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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從ELM理論看WeChat與Weibo之資訊流廣告效果 / A research of news feed ads effect between WeChat and Weibo: based on Elaboration Likelihood Model

陳奕杭, Chen, Yihang Unknown Date (has links)
行動時代的到來為社群媒體帶來了發展的春天,原生廣告也隨之應運而生,成為備受社群媒體青睞的新興廣告形式。而在中國市場,WeChat與Weibo這兩大社群媒體自2012年起相繼推出了資訊流廣告服務,並不斷試水新的技術和表現形式。兩者的資訊流廣告在運作機制和表現形式上雖有所雷同,但仍各有特點,其中最主要的差異體現在廣告訊息的按讃者和按讃數量上。 因此,本研究以WeChat和Weibo為研究對象,援引推敲可能性模式理論,希望探究消費者在觀看WeChat和Weibo資訊流廣告時,是否會因為廣告訊息按讚者或按讚數量的不同,在品牌態度和購買意願上產生差異。 本研究採用實驗室實驗法,招募60名國立政治大學非傳播相關科系的大陸籍學生進行實驗。研究結果發現WeChat和Weibo的資訊流廣告訊息接收者在品牌態度和購買意願的形塑歷程上確實存在差異:就WeChat而言,廣告訊息可信度更能正向影響消費者的品牌態度和購買意願;就Weibo而言,感知按讃數量更能正向影響消費者的購買意願,但對品牌態度不構成顯著影響。 / Native advertising has emerged both as an exciting new way for digital marketers to engage with the consumer, and as a new source of advertising revenue for social media. In the China market, news feed ad, a major type of native advertising, has been very popular in WeChat and Weibo since 2012. Visually the native advertisement in these two social media seem pretty similar, but they have enough differences to make them different, particularly in the differences of likers and the number of likes on advertisement. Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) adopted by Harkins and Petty, this study focus on WeChat and Weibo and try to clarify the differences of consumer’s information processing, brand attitude and purchase intention between these two social media, which has various social tie strength. Adopting an laboratory experimentation, a total of 60 samples, participated in this study during January, 2017. Finding of this study show the differences of brand attitude and purchase intention towards news feed ad when subjects are exposed to WeChat between Weibo. In WeChat, message credibility indicate more significant influence on the brand attitude and purchase intention towards native advertisement rather than perceived number of likes. Oppositely perceived number of likes positively influence on purchase intention towards native advertisement in Weibo.

Facebook與Instagram之跨訊息綜效比較 / A comparison of cross-message synergy effect between Facebook and Instagram

陳又瑈, Chen, Yu Jou Unknown Date (has links)
數位行動浪潮襲捲全球,智慧型手機的普及讓行動行銷成為一股趨勢,如何善用行動媒體的特性來提高整合行銷傳播的綜效亦是近年來數位行銷領域相當關注的話題。APP是行動媒體中最能直接與消費者接觸的工具,而社群APP因為內容具備即時性、社群性等特徵,成為各大品牌搶奪消費者眼球的必爭之地。   在眾多社群APP中,Facebook的廣告服務已行之有年,後起之秀Instagram亦於2015年9月對台灣企業開放廣告功能,讓廣告主能以付費的方式觸及更多的使用者。此二平台的廣告運作機制非常相似,消費者都會先接收貼文廣告,再從貼文廣告連接到品牌帳號的主要頁面,兩個品牌訊息加總將有機會產生跨訊息綜效。不過,這兩個平台在內容表現形式上卻不盡相同,且Instagram強大的濾鏡功能能讓照片更具美感,進而影響使用者對品牌的解讀及反應,所呈現的綜效也可能有所不同。   因此本研究選定Facebook與Instagram為研究對象,以社群APP平台為自變項,廣告態度及品牌態度為依變項,來驗證跨訊息綜效是否產生,並比較此二平台在廣告資訊處理歷程及效果上的差異。本研究採用實驗法,招募100名政治大學非傳播學院之大學生及研究生進行實驗,所得結果如下: 一、 單一媒體的跨訊息綜效並不顯著,但不同媒體(Facebook與Instagram)的資訊處理歷程、態度形成及跨訊息效果卻不盡相同。 二、 與說服知識相比,美感反應才是影響操弄意圖推論高低的主要變項,接收Facebook廣告的消費者會因為較低美感反應產生較高操弄意圖推論,接收Instagram廣告的消費者則會因為美感反應較高而使操弄意圖推論較低。 三、 操弄意圖推論對訊息涉入度具顯著負向影響,操弄意圖愈高,訊息涉入度愈低,反之亦然。Facebook的操弄意圖推論較高,因此訊息涉入度較低,消費者較缺乏訊息處理動機,而Instagram的操弄意圖推論較低使得訊息涉入度較高,亦即消費者具備較高的訊息處理動機。

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