emission trading scheme “under a mutually agreed basis”.
5. Except for carbon dioxide, the other emissions from aircraft are under investigation for their impact on environment. The emission of carbon dioxide is only 37% of all emissions by aviation industry. The ICAO and IATA only recommend to restrict carbon dioxide emissions, so it is not environmentally effective.
6. The following treaty after 2012 should involve more countries and industries for GHG emission restriction, and the aviation industry might be involved in the new treaty. Therefore, airlines should seek the opportunity to participate voluntarily in the carbon trading market to gain experience in this strategy. Then, airlines can commit to reduce GHG emission under UNFCCC or IACO in the future.
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油料避險對公司價值和分析師預測正確性的影響:全球航空產業的實證 / The Effects of Hedging on Firm Value and Analyst Forecast Accuracy: Evidence from the Global Airline Industry林瑞椒, Lin, Rueyjiau Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為兩部分,第一部份是探討全球航空產業的油料避險會不會對公司價值有所影響,以及油料避險的誘因。第二部份則是檢視全球航空公司的風險曝露會不會影響分析師的預測誤差,尤其是燃油價格變動的風險曝露。 / In the first essay, we examine whether jet fuel hedging increases the market value of airline companies around the world. Using a sample of 70 airline companies from 32 countries over the period 1995 to 2005, we find that jet fuel hedging is not significantly positively related to their firm value in the global airlines, but this positive relationship holds in the various sub-samples and is significant for US and non-alliance firms. Moreover, our results show that the risk-taking behavior of executives and the tendency to avoid financial distress are important determinants for the jet fuel hedging activities of non-US airline companies. Alleviating the problem of underinvestment is also an important factor to explain the jet fuel hedging activities of US and non-alliance firms. Our results add support to the growing body of literature which finds that hedging increases firm value for global airline companies.
In the second essay, we examine the extent analysts revise their earnings forecasts in response to oil price, interest rate and foreign exchange rate shocks they have observed during the year, and whether these revisions contain additional information about how current and past price shocks affect reported earnings, using the sample of the global airline industry. Empirical results indicate that jet fuel hedging can increase analysts’ forecast revisions in the total sample, and in the sub-sample of the volatile fuel price period. These results can also be seen in US and non-US airlines, and airlines with both strong and weak governance. Overall, our results show that oil price shocks play an important role in investor and analyst information uncertainty with regard to the global airline industry. Consequently, corporate risk disclosures only provide limited information about firms’ financial risk exposures.
Two essays are comprised in this dussertation to examine whether jet fuel hedging has effects on firm value and analysts’ forecast accuracy in the global airline industry. Using global data allows us to cmpare the differences of jet fuel hedging behavior and incentives for hedging across different sub-samples. Furthermore, we also examine how jet fuel hedging affects analysts’ forecast erros across different sub-samples and its implications for firm disclosures about their risk exposures in the financial reports.
In the first essay, we examine whether jet fuel hedging increases the market value of airline companies around the world. Using a sample of 70 airline companies from 32 countries over the period 1995 to 2005, we find that jet fuel hedging is not significantly positively related to their firm value in the global airlines, but this positive relationship holds in the various sub-samples and is significant for US and non-alliance firms. Moreover, our results show that the risk-taking behavior of executives and the tendency to avoid financial distress are important determinants for the jet fuel hedging activities of non-US airline companies. Alleviating the problem of underinvestment is also an important factor to explain the jet fuel hedging activities of US and non-alliance firms. Our results add support to the growing body of literature which finds that hedging increases firm value for global airline companies.
In the second essay, we examine the extent analysts revise their earnings forecasts in response to oil price, interest rate and foreign exchange rate shocks they have observed during the year, and whether these revisions contain additional information about how current and past price shocks affect reported earnings, using the sample of the global airline industry. Empirical results indicate that jet fuel hedging can increase analysts’ forecast revisions in the total sample, and in the sub-sample of the volatile fuel price period. These results can also be seen in US and non-US airlines, and airlines with both strong and weak governance. Overall, our results show that oil price shocks play an important role in investor and analyst information uncertainty with regard to the global airline industry. Consequently, corporate risk disclosures only provide limited information about firms’ financial risk exposures.
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