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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

透過利率期限結構建立總體經濟產出缺口之預測模型 ─ 以美國為例 / Construct the forecast models for economic output gap through the term structure of interest rates ─ evidences for the United States

張楷翊 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟體的產出缺口一直是政策執行者的觀察重點,當一國出現產出缺口時,代表資源配置並不均衡,將發生通貨膨脹或是失業的現象,如能提早預期到未來是否會出現產出缺口,將可讓政策執行者即早進行政策實施,且有文獻指出,殖利率曲線資料中具有隱含未來經濟狀況之資訊。 本研究以美國財政部與聯準會之公開資料,將以殖利率曲線之斜率進行預測產出缺口;本文研究美國1977年至2016年之國民生產毛額成分與殖利率之資料,目標為建立對於未來一季將出現正向或負向缺口現象之模型,本研究建立三種預測模型進行比較,分別為線性迴歸模型、羅吉斯迴歸模型與機器學習中的支持向量機,以實質GDP的缺口預測而言,研究結果顯示,三者預測準確度均達到65%以上,支持向量機的準確度更達到80.85%。 得出以下結論,第一,殖利率曲線對於未來總體經濟產出缺口具有一定之解釋力;第二,對於高維度之預測模型在機器學習中的支持向量機表現會較一般常用之迴歸模型佳;第三,進出口的預測力在三個模型下均表現較差,可能為殖利率曲線對於進出口並不具有完整有效的資訊,可能有其餘的經濟指標或金融市場資訊可以解釋;第四,對於實質消費與投資等民間部門經濟行為有超過80%的預測力。 / The output gap of the economy has always been the objectives of policy practitioners. When a country appear the output gap, it means that the allocation of resources is not equilibrium and the inflation or unemployment will occur. The output gap will allow policymakers to implement the policy as early as possible, and the literature notes that the information of the yield curve has information about the future economic situation. In this paper, we using the data from the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve to predict the output gap by the slopes of the yield curve. Our goal is to construct the prediction model for the next quarter. To forecast the real GDP gap, three prediction models were compared, linear regression model, logistic regression model and support vector machine. The results show that the accuracy of the three predictions are more than 65%, support vector machine accuracy to reach 80.85%. We can have conclusions showing below: First, the yield curve has significant explanatory power for the overall economic output gap in the future. Second, the support vector machine perform better than the commonly used regression model. Third, the predictive power of real import and export in the three models are poor performance, there may be the rest of the economic indicators or financial market information can be explained. Fourth, the real consumption and investment has the predictive power more than 80% of the forecast.

隨機利率模型下台灣公債市場殖利率曲線之估計 / Yield Curve Estimation Under Stochastic Interest Rate Modles :Taiwan Government Bond Market Empirical Study

