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對股份有限公司董事求償機制之研究劉坤典 Unknown Date (has links)
公司法之股東代表訴訟、證券投資人及期貨交易人保護法之團體訴訟及民事訴訟法之多數人訴訟程序之規定,建構對公司董事求償之機制。本論文試綜合各家學說、實務之見解及他國立法例,提出修正建議,期供將來修法及實務運作之參考。 / How to make the enterprise directors fulfill the duty is a significant issue for corporate governance. Other than building transparent principles for directors to follow, it’s necessary to establish a pluperfect and efficient mechanism for responsibility enquiry when the director violates the interest of investors or stakeholders in order to accomplish good corporate governance.
Based on above reasons, this thesis introduces the internal responsibility of directors and discusses the good faith and due diligence for directors. Also, this thesis presents the external responsibility of director and discusses the nature and scope of regulation, i.e. legal responsibility or tort, in light of Article 23 section II. The Securities and Exchange Act revised the Article 14-2 to Article14-5 on January.11, 2006. These articles stipulate the responsibility of independent director and other directors. This thesis further discusses whether there is difference between the responsibility of independent director and other directors, or the necessity to mitigate or exempt the duty of independent director.
According to the Company Act Article 194, in case the board of directors decide, by resolution, to commit any act in violation of any law, ordinance or the company's Articles of Incorporation, any shareholder who has continuously held the shares of the company for a period of one year or longer may request the board of directors to discontinue such act. Article 218-2 stipulated, in case the board of directors or any director commits any act, in carrying out the business operations of the company, in a manner in violation of the laws, regulations, the Articles of Incorporation or the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting, the supervisors shall forthwith advise, by a notice, to the board of directors or the director, as the case may be, to cease such act. These two articles are important statutes for efficiently deterring the illegal conduct of director. According to the Company Act Article 212, the shareholders' meeting shall resolve to institute an action against a director when the director continues illegal conduct. In case of a lawsuit between the company and a director, the supervisor shall act on behalf of the company, unless otherwise provided by law; and the meeting of shareholders may also appoint some other person to act on behalf of the company in a lawsuit. Article 214 also stipulate, shareholder(s) who has/have been continuously holding 3% or more of the total number of the outstanding shares of the company over one year may request in writing the supervisors of the company to institute, for the company, an action against a director of the company. In case the supervisors fails to institute an action within 30 days after having received the request, then the shareholders shall file such request may institute the action for the company. However, the cases filed by shareholder are very rare in our courts. The thesis will analyze foreign legislation to resolve the deficiency of our system.
After the Securities Investors and Futures Traders Protection Act became effective on January 1, 2003, Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center filed many class actions on behalf of investors. The Code of Civil Procedure amended and promulgated on February 7, 2003. The amendment revised the party selection clause and added Article 44-1 to 44-4 which is related to class action. The above amendments provide class action for large numbers of people whose cases involve common questions of law and/or fact. This thesis analyzes the difference between the above amendments and examine whether the legislative goal will be achieved by those statues.
The statutes about class action instituted by representative of shareholders、 Securities Investors and Futures Traders Protection Center or other people set up the mechanism responsibility enquiry of director. This thesis analyzes various theories, case law and legislative regulations of other countries and provides suggestions for amending our law in future.
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集體訴訟制度之研究 / The research of collective party suits余銘軒 Unknown Date (has links)
我國雖先後修正公布民事訴訟法第44條之1 至第44條之3,及消費者保護法、證券投資人及期貨交易人保護法等訴訟制度,以期解決小額多數人之糾紛類型,然制度良意雖佳,卻也面臨設計上不盡周全、欠缺誘發機制及使用率低之困境,相較於美國集團訴訟的案件量以及對社會、政策之影響力,顯然我國相關集體訴訟制度仍有改進之空間。有鑑於此,本文即以我國私法上所規定之集體訴訟型態為範團,以文獻分析之方法,蒐集國內有關集體訴訟之相關文獻,並參酌美國有關集體訴訟制度規定、發展之立法例,以瞭解我國集體訴訟之法理基礎;並從我國民事訴訟法之選定當事人制度、消保法之團體訴訟及投保法之團體訴訟等制度出發,探討多數人紛爭事件之解決所依循之訴訟法理何在,並從中瞭解多數紛爭當事人之權利救濟,如何在兼顧保障當事人訴訟權保障之前提下,能獲致紛爭解決一次性之要求。
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