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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林乾學 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體通路代理商這二十餘年來,由小小的貿易商型態轉變成今日的跨國大通路商,其間的努力與辛苦不言可喻,隨著資訊廠商的努力跨國化,通路商也積極展開海外佈局的腳步,一方面跟著產業西進的資訊大廠海外設點提供服務,一方面則積極爭取區域的代理權。在半導體產業分工越來越精細的情況下,通路商所佔的角色也將越來越重。通路商所能提供的整體服務也越來越專業,通路商雖無自己的產品,雖只能於夾縫中求生存(供應商與客戶之間),但隨著本身實力的精進,以及因應產業快速變遷的彈性,通路商所佔的份量只會越來越重。   過去的看法多認為通路商所能提供的服務跟價值有限,通路商往往聽從供應商的指示,對於供應商只有逆來順受,沒有任何的管理策略可言。但隨著競爭的日益激烈,以及產業分工的快速,通路商逐漸形成因應的辦法,一方面分設海外倉儲中心,一方面又提供Total solution給客戶,減少客戶研發的時間與成本。如何運用策略,穩固與供應商的關係, 保持跟供應商最密切的彼此關係,卻是通路商最需要面對的問題。運用得好,通路商將能持續成長,向世界級通路商邁進,運用得不好,當然就容易為市場所淘汰。 由於半導體通路產業過去並不受重視,因此相關的文獻與研究資料還不多,本研究是希望藉著探討半導體通路商的供應商管理方法,以彌補此一領域的不足。本研究採用個案方法,依據五力分析、供應商關係、影響策略、衝突管理等理論,分析個案廠商對於供應商的管理策略,藉以找出良好的方法,作為日後通路商經營管理的參考,並提供業界未來發展的建議。

選擇供應商之研究-以電池供應商為例 / An analysis for decision of vendor selection - Battery pack

楊智年 Unknown Date (has links)
供應商是企業實體供應鏈中不可或缺之角色,供應商的遴選不外乎企業產品策略的差異、地理位置的不同、顧客需求精緻化、控管成本及風險壓力承受度等因素組合而成,從近年來Wilson(1994)、Choi(1996)、Barbaatosoglu(1997)、Goffin(1997)等人的研究,可以看出供應商的選擇策略可歸納為:企業結構、產品技術、分工、品質、價格、服務、交期、通路等作為考量,本研究所論述之案例為電池原物料供應商、製造商、分銷商及零售商上下游所組成的路網結構,並期待顯現出供應商的挑選,評估與培養的重要性。 / Suppliers are the indispensable roles in enterprises supply chain. Ways of choosing suppliers are nothing more than the difference of enterprises’ product strategy, different locations, sophisticating needs of customers, cost control, and risk tolerance. From the studies of Wilson (1994), Choi (1996), Barbaatosoglu (1997) and Goffin (1997) in recent years, we can know that supplier choosing strategies can be induced into enterprise construction, product technique, division of labor, quality, price, service, delivery date, channel, etc. The discussion cases in this study are the raw materials of battery net work construction of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. Hope this research can show the importance of choosing, evaluating, and training of suppliers.

策略性供應商計分卡之設計與應用 -以某染整業為例 / Design and application of strategic supplier balanced scorecard : A case study

郭乃瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
自 Kaplan 及 Norton 於 1992 年提出平衡計分卡後,平衡計分卡即被視為 策略管理及績效衡量領域之利器。經過多年企業實務之測試與驗證,對於策略 之擬定、執行及管理上已發展出相當完整之架構。惟以往之研究多數係探討公 司本身之平衡計分卡,對於與外部夥伴共同制定計分卡之領域著墨甚少。部分 相關研究文獻未強調供應商之策略性,而係自一般營運角度出發,與重視供應 鏈管理概念之現代企業競爭模式背道而馳。 本研究提出「策略性供應商計分卡」,作為引導供應商如何協助企業達成 策略、建立長期策略夥伴關係之指引。研究內容中,詳細論述總公司計分卡推 導至策略性供應商計分卡之過程、各議題間之邏輯支撐關係及關鍵衡量指標說 明。策略性供應商計分卡以策略性供應商為主體,納入策略性事項,並訂立指 標加以衡量。該工具不僅可以幫助個案公司及其供應商辨識具策略價值之營運 活動,更能作為企業之間的溝通橋樑,開創共同開發、協同合作之可能,並將 不同組織的目標衝突減至最低,最終提升供應鏈整體績效。 / This study proposed a management tool, "strategic supplier balanced scorecard", as a guide for suppliers about how to help their buyers to achieve companies’ strategic goals. Also, Corporations can use this tool to establish long-term strategic partnership with their strategic suppliers. In this research, the design process of strategic supplier balanced scorecard would be thoroughly elaborated, including the connection between the company’s balanced scorecard and strategic supplier balanced scorecard, the logic support of each strategic issues, and detailed instruction of key performance factors. Strategic supplier balanced scorecard is applied mainly on strategic supplier. With the tools help, corporations and its strategic supplier can not only define important operation activities with strategic values, but also set key performance factors to evaluate the outcomes. Strategic supplier balanced scorecard is regarded as a mutual communication tool, making corporations and their strategic supplier to work together, lowering the potential conflicts that would cost damage to both side, and ultimately enhancing the overall performance of the supply chain.