羅家俊, Lo, Chia-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著金融市場的開放,越來越多的金融商品被開發出來以迎合市場參予者的需求,利率衍生性金融商品是一種以利率為標的的一種新金融商品,而這種新金融商品的交易量也是相當的可觀。我們在設計金融商品的第一步就是要去定價,在現實社會中利率是隨機波動的而不是像在B-S的選擇權公式中是固定的。隨機利率模型的用途就是在描述利率隨機波動的行為,進而對利率衍生性金融商品定價。本文嘗試以隨機利率模型估計台灣公債市場的殖利率曲線,而殖利率曲線的建立對於固定收益證券及其衍生性金融商品的定價是很重要的。在台灣大部分的利率模型的研究都是利用模擬的方式做比較,這也許是因為資料取得上的問題,本文利用CKLS(1992)所提出的方式以GMM(Generalized Method of Moment)的估計方法,利用隨機利率模型估計出台灣公債市場的殖利率曲線。本文中將三種隨機利率模型做比較他們分別為: Vasicek model (Vasicek 1977),、隨機均數的Vasicek 模型 (BDFS 1998) ,以及隨機均數與隨機波動度的Vasicek 模型 (Chen,Lin 1996). 後面兩個模型是首次出現在台灣的研究文獻中。在本文的附錄中將提出如何利用偏微分方程式(PDE)的方法求解出這三個模型的零息債券價格的封閉解(Closed-Form Solution)。文中利用台灣商業本票的價格當作零息債券價格的近似值,再以RMSE (Root mean squared Price Prediction Error)作為利率模型配適公債市場價格能力的指標。本文的主要貢獻在於嘗試以隨機利率模型估計出台灣公債市場的殖利率曲線,以及介紹了兩種首次在台灣研究文獻出現的利率模型,並且詳細推導其債券價格的封閉解,這對於想要建構一個新的隨機利率模型的研究人員而言,這是一個相當好的一個練習。 / With the growth in the area of financial engineering, more and more financial products are designed to meet demands of the market participants. Interest rate derivatives are those instruments whose values depend on interest rate changes. These derivatives form a huge market worth several trillions of dollars. The first step to design or develop a new financial product is pricing. In the real world interest rate is not a constant as in the B-S option instead it changes over time. Stochastic interest rate models are used for capturing the volatile behavior of interest rate and valuing interest rate derivatives. Appropriate models are necessary to value these instruments. Here we want to use stochastic interest rate models to construct the yield curve of Taiwan Government Bond (TGB) market. It is important to construct yield curve for pricing some financial instruments such as interest rate derivatives and fixed income securities.  In Taiwan Although most of the research surrounding interest rate models is intended towards studying their usefulness in valuing and hedging complex interest rate derivatives by simulation. But just a few papers focus on empirical study. Maybe this is due to the problems for data collection. In this paper we want to use stochastic interest models to construct the yield curve of Taiwan’s Government Bond market. The estimation method that we use in this paper is GMM (Generalized Method of Moment) followed CKLS (1992). I introduce three different interest rate model, Vasicek model (Vasicek 1977), Vasicek with stochastic mean model (BDFS 1998) and Vasicek with stochastic mean and stochastic volatility model (Chen,Lin 1996). The last two models first appear in Taiwan’s research. In the Chapter 3, I will introduce these models in detail and in the appendix of my thesis I will show how to use PDE approach to derive each model’s zero coupon bond price close-form solution. In this paper we regard Taiwan CP (cmmercial Paper) rates as a proxy of short rate to estimate the parameters of each model. Finally we use these models to construct the yield curve of Taiwan Government Bonds market and to tell which model has the best fitting bond prices performance. Our metric of performance for these models is RMSE (Root mean squared Price Prediction Error). The main contribution of this study is to construct the yield curve of TGB market and it is useful to price derivatives and fixed income securities and I introduce two stochastic interest rates models, which first appear in Taiwan’s research. I also show how to solve the PDE for a bond price and it is a useful practice for someone who wants to construct his/her own model.

風險貼水及交易成本對債券殖利率影響之實證研究 / The Effect of Risk Premium and Transaction Cost for Yield to Maturity

林聰欽, Lin, Tsung Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討國內債券市場如何決定債券殖利率之風險貼水及交易成本貼水,其中風險貼水可分為時間及信用風險貼水兩部份,屬於前者之重要變數有存續期間(Duration)與凸性(Convexity),屬於後者則有信用評等(Credit Ranking)與銀行擔保效果,而交易成本分析是在控制風險貼水因素後,看稅賦效果是否會影響投資者之必要報酬率。此外,本研究亦對殖利率曲線作分析,討論長短期資金市場是否存在明顯互動關係。首先對存續期間及凸性之特性作研究,檢測在既有到期期間變數下,加入存續期間及凸性對於債券殖利率邊際解釋能力的影響,冀描述國內投資者之訂價行為。其次就債券信用評等與銀行擔保效果作分析,公司債可能有不同信用等級,面對不等級公司債券,投資人或會要求不同程度之違約風險貼水,本文以實證對此作探討。又公司債因擔保與否,區分為擔保公司債及無擔保公司債,因此本研究關心的第二組變數是發行人為政府抑民間機構暨公司債之信用評等與銀行擔保效果。本研究亦對債券交易成本作探討,就證券交易稅而言,政府公債免徵交易稅而公司債券買賣須課徵千分之一的交易稅,因此我們想要知道存在公債與公司債之間,因稅賦差異造成交易成本不同,是否會影響到投資者的意願,故第三項變數為以證交稅為主之交易成本。最後對市場資金供需情形作分析,同時探討長短期資金市場是否存在互動關係,故第四項變數為全面資金供需情況。本研究藉檢測總體經濟資金供需變數對債券殖利率之影響,同時也可檢驗國內長短期資金市場之區隔程度。由於國內債市尚淺,仍舊有很大的發展空間,因此在可預期的未來,國內債券市場勢必會受到應有的重視。但由於早期國內債市之不發達及不受重視,使得有關債券資料的保存,特別是公司債券部份十分缺乏,連帶相關文獻亦寥寥可數,故本文以國內債券市場資料做實證研究、分析,冀望能有邊際之貢獻。

