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俄語感嘆詞的詞彙意義與句法功能分析-以果戈里、謝德林、左申科作品為例陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
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想像《想像的共同體》—以《民報》社論為分析場域邱承君 Unknown Date (has links)
Benedict Anderson《想像共同體》刺激了跨學門的研究,甚至潛隱成為不同取徑的中軸。本文即以此書為虛擬的對話人,同時延伸書中的指標概念—想像,據以鋪陳、架構本研究的兩個問題:營造國族想像的要素?語言如何扣合本地文化資源以營造國族想像?循著Anderson揭示的時間、印刷資本主義和語言等文化要素,我們進一步將之搭上語言再現論,一方面建築「想像語言」觀、另外延伸時間、印刷資本主義於本地經驗與理論上的意涵。於想像語言,本研究以Wittgenstein後期論理為軸,並向功能語言學派借火,認為語言與脈絡(語境)間的遞迴關係適足以中介台灣社會脈絡與理論的接軌,特別是軸輻自該書印刷資本主義的雙層意涵—一面是文化、一面是結構。作為結構,本論文藉以引導出報業與善書兩個代表,而文化則遙指一種相對於古老宗教共同體的世俗而神聖之文化氛圍。文中也順勢轉入《民報》語料的分析。藉社論的耙梳,我們將文本語言資料、主題與相關意義構連上該時的社會實況與本地文化資源(於內容與形式上,皆隱隱地透露出某種神聖的氣味),其中,當以本省人╲外省人的定位為核心,同時含括了國族之於人的隱喻、對為官者的期待,以及時間因素的相關分析。
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語境預測力對中文一詞多義處理歷程的影響:文句閱讀的眼動研究 / The influence of contextual predictability on processing Chinese polysemy: Eye movement experiments of sentence reading高佩如, Kao, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本論文進行兩個眼動實驗,探討語境及多義特性在一詞多義處理歷程中扮演的角色。Frazier與Rayner(1990)認為一詞多義由於詞義間有重疊的語義屬性(sense overlap),因此處理詞義之初,會先以部分語義(partial specification)來理解,不需立即進行完整詞義的解讀,支持部分語義解讀假設(Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis)。在Frisson 與Pickering(2001)所提出詞義未定模型(Underspecification Model)中,進一步說明語境在一詞多義中扮演的角色,認為一詞多義的語義提取會先以未定意義(underspecified meaning)解釋,在語義提取完畢後,語境才會介入詞義的選擇。本論文操弄語境導引和詞義重疊性,來探討一詞多義的詞義提取與選擇歷程。實驗一操弄句子中目標詞的語境預測力(可預測語境vs.不可預測語境)與詞義數量(單詞義vs.多詞義),記錄並分析目標詞與目標詞後區域的凝視時間。結果顯示:目標詞上的凝視時間多詞義顯著短於單詞義,支持部分語義解讀假設。然而,實驗一在目標詞後區域並未看到多詞義因延遲語義解讀(delayed semantic commitments)而造成抑制或競爭效果。實驗二就此現象與「一詞多義本身的詞義重疊程度」與「語境對一詞多義有無發生語義解讀的必要性」進行進一步探討。實驗二(同實驗一)操弄目標詞的語境預測力,與詞義的重疊程度(單義詞vs.中度詞義重疊vs.高度詞義重疊),並控制語境偏向次要詞義的情形。結果顯示:目標詞上的晚期眼動指標在中度詞義重疊(中vs.單)與高度詞義重疊(高vs.單)皆看到與語境預測力發生交互作用,顯示語境預測力的影響在晚期階段發生;目標詞後區域觀察到中度與高度詞義重疊(中vs.單;高vs.單)皆在不可預測語境下發生詞義抑制效果,符合詞義未定模型預期之延遲語義解讀效果,並在目標詞晚期眼動指標看到中度詞義重疊效果與高度詞義重疊效果(單-中 vs. 單-高)受語境影響有不同的效果,顯示詞義重疊會影響詞義選擇的必要性。總結本論文的結果:首先,一詞多義的語義提取符合部分語義解讀的假設,而語境介入的影響支持詞義未定模型的看法,即語境在語義提取之初並未介入影響,在語義未定的情況下,若語境內容有進行語義解讀之必要時,則會發生延遲語義解讀。其次,詞義的促進效果與一詞多義的詞義數量多寡有關,詞義數量減少時,詞義促進效果也隨之消失。最後,當語境偏向一詞多義的次要詞義時,延遲語義效果才會發生。 / This thesis conducted two eye movement experiments with the aim to investigate the role of context and multi-sense feature in processing polysemy. Frazier and Rayner (1990) suggested that, at the beginning of semantic processing, polysemy is comprehended with partial specification. There is no immediate need to process the complete word sense due to the sense overlap between senses. This viewpoint supports the Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis. In Frisson and Pickering’s (2001) Underspecification Model, further elaboration were made on the role of context in the process of retrieving and selecting one of the word senses of a polysemy. The sense that is first retrieved from a polysemy is considered to be an underspecified meaning. It is after the semantic retrieval is finished that context is involved in selecting a word sense. This thesis manipulated context guidance and sense overlap, to further research on processing polysemy in terms of word sense retrieval and selection.
