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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林弘 Unknown Date (has links)
在品牌霸權的時代中,品牌的延伸、繁殖與企業獲利息息相關,而在消費者依賴各種品牌線索作為產品選擇的前提下,瞭解消費者會採取何種訊息處理方式來進行家族品牌的聯想與評估,便成為當代行銷人員的重要課題之一。 本研究從消費者認知的角度出發,探討消費者在面對「品牌傘策略形式」以及「品牌傘旗下產品種類相似性」等兩種不同特性的家族品牌資訊時,會如何進行資訊處理以形成對家族品牌之整體評價,此外也探討「資訊可及性」以及「企業聲望」等兩項變數對於消費者在進行資訊處理時所造成的調節作用。 本研究經由三次前測,選擇出八個企業及其旗下各五種產品類別,藉此分別代表不同企業聲望、不同產品種類、不同品牌傘策略形式之資訊處理標的,此外也選出足以代表正、中、負訊息之產品相關敘述,作為判斷消費者採取何種資訊處理模式之證據來源,最後再加上資訊可及性的操弄,因此共形成2(品牌傘策略形式:以企業名稱命名、以企業名稱加上產品線名稱命名)× 2(產品種類相似性:高、低)× 2(企業聲望:高、低)× 2(資訊可及性:高、低)2 ×(正負訊息出現先後順序)等三十二種版本的問卷施測於445位受測者,並以6-way MANOVA進行檢定,藉此判斷各因子間的交互效果為何。 研究結果顯示:一、消費者在面對「以企業名稱命名」的品牌傘策略形式以及「產品種類相似性高」等一致性較高的品牌傘策略特徵時,有較多的證據顯示消費者會傾向於採用即時性資訊處理模式。二、在資訊可及性高的情形下,對於消費者在面對「以企業名稱命名」的品牌傘策略形式以及「產品種類相似性高」等一致性較高的品牌傘策略特徵時,更傾向於採用即時資訊處理模式。三、企業聲望對於消費者之資訊處理過程有相當大的影響,當企業聲望高時,消費者較不會考慮相關之品牌傘策略特徵,而會根據過去對於該企業之整體印象,採取記憶基礎的資訊處理模式來處理相關資訊;但消費者企業聲望較低時,反而會較注意品牌傘策略特徵,而以其一致性高低來決定採用何種資訊處理模式。 整體而言,消費者在面對不同的品牌傘策略特徵時,會採取不同的資訊處理模式,同時也會受到企業聲望與資訊可及性的調節,因此企業欲採取品牌傘策略時,應將消費者之資訊處理模式納入考量,作為制訂品牌傘策略時的參考依據,藉此提高企業進行行銷時的成效。


夏康寧, Xia,Kang-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討消費者的心情對於其產品屬性偏好與產品態度的影響;產品屬性的部分,強調的是消費者面對商品相關訊息時,對於外部與內部屬性之重視程度,態度的部分,則是指消費者對於商品的喜愛程度與購買意願。本論文以一系列三個實驗,循序漸進探討心情對於消費者屬性重視程度及態度的影響,並試圖整合過去文獻中所謂心情的直接影響與間接影響,將心情對於態度多元的影響路徑統整為一心情影響態度之模型。 研究一首先探討消費者的心情,是否會影響其在面對商品時,對於不同產品屬性重視的程度。研究一結果顯示,好心情的消費者較重視產品的外部屬性,例如:品牌、口碑等,而壞心情的消費者,則較重視產品的內部屬性,例如:體積、功能等。 研究二則從研究一的結果出發,更進一步探討,上述消費者對於產品屬性類型的偏好,是否會影響其對於商品的態度和購買意願。研究二的結果顯示,廣告訴求與消費者所重視的產品屬性搭配與否,的確會顯著的影響消費者的態度。例如:好心情的消費者,若是看到以外部屬性為訴求的廣告,會對該商品有較佳的態度和較高的購買意願;反之,同樣是好心情的消費者,若其所接觸的廣告是以內部屬性訴求為主,則對於該商品的購買意願和態度都不會太高。 研究二的結果驗證心情的好壞會影響消費者對於資訊型態的偏好,就商品而言,就是對於產品屬性類型的偏好,此偏好與廣告訴求一旦結合,便能對於商品態度和購買意願產生影響,此可謂心情的間接影響。心情對於態度的影響,除了間接影響之外,事實上生活經驗與許多文獻也指出,心情的好壞,可能直接影響態度;亦即心情好則態度便佳,心情壞,則對產品的態度也就不好。由此可見心情對於態度之效果,相當多元,研究三便是提出一架構來整合心情的直接與間接影響,亦即,研究三主要目的便是探討何種情境下,心情會產生直接影響,而何種情境之下,會產生間接影響。 研究三指出不同的心情意識,可能是心情循不同路徑對態度產生影響的關鍵。研究三的結果顯示,當心情意識是屬於動機式時,人們對於自己心情的來源有所意識和歸因時,心情對於商品態度的影響,是透過認知歷程,也就是屬性重視程度的偏好與廣告訴求之搭配,來達到效果,亦即所謂的間接影響。而心情意識屬於背景式時,心情只是一種背景氛圍式的存在,人們對於自身心情沒有特別的意識與歸因,心情的歡欣與不悅便會直接反應至態度的好壞,也就是所謂的直接影響。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the effect of moods on consumers’ attitudes, purchase intention, and cognition of product attributes. This research included three studies, and all the hypotheses in the three studies were examined by experiments. In the experiments, respondents’ moods were elicited by short films or music, and the cognition of product attributes and attitudes toward the product were measured. In study one, the relationship between consumers’ moods and their weights on product attributes were probed. The result of study one show that consumers in good mood incline to focus on the extrinsic attributes more than intrinsic attributes; the consumers in bad mood incline to pay more attention to the intrinsic attributes than extrinsic ones. For the neutral mood respondents, there is no difference between the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes in their decision weight. Therefore, this study show that moods indeed influence the cognition of product attributes. Following study one, study two discussed the effect of consumers’ cognition that biased by moods on their attitudes toward products. The results show that when consumers in some moods and have certain tendencies to emphasize intrinsic or extrinsic product attributes, the advertisement that fits to their concerns can induce better attitude than that doesn’t fit. For example, consumers in good mood favor products appealing extrinsic attributes, such as brand and word-of-mouth. On the other hand, if happy consumers see the intrinsic attributes appealing advertisement, such as function and volume, they won’t appreciate those advertisement and products. Study one and two discussed the process that mood influence attitude through cognition. However, according to the literature and life experience, there is another process that mood influences attitude directly and isn’t involved any cognition element. Study three tried to establish a framework to delineate these two processes. The results of study three indicated that mood awareness is the critical factor that influences whether mood influence mood directly or via cognition components. When the consumers are under motivational mood and can aware the sources of moods, the mood effect is indirect and involved cognition elements such as study one and study two. On the other hand, when consumers are under backdrop mood and doesn’t aware the source of mood, the mood can reflect to the attitude directly.

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