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圖書出版業通路勁能滿意水準之研究蔡勝華, CAI, SHENG-HUA Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以台北市出版社為抽樣對象,以問卷調查的方式隨機抽樣400 家,回函經過統
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圖書出版業隨需出版策略之個案研究 / A Case Study of Books on Demand Strategy in Book Publishing Industry徐立軒, Hsu, Li Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
總之我們發現除了以讀者為導向的隨需出版仍需要深入研究外,其他種類需求仍不斷進步。雖然目前還沒有業者從事相關的工作,但未來讀者想要依據自己想要閱讀材料的需求日漸抬頭,相信我們所提出來的構想,一定會被實現。 / Books were an indispensable tool in helping the progress of civilization. People enhance their capacity through reading books. Nowadays, the provision of books was most dominated by the Press in terms of editing, publishing and issue. Therefore, this paper adopts different point of views to discuss several important issues. From the author's perspective, they wish to get rid of the control of the Press and publish on their own. Press, however, control the number of demand on the inventory of the market. Readers, on the other hand, wish to decide to what to read from the books. The comprehensive analysis from different point of view on publishing demand issues is so called “Book on-demand publishing”.
This thesis analyzes the overall environment of the publishing industry, followed through secondary data collection and interviews from authors, inventory, and customized on-demand publishing. We visited the Show-We information company which took advantages of state of art printing technology in order to reduce the risks as the result from the increase of inventory; from the demand for customized, We visited the Flag publishing company. We understood how they meet the needs of enterprise customers for publishing.
In addition, we also thought about how to establish a publishing platform on the basis of a single reader’s demand. In other words, the readers publish their own books based on the content they want to read. This thesis proposed the reader-oriented concept of demand publishing. Readers could select the desired content to be codifies in published form. We also propose the potential application of the demand publishing in the context of educational materials.
In sum, we found that in-depth study in addition to on-demand publishing of reader-oriented and other types of customers-oriented is necessary. Although there is no industry engaged in such work, the need for readers-oriented publishing is rising. In the near future, we believe that our proposal could contribute the demand publishing.
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應用價值鏈建立台灣暢銷書之成功要素與預測模型 / Applying Vaule Chain to Establish and Predict How to Be the Bestseller in Taiwan周榆凱, Chou ,Yu-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
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創造圖書出版產業三贏之供應鏈協同規劃、預測與補貨策略之研究-以A公司為例張雪梅 Unknown Date (has links)
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消閑閱讀習慣在近代中國:《良友畫報》出版體與圖畫想像空間之擴展余芳珍, Fang-chen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
就畫報的發展而言,上海發生過兩次畫報潮,第一次由1884年創辦之《點石齋畫報》引起,第二次則由1926年之《良友畫報》所帶動,並且在三十年形成風潮。《點石齋畫報》為石印畫報,聘請畫師手繪印製而成。在網目照相版技術引進中國之後,攝影圖片取代繪畫圖片,《良友畫報》即採用攝影技術,以大量的照片呈現內容。由於攝影無法拍攝詭譎神怪的情景,因此雖然仍以獵奇作為編輯的基本主軸,但在相當程度上轉變了畫報的內涵。攝影類畫報除了沿襲清末以來石印畫報報導新奇事物的特色之外,還有承襲報刊的哪些面向呢?承襲之後又有哪些轉化性的創新呢?這些創新對於當時讀者來說,具有何種意義呢?換句話說,對讀者而言,和文字報相較,畫報到底被定位為何種類型的讀物?而以「獵奇」為主軸的編輯方式,對讀者產生什麼樣的閱讀感受?這類屬於閱讀史(History of Reading)範圍的問題,是為本論文撰寫的初衷。
順此而下,第四章則將焦點放置在良友圖書印刷公司旗下銷量最佳的《良友畫報》,析論《良友畫報》如何運用「畫報」特具的圖像特質,呈現與文字報刊不甚相同的閱讀圖景,在強化第一章對「畫報」獨特性討論之際,亦試圖梳理出迥異於李歐梵等學者所呈現的摩登時尚之另一種現代性面貌。結論除綜述內文論旨之外,另援用哈伯瑪斯之「公共領域」(public sphere)的概念,討論自晚清李伯元《遊戲報》以來所帶動的消閑閱讀習慣,被 1910 至1920 年代盛行的小報潮負面化以來,《良友畫報》如何扭轉當時人對消閑閱讀的惡評,確立消閑閱讀習慣的正當性,進而去除《遊戲報》以來的諷刺時事之「公共領域」特質,轉變為一個純淨的消閑空間,並且在失去批評時政的特色下,從而被政治當局挪用,成為官方意識型態的傳聲筒。
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圖書出版業與音樂產業的現況與未來發展 / The Current Situations and the Future Developments of the Book Publisher Industry and the Music Industry戴伯勳, Tai, Po Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:價值鏈、交易成本、物流、金流、資訊流、圖書出版業、音樂產業 / The dispute between the Kingstone Bookstore and its distributor in 2007 and the revision of transaction with upstream firm made by the Eslite Bookstore in the value chain of the industry revised at beginning in 2008 represented the situation that huge chain bookstores obviously had great bargaining power in the book publisher industry. Furthermore, with progressing technology, digitization