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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李瑞林 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是探討GSP電腦輔助教學對國三學生學習三角形外心、內心及重心之成效。研究採用準實驗研究法中之不等組前後測設計,以桃園縣一所國中三年級四班共127位學生為研究對象,分派兩班為實驗組共63位學生,進行GSP電腦輔助教學課程;另兩班為控制組共64位學生,進行一般傳統講述教學課程。學生學習風格採用Kolb學習風格量表區分成「主動實驗」及「省思觀察」兩種類型,為探究不同學習風格之學生接受不同教學方法之後,在數學學習態度、成就與保留上的差異,採用二因子共變數分析檢定研究假設。並於實驗教學後,以GSP電腦輔助教學意見調查表調查其看法及態度,整理檢定分析及調查結果後得到以下結論: 一、排除前測影響後,學生在數學學習態度上的表現: (一)教學方法因子效果及學習風格因子效果之間沒有交互作用。 (二)教學方法因子效果有顯著差異;GSP電腦輔助教學法優於傳統講述教學法。 (三)學習風格因子效果沒有顯著的差異。 二、排除前測影響後,學生在數學學習成就上的表現: (一)教學方法因子效果及學習風格因子效果之間有交互作用。 (二)對學習風格為省思觀察者而言,教學方法因子會造成顯著的差異;GSP電腦輔助教學法優於傳統講述教學法。 (三)以省思觀察者接受傳統講述教學法後表現最差。 三、排除前測影響後,學生在數學學習保留上的表現: (一)教學方法因子效果及學習風格因子效果之間沒有交互作用。 (二)教學方法因子效果有顯著差異;GSP電腦輔助教學法優於傳統講述教學法。 (三)學習風格因子效果沒有顯著的差異。 (四)以省思觀察者接受GSP電腦輔助教學法後表現最佳。 四、GSP電腦輔助教學的看法及態度方面: 主動實驗者表示GSP電腦輔助教學提供了實際操作的機會,而省思觀察者則表示GSP電腦輔助教學提供了詳盡的說明和動態演示。就實驗組學生使用GSP電腦輔助教學而言,大多抱持著正向及肯定的學習態度。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the effects on learning performance of circumcenter, incenter and centroid of a triangle by 9th graders based on computer -assisted instruction using GSP in mathematics teaching. This study was conducted as a quasi-experimental design. Four classes, which have a total of 127 students, were sampled from a junior high school in Taoyun County. Two classes were assigned as experimental group and the others as control group. The former took “computer -assisted instruction using GSP in mathematics teaching” method learning, while the latter two took “traditional mathematics teaching” method learning respectively. This study used the learning styles inventory (LSI) of Kolb to classify learners into two groups -“active experimentation (AE)” and “reflective observation (RO)”. Two-way ANCOVA was conducted to test all hypotheses in order to find variations of mathematical learning attitudes, mathematical learning achievenments, mathematical learning retention. The study also investigated the views of points of the students in experimental group after the experiment. According to the analysis from the experiment, this study reached the following conclusions︰ 1.In mathematical learning attitudes: (1)Learning styles and teaching methods did’t interact significantly. (2)There was a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect on experimental group was better than the control group. (3) There was no significant difference between two learning styles. 2.In mathematical learning achievements: (1)Learning styles and teaching methods interact significantly. (2)For the style RO, there was a significant difference between two learning styles. The effect on experimental group was better than the control group. (3)The effct on control group with the style RO was the worst. 3.In mathematical learning retention: (1)Learning styles and teaching methods did’t interact significantly. (2)There was a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect on experimental group was better than the control group. (3) There was no significant difference between two learning styles. (4)The effct on experimental group with the style RO was the best. 4.After the experiment, most students in experimental group with the style AE said that “the experimental curriculums had provided the actual operation opportunity”; most students in experimental group with the style RO said that “the experimental curriculums had provided the exhaustive explanation and the dynamic demonstration”. They also agreed that the experimental curriculums were better.

隨機波動模型(stochastic volatility model)--台幣匯率短期波動之研究 / Stochastic volatility model - the study of the volatility of NT exchange rate in the short run

王偉濤, Wang, Wei-Tao Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

精熟學習策略配合數位化診斷系統對高工學生數學科學習成效之研究 / A Study on Math Learning Effectiveness of Vocational High School Students Using Mastery Learning Strategy with Computerized Diagnostic System