後QE時代的國際金融市場 / The International Financial Market Post-QE Era

李丹青, Lee, Tan Ching Unknown Date (has links)
美日歐等先進國家在傳統貨幣政策提振經濟的效果逐漸失靈後,開始大膽啓用量化寛鬆(Quantitative Easing, QE)等非傳統貨幣政策(unconventional monetary policy)。本研究以此為背景,透過大量數據蒐集、整理與分析,比較國際金融市場在量化寛鬆貨幣政策前後的變化。 2007年美國次貸風暴引發全球金融危機後,FED於2008年開始實施密集、快速的QE政策,全面利用央行資產負債表與獨特而絕對在貨幣價格及數量的無限權力。本研究試圖從債券市場、股票市場、外匯市場、信貸與投資市場、各部門負債與去槓桿化程度與全球通貨膨脹現況等不同面向切入,嘗試以較長時間的統計資料比較並說明QE的有效性與侷限性。 在美日歐相繼實行規模程度不一的QE政策後,研究發現美國市場的各個層面已有顯著的改進,特別是在就業市場部分,其中失業率已逼近自然失業率的充分就業狀況,代表美國將逼近升息的時間點,並且不是只有單次調高基準利率(Fed Fund Rate,FFR),而是一個升息循環的開始,預期FFR將在未來數年內逐漸調高到正常經濟的水平。 與此同時,開發中國家則在資金外流回到美元體系的大環境下,呈現匯率貶值、股市表現不佳與主權債利差變大的金融現象,反應出國際金融市場風險正移轉至新興市場;尤其令人不安的是新興市場持續累積相對龐大的負債,以及國際商品大跌,嚴重衝擊以出口這些商品為主的新興經濟體與生產製造商。在各國央行貨幣政策趨於分岐,特別是美國啟動升息周期將成為美元持續走強的驅動力,龐大國際資金的流動亦會顯著帶來市場風險的移轉。 本研究蒐集各種不同領域的報告及資料,進行分析,主要結果整理如下: 一、量化寬鬆政策(Quantitative Easing)將在一開始造成實施國的貨幣明顯貶值。 二、量化寬鬆政策將造成實施國的股票市場持續走揚。 三、量化寬鬆政策將造成實施國的主權債券殖利率明顯下跌,特別是短天期的部分(short-end)。若實施國進一步採行負利率政策,短天期主權債券收益率亦會由正轉負。 四、量化寬鬆政策帶動全球通貨膨脹脫離偏低水準的效果不明顯,無論已開發或開發中國家都仍深陷通貨緊縮的壓力。 五、在美日歐相繼實施量化寬鬆政策後,全球各商品(市場)的波動趨於一致,呈現越來越高的關聯性。 六、全球金融市場流動性有逐漸降低的趨勢(受到各國管理金融業法規趨嚴影響),對照市場波動性時大時小,流動性風險影響國際資金的資產配置與流動成為一個重要議題。

BPN暨RN神經網路與向量誤差修正模型對國內債券價格之預測績效 / Exploring the Relative Abilities of Neural Networks and VECM in Forecasting Taiwan's Bond Price

