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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣小城鎮加入慢城組織推動策略之研究 / Taiwan's small cities and towns to join the slow city organizations to promote the study of strategy

黃冠程 Unknown Date (has links)
慢城於1999年崛起於義大利,主要是為了因應全球化浪潮下對歐洲小農經濟衝擊所形成的一個新型態的規劃模式。其目的主要是在保護地方文化與傳統的基礎上,創造出永續成長的力量,透過地方微型經濟的復興與替代能源的使用等多種方式,在不改變生活節奏的狀況下促進地方的發展。現在已有24國142個城市加入慢城組織,這股風潮與模式值得我國參考。本研究以慢城指標為主,應用模糊德爾菲與層級分析法專家問卷建立一套適合台灣慢城指標,並以新竹縣北埔鄉、南投縣集集鎮、高雄市美濃區、花蓮縣壽豐鄉為實證地區,經計算後以南投縣集集鎮績效值最高,為較適合發展慢城的地區。 / Cittaslow(Slow city) was launched in 1999 in Italy, mainly to counter the tide of globalization under the impact of the European small-formed a new type of planning model. The main purpose is to protect local culture and traditions, based on the power to create sustainable growth through the revival of the local micro-economy and alternative energy, use of a variety of ways, without changing the rhythm of life, under conditions to promote local development. Now has 142 cities in 24 countries to join Cittaslow Organization, and this trend, and the model is worthy of our reference. In this study, the Cittaslow index-based, application of fuzzy Delphi and AHP process to establish a suitable Cittaslow index, and Hsinchu County Beipu Township, Nantou County Chichi Township, Kaohsiung Mino District, Hualien County, Shou-Feng,empirical region, calculated with the highest performance value of the Chichi Township, Nantou County, is more suited to development of the Cittaslow Key words: Cittaslow、urban planning、Fuzzy Delphi Method、AHP Method

臺灣電競職業玩家動力與動機 / Motivational factors of professional gaming in Taiwan

盧以匡, Lu, Ikuang Mike Unknown Date (has links)
The study examines the relationship between professional players and their motivations in profession gaming. With the theoretical framework of Bartle's Quotient and the ERG theory, the study indicates and clarifies the motivations of professional gamers through Delphi Process. Tournament prizes, money, approval by others, competition, sense of accomplishments, and self-actualization are the critical motivations that grant these professionals the encouragement to excel. Such essential information could be very useful for game developers to create a competitive game with a friendly environment for professional gamers.

台灣五大都會區颱洪災害脆弱度評估比較之研究 / Taiwan's five major metropolitan areas of Taiwan vulnerability assessment of flood disasters comparison study

張竣維 Unknown Date (has links)
氣候變遷與脆弱度是近年國際的發燒話題,水災、旱災等發生次次數大為提高,台灣一樣是不能倖免於外而面臨多種災害。在許多文獻指出,人口集中、都市開發將增加脆弱程度,加上國內近年興起對災害及環境脆弱度的重視,近年多位學者也致力於災害脆弱度的研究。是故,都市發展與災害發生在人口稠密的都市地區,評估和解決洪災、水災的問題是極為重要的。在計劃解決災害之前,如何做好整體實質指標化的作業,讓災害的評估更有具體的參考功能,提供地區內防災、空間規劃與土地使用檢討等,將是探討的主要課題。 本研究將探究脆弱度的內涵,擬出脆弱度評估指標,藉由模糊德爾菲法的專家問卷分析,建立指標體系;之後再應用多準則評估方法中的層級分析法與網絡分析法,加以找出都市脆弱度指標的階層關係與權重,有助最後完成都會區脆弱度及回復力指標之體系。最後針對擬出的指標體系,將應用於台灣主要都會區做為實證分析,並檢視此指標的分析結果是否符合過去或現在的情況,有無改進之處與後續研究。 研究成果兼納脆弱度各種相關的評估價值與面向,包括暴露性、敏感度與回復力,進行模糊德爾菲專家問卷,對指標體系之調整與修正,確立都會區颱洪災害脆弱度之評估架構,建立六大面向、二十七項指標的評估體系。整合不同領域專家對都會區颱洪災害脆弱度的評估,對這六大面向有一定程度的共識。從本研究也發現,正向面向的軟硬體設施、整備與應變能力與重建與復原能力在脆弱度的評估上佔有半數以上的權重。最後就決策群體的意見為考量,對各主要都會區的颱洪災害脆弱度做評比。 / Climate change and vulnerability are recent fever topics. Floods, drought and other disasters of occurrence increase. Taiwan is not immune to the outside face a variety of disasters. Many papers pointed out that the concentrated population and urban development will increase the vulnerability. In recent years, domestic disasters and environmental vulnerability get a number of scholars' attention to study disaster vulnerability. Therefore, urban development and disaster in a densely populated urban areas, assessment and settlement of flood problem is paramount importance. Before the plans to solve the disaster, how to do a good indicator of the overall substance of the operation, let the assessment of disaster is more specific reference to function, to provide disaster areas, space planning and land use review will be the main topics. This study will explore the connotations of vulnerability, a vulnerability assessment of the proposed indicators by the expert on Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire analysis, the establishment of index system; after the application of multi-criteria assessment of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Analytic Network Process, to be to identify indicators of vulnerability of urban class relations and the weight of the metropolitan area will help to finalize the vulnerability and resilience of the system indicators. Finally, the proposed target system, will be applied to the major metropolitan area in Taiwan as empirical analysis, and view the results of the analysis of this indicator is consistent with the past or the present situation, any improvement with the follow-up study. Research results satisfied all relevant vulnerability assessment of the value-oriented, including exposure, sensitivity and recovery, Fuzzy Delphi survey index system of adjustments and amendments to the metropolitan areas of Taiwan to establish vulnerability of flood disaster assessment framework. Established of six turn towards and 27 indicators to assess the system. Experts in the field of integration of different metropolitan areas of Taiwan, flood disaster vulnerability assessment for the six degree of consensus. From this study also found that forward-hardware and software infrastructure oriented, preparedness and response capabilities and the ability of reconstruction and rehabilitation of the assessment of vulnerability occupy more than half the weight. Finally, the decision-making groups for consideration of all the major metropolitan areas of Taiwan do flood disaster vulnerability assessment.


