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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

不同物價環境下之匯率轉嫁效果 / Exchange rate pass-through at different price levels

林柏君, Lin, Po Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討不同的物價環境對匯率轉嫁程度的影響。有別於既有文獻將通貨緊縮納入低通膨的區間一併討論,本論文特別區分通貨緊縮與低且正的通膨區間,估計不同物價環境下的匯率轉嫁效果。 利用門檻迴歸模型(threshold model)及台灣1981-2008年的資料,且區分能源價格及非能源價格,本文的實證結果顯示,通貨緊縮考慮與否將影響匯率轉嫁程度與通膨、通縮環境的關係。不同於既有文獻發現匯率轉嫁效果與通膨環境呈正相關,本文發現通貨緊縮環境下的匯率轉嫁效果會提高。此外,包含能源價格之匯率轉嫁效果隨物價環境變化的幅度較大,與既有文獻的看法一致。 因此,在匯率轉嫁效果與物價環境的分析上,明確區分通貨緊縮的情況有其必要性,否則可能形成偏誤之推論。 / This dissertation incorporates inflation and deflation in the analysis of exchange rate pass-through at different price levels. Because the existing literature generally consider deflation as part of low inflation, pass-through estimates tend to be considered the same for these two regimes. This study separates the effects of deflation and low positive inflation and estimates the pass-through for different price levels. This dissertation uses a nonlinear model with aggregate and disaggregate import prices data from 1981–2008 in Taiwan to first examine the pass-through for two regimes of high inflation and low inflation. The results confirm the notion in the literature that a positive relationship exists between pass-through and inflation. Then, this dissertation extends the model to a three-regime setting, including high inflation, low positive inflation, and deflation. When deflation is clearly defined in a three-regime model, the degree of exchange rate pass-through is found to be increasing in both high inflation and deflation. The positive relationship at all price levels is no longer valid while the effect of deflation is separated from that of low inflation. In Taiwan, the pass-through becomes inversely greater as the inflation rate falls into a deflationary regime. That the pass-through is higher in a deflationary regime became particularly obvious after the 1997 financial crisis. Contrary to the results predicted by the positive relationship, this analysis does not find an unlimited downward trend for the pass-through. A rebound occurs in the degree of pass-through once deflation is clearly identified, and this pattern is also found for half of the importing industries categorized using the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). In addition, the results are consistent with the notion that oil prices usually fluctuate much more than the prices of other imports. The estimates show that the pass-through changes the most for fuels and related materials. Obviously, fluctuations in the price of oil influence the measurement of the pass-through. The increase in the pass-through found in a deflationary regime becomes smaller when oil prices are excluded.

後QE時代的國際金融市場 / The International Financial Market Post-QE Era

李丹青, Lee, Tan Ching Unknown Date (has links)
美日歐等先進國家在傳統貨幣政策提振經濟的效果逐漸失靈後,開始大膽啓用量化寛鬆(Quantitative Easing, QE)等非傳統貨幣政策(unconventional monetary policy)。本研究以此為背景,透過大量數據蒐集、整理與分析,比較國際金融市場在量化寛鬆貨幣政策前後的變化。 2007年美國次貸風暴引發全球金融危機後,FED於2008年開始實施密集、快速的QE政策,全面利用央行資產負債表與獨特而絕對在貨幣價格及數量的無限權力。本研究試圖從債券市場、股票市場、外匯市場、信貸與投資市場、各部門負債與去槓桿化程度與全球通貨膨脹現況等不同面向切入,嘗試以較長時間的統計資料比較並說明QE的有效性與侷限性。 在美日歐相繼實行規模程度不一的QE政策後,研究發現美國市場的各個層面已有顯著的改進,特別是在就業市場部分,其中失業率已逼近自然失業率的充分就業狀況,代表美國將逼近升息的時間點,並且不是只有單次調高基準利率(Fed Fund Rate,FFR),而是一個升息循環的開始,預期FFR將在未來數年內逐漸調高到正常經濟的水平。 與此同時,開發中國家則在資金外流回到美元體系的大環境下,呈現匯率貶值、股市表現不佳與主權債利差變大的金融現象,反應出國際金融市場風險正移轉至新興市場;尤其令人不安的是新興市場持續累積相對龐大的負債,以及國際商品大跌,嚴重衝擊以出口這些商品為主的新興經濟體與生產製造商。在各國央行貨幣政策趨於分岐,特別是美國啟動升息周期將成為美元持續走強的驅動力,龐大國際資金的流動亦會顯著帶來市場風險的移轉。 本研究蒐集各種不同領域的報告及資料,進行分析,主要結果整理如下: 一、量化寬鬆政策(Quantitative Easing)將在一開始造成實施國的貨幣明顯貶值。 二、量化寬鬆政策將造成實施國的股票市場持續走揚。 三、量化寬鬆政策將造成實施國的主權債券殖利率明顯下跌,特別是短天期的部分(short-end)。若實施國進一步採行負利率政策,短天期主權債券收益率亦會由正轉負。 四、量化寬鬆政策帶動全球通貨膨脹脫離偏低水準的效果不明顯,無論已開發或開發中國家都仍深陷通貨緊縮的壓力。 五、在美日歐相繼實施量化寬鬆政策後,全球各商品(市場)的波動趨於一致,呈現越來越高的關聯性。 六、全球金融市場流動性有逐漸降低的趨勢(受到各國管理金融業法規趨嚴影響),對照市場波動性時大時小,流動性風險影響國際資金的資產配置與流動成為一個重要議題。

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