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消閑閱讀習慣在近代中國:《良友畫報》出版體與圖畫想像空間之擴展余芳珍, Fang-chen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
就畫報的發展而言,上海發生過兩次畫報潮,第一次由1884年創辦之《點石齋畫報》引起,第二次則由1926年之《良友畫報》所帶動,並且在三十年形成風潮。《點石齋畫報》為石印畫報,聘請畫師手繪印製而成。在網目照相版技術引進中國之後,攝影圖片取代繪畫圖片,《良友畫報》即採用攝影技術,以大量的照片呈現內容。由於攝影無法拍攝詭譎神怪的情景,因此雖然仍以獵奇作為編輯的基本主軸,但在相當程度上轉變了畫報的內涵。攝影類畫報除了沿襲清末以來石印畫報報導新奇事物的特色之外,還有承襲報刊的哪些面向呢?承襲之後又有哪些轉化性的創新呢?這些創新對於當時讀者來說,具有何種意義呢?換句話說,對讀者而言,和文字報相較,畫報到底被定位為何種類型的讀物?而以「獵奇」為主軸的編輯方式,對讀者產生什麼樣的閱讀感受?這類屬於閱讀史(History of Reading)範圍的問題,是為本論文撰寫的初衷。
順此而下,第四章則將焦點放置在良友圖書印刷公司旗下銷量最佳的《良友畫報》,析論《良友畫報》如何運用「畫報」特具的圖像特質,呈現與文字報刊不甚相同的閱讀圖景,在強化第一章對「畫報」獨特性討論之際,亦試圖梳理出迥異於李歐梵等學者所呈現的摩登時尚之另一種現代性面貌。結論除綜述內文論旨之外,另援用哈伯瑪斯之「公共領域」(public sphere)的概念,討論自晚清李伯元《遊戲報》以來所帶動的消閑閱讀習慣,被 1910 至1920 年代盛行的小報潮負面化以來,《良友畫報》如何扭轉當時人對消閑閱讀的惡評,確立消閑閱讀習慣的正當性,進而去除《遊戲報》以來的諷刺時事之「公共領域」特質,轉變為一個純淨的消閑空間,並且在失去批評時政的特色下,從而被政治當局挪用,成為官方意識型態的傳聲筒。
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大學生英文網路閱讀習慣及觀感之探索性研究 / An Exploratory Investigation on Undergraduates' Habits and Perceptions of Reading English on the Internet洪珮菱, Hung, Pei-ling Unknown Date (has links)
希望本研究的發現可以讓教育者瞭解大學生如何使用網路來幫助他們的英語學習,以及網路的使用如何影響他們的閱讀習慣。文末進一步提出相關建議,作為教育學者們教學上的參考。 / With the advancement of the Internet, people’s reading habits and behaviors have been evolving and reshaped. Previous studies indicated that more research on reading habits in this digital age is necessary to be further investigated and updated to eke out EFL educators’ understanding of EFL learners’ uses of the Internet to facilitate their English learning. This study attempts to explore how undergraduate students use the Internet to facilitate their English learning by delving into their habits and perceptions of reading English on the Internet and whether there is any difference between undergraduate freshmen and seniors.
The present study adopted a qualitative research method. The participants are forty-nine EFL English major undergraduates with twenty-five seniors and twenty-four freshmen from two universities in northern Taiwan. The major way to collect data is focus group interviews, which are semi-structured interviews with eighteen focus interview groups of the participating students. The interview data were transcribed in verbatim and analyzed in accordance with content analysis method.
The major findings of the habits of reading English online revealed that the participants basically held positive attitude towards and grew into the habit of reading English on the Internet. They read English online for the purpose of doing schoolwork and they preferred reading contents related to their courses, with light topics such as leisure and art, with sensational and catchy topics, in short length, or with more reliability and authority. The English learning websites that the participants usually went to were also provided for pedagogical references. Moreover, the participants were much more motivated to read English online when the reading contents were accompanied with multimedia. Upon facing reading comprehension problems, they usually turned to online dictionaries or online instant translators to improve their understanding of the contents they were reading on the Internet.