紀如龍, Jih, Ru-Long Unknown Date (has links)
本研究計畫探討以RN神經網路模型預測國內債券價格的效度。目前一般用於財務預測的神經網路論著主要為BPN模型,惟BPN模型有其限制,所以本研究計畫將(1)分析比較統計計量模型,BPN神經網路,RN神經網路系統對國內公債價格之預測績效。(2)分析不同時期的預測能力,找出景氣和預測變數的關係,同時將比較各個時期統計計量模型和神經網路模型是否同時有效, 抑或有些有效, 有些無效,以探討各工具是否具有互補性或替代性。並探討預測績效是否受到背後經濟環境的影響。 我們研究對象為國內公債,其每日交易資料取樣時間自民國八十一年開始。影響債券價格的因素可拆解成實質利率,預期通貨膨脹率和風險貼水三層面,本研究總體變數之選取,亦循此三項範疇以求周延。 本研究之研究成果對理論及實務應用將有下列三項預期貢獻:(1)比較不同其常的債券在不同景氣狀況下,各不同預測模型的預測效度差異,探討各時期各工具之預測能力,可提供投資實務界對預測工具之選擇,應用與搭配。(2)對債券報酬率預測研究,分析總體變數,利率風險等變數對債券報酬率的影響,可進一步暸解影響債券價格的相關因素及程度。(3)以往神經網路應用在財務預測領域上, 皆以BPN 神經網路為主,此處引進RN神經網路,比較兩者的表現,可提供學術理論界之驗證。 / This research project empirically investigates the accuracy of Reasoning Neural Networks (RN) in forecasting Taiwan's bond prices. We explore (1) the relative predictive abilities of Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), which serve as a representative econometric model, Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPN), which is adopted by most current studies in the application of neural networks in finance, and RN, and (2) th3 potential variations in the three models' predictive power in different phases of economic cycle. Specifically, we aim to study if the three models substitute or complementone another. In addition, we explore the extent to which the relativepredictive abilities of the three models varies with underlying macroecomonic factors. The explanatory variables adopted in this study include all potential drives to (real) risk-free rate, expected inflation rate, and riskspremiums. In this study, we examine the government bond terms to maturity,coupon rate, and prices of government bonds during 1992-1995. This project would contribute to both academic and application researchin the following three aspects : (1) Few, if any , prior study explores whether and how various neuralnetworks and/or eco- nomic models perform under different macro-economicvariables. Our empirical results may indicate an appropriate model ( ormodels ) to improve forecasting of bond prices. (2) This study shows how RN, BPN, and VECM models perform in forecastinggovernment bonds yields to maturity. (3) The BPN model prevails in financial forecasting. Nevertheless, BPNis subject to a few short comings and may thus be a sub-optimal model. This study analyzes if RN is more cost-effective in forecasting bond prices than BPN.

採用IFRS對政府公債資金成本之影響 ─以英國政府為例 / IFRS Adoption in Public Sector and Cost of Debt: Evidence from UK Government

劉欣靄 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,政府會計之改革為各國探討之議題,本研究探討當政府公部門財務報告採用國際會計準則編製,並且經過獨立審計機關查核後,對其發行公債之殖利率利差之影響。本研究從英國債務管理辦公室及倫敦證券交易所之資料庫,蒐集英國中央政府發行公債之資訊,以 2006 年至 2014 間有交易行為之公債為樣本,進行迴歸分析。結果顯示,公債殖利率利差與採用國際會計準則呈現顯著負相關,意即政府報表採用國際財務報導準則,會使市場投資人獲得更透明之財務資訊,而預期公債之無法償還風險降低,且更加願意投資公債。除此之外,當政府提供依國際財務報導準則編製之政府財務報告,再經過會計師查核,審計效果與殖利率利差亦呈現負相關。敏感性測試則指出,當不考慮金融危機的非常規狀況時,同樣可以顯示出相同結果。 / The reform of government accounting systems has become a trend in many countries during recent decades. This study investigates the effect on sovereign bond yield spread of adopting IFRS in government sector, and how yield spreads might be affected after financial reports are audited. Data of tradable UK sovereign bonds are collected from UK Debt Management Office and London Stock Exchange for the period of 2006-2014. Based on the results of regression analysis, the adoption of IFRS by UK governments is negatively associated with gilt bond yield spreads, which means sovereign risk is perceived to be lower by the investors after the adoption of IFRS by central government. When the IFRS-based government financial reports are audited, negative connections between audited reports and yield spreads provide further evidence that investors show higher faith in the sovereign bonds. Additionally, the results remain the same when data of 2009, an abnormal year because of world financial crisis are added back to the regression.


陳俐芊, Li-Chien Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究目的在於探討百慕達利率交換選擇權以及CMS結構型債券的評價與分析。在利率風險管理的工具中,利率交換(IRS)可說是最重要的一項,由於利率交換契約提供了很有效率的資產負債管理方式,自1980年代出現利率交換以來,利率交換的交易量與日遽增。在國內利率市場發展上,本國證券商在86年核准證券自營商、承銷商得因業務需要,可以進行避險性的新台幣利率交換交易。主管機關已在90年10月開放證券商經營利率交換業務。91年6月財政部又開放證券商可進一步承作更多樣化的利率商品,包括利率選擇權、利率交換選擇權、遠期利率協定及上述商品之組合。故本文提出之百慕達式利率交換選擇權個案分析,期能探討利率交換選擇權的評價方式及其避險方式。 對於市場上的個體投資戶而言,要如何利用自身對利率走勢的判斷來獲取利潤? 除了衍生性利率商品的操作外,目前還可以投資利率連結型債券,本文以CBA發行之六年期固定期限交換利率連動債券為例,進行個案的評價與避險分析,期能提供券商在未來設計與發行此類型利率連動債券時的一個參考。

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