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銀行辦理授信如何找出借款戶虛列營收資產風險及確保債權之對策 / Banks’ countermeasures to borrowers’ false accounts --- For example, bank A, B ,C grant credit to corporation A洪曉諭 Unknown Date (has links)
最後獲致結論為授信銀行要找出借款戶虛列營收資產及確保債權,授信審查過程僅依5P原則(Personal、Payment、Purpose、Protection及Perspective)評估,似仍有不足,須進一步認識借款戶的客戶(Know Your Customer's Customer),增加「5R」查證,以瞭解借款戶與主要進銷貨(或重大交易)對象之交易往來情形,及銀行具備良好配合機制,將使授信風險評估更臻周延,本文試圖歸納「5R」主要內容為:
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RBC制度實施前後,我國壽險公司資本與風險之關係研究郭馥綺 Unknown Date (has links)
我國監理機關為強化保險公司之財務能力,有效監管保險公司之風險狀況,特於2003年7月9日,正式引進美國風險基礎資本額制度(Risk-Based Capital, RBC),作為監理保險公司清償能力之工具。RBC制度除了改善單一資本額規定的缺失外,亦反映了保險公司之經營風險,對於保險公司面臨風險所需資本有較妥適的規範。讓監理機關得以藉此工具發現體質較弱之保險公司,進而採取適當之行動。
本文使用聯立方程式部分調整模型,以二階段最小平方法進行檢測。實證結果發現,在RBC制度實施後,壽險公司之資本比例對資產風險以及產品風險具有顯著負向關係,顯示資本比例低者所承擔之風險較高,而資本比例高者風險較低。此外,公司規模以及公司型態對於壽險公司之資本與風險具有顯著影響力,外商壽險公司之資產風險較本土壽險公司為低。 / Risk-based capital (RBC) has been implemented as an important regulatory tool for the insurance industry in Taiwan since year 2003, which is used to strengthen the financial capability and to predict the probability of insolvency. It not only improves the shortcomings of single capitalization index but also reflects the business risks. Moreover, it lets the regulator be able to apply this tool to discover the insurance companies with weak financial management and take the suitable actions.
This paper explores the changes on the capital ratio, asset risk and product risk in life insurance industry in Taiwan before and after the RBC regulation and verifies if the implementation of RBC had a positive effect on the relationship between capital and risks. To examine this issue, this study uses a simultaneous-equation partial-adjustment model with two-stage least squares method. The results suggest that the life insurers with lower capital ratio take higher asset risk and product risk, while life insurers with higher capital ratio take lower asset risk and product risk. For life insurers, company size and type also have an important impact on their capital and risks. The empirical finding shows that there is lower asset risk in the international insurers than domestic insurers.
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我國壽險業於RBC制度實施前後經營風險與資本關係之研究蔡維哲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究整理我國25間壽險公司之財、業務之資料為分析基礎,並以簡單複迴歸之研究方法為實證分析。實證結果中,壽險公司於RBC制度實施後有風險抵換之情形,但無論資產風險及產品風險都與前期資本比例為負向關係。另外,小型公司中資本比例越低者,有增加投資於高風險資產的比例;並且小型公司中,前一期經營結果越差,銷售越高風險產品的比例將會上升。 / One of the most important supervision system in insurance industry is the implementation of Risk-Based Capital system in 2003 in Taiwan. In this study, we examine whether the business strategy of life insurance companies changes significantly because of the implementation of RBC system. In insurance’s business strategy, asset allocation and product composition are the main issues and both will influence asset risk and product risk. Hence, we focus on the changes in asset risk and product risk to find that whether life insurance companies have more stable operating concepts after the implementation of RBC system.
We use multiple regression model to analyze the relationship between asset risk, product risk and capital ratio of the life insurance companies. The results suggest that there are a negative relationship between asset risk, product risk and capital ratio after the implementation of RBC. Besides, the small size companies which have low capital ratio will tend to increase the proportion of risky assets in their investment. And small size companies which have worse operating outcomes in the previous year will increase the proportion of high-risk products they sell in current year.
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