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供應商平衡計分卡之設計與運用――以某電子業為模擬對象 / Design and application of supplier balanced scorecard ― a case study簡秀蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於此,本研究期以化策略為行動的績效管理工具平衡計分卡,為企業提供供應商績效衡量指標全新架構,我們稱這套嶄新的管理工具為「供應商平衡計分卡」,供應商平衡計分卡能帶領企業結合跨組織力量,不僅拉升企業績效,更能有效應付未來挑戰。 / The 21st century is the age of supply chain war. In recent years, Fortune magazine survey found that most of the top 500 US companies are known for innovation of supply chain management, and the supplier management capability has emerged as the core competence of today's enterprises. The enterprises can no longer compete solely on themselves, and “inter-organizational cooperation” will be the key to the success.
In order to manage increasingly complicated and numerous supplier relationships, “supplier scorecard” is generally used in business. However, after actually interviewing with the electronics industry, we found that the performance measures of supplier scorecard are insufficient. In particular, the supplier performance measurement scorecard lacks for links with the head office strategy.
In this study, we introduce a strategy tool which incorporates with the performance management tool Balanced Scorecard. It aims to provide enterprises with a new supplier performance metrics framework, and we call this new management tool “Supplier Balanced Scorecard.” The “Supplier Balanced Scorecard” not only can lead the enterprises to combine inter-organizational efforts, but also pull up business performance, more effectively in meeting the challenge of the new century.
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創造圖書出版產業三贏之供應鏈協同規劃、預測與補貨策略之研究-以A公司為例張雪梅 Unknown Date (has links)
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綠色供應鏈中供應商評選之研究李佳芳 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著環境保護以及永續發展意識的提高,使得綠色生產力議題漸漸受到重視,歐洲更是對綠色產品制定嚴格的法規,包括「廢電子電機設備指令 (Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment; WEEE) 」及「電子電機設備中危害物質限用指令 (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substance in electrical and electronic equipment; RoHS)」。對此,環境議題在供應鏈管理中造成很大的影響,綠色供應鏈管理 (Green Supply Chain Management) 也因此順應而生。
在評選合適的綠色供應商之前,買方必須提出屬於自己產業需要的評選指標(李志隆,2004)。過去關於供應商評選指標的研究都只針對傳統的成本、品質與交期等因素進行討論,可是環境的風險可能經由供應商而來,除了考慮傳統的因素外,更應該考慮決策對環境帶來的衝擊 (Handfield et al., 2005)。因此有必要建立完整的綠色供應商評選指標。並且過去文獻多認為層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 最適合做為供應商評選之方法,但是層級分析法視各評選指標之間為獨立關係,然而,供應商評選指標之間應是具有相互影響與回饋關係,因此供應商評選的方法有必要進行修正,改採「分析網路程序法 (Analytic Network Process, ANP)」。在分析網路程序法中,有一關鍵步驟為建立指標之網路結構,當網路結構不一樣時,所得結果也有所不同,所以網路結構的正確性就變得相當重要,對此,將使用詮釋結構模式 (Interpretive Structure Model, ISM) 以有系統的方式建立評選指標之間的關係,進而提高網路結構的正確性,因此本研究將結合詮釋結構模式與分析網路程序法來建立綠色供應商評選模式。 / Before evaluating and selecting green suppliers, buyers must offer evaluation criteria according to the requirements of their industries. In the past, the researches about supplier evaluation criteria mostly focused on the traditional issues of cost, quality and delivery. However, the environmental risk can be caused by suppliers. Besides considering about the traditional issues, the buyers should even pay attention to the impact to environment by their policies, hence it is necessary to build completed green supplier evaluation criteria.
According to the literature, Analytic Hierarchy Process was the best method for supplier evaluation. Analytic Hierarchy Process is defined that each evaluation criterion is independent. However, supplier evaluation criteria should be interdependence and feedback. Therefore, the evaluating and selecting methods are needed to be revised into Analytic Network Process. In Analytic Network Process, there is a crucial step that is to create a network of criteria. Because different network leads to different result, the correctness of the network is very important. For this issue, Interpretive Structure Model will be used to build up a relation between evaluation criteria in a systematic way to increase the correctness. In this research, Interpretive Structure Model and Analytic Network Process will be combined to create a green supplier evaluation model.