滕春麗 Unknown Date (has links)
為達成「精熟學習」的教與學過程中強調的個別化教學、學生學習的回饋、校正學生學習錯誤等高效能的教學理想。本研究自行發展一套數位化診斷系統,在不改變學校政策、班級作息、教室管理實施情況下,對準備參加科大入學測驗高工三年級的學生,在考前六週進行數學科總複習的「精熟學習配合數位化診斷」實驗教學。經由學生的作答反應,本診斷系統完成以下功能: (1)能快速的篩選出優良試題,並提供試題的難度、鑑別度、答對率與評鑑試題的品質。 (2)能診斷出個別學生與試題的差異性,並完成試題卷的信度、效度評鑑與S-P分析表。 (3)能提供完整的學習成就遷移記錄,並可歸類出學生學習潛能與整體學習表現。 (4)能彙整出學生學習成效與具體教學建議。 教師藉診斷系統所提供的資訊,對學生進行個別化校正或充實教學,期以達成精熟學習的教學理想。並在實驗教學後分析學生學習回饋單,大多數學生對實驗教學法持正面態度,且自認學習態度更積極,並建議若能提早實施精熟學習配合數位化診斷教學,應會有更好成績表現。 本研究並探討「實驗教學」的實驗A組學生,分別對「不同科別」的實驗B組學生與對「傳統教學」的控制C組學生的數學學習態度、學習成就、學習成就絕對均差的差異性,經單因子共變數分析,排除前測影響後,具體結論如下: (1)實驗A、B組與控制C組學生在數學學習態度後測得分並無明顯差異。 (2)實驗A組與控制C組在數學學習成就後測成績有明顯差異,且實驗A組分數明顯高於控制C組。 (3)不同科別實驗組的A組電機類與B組機械類學生,在數學學習成就後測成績有明顯差異,且電機類分數明顯高於機械類,但機械類排除未完成實驗的學生後,則不同科別的實驗A組、實驗B組,在數學學習成就後測成績無明顯差異。 (4)實驗A組與控制C組學生在數學學習成就後測成績的絕對均差有明顯差異,且實驗A組絕對均差小於控制C組。 最後為使實驗教學能更順利進行,建議教學前先營造愉快與舒適教學環境與良好的師生互動情誼再實施,這將會是實驗教學成功的關鍵 / Mastery Learning Strategy is a highly effective teaching method, emphasizing the importance of individualized tutoring, student feedback and learning error correction. In this study, a self-devised computerized diagnostic system was developed for the third-year vocational high school students who were preparing for the technological university entrance examination. An experimental teaching method using Mastery Learning Strategy with computerized diagnostic system was given to the aforementioned students as a math review lesson six weeks before the entrance examination, following the original school policy, class schedule or class management. From test responses, the diagnostic system achieved the following: (1)Quick selecting of good quality test items. It also evaluates the test items and provides the difficulty, discrimination, and correction rates of them. (2)Individualized diagnosis of each student vs. test items. It also completes the reliability, validity and S-P charts of the test. (3)Offering a comprehensive record of the learning process. It also analyzes the learning process of the students and sorts out their learning potential. (4)Analyzing students’ learning effects and coming up with teaching suggestions. In this experiment, the data gained from the diagnosis were used to provide each student with individualized instruction or error correction with the hope of attaining the goals of Mastery Learning. The analysis of the students’ feedback after the experimental teaching method showed that most students thought positively of the experiment, admitting that they developed a more aggressive learning attitude, and suggested that this computerized diagnostic system, had it been implemented earlier, would have helped them achieve even better grades. The students in this study consisted of three groups. Group A and B were both experimental groups except that group A were students from electrical engineering department while group B were students from mechanical engineering department. Group C was the control group receiving only conventional teaching method. Group A was compared with group B and group C respectively in terms of differences in math-learning attitude, math-learning achievement, and in the absolute mean deviation of learning achievement. By means of one-way analysis of covariance, with pre-test effects eliminated, the conclusions were as follows: (1)None of the groups exhibited significant grade differences on the math-learning attitude post-test. (2)Group A scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group. (3)Group A of electrical engineering students scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group B of mechanical engineering students. However, if the grades of the Group B students who didn’t complete the experiment were unaccounted, no grade difference was noticeable on the math-learning achievement post-test between Group A and Group B. (4)Group A, the experimental group, had significantly lower absolute mean deviation on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group. Finally, it was suggested that creating a comfortable environment for teaching and learning as well as an advance establishment of a good teacher-student rapport are the key to a smooth-going and successful experimental teaching method.

