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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


周德威, ZHOU,DE-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
十三世紀初,蒙古民族以武力躍登世界舞台,其兵鋒所及,無不當之披靡。後人對其 震爍古今之武功,都抱持濃厚興趣,是以鑽研者眾;然各家學者在探討蒙古軍戰略戰 術時,常忽略蒙古軍的後勤補給,也很少有探究蒙古婦女對蒙古軍隊貢獻的學者;筆 者深覺這兩部份不應被忽略,乃本著普通盤瞭解蒙古軍作戰方法和探討蒙古婦女貢獻 兩個目標著手研究。本研究以鐵木真被推選為成吉思汗起至窩闊台汗逝世 (西元一二 ○六至一二四一年) 為研究範圍。全文共分六章,約十萬言。 第一章為緒論,本章將本研究的動機、目的、範圍、研究方法及蒙古社會特徵,時代 背景等,略作說明。 第二章為大蒙古國的戰略,本章分三節說明蒙古國建立力量,創造有利形勢,以及因 勢用力的原則。 第三章為蒙古軍隊的戰術,戰術是實現各層戰略目標的方法;本章分成野戰戰術、功 城戰術、心理戰術等三節,說明蒙古軍的各種戰術。 第四章為遠征作戰的後勤,本章分成四節,就蒙古軍對戰地物資,各種人力資源,後 勤基地等運用方式論述,探討蒙古軍各項支援建軍與用兵勤務的方法。 第五章為戰爭中蒙古婦女角色的探討,本章分成四節,分就蒙古婦女在生產物資,補 充兵員,管理俘虜和領導軍事等方面的工作,闡述蒙古婦女對蒙古軍隊的貢獻。 第六章為蒙古軍戰爭方法的檢討,本章分成三節,分就蒙古軍作戰成功因素,及其負 面作用作一檢討,並對其影響蒙古民族後代之處,加以闡述。

海軍紀律指標建構之研究 / A Study on the Construction of R.O.C. Navy Discipline Indicator

孫常德 Unknown Date (has links)
研究主旨在於探討軍紀概念的理論基礎,完成海軍軍紀指標的理論性建構,以茲作為未來在實務層面建立專業紀律評核制度之依據。本研究主要有五個研究目的:(一)就「軍紀評核制度」的完備性而言,探討「軍紀」組成構面暨發展各構面之指標項目。(二)探討這些指標項目對於評量部隊之軍紀實況的代表性和有效性。(三)探討這些指標項目對於評量部隊違反紀律所造成之影響的代表性和有效性。(四)探討這些指標項目對於區辨出軍紀事件之「肇因性質」係屬「意外」或「非意外」的代表性和有效性。(五)依據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供海軍未來擬定軍紀政策及相關學術研究之參考。 本研究為達成上述之目的,先根據文獻探討結果,建立海軍紀律指標的理論基礎,並審視國軍現行相關法規,據以演繹出「軍紀」具有生活、工作、訓練和戰鬥等四個構面。繼之運用「修正型德爾菲法」實施兩回合問卷調查,藉由專家小組反覆性意見回饋,及其對指標項目之「重要性」意見的統計結果,以及專家小組成員在意見上的「一致性」與「穩定性」的統計分析,以驗證各項指標的代表性和有效性,完成「海軍紀律指標」的理論建構。本研究指標項目總數96項,扣除無效指標4項,有效指標計有92項,其中主要指標47項,次要指標45項。 根據研究結果之統計資料分析,有以下四項之主要研究發現: (一)本研究建構之紀律指標,其中滿分指標與無效指標,這兩種極端情形均佔總數的比率極低;另外,主要指標與次要指標佔總數的比率極高,且分配情形呈現出相當的對稱性。(二)可提供未來評核紀律的專業基準。(三)軍紀指標應兼顧「質性」與「量性」指標,方能建立合理公平的評核制度。(四)著手應然面的學術研究,可提供軍隊實然面的制度改革。 / In this essay the author looks from the theoretical inquiry about the military discipline to construct the R.O.C. Navy discipline indicators. The construction is to be the base that establishing academically the system of Navy discipline examination further. There are five purposes of this research. Firstly, the purpose is to explore that the military discipline contains which dimensions and each dimension of military discipline contains which indicators, serves to develop further the system of Navy discipline examination. Secondly, the purpose is to explore those indicators if estimate accurately actual condition of army discipline. Thirdly, the purpose is to explore those indicators if estimate appropriately effects on the army that caused by discipline disobey. Fourthly, the purpose is to explore those indicators if distinguish incident from non-incident about the essentiality of causes of discipline disobey. Fifthly, in accordance with major findings to provide suggestions for improving the military discipline policy and academic investigation. For achieving the five purposes aforementioned, after reviewing some relevant references, completes the theoretical construction of the military discipline indicator. Meanwhile, after reviewing the regulations and rules of R.O.C. military discipline, deduces that military discipline contains four dimensions of life discipline、work discipline、training discipline and combat discipline. In short, there are 96 R.O.C. Navy discipline indicators deduced by theoretical construction and existing regulations. Then, expert panel constituted that consists of 10 experts whose specialty are about military discipline. Applying Modified Delphi Technique processes two times questionnaire anonymously answered by expert panel. Verifying the propriety of the constructions is based on interaction and feedback of the expert’s opinion through the two times questionnaire anonymously. After the estimation of importance、consensus and stability of 96 Navy discipline indicators, finds out that 4 indicators are irrelevant, the others are relevant. Some of the relevant indicators, including 47 indicators are first grade indicators, 45 indicators are second grade indicators. According as statistical results indicated that:(1)Those two extreme kinds of full marks indicators and irrelevant indicators are few in the constructions. Also, the percentage of the first grade indicators and the second grade indicators are high in the construction that consists of 96 indicators. Both of the indicators distribute symmetrically. (2)The findings have served to establish academically the system of Navy discipline examination further. (3)Military indicator in constructing should consider after both sides of qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment that will enable the system of Navy discipline examination to practice reasonably and equitably. (4)Academic research will contribute to revolution in military affairs of discipline examination further.


柳惠千, Liu,Solon. Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,傳統歐陸最大的威脅頓然消失,歐洲各國在地緣政治的合縱連橫思維下,外交折衝與軍事結盟不斷運作,一時之間顯得無所適從。世界局勢的改變,令身為歐陸領導地位的大國──「法國」,幾經思考、反省、爭辯與突破,最終致力於國防政策的變革,始成為法國自冷戰結束以來,自我羽化蛻變的主要動力。 90年代初期;我國突破外交困境並毅然決定採購法國關鍵性軍事裝備(6艘拉法葉級巡防艦與60架幻象2000-5型戰機)。緊接著;我海、空軍官兵大規模遠赴海外,展開一連串換裝新艦、新機之歷史性任務。在此同時;我國空軍除了在硬體的武器裝備上,獲得有形的質量成長外,如何從法國空軍自冷戰結束後,自我演進的具體成效中,學習並找尋對我空軍現階段防務改革的成長空間,據以建議未來空軍建軍備戰的調整方向。 本論文之研究目的,理所當然地欲從解構法國國防在跨世紀過程中所進行的各項政策調整與武力演進,並且植基於筆者身為空軍專業的優勢身份,獲得取法他人、反思自我、精益求精的研究目的。值於此刻我空軍完成新一代兵力換裝,並持續進行「精進案、精實案」大幅人力精簡的同時,法國空軍的演進與脫變過程,確實深值得我空軍師法與參考。

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