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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔣金城 Unknown Date (has links)
提 要 冷戰結束後的市場經濟與區域和平發展模式,型塑了中共與印度迅速崛起的有利機勢。在中共建構世界強權的戰略思維中,也從冷戰時期的軍事安全觀,轉變到以經濟發展為主軸,所建構的「睦鄰外交」新安全觀政策上,帶動了中共綜合國力的提升。另對印度而論,自從獨立建國半世紀以來,以其低廉的人力成本與科技產業的發達,建構了「立足南亞、面向印度洋、放眼全球」的戰略態勢。中印關係的發展也在這種國際局勢調整的環境中,形成了一種競爭與合作的詭譎氣氛,其間互動關係的影響,除將牽動各自的國家安全與戰略基礎外,更將延伸到南亞地區的穩定與發展。 綜上所述,本論文係以冷戰後的中印關係為基礎架構,因應世界格局的調整,首先從探討中印關係發展的歷史回顧為開端,循序探討六○年代因西藏問題與邊界爭議造成彼此以軍事對立的交惡時期,直至冷戰結束,中印雙方關係開始回溫。911事件後,基於反恐的需求,中印進而採取和平穩定、互利雙贏的模式持續加強經濟發展,尤其在2000年至2005年藉由雙邊貿易加速增長,以及在外交政策上基於和睦相處的原則,都作了較大幅度的調整,展現較靈活和現實的態度,並主張以國際組織參與及互信機制的對話代替對抗,此一調整,對增進雙邊關係實具催化的功效。 2006年中印雙方更在「中印友好年」的基礎上,發展政治、經濟、文教與軍事等各方面的交流互動活動,為兩國建構起和平穩定的發展模式,然在和平相處的背後,中印均有意藉由日益強大的經濟實力與軍事力量,期盼在世界舞台上扮演大國的地位。因此,中印經貿與戰略資源競合、南亞戰略利益競逐、中巴關係、核武發展、印美互動及邊界與西藏等問題,均將牽一髮而動全身,對南亞情勢與國際局勢影響至為深遠,這正是本論文所要探討的重點。

中俄邊界談判史——從尼布楚條約到中俄國界東段補充協定 / A History of Sino-Russian Border Negotiations: From the Treaty of Nerchinsk to the Supplementary Agreement on the Eastern Section of the China-Russia Boundary Line

費彥誠 Unknown Date (has links)
從1968年的《中俄尼布楚條約》到2004年的《中俄國界東段補充協定》,中俄邊界爭議談判歷時三百多年,在這漫長的期間內彼此的國界線也曾數度遷移。本文探討兩國國界複雜多變的形成過程,來歸納出造成雙方邊界變動的結構性因素為何。 一般習慣將中俄國界區分為東、中、西三段,這其實是經過長期的歷史演變而來的概念,早期的邊界條約並非一定是依此方式分段簽訂。若依此地理分法,雖可詳細了解各段邊界的演變經過,但部分涵蓋範圍較廣的條約將被迫拆散或是重複討論,失去了完整性。因此本論文以歷史事件的順序為章節安排,如此一方面可顧及條約的完整性,二方面也較易釐清各階段的歷史脈絡。 此外,本論文的研究重點強調在各重要邊界條約的談判經過,藉著中俄雙方互相角力的過程,來剖析出兩國國界線擴張與限縮的關鍵因素,最後並以條件的滿足來解釋中俄國界得以確定。 / From “The Treaty of Nerchinsk”(1689) to “The Supplementary Agreement on the Eastern Section of the China-Russia Boundary Line”(2004), negotiations on the Chinese-Russian border disputes lasted more than 300 years. In this prolonged period the demarcation line of boundaries changed several times. This thesis explores the structural factors of the complex forming process of Sino-Russian borderlines. Actually, the conventional concept of the three border sections of east, central, and west between China and Russia comes from the long-term historical evolution. The early boundary treaties were not necessarily signed by both sides section by section. If we use the geographical taxonomy as the thesis’s analytical structure, we may understand each border section’s formation in details, but we will not capture the whole picture of Sino-Russian border negotiations because some broad-scoped treaties which comprised not just one specific border section have to be divided into sections or resulted into overlapped discussion accordingly. Alternatively, the organization of this study takes historical events chronologically to maintain the border treaties’ wholeness in their precise historical contexts. Moreover, this thesis emphasizes the negotiation processes of important boundary treaties between China and Russia in terms of comparative power strength, which decided the expansion or shrinkage of each other’s boundary and the final settlement of Sino-Russian border dispute.

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