模糊隨機變數在線性迴歸模式上的應用 / Fuzzy Random Variables and Its Applications in Fuzzy Regression Model

曾能芳 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統迴歸分析是假設觀測值的不確定性來自於隨機現象,本文則應用模糊隨機變數概念於迴歸模式的架構,考慮將隨機現象和模糊認知並列研究。針對樣本模糊數(x<sub>i</sub>, Y<sub>i</sub>),我們進行模糊迴歸參數估計,並稱此為模糊迴歸模式分析。模糊迴歸參數估計大都採用線性規劃,求出適當區間,將觀測模糊數Y<sub>i</sub>的分佈範圍全部覆蓋。但是此結果並不能充分反映觀測樣本Y<sub>i</sub>的特性。本研究提出一套模糊迴歸參數的估計方法,其結果對觀測樣本的解釋將更為合理,且具有模糊不偏的特性。在分析過程中,我們亦提出一些模糊統計量如模糊期望值、模糊變異數、模糊中位數的定義,以增加對這些參數的模糊理解。最後在本文中也針對台灣景氣指標與經濟成長率作實務分析,說明模糊迴歸模式的適用性。 / Conventional study on the regression analysis is based on the conception that the uncertainty of observed data comes from the random property. However, in this paper we consider both of the random property and the fuzzy perception to construct the regression model by using of fuzzy random variables. For the fuzzy sample (x<sub>i</sub>,Y<sub>i</sub>), we will process the parameters estimation of the fuzzy regression, and we call this process as fuzzy regression analysis. The parameters estimation for a fuzzy regression model is generally derived by the linear programming scheme. But it's result usually doesn't sufficiently reflect the characteristics of the observed samples. Hence in this paper we propose an alternative technique for parameters estimation in constructing the fuzzy regression model. The result will describe the observed data better than the conventional method did, moreover it will have the fuzzy unbiased properties. For the purpose of fuzzy perception on the fuzzy random variables, we also give definitions for certain important fuzzy statistics such as fuzzy expected value, fuzzy variance and fuzzy median. Finally, we give an example about the Taiwan Business Cycle and the Taiwan Economic Growth Rate for illustration.

貨幣需求結構改變與金融變數轉折區間:變數模糊時間序列模型 / Testing for the Financial variable's Interval of Structure Change of Money Demand : Fuzzy Time Series in Variable

李建興, Lee, Jen-Sin Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究台灣貨幣需求結構改變,我們研究「變數」值(Piecewise in Variable)的結構轉折而非「時間」值(Piecewise in Time),因為轉折點只是轉折區間的特例,所以本文建立一「變數模糊時間序列」(Fuzzy Time Series in Variable)模型來探討「變數的轉折區間」,相較於傳統時間序列研究方法如:時間序列模型、門檻轉折點模型與模糊時間序列模型等,本文所建立的變數模糊時間序列模型,所求取的股價轉折區間,不僅可改善對稱模型殘差項的非隨機現象,同時也改善了門檻轉折模型之轉折點股價指數太低的現象,並且有效地將轉折點變更為較一般化的轉折區間,足見本文所提出變數模糊時間序列模型在結構轉折的偵測上具有相對優勢,詳述如下: (一)、相較於對稱模型方面:變數模糊時間序列模型可避免對稱模型估計貨幣需求函數所產生的偏差,並且有效改善其殘差項具有非白噪音現象。 (二)、相較於門檻轉折模型方面:1.變數模糊時間序列模型較能有效驗證以下假說:貨幣需求的股價指數彈性在高股價區時較大,以及貨幣需求的所得彈性在高股價區時較小。2.變數模糊時間序列模型所求出的股價指數轉折區間水準值,對央行目前及未來貨幣政策較具實用性,3. 變數模糊時間序列模型再預測貨幣需求時,未如門檻轉折模型產生高估的偏誤。 (三)、相較於傳統模糊時間序列模型方面:變數模糊時間序列模型已改善傳統模糊時間序列模型的結構轉折區間太長之不合理現象。 (四)、相較於以「時間」為轉折的傳統時間序列模型方面:當貨幣需求函數的重要解釋變數在短時間持續發生較大幅度變化時,傳統時間序列模型可能無法診斷出結構轉變的缺失,本文的變數模糊時間序列模型可避免此一缺失。 (五)、在政策的應用上: 1. 中央銀行若未將資料,區分高低股價指數來分段估計貨幣需求函數,將使貨幣需求的所得彈性抑或是狹義貨幣需求的股價指數彈性的估計,產生頗大的偏誤。 2. 經建會在計算台灣地區的景氣對策信號中,其金融面指標同時包括有M1B貨幣供給的增加率與股價指數變動率,如此將造成在高股價指數下,股價指數上揚時高估了台灣地區的景氣狀況,而在股價指數下降時,則反之。 另外,由於台灣欠缺貨幣需求函數的重要解釋變數「所得」的月資料,以往文獻以工業生產指數等為替代變數以估計月貨幣需求函數,本文不僅證明這些方法的缺失,並提出「模糊距離權數法」來估計出月國內生產毛額資料,此一資料不僅可避免月工業生產指數等方法的三項缺失,而且在貨幣需求的估計上與預測上均有較佳的表現。 / Whether the ”money demand function” makes “structural change” happened or not ,that is crucial research for the monetary theory field. Therefore, many foreign and domestic papers have ever made studies on this. There have two major methods of study structural change. The first method is piecewise in time that is so popular and so many lecture study by it e.g. Juda and Scadding(1982), Shen(1999) ,Lin and Huang(1999),etc . Tsay(1989) had proposed a new methoed that is piecewise in variable . Distinct situation is suitable in using the two methods .We have two reasons to use the new method to study the structural change of Taiwan’s money demand function. First one is that Friedman(1988,Paul(1992),Wu and Shea(1993)and Shen(1996) find the trade-volume of stock market or stock price are the important factors of money demand function. TSE is 12495 in February of 1990 and 2573 in October of 1990. TSE is changing so huge but all the Papers of piecewise in time can’t detect the structural change of Taiwan money demand. The second reason is that to detect the ” interval of financial variable” of structural change of Taiwan money demand is more benefit to the Central Bank than to detect the ” past time point” of structural change. To detect the ” interval of financial variable” of structural change of Taiwan money demand is much convenient matters for monetary policy of Center Bank from now and future. Our research propose “fuzzy time series in variable” try to find the ” smoothing interval of financial variable” of structural change of money demand . Our method has two major benefits as follow: 1. Difference to TAR model: The TAR model find out the ” point of financial variable” of structural change. It seems metaphorically money demand function’s structural change suddenly. Our method find out the ” interval of financial variable” of structural change .It’s more reasonable that structural change of money demand function is gradually. 2. Difference to STAR model: So many STAR(Smooth Transition Autoregressive )papers also find out the Gradual Transition Interval .For example: Terasvirta and Anderson(1992), Sarantis(1999) etc. But those lectures have the following point on why our method can improve it (a).STAR is piecewise in time. (b). STAR investigate structural change by just one variable AR process. But economists concern the structural change of variables. (c). The power of STAR to detect structural change is too weak. 3. We propose new summation average entropy formula that can improve the interval of structural change too longer.