孫嘉鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
面對社會的繁榮進步,各種商業活動日趨複雜及頻繁,由於個人在投資決策相關資訊的蒐集及判斷上,受到取得成本、資訊來源及專業能力上的限制,故常轉而將資金委託專業的基金經理人加以統籌運用、操作,投資人只須選擇符合自己風險偏好之基金,並依照目標及計畫作有效率的管理即可。 國內共同基金經過了這十幾年,逐漸成為投資趨勢中的主流商品,這批所謂的「專業資產管理者」,如何利用各種會計資訊來輔助投資決策,讓投資大眾獲得較高的報酬。是本研究關切的問題。 本研究主要採用「德爾菲法」作為研究工具,從現行國內超過兩百檔共同基金中,挑選出十二位願意全程參與本研究之基金經理人,組成德爾菲專家小組,進行一連串的反覆問卷研究,藉由兩兩比較方式,計算各會計資訊項目之相對權重,並使用多變量統計方法中的因素分析法,判斷這群基金經理人之意見是否趨於一致。茲將研究結論列示如下: 1.代表基本面的「財務結構」、「償債能力」、「經營能力」、「獲利能力」與「現金流量」等十八項會計資訊在基金經理人認知中均具備一定程度之重要性。 2.德爾菲法調查下,受到基金經理人高度重視的指標項目首在「獲利能力」,尤其是代表主要營業項目的「營業利益率」,而「每股盈餘」與「純益率」也同樣受到專家們的青睞,分居權重排名之前三位;此外,代表現金管理的「現金流量比率」及資金運用效率的「應收帳款週轉率」也受到一定程度的重視。 3.經後續訪談瞭解後,得知基金經理人另外還需考量政治面、總體經濟面之其他因素,尤其是該投資標的之未來性資訊,方能制訂較佳之擇股決策。

骨灰拋灑或植存專區劃設評估準則之研究 / A study on location evaluation criteria of the bone ashes sprinkling or planting area

連容純 Unknown Date (has links)
自2002年《殯葬管理條例》將骨灰拋灑或植存納入明文以來,不僅相關實施規定未臻完備,推動成效亦屬不彰,迄今全台僅台北縣立金山環保生命園區一處劃定實施骨灰植存。基此,本研究希望建立一套周全的骨灰拋灑或植存專區劃設評估架構,作為未來規劃設計之衡量依據,俾供相關單位參考應用。 首先,以環保自然葬及殯葬設施相關文獻為基礎,並參考金山環保生命園區案例經驗,初步擬定骨灰拋灑或植存專區劃設時,必須審慎考量的各項原則性評估因子。其次,採用模糊德爾菲法整合產、官、學各領域專家之意見,修訂初擬之評估準則,確立骨灰拋灑或植存專區劃設評估架構。最後,依據網絡層級分析法建立網絡層級架構,將影響因素間存在的交互性質納入考量,並整合產、官、學各領域專家對要素相對重要程度之判斷,求解其準則權重關係。 研究結果顯示,骨灰拋灑或植存專區之劃設,應落實環境永續發展之理念,並達成社會調和共存之理想。在環境永續方面,以「植被完整性」最為重要,其次為「管理完善性」、「水土保持性」、「土壤適宜性」,最後是「動物保護性」;在社會調和方面,以「居民接受性」最為重要,其次為「聚落市街距離保持性」、「使用相容性」、「飲用水源距離保持性」,最後是「遺族接受性」。