設備供應商實施工業4.0轉型之研究 -以A公司為例 / A Research of implementation of Industry 4.0 transformation by equipment suppliers -Case study of Company A

潘佳憶 Unknown Date (has links)
工業4.0自從被工業大國的德國提出後,不僅啟發製造業生產觀念的改變,更促進業者積極落實,並且如火如荼地在美、日、中國等製造業國家蔓延發展,美國提出”工業互聯網”、”中國提出”中國製造2025”、而台灣也提出”生產力4.0計畫”。因此,製造業生產之源的設備供應商更需積極投入工業4.0的發展。有鑑於此,設備供應商業者如何為其製造業客戶發展工業4.0,進而建立推動的策略與模式,進而利於設備供應商整體績效的提昇,即是本研究的主軸。 本研究不僅針對工業4.0進行文獻探討,並從個案公司營運現況、產業結構、工業4.0狀況等三方向進行分析,以其萃取其重要的關鍵要素,而期益於個案公司為其客戶推動工業4.0與推動策略與模式的建立,並利於設備供應商產業推動工業4.0研究領域之發展。


賴子瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
企業在全球化趨勢影響下面對日漸劇烈的競爭,對於顧客需求快速改變必頇及時因應。同時在產品生命週期越來越短的情況下,如何有效率的生產以提昇企業績效,將成為企業是否具競爭力的重要關鍵。 企業為了因應顧客需求快速改變,企業產品品質必頇不斷跟著調整改善,才能符合顧客期望。而若高階主管能夠重視品質管理與改善,並全方位分析研究以掌握顧客需求,配合全體員工共同為品質改善而努力則會更有效率。品質改善過程需要相關零組件供應商緊密地配合,如果能夠與供應商發展長期穩定夥伴關係,互助合作對供應商交期也能有效縮短而穩定地供貨供料,共創雙贏這也將有助於提昇企業績效。 回顧相關文獻發現與供應商維持長期穩定關係將有助於穩定供貨供料,與供應商的關係從早先的互相競爭觀點,近年來已轉而成互惠互利共創雙贏、資訊利潤分享的合作關係。此外供應商的品質若能符合顧客標準對其競爭者相對來說也是一種技術門檻,公司培養的供應商又能維持良好的夥伴關係,對穩定供應商供貨將有所助益。 本研究透過資料分析認為若高階主管重視支持品質管理與改善,將能激勵員工朝著企業目標與願景共同前進,配合研究分析顧客需求並快速反應解決顧客之問題,能提高顧客滿意度。又依顧客需求投入資源協助供應商作品質管理與改善以通過或符合顧客標準,對產品品質與發展穩定供應商關係都很有幫助。而若能有長期穩定的供應商關係,對供應商供貨的穩定性也會很有助益,有穩定的供貨供料來源公司才能有效率地生產減少存貨,進而提昇企業整體績效。 / The market is increasingly competitive by the impact of globalization, and companies must respond in a timely manner to meet rapidly changing customers’ needs. In addition, product life cycles are shortened, and an efficient production becomes a key factor enabling companies remain competitive. In order to respond to the rapidly changing customers’ demand,companies must continuously improve the product quality. If the top management can focus on quality improvement, and conduct a detailed study understanding the customers’ needs with a full cooperation of employees, the company will be more efficient. Quality improvement process should closely cooperate with suppliers. If companies can develop a long-term and stable relationship with suppliers, a win-win situation will develop to improve business performance. It is found, from the literature review, that maintaining a long-term relationship with suppliers will stabilize materials supply. The relationship between companies and their suppliers has involved from competitive to mutual beneficial in recent years. In addition, it becomes a technical entry criterion, if the suppliers’ product quality meets customers’ requirements. The results of this study show that the top management involvement on quality management will encourage employees work toward company’s vision and objectives. If the supplier improve their quality certification or compliance with customers standards, its also a technical threshold relative to the competitors. Companies own specific training providers while maintaining stable partnership with the suppliers. Undoubtedly,it will also help to promote their competition.