Keyword : green supplier、Interpretive Structure Model、Analytic Network Process
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品牌客戶對於供應商永續供應鏈管理之影響-以紡織成衣產業為例 / The impact of customer pressure on suppliers' sustainable supply chain management孫鈴琇, Sun, Ling Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球永續議題熱潮,歷經2013年孟加拉成衣工廠事件以及綠色和平組織《Dirty Laundry》揭露知名品牌服飾含有有害化學物質等衝擊,時尚產業的永續話題再度被討論,各大品牌受到壓力也必須對整個供應鏈有所作為。本研究旨在探討永續能力是否為品牌客戶遴選供應商的關鍵因素,且面對品牌客戶為達成企業永續的理念,而要求其價值鏈上的供應商進行永續供應鏈改革的要求,品牌客戶採用什麼管理作法,且供應商如何因應,此壓力是否成為其實施永續供應鏈管理之主要因素。研究主要透過深度訪談台灣紡織成衣供應商和代表性小樣本結構性問卷的方式進行研究分析。研究結果指出品牌客戶針對永續能力要求的壓力強度因不同品牌客戶而異,但供應商主要為延續與品牌客戶的合作而進行永續供應鏈管理,然而,永續能力並非其遴選供應商的關鍵因素。實施永續供應鏈帶來之績效缺乏財務、產品面等實質效益,僅提升企業形象與和品牌客戶之信任,且供應商實施之困難點多考量投資成本問題,品牌客戶也鮮少提供有效的輔導與資源,不利於形成產業的永續風氣。仍有供應商因為投資永續管理能力,獲得新的市場機會,後續建議台灣紡織成衣供應商面對永續這波風潮與趨勢,不單用代工成本的思維,能夠從長遠的角度,思考其長期可能帶來的機會點去做策略規劃和實踐。
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台灣數位相機代工產業的供應商涉入新產品開發模式之研究-以兩家上市公司為例 / The Research of Supplier Involvement Model of New Product Development of Taiwan Digital Camera Industry廖雲娥, Liao, Grace Yun Er Unknown Date (has links)
台灣數位相機代工業出貨量穩居世界第一, 2011年渴望突破五成,毛利率維持10%以上,堪稱台灣代工業的典範,除了具備一向擅長的低廉製造成本優勢,數位相機沒有共同平台與主流設計可以依循,如何兼具「低成本」、「創新」與「速度」,並掌握市場終端消費者的需求,成為核心競爭力,這對於一向習慣於大量複製的台灣電子代工業而言,是很大的挑戰。
1. 經營卓越的台灣數位相機代工廠商會透過產業鏈上游垂直整合的方式,與關鍵元件供應商建立密切的合夥關係並視為企業的延伸,共同解決問題,以降低交易成本,穩定供貨,掌握品質。
2. 台灣數位相機代工廠商非常重視關鍵零組件供應商的研發能耐與其技術規劃是否符合品牌客戶的需求以及市場趨勢,是產品生命週期短的消費性電子代工業能夠建立兼具「創新」與「速度」兩種核心能耐的關鍵。
3. 台灣數位相機的產業鏈互賴結構密切,代工廠商與供應商合夥程度高,對代工廠商短期生產力的提升與長期策略優勢有相當大的幫助。
關鍵詞:數位相機代工,供應商涉入,新產品開發,垂直整合 / Taiwan digital camera shipment has been ranking worldwide first these years. Acoording to authoritative research, Taiwan is forecasted to take more than 50% of worldwide digital camera production market share in 2011. The major difference between digital camera and computer for OEM companies is that digital camera does not have common platform and design to follow. Except the Taiwan OEM industry’s strength, low production cost, how to establish and remain the core competenace of low cost and fulfill innovation and speed simutaniousely and know end-customer’s requirements are seriouse challenge for Taiwan electronic OEM industry.
This research adopts “Case Study” research method to study the supplier involvement model of new product development of Taiwan digital camera OEM industry. Frame work is consisit of digital camera manufacturers and suppliers. Target compaies are two listed and big scaled companies of Taiwn stock market which have outstading performance in market share and marketplace, product research and development.There’re three findings of this research:
1. Taiwan outstanding digital camera OEM companies establish close partnership with key component suppliers and take suppiers as extension of their firms to decrease transation cost, stabilize supply and product quality.
2. Taiwan digital camera OEM companies pay much attention to whether the product research and development capability of key component suppliers could meet branding companies’ requrirements and fulfill market trend. This is very ctrical factor for consumer electronics industry which is well-known for short product life cycle could establish their two core competencs: innovation and speed.
3. The interdependence of Taiwan digital camera supply chain between OEM manufactures and suppliers is very close. Their strong partnership helps OEM manufactures increase their shot-term productivity and establish long term strategy.