地下街空間規劃評估準則之研究--以台北市站前及東區地下街為例 / The study on evaluation criteria for spatial planning of underground streets – the cases of Taipei Station Front Metro Mall and East Metro Mall.

胡釗慈, Hu,Chao-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
自1984年鐵路地下化以來,地下街漸成為國內普遍的都市設施,至今台北都會區亦已開發了八處地下街。而近年來有關地下街之研究多在強調經營管理面的重要性,將地下街視為重要都市商業空間的延伸,特別是在像台北這樣的商業密集型都市中,更認為經營地下街的目的在於創造巨大的商機,卻反而忽略了地下街規劃設計之原意及功能。鑑於地下街主要係銜接大眾運輸場站的通行空間,在交通功能外,兼具商業及防災等功能的複雜特殊場域。而如何有系統地診斷現況地下街規劃設計面之課題,乃為本文之研究重點。 基此,本研究首先回顧國內外有關人行空間、商業空間以及地下街之文獻研究,採以模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method,FDM)進行評估因子篩選,整合多位專家學者建議與互動結果,建立包括交通順暢、防災保全與商業環境等三項層面之評估架構;再透過分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process,ANP),在考量各項評估因子間交互關係的前提下,彙整專家群體決策求取各項評估準則之權重值,完成「地下街空間規劃最適評估架構」之建立,其中發現專家群體首重「交通順暢」與「防災保全」兩層面,反視「商業環境」為地下街發展之附屬功能。 最後則以該評估架構為基礎,實地運用於現況地下街之檢討,針對台北市站前地下街與東區地下街進行實證分析,歸納出目前地下街所面臨之課題並提出相關具體建議。評估結果顯示,站前地下街於交通順暢與商業環境層面之表現皆不如東區地下街,得師法東區地下街之空間規劃設計進行加強;而在權重值較高的防災保全層面,此兩條地下街之因應手段皆有所不足,亟待相關單位進行改善。據此本研究除提出相關規劃、管理手段加以解決交通與商業環境面課題外,更強調透過疏散引導計畫研擬、防災管理系統整合、民眾防救災知識教育等手段改善現況防災保全之欠缺;進而建議相關單位得盡速建立一套專責法規範進行把關,藉以維護地下街建設之品質與安全。 / Since railway started to go underground in 1984, the underground streets have been emerging as popular city facilities in Taipei Megalopolis. Up to now, eight underground streets have been developed. In recent years, most researches about underground streets emphasize the importance of administration, and regard them as the extension of commercial space within cities, especially in the commerce-intensive cities such as Taipei. On the contrary, the underground streets’ original meaning and function of planning and design had been ignored. Owing to the complex and particular characteristics of these places, systematical diagnosis is needed to be discovered in spatial planning. For constructing an evaluation framework, this research reviews references related to pedestrian space, commercial space, and underground streets firstly. And, FDM (Fuzzy Delphi Method) method was utilized to extract proper impact criteria. To the evaluation framework, including three dimensions “traffic function”, “commercial environment”, and “disaster-prevention and security”, etc. Furthermore, ANP (Analytic Network Process) method was used to overcome the inter-correlation of each impact criteria for refining the evaluation framework and also generate the weight values. Both dimensions include “traffic function” and “disaster-prevention show high weight values as expected, contrarily regard “commercial environment” as accidental function of underground streets. Finally, based on this evaluation framework, user questionnaires were designed and surveyed in the Taipei Station Front Metro Mall and the East Metro Mall, for discovering the issues underground streets confront at present. Research results show that the planning of East Metro Mall is better than Taipei Station Front Metro Mall in the dimension of “traffic function” and“ commercial environment”. In the aspect of “disaster-prevention and security”, both these underground streets don’t have enough contingency ability, and should be improved immediately. According to the research findings, this study suggests some solutions for traffic function and commercial environment, and also emphasizes how to improve the planning of “disaster-prevention and security”. Moreover, related standards and guidelines for design and planning should be drawn up in related laws and regulations, in order to keep the quality and safety of underground streets’ space.

