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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳淑滿, WU,SHU-MAN Unknown Date (has links)
在1980年代,英、美二國為解決二次世界大戰後所面臨的都市衰敗問題,遂選定符合條件之衰敗地區劃為「企業特區」(Enterprise Zone)。由政府於該區域內,在特定時間內降低政府管制標準及採用非直接性援助方式(如:稅賦減免、簡化規劃管制…等)來鼓勵投資開發,消除對經濟成長的障礙,藉此塑造良好投資環境,以減少廠商運作成本,吸引廠商與人口進駐,再以此帶動都市發展。 以我國都市發展而言,政府採用許多都市政策來增加都市的吸引力以促進都市成長,然而卻無企業特區的實施。就台南市發展現況來看,早期的商業空間-中西區-受到歷史變遷與全球化所造成的後工業化都市空間再結構影響,開始面臨沒落的危機,人口、產業呈現負成長的趨勢,連帶造成都市發展緩慢停滯。爰此,本研究試圖引進國外企業特區制度,以作為我國擬定中西區再發展政策之參考依據。 本研究首先由政府角色與區域經濟發展理論,探討政府政策、區域經濟與都市發展之關連並回顧相關文獻,作為政府劃設企業特區之理論基礎。其次,進行英、美二國實施企業特區之分析,包含實施背景、方式、效益等,再檢視台南市都市發展之歷程,探討中西區發展現況,並藉由層級分析法(AHP)來建構出以企業特區推動台南市中西區再發展之目標體系,包含3個主目標、11個次目標、33個策略。 本研究結果發現,企業特區以尊重市場機制及政府最小管制為核心概念,英、美二國對於企業特區有不同的發展定位與實施目標,就實施成效而言,英國認為該項計畫是有用的,但屬於不確定性之經濟發展計畫,美國則認為企業特區可為地區帶來正向的發展。經由層級分析法來分析專家問卷,本研究認為以企業特區推動台南市中西區再發展之策略可從以下方式著手:1.應以建構經濟環境為優先考量,並強調此一層面策略之重要性,其次再配合提升環境品質、解決社會發展問題。2.經濟發展以強化實質條件作為地區發展之基礎,再藉此擬訂鼓勵優勢產業進駐特區之相關策略。3.解決社會問題應優先增加在地居民就業機會。4.提升環境品質,以改善居住環境為優先項目。5.須從組織、法令、執行、監督層面,擬訂相關配套措施,使特區達到預期目標。

都市再發展評估指標建構之研究 / Construction on Evaluation Indicators for Urban Redevelopment

張立立 Unknown Date (has links)
為挽救都市機能的日益衰退,地方政府運用都市再發展政策,以改善都市生活環境品質、復甦地方經濟、提昇都市競爭力;但是,目前國內都市再發展偏重改善實質環境單一向度,而且缺乏政策實施評估的工具,致使難以衡量整體計劃方案實施的成效;為檢視計劃方案對於都市再發展目標之達成程度,宜有客觀的評估方式,以作為評估政策規劃之指導依據。因此,本研究嘗試建立一套評估指標系統,以評估都市再發展企劃方案內容或實施成效,作為公共投資決策之參考依據。 本研究首先分別由實質環境層面之密集城市理論探討永續發展的都市形式,政治經濟層面之資本累積理論探討都市空間變遷過程,以及政權理論探討政府部門與不同利益團體間之結盟,形成政府部門、經濟體系與社區群體之三者互動關係。所以,都市再發展內涵,係由改善實質環境作基礎,以經濟誘因促進產業復甦,結合社區居民力量,共同推動再造計畫,即具有實質環境、社會、經濟與政治等多面向度之特性;藉以研訂都市再發展十二項目標系統架構,並輔以德爾菲技法蒐集專家學者的意見,建構一套符合都市再發展目標之三十六項綜合性評估指標,再經模糊階層分析法,獲得評估指標權重體系,研究結果以「經濟」向度之評估指標權重最高,「環境」向度之評估指標權重次之,再者才是「社會」向度之評估指標權重,最後為「政治」向度之評估指標權重。顯示目前專家群體認為都市再發展政策,需以促進經濟產業繁榮為優先導向,輔以產業投資與生活環境之改善,再結合社會網絡與文化資本,最後才是考量有關各社群利益與空間資源再分配利用之議題。提供作為評估都市再發展策略實施成效之政策決策參考準則。 / In order to revitalize the declining areas in the inner city, the local government commences to improve physical environment, economic competition and quality of life by urban redevelopment strategies. Yet the strategies in Taiwan only emphasize the physical improvement and lack the policy mechanism to evaluate the achievement of the redevelopment program. Therefore, in the paper the indicator system is established to help evaluate the implementation of policy so as to achieve the goals of urban redevelopment and to decide the priority of public investment. There are several urban redevelopment theories from different aspects reviewed in the paper, including the compact city theory related to urban physical environment form, the capital accumulation and regime theory related to political-economic perspective, and the interaction of the government sector, economic system and communities in the process of urban redevelopment. Based on the theory research, urban redevelopment would be found as a comprehensive context with social, economic, physical and political aspects. According to the multi-aspect of the urban redevelopment, the outcome of the study is demonstrated as 12 goals of urban redevelopment and 36 evaluation indicators. The paper incorporates the opinions of specialists into structural evaluation and indicators based upon Delphi method and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process method with further calculation to display relative weights among each indicator. The highest weight of aspect is economic aspect, the second is environmental aspect, the third is social aspect, and the last is political aspect. Therefore, the conclusion of the weight calculation in the paper shows that the urban redevelopment policy is primarily economic-oriented, and then improvement of industry investment and living environment will be considered. Social network and culture capital will be the third aspect combining in the process. Finally, the benefit of the different groups and the redistribution of the resources will be the last to be considered. These indicators could be applied to evaluate the performance of the urban redevelopment policy as reference of the decision-makers.

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