林淑如 Unknown Date (has links)
整個產業的競爭已由企業個體對企業個體,轉變為供應者與購買者結合而成的供應鏈與供應鏈間的競爭,因此整個供應鏈管理被認為是一個新競爭優勢的來源。建構供應鏈管理之首要活動為供應商的評估與選擇,選擇良好的供應商為供應鏈運作順暢與發揮最大效益的基礎,因此如何選擇具有發展潛力的供應商以幫助自身策略之達成便格外重要。除慎選供應商外,為使供應商達到並維持企業設立之多項標準,企業尚須投入努力以執行供應商發展活動,藉以提升供應商之績效和能力,且企業亦須定期地仔細監督和評估供應商之績效,以確保現有供應商能符合企業之需求及未來非預期之需求。 企業與供應商並非保持單一關係類型,而是維持一個不同關係類型的組合,因而為了達到最適之供應商管理效率和效果,且分配最適之資源給不同的供應商,企業須針對不同關係類型之供應商採取不同之供應商管理模式。 本研究採個案研究法,再輔以問卷分析加以支持。以國內某資訊電子企業為對象,探討伴隨供應商與企業之關係類型不同,企業採取之供應商選擇評估標準、供應商發展活動以及供應商績效評估制度各為何以及有何異同,經整理分析,發現之結果如下: 一、個案公司與供應商之關係類型可分為三類。 二、個案公司對供應商之選擇評估標準會隨著與供應商之關係類型不同 而有所不同。 三、個案公司對供應商採行之供應商發展活動會隨著與供應商之關係類型 不同而有所不同。 四、個案公司對供應商採行之供應商績效評估項目會隨著與供應商之關 係類型不同而有所不同。 五、個案公司與其供應商之間,對於個案公司所採取之供應商管理制度具 有一些認知上差異。 六、個案公司對策略夥伴型供應商,在選擇評估標準、績效評估項目上重 視及要求的程度皆最高,且對其執行之發展活動亦最為頻繁。 / Competition in the industry is changing from among firms to among supply chains forming by suppliers and buyers. Thus, supply chain management is increasingly recognized as an important source of a firm’s competition advantage. The first step of supply chain management is to select and evaluate suppliers. Since selecting good suppliers is the basis of running supply chain smoothly and creating maximum benefits; therefore, how to select potential suppliers to help achieving the strategy goal has become the most important thing. Besides selecting suppliers carefully, in order to attaining and maintaining various standards set up by firms, they have to put effort to implement supplier development activities to promote the performance and abilities of suppliers. Also, firms must monitor and evaluate supplier performance carefully and regularly to ensure that its current suppliers are meeting the needs and unexpected future needs of the firm. Firms do not have a “one-size-fits-all” strategy for relationship types with suppliers, but manage a portfolio of relationships. Firms should adopt different types of supplier management in accordance with types of relationships to achieve the objective of managing supply chain efficiently and effectively and distribute proper resources to suppliers. This study uses case study research, and is supported by the questionnaire. This study takes certain electronic enterprise as the object company, and tries to discuss that with different relationship types between suppliers and firms, what will be the selection criterion, the development activity, and the performance evaluation system for suppliers; moreover, how are they different. Through collection and analysis, we found the following conclusions: 1.The types of relationship can be divided into three types. 2.Supplier selection criteria adopted by the firm are different from types of relationships. 3.Supplier development activities implemented by the firm are different from types of relationships. 4.Supplier performance evaluation items adopted by the firm are different from types of relationships 5.There are little agreements between the firm and it’s suppliers as for the supplier management system. 6.On the selection criterion and performance evaluation items, the firm pays most attention and requires most on strategic partnership suppliers. Moreover, the development activities are most frequently executed.