The students’ perceptions of disadvantages of reading online included inflexibility, distraction and disorientation, oversupply of information, and lack of ergonomic concerns. Apart from the disadvantages of reading English on the Internet, the participants put forth a number of valuable merits of reading online, including time and cost saving in gaining information, gaining rapidly-updated information, others’ perspective, accessing information in divers forms, interacting with others, making documents, benefiting English learning, and multitasking. As for the suggestions made to the teachers intending to integrate the Internet use into classes, the participants hoped that teachers could recommend them useful websites, teach them search skills, and infuse the Internet into the classroom setting.
The major findings of the differences between the seniors and the freshmen were that the seniors were more accustomed to incorporating English language into their daily lives in order to increase more chances to immerse themselves in English learning environments through the Internet than the freshmen. In addition, the seniors were more resourceful in using the Internet to help themselves with problems they met while reading online. Contrarily, the freshmen still needed teachers’ training on how to solve their reading comprehension with more methods and on how to distinguish reliable websites from incredible ones.
Finally, it is expected that the findings of this study can provide educators with more understanding about how undergraduates utilize the Internet to facilitate their English learning and how their reading habits are influenced by the widespread use of the Internet. Besides, a number of pedagogical implications and instructional suggestions are presented at the end of this thesis for educators’ teaching references.
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農漁會家政推廣人員使用圖書館資源之研究 / A study of library resources using on the home economics extension agent柯文仁, Ke, Wen Jen Unknown Date (has links)
依據問卷所得結果,提出鄉鎮圖書館改進的項目,以提升家政推廣人員的圖書館使用率,例如:改善開閉館時間、根據家政人員的推廣活動提供適當館藏、加強宣導圖書館服務項目、舉辦兒童教育與醫療保健相關的推廣活動、改善圖書館的檢索系統、與家政推廣人員合辦社區活動。並且建議我國能夠設立農業專門圖書館以及博物館、農業資訊服務中心應彙整網路資源以及農業推廣充電站可導入知識管理的技術,藉以提昇我國農業推廣的發展。 / In recent years, Taiwan government makes efforts to improve public libraries, and hopes to provide better services and environment to the readers for promoting library usage, but a number of library users studies showed that the users with agriculture background did not reach to 1%. Many policy changes make developments of agricultural extensions harder. Even some agricultural extension staffs feel lacking of professional knowledge to serve farmers, and that results in their pressure at agricultural extension work.
Based on the above reasons, and the Home Economics’ services are closer to the general public’s life, so this study aimed at Home Economics Extension agents to explore and understand their information needs, and find out how to provide good library services and collections, in order to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents.
The questionnaires survey aimed at the home economics extension agents in the framers’ association and fishers’ association. It includes three parts: information needs, reading habits and library usage. According to survey findings, the home economics extension agents would like to obtain the required information about working via the internet, most Home Economics workers prefer reading at home or the offices, and the most sources are from the farmers’ associations or fishers’ associations. Home economics extension agents’ average reading hours per week and spending on buying books every year are above the average of Taiwan populace. Analysis of the home economics extension agents with the habit of using libraries demonstrates that most of them go to the library once per week, every month borrow 1 to 5 books from the library, and primarily use the township libraries. They go to the libraries for the circulations as mainly goal, and feel most satisfied with the location of the library, and most dissatisfied with the library's OPAC system.
Based on the results of the questionnaire, the township libraries could improve the following to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents: regulating the open hour, according to agents’ needs to provide adequate collections, enforcing marketing the services, conducting extension activities about education and health, improving the OPAC system, and organizing community activities with home economics extension agents. The study makes final suggestions to enhance the promotion of Taiwan's agricultural development as follows: establish the agricultural libraries and museums, agriculture science information center shall collect network resources about agriculture, and use knowledge management technology to manage agricultural resources in Council of Agriculture.
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