Experiment One manipulated contextual predictability (predictable context vs. unpredictable context) and number of senses (one-sense, monosemy vs. many-sense, polysemy) of the target words in sentences. Fixation times of the target words and post-target areas were recorded and analyzed. Results showed that the fixation times on target words were significantly shorter for polysemy than for monosemy, supporting the Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis. However, in Experiment One, there is no inhibitory or competitive effect on the post-target area, indicating that there is no effect of delayed semantic commitments while comprehending polysemy. In Experiment Two, we further investigated how this phenomenon is connected with the degree of sense overlap and whether context is necessary to activate semantic commitment for polysemy. Contextual predictability of target words and the degree of sense overlap (monosemy vs. moderate-sense-overlap vs. high-sense-overlap) were manipulated, with the former designed as in Experiment One. Specifically, the context was controlled to bias toward the subordinate sense. The results showed that there were interactions of sense overlap degree (both moderate-sense-overlap vs. monosemy and high-sense-overlap vs. monosemy) and contextual predictability on target words for later-stage indices. This suggests that contextual predictability effects at later stages. On the post-target areas, there were inhibitory effects found for moderate-sense-overlap vs. monosemy and for high-sense-overlap when the context is unpredictable. This finding supports the delayed effect of semantic commitments in the Underspecification Model. Moreover, effects of sense overlap (polysemy-moderate vs. polysemy-high) were modulated by contextual predictability on target words for later-stage processing, showing that sense overlap affects the necessity of semantic commitments.
In conclusion, the semantic retrieval of polysemy can be best explained by the Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis and the involvement of contextual constraint supports the Underspecification Model. That is, context does not affect the beginning phase of semantic retrieval. Since the senses are underspecified, delayed semantic commitment occurs if it is necessary to make semantic commitment in the context. Furthermore, the facilitation of senses is related to the number of a polysemy’s senses. As number of senses decreases, facilitation of senses wanes and disappears. Finally, delayed semantic commitment occurs only when the context biases towards a subordinate sense of the polysemy.