鞋品零售業選擇供應商決策之研究 -以A公司為例 / A Case Study on the Supplier Selection Strategy for the Shoes Industry

鍾正邦, Chung, Cheng Pang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣早期曾有「製鞋王國」之美譽,從1970年代中期開始直到1980年代晚期,此段時間可說是台灣製鞋產業的巔峰時期,當時全世界每四雙鞋中便有一雙來自台灣。然而隨著外在環境的改變,像是新台幣兌美元的大幅升值和中國大陸、東南亞國家如:越南、印尼等挾帶著低廉的勞動成本與土地租金等優勢,吸引了許多台商前往當地設廠發展,為此選擇繼續留在台灣的製鞋廠也就越來越少。但儘管如此,那些留在台灣的製鞋業者不論在產品設計、開發和製造上面皆累積了相當程度的實力,透過這些企業和政府的努力下,MIT(Made in Taiwan)的標誌也漸漸打響其市場知名度。 本研究透過個案研究的方式,針對台灣鞋品零售業市場中具有指標性的企業進行訪談與實地觀察,了解其是如何評估與挑選這些留在台灣的鞋品製造商,與其背後的執行方式。同時也參考過往和供應商選擇與評估相關之文獻,結合分析網路程序法,建立起該個案公司評估與挑選供應商的模型架構,進而提出挑選供應商的六大評估準則:「品質」、「交期」、「價格」、「生產技術」、「契約條款」、「未來發展」和十八項次準則。再以問卷方式來了解準則與次準則之間的相對權重為何,並計算出對個案公司而言這些評估供應商的因子之重要順序為何。研究結果顯示:在瞬息萬變的市場上,對於親臨第一線的鞋品零售業者而言,品質仍為其主要考量的因素,但若是當各供應商的品質皆到達一定水準時,供應商能否準時出貨將成為公司的另一個關鍵評估因子。 本研究期望透過研究鞋品零售市場中的標竿企業,進而帶出具有參考價值的評估因子,使其成為個案公司未來在挑選台灣鞋品製造商時之重要參考,並進一步帶動台灣製鞋業者在這些項目上的突破與提升,強化MIT品牌在世界上的競爭力。

供應商評鑑及選擇制度之建立 - 個案研究 / Development of supplier evaluation and selection systems - a case study

呂宜欣 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,因中國及新興國家的需求下降,以及歐美國家經濟成長趨緩,使全球航運市場競爭日益激烈,造成海運業損失慘重,2016年9月,世界排名第七的韓進海運宣布破產保護。在台灣,2016年海運業虧損也超過200億元,使得行政院緊急通過海運業600億的紓困貸款。   在如此艱困的經營環境中,企業必須擁有良好的供應商評鑑制度,做出良好的採購決策,才能提供具有競爭性的服務予顧客,因此本研究將探討如何針對航運產業的供應商進行評鑑及選擇。此外,供應鏈管理最重要的部分在於如何管理供應商,因為供應商之好壞攸關整個供應鏈之品質、風險與成本,因此,本研究著重於供應鏈管理之核心,並探討管理供應商之根源,進行供應商評鑑與選擇之探討。   本研究主要為提出並示範個案公司如何建立一個完整的供應商管理系統,因此評選出之指標未必為直接適用之指標,主要以德菲法、層級分析法及文獻探討法,提出該公司如何選出適合的指標,評斷各個指標之權重,再藉由文獻探討法提出下一層級之評鑑項目。在擁有供應商評鑑指標後,於供應商管理系統中,提出公司如何評估何種情況下需要外包、如何組成評鑑小組、如何針對各個指標進行評分,及哪些採購需要使用本研究所建議之系統。 / In recent years, due to the decreasing demand in China and emerging countries and the slower economic growth in Europe and the United States, the competition in the global shipping market has become increasingly intense, resulting in heavy losses in the shipping industry. In September 2016, Hanjin Shipping, which had been the world’s seventh-largest container shipper, filed for bankruptcy protection. In Taiwan, the loss of shipping industry had exceeded NT$ 20 billion dollars in 2016, causing the Executive Yuan of the central government to emergently approve the relief loans of NT$ 60 billion for the shipping industry. In order to provide competitive services for customers in such a difficult business environment, enterprises must have a good supplier evaluation system for them to make good purchasing decisions. On this account, this study intends to explore how to conduct the evaluation and selection of suppliers in the shipping industry. In addition, a good or bad supplier would affect the quality, risk and cost of the entire supply chain, and thus the most important part of supply chain management lies on how to manage the suppliers. Therefore, this study focuses on the core of supply chain management, investigating the root of the management of suppliers, and also exploring the evaluation and selection of suppliers. This study mainly proposes and demonstrates how the subject company of the case study establishes a complete supplier management system, so that the selected indicators may not be directly applicable indicators. This study uses the Delphi Method, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and literature review to analyze how the subject company selects the appropriate indicators and determines the weight of each indicator, and also uses the literature review to determine the evaluation item for the next hierarchy. After having the evaluation indicators for suppliers, this study further proposes that in the supplier management system, how the company evaluates the needs for outsourcing in specific circumstances, how to form an evaluation team, how to score for each indicator, and what purchases need to use the system proposed in this study.