金融監理制度對商業銀行利潤效率之影響--亞洲12國之實證分析 / Effects of Financial Supervision Regimes on Commercial Banks’ Profit Efficiency in 12 Asian Countries

黃國睿, Huang, Kuo Jui Unknown Date (has links)
金融監理制度影響一國商業銀行經營績效的相關議題,一直受到學者與政府當局的重視,為瞭解亞洲地區銀行業在中央銀行與監理單位不同管理下的利潤效率,找出最適的制度設計,本研究根據Huang、Huang與Liu(2014)提出之隨機共同利潤邊界(stochastic meta-profit frontier),採用兩階段估計法,蒐集中國大陸、香港、印度、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、巴基斯坦、菲律賓、新加坡、斯里蘭卡、泰國以及阿拉伯聯合大公國等十二國商業銀行資料,分成開發中和已開發國家兩個群組,將環境變數納入無效率模型中,進行實證分析,比較不同群組的利潤效率差異,發掘影響效率的主要變數與方向,從而獲得重要政策意涵。 根據實證分析結果,中央銀行介入銀行監理程度越高,商業銀行利潤效率越低;金融監理單位整合程度越高,商業銀行利潤效率越高;中央銀行獨立程度越高,商業銀行利潤效率越低;已開發國家群組的平均技術缺口比率與共同邊界技術效率值皆高於開發中國家群組,符合預期。共同利潤效率最高的是日本,最低的是韓國。平均而言,各國若在共同利潤邊界上從事生產,能提升41.9%至75%的利潤。 / The effects of degrees of financial supervision on performance of commercial banks have long been important issues and drawn much attention to academic researchers and government authorities. This study applies the stochastic meta-profit frontier, recently developed by Huang, Huang, and Liu (2014), to estimate and compare profit efficiencies of commercial banks from 12 Asian countries, i.e., Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and United Arab Emirates. We divide the sample countries into two groups, i.e., developing and developed countries. This enables us to further investigate the effects of different supervisory systems, enforced by central banks (CB) and supervisory authorities, on commercial banks’ profit efficiencies, as well as to make a suggestion about the optimal supervision regimes in the area. Note that a set of supervisory indices are considered as environmental variables that explain profit inefficiency. Using the two-stage estimation procedure, the empirical results are summarized as follows. First, it is found that bank’s profit efficiency decreases with the increase in a CB’s supervision sectors. Second, the unification of supervisory authority has positive effect on bank’s profit efficiency. Third, the more independent is the CB, the less profit efficient the commercial bank is. Fourth, banks in the group of developed countries are found to have higher technology gap ratios and meta-profit efficiencies than those in the group of developing countries, as expected. Fifth and finally, Japan and South Korea has the highest and the lowest level of meta-profit efficiency, respectively. Evidence is found that if an average commercial bank were adopting the best technology, it can earn roughly 41.9% to 75% more profits than otherwise.

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