海軍紀律指標建構之研究 / A Study on the Construction of R.O.C. Navy Discipline Indicator

孫常德 Unknown Date (has links)
研究主旨在於探討軍紀概念的理論基礎,完成海軍軍紀指標的理論性建構,以茲作為未來在實務層面建立專業紀律評核制度之依據。本研究主要有五個研究目的:(一)就「軍紀評核制度」的完備性而言,探討「軍紀」組成構面暨發展各構面之指標項目。(二)探討這些指標項目對於評量部隊之軍紀實況的代表性和有效性。(三)探討這些指標項目對於評量部隊違反紀律所造成之影響的代表性和有效性。(四)探討這些指標項目對於區辨出軍紀事件之「肇因性質」係屬「意外」或「非意外」的代表性和有效性。(五)依據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供海軍未來擬定軍紀政策及相關學術研究之參考。 本研究為達成上述之目的,先根據文獻探討結果,建立海軍紀律指標的理論基礎,並審視國軍現行相關法規,據以演繹出「軍紀」具有生活、工作、訓練和戰鬥等四個構面。繼之運用「修正型德爾菲法」實施兩回合問卷調查,藉由專家小組反覆性意見回饋,及其對指標項目之「重要性」意見的統計結果,以及專家小組成員在意見上的「一致性」與「穩定性」的統計分析,以驗證各項指標的代表性和有效性,完成「海軍紀律指標」的理論建構。本研究指標項目總數96項,扣除無效指標4項,有效指標計有92項,其中主要指標47項,次要指標45項。 根據研究結果之統計資料分析,有以下四項之主要研究發現: (一)本研究建構之紀律指標,其中滿分指標與無效指標,這兩種極端情形均佔總數的比率極低;另外,主要指標與次要指標佔總數的比率極高,且分配情形呈現出相當的對稱性。(二)可提供未來評核紀律的專業基準。(三)軍紀指標應兼顧「質性」與「量性」指標,方能建立合理公平的評核制度。(四)著手應然面的學術研究,可提供軍隊實然面的制度改革。 / In this essay the author looks from the theoretical inquiry about the military discipline to construct the R.O.C. Navy discipline indicators. The construction is to be the base that establishing academically the system of Navy discipline examination further. There are five purposes of this research. Firstly, the purpose is to explore that the military discipline contains which dimensions and each dimension of military discipline contains which indicators, serves to develop further the system of Navy discipline examination. Secondly, the purpose is to explore those indicators if estimate accurately actual condition of army discipline. Thirdly, the purpose is to explore those indicators if estimate appropriately effects on the army that caused by discipline disobey. Fourthly, the purpose is to explore those indicators if distinguish incident from non-incident about the essentiality of causes of discipline disobey. Fifthly, in accordance with major findings to provide suggestions for improving the military discipline policy and academic investigation. For achieving the five purposes aforementioned, after reviewing some relevant references, completes the theoretical construction of the military discipline indicator. Meanwhile, after reviewing the regulations and rules of R.O.C. military discipline, deduces that military discipline contains four dimensions of life discipline、work discipline、training discipline and combat discipline. In short, there are 96 R.O.C. Navy discipline indicators deduced by theoretical construction and existing regulations. Then, expert panel constituted that consists of 10 experts whose specialty are about military discipline. Applying Modified Delphi Technique processes two times questionnaire anonymously answered by expert panel. Verifying the propriety of the constructions is based on interaction and feedback of the expert’s opinion through the two times questionnaire anonymously. After the estimation of importance、consensus and stability of 96 Navy discipline indicators, finds out that 4 indicators are irrelevant, the others are relevant. Some of the relevant indicators, including 47 indicators are first grade indicators, 45 indicators are second grade indicators. According as statistical results indicated that:(1)Those two extreme kinds of full marks indicators and irrelevant indicators are few in the constructions. Also, the percentage of the first grade indicators and the second grade indicators are high in the construction that consists of 96 indicators. Both of the indicators distribute symmetrically. (2)The findings have served to establish academically the system of Navy discipline examination further. (3)Military indicator in constructing should consider after both sides of qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment that will enable the system of Navy discipline examination to practice reasonably and equitably. (4)Academic research will contribute to revolution in military affairs of discipline examination further.

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