新產品開發專案策略與供應商管理制度之探討-以我國某汽車製造公司為對象 / Discussion of new product development project strategy and supplier management system

張明益 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係透過實地訪談暸解企業在不同的新產品開發專案策略下所採行的供應商管理制度(包括供應商遴選、供應商發展活動與供應商績效評估與獎酬制度)具體內容為何,進而探討不同的新產品開發專案策略在供應商管理制度上的異同處為何,以期提供企業在選擇參與新產品專案供應商、進行供應商發展活動及評估供應商專案績效與設計獎酬制度時的參考。本研究依據個案分析之結果,提出以下三項結論以回應研究問題,並根據研究發現陳述相關建議,最後提出研 究限制與未來研究方向之建議。 一、新產品開發專案策略會影響遴選參與專案供應商時的遴選流程、優先重視的評估構面與遴選時間。 二、新產品開發專案策略會影響專案中進行供應商發展活動的活動內容、範疇與時間。 三、新產品開發專案策略會影響供應商之專案績效評估的目標訂定範圍與嚴苛程度。 / Conducted by field interviews, this research is primary to focus on the details of supplier management system including selection of suppliers, supplier development activities, supplier performance evaluation, and reward system) under different strategies of new product development projects. This research also discusses the similarities and differences of supplier management system under different strategies of new product development projects. According to the result of case analysis, we claim three conclusions in response to the research questions, and propose some relevant suggestions. Finally, we state research limitation and direction for future research. 1.The strategy of new product development project will affects the selection process, priority of assessment dimensions, and duration in selecting the suppliers who can join the project. 2.The strategy of new product development project will affects the content, scope, and period of supplier development activities in the project. 3.The strategy of new product development project will affects the scope and severeness of goals in evaluating suppliers' performance in the project.

聯合採購與供應商管理策略對經營績效影響之研究-以A燈具公司為例 / The Research the Operating Performance for the Joint Procurement and Supplier Management Strategy - A Case of A Company

陳美滿 Unknown Date (has links)
十九世紀末,在隨著科學不斷進步的環境下,以電能為能量供給的方式已逐漸擴展至全球各地,也帶動全球正式進入工業時代,此時,電能產業也因而快速發展,而這樣的發展也為國家、社會與家庭帶來了長遠且巨大的改變,而其中一項的產品便是照明燈具。隨著燈具或燈泡等產品製造技術與網際資訊逐漸發達的現象,以及加上LED燈在全球照明市場規模的持續成長,衝擊了傳統照明燈具產業,而全球化市場規模更是擴大了交易活動、產品配送、商品資訊與資金移轉的部分,以往傳統企業所採用的採購模式與決策,已經無法符合現在市場的需求。因此,若不能對於聯合採購與供應商管理策略的相關層面進行探討,應用新的知識與技術進行規劃與配合公司的發展策略,則可能於全球化市場上失去競爭的優勢。 因此,本研究則透過聯合採購與供應商管理策略的探討,進而瞭解公司在不同的採購管理策略的實施下,對公司之經營績效的影響,其研究發現包含建立與供應商長期合作的經營理念,以提供持續的競爭優勢;重視產品品質,對於供應商之出貨供應,設立品質管制的作業流程;由分權採購轉化集中採購,藉以降低人事作業成本;聯合採購管理策略,可以有效提高公司的經營成效等。

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