Keywords: Digtial Camera OEM, Supplier Involvement, New Product Development, Vertical Integration
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供應商績效評估研究-結合ANP及DEMATEL之應用紀岱玲 Unknown Date (has links)
供應商績效評估一直都是供應鏈管理重要的課題,企業中的採購部門必須定期的評估供應商的績效,以期望供應商能達到企業的需求。在進行供應商評估時,必須同時考慮多個指標及決定指標的權重,由於指標間具有相依及回饋的情形,因此權重的決定也較為複雜,此外,由於績效指標有互相影響的情形,指標間的關連度也是評估供應商時必須考慮的問題。本研究提出一個新的供應商績效評估方法,結合分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)及決策實驗室法(Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory, DEMATEL)建構評估模式,以達到正確的評估供應商績效,及可回溯績效表現找出關鍵改善原因之目的。
在進行供應商績效評估時,利用分析網路程序法求出各指標的權重,量化指標並求得供應商的總分;另外利用決策實驗室法得知各指標的因果關係及關連度大小,當檢視供應商績效時,可從權重大或關連度大但表現差的指標回溯,以提供供應商改善的方向。最後以模擬的方式進行驗證,結果顯示本研究對指標之排序符合模擬之結果,因此可供企業參考使用。 / Supplier performance evaluation for some time now has been receiving increasing importance as a supply chain management component. Purchasing managers need to periodically evaluate supplier performance in order to retain those suppliers who meet their requirements. Buyers usually consider multi-criteria and must determine the relative weights of the criteria when evaluating suppliers. Because of these performance criteria usually exist interdependence and feedback, the weights of the criteria are hard to obtain. In addition, performance criteria usually affect each other, so the direct and indirect effects are also a crucial problem when evaluating suppliers. This paper proposes a model which combines the methods of the analytic network process (ANP) and the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) to evaluate supplier performance accurately and can find out which criterion is the key factor to improve performance.
When evaluating a supplier, ANP are used to determine the weights of performance criteria and can get the total performance of the supplier. DEMATEL are used to compute the effects between criteria. The model can propose the criterion which is the most important or affects other criteria the most, so buyers will know which criterion can improve the performance the most and can ask suppliers to modify it. Finally, a simulation is employed to verify our model. The result through the simulation is complied with our model, so it can provide the information for making decision concerning suppliers performance.
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技術知識特質與產業特性對代工關係的影響 - 以台灣資訊電子產業為例郭子維, Jason Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
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委外服務生命週期之探討─以資訊科技委外與企業流程委外為例廖宇 Unknown Date (has links)
《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)證實委外模式為過去七十五年來,企業最重要的管理概念和經營手法。美國百分之九十的公司至少將一項業務委外。根據國際商業研究組織愛迪西(IDC)的研究報告指出,一九九八年全球企業委外總值為九百九十億美金,到二OO三年,全球企業委外總值將成長至一千五百億美金。
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供應商配合導入綠色供應鏈管理之研究曾斐金 Unknown Date (has links)
與本研究相關的文獻進行比較後,發現本研究之成果與現有人際溝通的理論文獻相呼應,部分文獻指出溝通時個人特質會影響其溝通行為,在綠色供應鏈管理的情境下,本研究亦發現中心廠與供應商雙方聯絡人的特質會影響其溝通行為。此外,本研究亦擴充了溝通理論,例如:雙方聯絡人的溝通頻繁未必會提高供應商配合度。另外,本研究所提出的配合度概念,未見於其他文獻,此一概念可用於衡量供應商在配合導入綠色供應鏈管理時,其執行面的成效,在未來的研究中值得深入探討。本研究不僅對理論上有所貢獻,更對廠商提出實務上的建議。 / The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS), which restricts the use of six hazardous materials in the manufacturing of various types of electronic and electrical equipment, was adopted in February 2003 by the European Union and then took effect on July 1, 2006. The directive makes a significant impact on Taiwanese electronic industry which specializes in manufacturing of computer, communication, and consumer electronics products. The firms in the electronic industry should implement green supply chain management (GSCM) to avoid contraventions of RoHS. Based on the research context described above, this purpose of this study was to explore the factors that influence suppliers’ compliance with their manufacturer’s requirements while they were required to implemente GSCM. In addition, the factors explored in this study were proposed by the suppliers’ perspective.
In this study, Grounded Theory was applied to develop a model explaning the factors that influencd suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement. Besides, to collect the data needed, data triangulation was applied in this study, including in-depth interviewswith suppliers’ and the collection of secondary data. The interviewees were the employees of the four suppliers of S company. According to the data collection and analysis steps of Grounded Theory, the model that proposes the factors affecting suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement was developed.