brought about a big impact and influence on industries. One after another, many companies continually provide services related to digitalization to satisfy the consumers’ changing needs. For instance, the book publisher industry faces the challenge of gradually changing reading habits resulting from the digitalized reading trend brought about by electronic books. Similarly, the music industry is experiencing a comparable situation in which the flourish of digitalized music resulted in consumers directly downloading and listening to music through the Internet or cell phones. These consumers originally bought material music products, e.g. CDs. Overall, firms in the two industries are sequentially confronted with the impact of digitalized products, and they need to make reform strategies and think about the future development.
This research collected secondary data to understand the current situation of the book publisher industry and music industry and through relevant literature reviews, interview outlines were drafted so as to capture information on the key roles of the value chain of these two industries. In addition to combining the primary data and literatures to discover and solve the problems in the two industries, this research also suggests the ways of development and business models of the two industries in the future.
After understanding and comparing the logistic, cash, and information flow related to product flow in the two industries, this research, based on the value chain theory, discovered that the present most serious problem in the book publisher industry is that the high cost of adverse-logistic and block of information flow result in the situation in which firms who control information flow and firms that have low logistic costs hold high bargaining power and guide industry trends. On the other hand, the most difficult situation faced by the music industry faces now is the declining consumptions of material products under the digitalizing trend leading to the firms’ decreasing profits. In addition, big wholesaler chains hold the highest bargaining power in the brick-and-mortar sections of the two industries, while distributors and record companies hold the lowest bargaining powers in the book publisher industry and in the music industry.
Both industries confront the decline in the material industry and the impact of digitalization. Resulting from the intrinsic product differences, the music industry digitalized early. Consequently, the developments and the measures firms took in the music industry have high reference value for the book publisher industry which shares the same industry structure as its predecessor. The conclusion is that the book publisher industry must promptly conduct logistic integration and smoothen information flow, as well as capture the advantages of the nature of material books so as to create more sales resulting from the word of mouth effect. Simultaneously, firms in the book publisher industry must raise profit by reducing the numbers of firms or by shortening the length of value chain.
Keyword: value chain, transaction cost, logistic, cash flow, information flow, book publishing industry, music industry
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圖書出版業暢銷書價值鏈分析─以《藍海策略》為例閻崇泰, Yen, Chung-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以圖書出版業為中心,暢銷書本身的價值流程作為研究對象,試圖透過資料收集、訪談、歸納整理、分析等等方式與步驟,找出價值鏈中暢銷書之關鍵成功因素(key success factor)。同時,也以實際的《藍海策略》一書為個案,透過深度訪談來了解該書從「市場調查」、「選書與作者」、「圖書編務」、「印務工作」、「行銷活動」及「物流/資訊流」等價值鏈活動中,運用了哪些關鍵成功因素讓個案本身成為暢銷書。
(一) 評估方式
1. 目標市場:包含目標市場規模、競爭品的供應量、價格和型式為主要的評估依據。
2. 作者與書:作者的知名度、書名和主題、封面設計、推薦人的知名度、內容特色與扎實、國外暢銷程度,以及特殊榮譽的加持等則為考量能否為暢銷書的重要因素。
3. 與環境和需求連結:包含要能滿足實質或心理需求以及打造說服主題。
4. 出版社本身的屬性:以出版社本身的目標策略、條件與資源作為選擇暢銷書內容物的依據。
(二) 行銷手法
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圖書出版業者對第三方物流供應商評選模式研究 / Selection of third party logistics provider in book publishing firms詹阿勇, Chan, A Yung Unknown Date (has links)
1. 篩選第三方物流供應商評選指標;以及
2. 利用分析網路程序法(ANP)確立評選指標之相對權重。
最後,本研究所提供之方法亦可提供決策者充分的資訊與系統化的思考,有利企業做為最終決策的參考。 / As book publishing firms are looking to increase competitiveness, strengthen core competencies and lower overall costs, outsourcing logistics to third party logistics (3PL) service providers have become common practice. To ensure the success and to maximize the benefits of such practice, the selection of the 3PL becomes particularly crucial.