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語境限制與第二語言能力對雙語詞彙觸接的影響:日中雙語者的眼動研究證據 / The influence of contextual constraint and L2 proficiency on bilingual lexical access: evidence from eye movements of Japanese-Chinese bilinguals翁翊倫, Weng, Yi Lun Unknown Date (has links)
過去學者們對於雙語詞彙觸接歷程持有兩種相異的觀點:選擇性觸接假設(selective access hypothesis)認為雙語者在進行詞彙觸接時,只有符合語境的目標語言才會被激發;非選擇性觸接假設(non-selective access hypothesis)則認為雙語者的兩種語言表徵會同時被激發而產生競爭或促進效果。至今已有眾多研究結果支持雙語詞彙觸接歷程為非選擇性,然而,這些研究大多採用促發典範(priming paradigm)忽略語境在雙語詞彙觸接歷程所扮演的角色,且多數實驗中的受試者二語能力皆相當流利,對於二語能力個別差異對詞彙觸接歷程的影響也尚未清楚。此外,以非拼音文字系統為研究對象的相關雙語研究也不多。因此,本研究旨在從非拼音文字的角度探討語境限制及中文能力在雙語詞彙觸接中所扮演的角色,實驗操弄語境限制程度(高限制、低限制)及詞彙類型(同形同義詞、同形異義詞、中文單義詞),以日中雙語者為研究對象,控制句子語境呈現中立或偏向目標詞中文語意,使用眼動實驗來即時記錄受試者在進行詞彙觸接的過程,檢視中文能力對跨語言同形詞效果在高、低限制語境下的影響性。此外,本研究也分別以高低分組與眼動表現兩種方法當作中文能力指標進行分析,並將結果進行比較,以瞭解何種中文能力指標能夠較準確反映出受試者在閱讀中文篇章的能力。
實驗結果顯示,雙語詞彙觸接歷程為非選擇性,中文能力和語境限制能夠對詞彙觸接歷程造成影響,使得跨語言同形詞效果產生消長。首先,在高低分組結果方面,中文能力指標和各效果主要在晚期詞彙處理階段產生交互作用,高程度組在高限制語境下觀察到形同異義效果,低限制語境則沒有看到任何效果;低程度組在高、低限制語境下皆觀察到顯著的形同義同效果。另一方面,以眼動表現作為中文能力指標的分析結果中,則清楚中文能力在早期詞彙觸接階段就已經和語境限制、跨語言同形詞效果產生影響性,顯示眼動表現能夠視為測量中文能力的指標之一。總而言之,不同的分析結果皆反映雙語詞彙觸接歷程為非選擇性,語境與中文能力在語意提取歷程中扮演重要角色,中文能力較好的雙語者在早期詞彙觸接階段就會受到語境限制影響,而中文能力較低者則是在晚期階段受到語境影響。 / For decades, psycholinguists have disputes on the organization of the two language systems of bilinguals’ brain and how they retrieve lexical representations. The selective access hypothesis predicts that two languages are independent in the brain and bilinguals activate only one lexicon at a time while reading or speaking. Alternatively, non-selective access hypothesis predicts that two languages share an integrated conception representation, so representations from both languages are accessed simultaneously during comprehension. So far, many bilingual studies have demonstrated that bilingual lexical access is non-selective. However, these studies usually used priming paradigm such as lexical decision task which words are presented in isolation, ignoring the role of context in the bilingual lexical access processing. According to the monolingual literature, it is clear that lexical ambiguity resolution is influenced by the surrounding sentence context. While most of the previous studies investigated highly proficient bilinguals, the same question about non-selective access could also be asked of less proficient bilinguals. Moreover, most of results are based on alphabetic writing systems such as English-French or Dutch; only few of them examined the non-alphabetic systems. Besides, since bilingual experience is dynamic and poses a challenge for researchers to develop instruments that capture its relevant dimensions. The present study also examined the result of language proficiency from class level and eye movement indexs to confirm which one is more accurate.The present study aimed to examine whether Japanese-Chinese bilingual lexical access is non-selective and whether the context and L2 proficiency modulate the word recognition processing. Experiment manipulated contextual constraint (high or low constraint) and target word types (cognates, interlingual homographs, or Chinese words), using eye movement recordings to investigate the effects of contextual constraint for bilingual lexical access when reading Chinese sentences by Japanese-Chinese bilinguals, L1 and L2 proficiency were measured.
The results support the non-selective hypothesis. Both sentence context and L2 proficiency could affect the bilingual lexical access. According to class level analysis, L2 proficiency has significant interaction with other effects in the late processing stage. The eye movement measures that reflects early processing of target words showed significant interlingual homograph interference and cognate facilitation in the higher proficient bilinguals. However, only cognate facilitation was observed for high-constraint sentences in the lower proficient bilinguals and no effect was founded in the low-constraint sentences. On the other hand, the eye movement index analysis showed L2 proficiency has significant interaction with other effects in the early processing stage, demonstrating the L2 reading proficiency can be measured by eye movement index. In summary, both sentence context and L2 proficiency can modulate bilingual lexical access. The early process is non-selective and bilinguals with more L2 proficiency could make use of sentence context in the early process than less L2 proficiency when reading L2 sentences.
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