The results showed that confronted with the pressures of environmental regulations, peer companies, and the customers, suppliers decided to implement GSCM after having taken the cost-benefit analysis, perceived value and perceived risk into consideration. While suppliers decided to implement GSCM, they had to meet the requirements from their manufacturer. Whether suppliers met the requirement from their manufacture was measured by the indicator, suppliers’ compliance, which referred to the ability that suppliers timely exchanged the right and complete information with their manufacturer. Thus suppliers’ compliance was composed of three dimensions, such as including information timeliness, information accuracy, and information integrity.
According to the data collected, three categories of factors influencing suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement were discovered. The first kind of factors was suppliers’ capability, including suppliers’ capability of technology innovation, suplliers’ capability of information management and guidance between supply chain members. The second category was the characteristics of boundary spanners, including boundary spanners’ empathetic mind and their professionalism.
The findings were also compared with the previous research on interpersonal communication. Similar to the results mentioned in the existing literature, the phenomenon that a person’s characteristics did impact his communication behaviors in the context of implementing GSCM was also discovered. The study makes a contribution to the research on proposing the concept of suppliers’ compliance.s. In addition, the finding points out that the communication frequency between supply chain members is not positively related to suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement. The findings are also helpful for manufacturing firms that usually dominate the implementation of innovations in their supply chain members.
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動態性合作網路分工與連結管理之研究 / The Study of Job Assign and Linkage Management in the Dynamic Cooperative Network江政達, Chiang,Cheng-Ta Unknown Date (has links)
由於競爭環境的變化,使得供應鏈中製造廠商與供應廠商雙方的交易關係(supplier-manufacturer relationship)有了重大的改變,由過去競爭的對立關係,轉變為合作的夥伴關係;中心廠與諸多零配件的供應商形成了一個合作的群聚,來共同滿足買方客戶的需求。台灣中小企業組成的綿密產業網絡便是一個相當好的例證,台灣產業網絡的「彈性」和「速度」特質,使台灣企業能夠在市場急速變化、壓力陡增的情況下,及時進行靈活調適,並整合體系內各種可用的資源,創造特有的競爭優勢。
最後,不同的網絡關係類型的管理代表著不同的利潤模式的創造思維,營造廠對於會員關係類型的承包商將採取採購成本最小化的模式,之於團隊關係類型的承包商將採取交易成本最小化的模式,夥伴關係類型的承包商則採最大化綜效的模式。 / Duing to the changing of the competitive environment, make the relationship between the manufacturing firm and their suppliers from competitive to cooperative. The manufacturing firm and its suppliers form a cooperative cluster to satisfy the buyer’s requirement. The cooperative network manufacturing firms build become one of the important sources of competitive advantage, therefore it’s a significant issue to the management of the cooperative network.
From the practical view, the intensive industrial network organizes by the small and medium size enterprise is the important source of the Taiwan’s manufacturing advantage. The nature of flexibility and speed of Taiwan’s industrial network makes the firms could deal with the fast changing environment, and integrate the available resources of the network to create the unique competitive advantages. The industrial network also play a major role for hundred billion of the foreign exchange reserves in Taiwan, no matter what the traditional industry, such as tailoring, shoes, and machine tool industries or high-tech industry as computer, integrated circuit and electronic industries, the specialization and cooperation between industries is more significant in Taiwan than in other Asia countries, such as in Japan and Korea. Therefore, it’s an important issue to know the manufacturing firms how to build up and maintain their dynamic cooperative network and how to do the job assign and the leakage management among members of network.
From the theatrical view, the early researches in the intra-organizational cooperative relationships is focus on the dyadic relationship to explain how the power and trust influence the cooperation, maybe how to gain the competitive advantage based on the relationship further. As we know manufacturing firms will exchange their resources with many suppliers, they always make the strategic decision from the holistic view of the network, not the dyadic view. Miles and Snow (1984) argue that the traditional organization will be disaggregated vertically, the way of integrating all the functions in a single organization will be instead of dividing into many independent firms to execute coordinately. They said that a successful company should integrate and coordinate their network members dynamically to achieve the customer’s need. Recently Bovet and Martha (2000) emphasize the important of building the value creating system to support the customer’s need agilely, the network of value system is different from the production line relationship of traditional supply chain, it start by the customer’s need, the manufacturing firms which interconnected with their suppliers, strategic partners, customers, exchange with the network member to acquire the resources they need, such as economic assets, knowledge, intangible benefits, to satisfy the need of customer (Allee, 2000).
This study tries to figure out how the manufacturing firm build up and maintain their network dynamically, how they do the job assignment and linkage management, by case study. The two cases selected from construction industry are suitable to present the dynamic network management, by cooperating the two cases, this study establish the conceptual framework and propositions for the reference of managers.
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