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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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兩岸與東南亞國家打擊跨國犯罪與國際合作-以臺菲電信詐欺案為例 / Transnational Crime-fighting and International Cooperation among Cross-strait and Southeast Asian Nations--Case Studies on the Telecom Fraud between Taiwan and the Philippines.

李珊 Unknown Date (has links)
自民國76年政府開放民眾赴大陸探親以來,兩岸關係邁入新的里程碑,之後雖受李登輝、陳水扁兩任總統不同的大陸政策影響,雙方縱然在軍事、外交層面歷經緊張情勢時期,但在共同打擊跨境犯罪合作議題上,卻不曾停下腳步,民國79年簽訂之「金門協議書」,作為兩岸遣返違反有關規定進入對方地區人民、刑事犯及嫌疑犯之用,開啟共同打擊犯罪協議及刑事司法互助之門,接著第三次江陳會正式簽定「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」,據此建立雙方在打擊跨境犯罪合作機制,不致因法律問題致執法過程中產生灰色模糊地帶,而予犯罪者僥倖心理從事不法活動。但往往「道高一尺,魔高一丈」,兩岸犯罪者因雙邊打擊跨境犯罪合作機制日趨成熟,犯案的空間受到壓縮,開始轉往第三地發展,此時法制基礎不建全、地廣人稀、政府行政效能不彰、貪瀆情形嚴重及與華人素有歷史淵源之東南亞諸國即成為首選之地。 1997年亞洲金融風暴,中國固守人民幣匯率的政策,某部分穩定了亞洲的金融秩序,對於東南亞地區的經濟安定有一定程度的正面幫助,這被視為中國與東南亞關係發展的轉捩點,東協在該年年底邀請中國、日本、韓國召開首次「東協加三」會議,正式開啟了其在東南亞區域居於領袖地位的時代。大陸與東南亞各國的交流層面是既深且廣,合作的議題除了傳統軍事外交,在非傳統安全領域,也提供東協國家各項協助。反觀臺灣在東協支持「一中政策」的影響下,始終無法突破與該地區各項交流合作關係。如今兩岸關係趨穩,雙方均認知到除了經濟議題外,在打擊跨國犯罪方面,同樣悠關人民切身利益及社會安定,亦屬可以建立共識相互合作的優先工作,因此本文研究目的,即希望了解兩岸在東南亞地區跨國犯罪現況、雙方偵辦情形、面臨的困難,以及建立兩岸與第三國司法互助合作機制可行方案。 / Since the government began to permit the public to visit relatives in Mainland China in 1987, the cross-strait relations have entered into a new milestone. Although both sides still confront and compete against each other in military and diplomatic aspects, they never stopped cooperating with each other on the issue of jointly fighting cross-border crime. The execution of the Kinmen Agreement in 1990 and the Agreement on Joint Cross-Strait Crime-Fighting and Mutual Judicial Assistance executed during the third round of Chiang-Chen Talks has established the cooperative mechanism between both sides in fights against cross-border crimes. Cross-strait criminals began to move their bases to Southeast Asia because the cooperative mechanism in bilateral cross-border crime fighting has grown mature and the place for crime has been limited. The relations between Mainland China and Southeast Asian countries are deep and extensive in many facets. On the contrary, under the influence of the support of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for the “One China Policy”, Taiwan is unable to make any breakthrough in interactions and cooperative relations with that area. As the cross-strait relations have become stable, both sides acknowledge that, in addition to the economic issues, the fight against transnational crime is equally of great concern to the interests of people and social stability, and could be the priority to establish the consensus between both sides and cooperate with each other. Therefore, the objective of this research is to understand the current situations of the cross-strait transnational crime in Southeast Asian area, the investigations conducted by both sides and the difficulties faced by them, and to establish practical solutions for cooperative mechanism in mutual judicial assistance among Mainland China, Taiwan and a third country.

兩岸共同打擊跨境犯罪之研究-2008年後大陸地區人民非法來臺案件為例 / The Study of the Cross-border Crime:The Case study of the Entrance to Taiwan Illegally

黃柏森 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的國家安全威脅之應處,係以確保國家軍事、政治及外交衝突等國家安全問題為目標。隨著冷戰結束後,全球化時代來臨,國際戰略環境的變遷與威脅性質的演變,「非傳統安全」威脅已逐漸取代「傳統安全」威脅。換言之,傳統安全思維僅著重在主權國家的軍事安全層面,非傳統安全則是基於整體人類安全的考量。我國在面對非傳統安全威脅下,如何調整適應環境之變化,以確保生存及發展,已成為當前刻不容緩之要務。 非傳統安全議題相當廣泛,主要包括:經濟及金融安全、自然生態環境安全、網路資訊安全、大規模殺傷性武器擴散、疫情傳播、恐怖主義、跨境犯罪、走私販毒、非法移民、海盜、洗錢等。中國大陸對臺威脅亦包含傳統與非傳統安全威脅性質。傳統安全係以軍事戰略威脅為主,非傳統安全威脅則來源多元、形式多樣,所呈現以走私、海盜、偷渡、偽造貨幣、詐欺、洗錢等跨境犯罪最為顯著, 本論文將探討兩岸共同打擊跨境犯罪背景發展,並分析兩岸交流衍生之大陸民眾非法來臺所呈現之態樣與現況,闡明我國所面臨的非傳統安全威脅,希冀由相關資料分析比較,藉此驗證現行實務面執行運作成效,並針對實務運作所面臨之困境提出研究建議,供相關單位參考,建立一個兩岸和平安全的互動環境。 / The aim of dealing with the traditional threats to national security is to ensure the national security in the aspects of military, politics and diplomacy. After the end of the Cold War comes the era of globalization, international strategic environment changes as well as the substantial of threat evolves. As a result, “non-traditional security (NTS)” threats have gradually taken the place of “traditional security” treats. In other words, the concept of traditional security only focuses on the aspects of military security of a sovereign state, whereas the consideration of non-traditional security is based on the general human safety. While confronting with threats of non-traditional security, it’s crunch time to make adjustments and adaptation so as to ensure existence and development of Taiwan. The issues of non-traditional security are extremely wide-ranging, mainly including: economic and financial security, ecological and environmental security, information and network security, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), the spread of epidemics, terrorism, transnational crime, narcotics and smuggling, illegal immigration, piracy, money laundering, and so on. The threats to Taiwan from China include traditional security threats and non-traditional security threats. The main threat of the traditional threats is military hostility, while non-traditional security threats stem from various sources and come out in multitudinous forms, especially in the fields of transnational crime such as smuggling, piracy, stowaways, currency counterfeiting, fraud, money laundering, etc. This study discusses the background and context of the cross-strait joint fight against transnational crime, and analyzes the current situation and patterns of illegal immigration of the people from Mainland China resulting from the cross-trait exchanges, as well as explicates the non-traditional security threats confronted by Taiwan, whereupon, in the hope of examining the practice performance by means of comparative analysis of related materials, proposed suggestions and strategies for these predicaments are finally concluded as a reference to the competent authorities to build a peaceful and secure environment for cross-strait interactions accordingly.

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