This study provides a comprehensive methodology to the selection of a 3PL provider, consisting of two parts:
1. Screening criteria to employ during the selection of a provider;and
2. Determining the relative importance of each screening criterion by the analytic network process (ANP) approach.
A total of seventeen criteria have been identified by experts in the book publishing industry with respect to service quality, capabilities, price, information technology management and operational performance of the 3PL providers. As interdependencies exist between each criterion and cannot be captured by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to solve such types of problems, this study utilizes ANP to determine the relative weighting in the selection of a 3PL provider.
Thereafter, the application of ANP for the selection of a 3PL provider is demonstrated through an illustrative example. The result of the example provided indicates that the criteria of shipment error rates and on-time shipment and deliveries are the most important, and this reflects the influence of the experiences from past cooperation between the case company and 3PL providers. This approach also enables the decision-makers to better understand the complex relationship between the relevant attributes during the decision-making process, which may subsequently improve the outcome of the decision.
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資訊科技發展對企業人力資源管理與勞資關係影響之探討—以圖書出版業為例徐德軒, Hsu, Der Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 圖書出版業運用資訊科技的能力與圖書出版類別有關
(二) 資訊科技發展對圖書出版業組織的出版作業流程影響最為顯著
(三) 資訊科技發展下,圖書出版業朝典型的「酢醬草組織」型態發展
(四) 具有電傳勞動性質的圖書出版工作,出版社傾向將其外包,與承包商(或個人)的溝通、合作關係將是外包成效的主因
(五) 工作壓力大、工作有效率是員工面對資訊科技發展最主要的心理反應
(六) 圖書出版業的績效評估著重於員工的創造力與溝通能力
(七) 圖書出版業的薪資報酬著重於員工的個人績效表現
(八) 圖書出版業勞資關係互動屬於「非集體協商型」模式
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網路數位出版商業模式對智慧財產權管理之影響 / IP Management and The Business Model of Digital Publishing呂忠晏, Jhong Yan, Lyu Unknown Date (has links)
根據個案訪談的結果分析,專業數位出版平台內容發行與智財權管理皆為以業者角度為主的單向,然而業餘數位出版平台的內容發行與智財權管理都是以互動的方式完成,平台之商業模式確實影響智財權的管理。除此之外,對於未來數位出版平台的發展,專業與業餘之間的藩籬逐漸消弭,成為兩者的綜合,本研究亦建議業者朝向專業與業餘並行的發展方向前進。 / The importance of intellectual property increases with the growth of Chinese internet market. Taiwan publishers are now confronted with the pressure from internet innovation and thus are forced to find out a new business model and more opportunity. This study will focus on the possible business model of digital publishing and the strategy of IP management which Taiwan publishers should adopt.
Digital publishing suggests an all-digitalized publication process. Every step of publication, from content creation, editing, publishing, selling to application, can be completed all through the internet. The platform of digital publishing serves to communicate both side of content providers and users. Hence, copyright of the digital content and the management of copyright becomes one of the most important intellectual property issues.
The thesis will begin with Chris Anderson’s Long Tail theory. Two websites of digital publishing in Taiwan will be chosen for analysis: the Business Weekly as the commercial plaform and PIXNET Blog as the avocational one. Through the comparison, the study aims to find out the connections between the business model and the intellectual property management.
According to the case studies, the content and the intellectual property management of commercial platform are unidirectional, decided by managers. On the other hand, tthese of avocational one are bidirectional, influenced by website managers and users. Intellectual property managements are influenced by different business model. However, it would be the trend that the barrier between commercial platform and the avocational one will melt away and the business model of website in the future will change. The business model and intellectual property management of digital publishing platform should combine characteristics of both commercial and avocational one.
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