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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔣嘉俊, John,Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,數位典藏在我國政府國家型科技計畫的補助研究下漸漸有了雛形與發展,在商業化的價值上面,可說是無限寬廣。範疇包括創意加值、應用授權與技術軟體等,漸漸趨於多元,其中商業類型與模式也是依照不同的廠商類型有著不同的考量與敘述。本研究目的有三:1.描述數位典藏產業的廠商類型與特性並且了解數位典藏產業所掌握的核心資源與競爭優勢。2.以『核心資源』觀點來探討數位典藏產業在不同類型的廠商中所顯示出的核心能耐是否有所異同。3.歸納「數位典藏廠商」之核心資源與能耐,並據以提出相關方向與建議供產、官、學、研各界參考。 本研究以吳思華(1996)利用資源基礎理論來檢視與確定數位典藏廠商的基本能力資源的所在,並且利用Hamel and Prahalad(1990)核心能耐原則來檢視廠商由既有資源建立核心能耐的過程與準則。另外,本研究的研究方法採用個案研究法以及質化研究,深度訪談得意典藏股份有限公司以及新視科技股份有限公司的高階經理人,獲得以下結論: 一、數位典藏廠商的核心能耐: 本研究發現對於數位典藏廠商的各項核心能耐當中,每一項都跟其他項目有所關聯,存在的是互依互存關係,也就是說會將本身能耐作為基礎,繼續發展其他與本身資源相關連的核心能耐,譬如說以專利、資料庫為基礎,可以藉此發展出為了此一資料庫所訂立的行銷策略計畫等。並且因為數位典藏的產業環境,商品走向都不偏向民生必需品為主,所以數位典藏廠商都會建構與蓄積關於組織能力的核心能耐來加強商品的知名度以及銷售量。 除此之外,在數位典藏廠商的各種資源特性當中,都會因為領導者的特質與能力,間接或是直接提昇公司的競爭能力。當然一般的數位典藏產業也會加強在與公家機關的互動,來增加產業的敏感度以及拓展這方面的人際關係。 二、不同類型數位典藏廠商的比較: 在『創意加值』類型的數位典藏廠商的部份,會因應市場對於內容多樣化呈現的需求,產生組織創新能力、市場行銷策略等,並且擁有掌握市場需求與技術發展的能力,並且『創意加值』類型廠商大多以公家機關或是一般業界的素材授權後,作有效的加值利用,所以在一開始的授權金、數位化設備、數位化時間、成果等,會比『資訊技術』類型廠商更耗資金與成本,當然也會因為兩種類型廠商的所掌握的資源以及核心能耐的不同,所以導致客戶端的類型也會有所不同。 『資訊技術』類型廠商以技術提供者為主,會具備有助於與內容廠商合作之資源與能耐。此核心能耐包括領導人特質(客戶關係)、應變能力、市場行銷策略與能力等。

我國電子書產業政策的調整與建議 / Adjustments and recommendations of the e-Books industry policy

辛志鵬, Hsing, Chih Peng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的革新,電子書成為出版業的新寵兒,因為它具有許多紙本書所沒有的優勢,並且能提供更多元的內容呈現。蓬勃發展的區域大都有市場廣大、數位內容豐富,以及政府支持等特性,歐美地區發展已接近成熟,亞洲各國則迅速追趕中。 反觀臺灣,台灣目前的出版業者只是把電子書視為紙本書的數位化版本,忽略了電子書的潛在發展性,而大部份的消費者還是習慣進行紙本閱讀,在電子與紙本的內容相同的情況下,還是以選擇閱讀紙本書籍為主。更可惜的是,政府與民間雖努力推動,但在政策上尚未制定完善,對數位出版概念之缺乏,使得台灣的電子書產業無法蓬勃發展,整體市場躊躇不前。 本研究瞭解電子書產業之相關政策、市場發展趨勢、數位出版流程改造面向對於數位出版產業的影響後,其研究目的包括「產業發展狀況分析」、「數位出版改造模式與傳統出版業應對方式為何」、「我國電子書政策的調整與建議」。 在研究架構中,本研究採用文件分析法、專家訪談兩種方法進行,第一階段先利用文件分析法進行,針對電子書定義與介紹、相關政策與獎補助辦法、產業及數位出版製作流程改造進行分析,以統整各種相關政策與獎補助辦法之狀況、蒐集產業發展趨勢為何以及分析數位出版製作流程改造為何。第二階段透過專家訪談的方式,了解目前政策與獎補助辦法對業者產生的效益為何、市場發展趨勢對業者投入產業的影響為何、進行出版流程改造對業者的困難及影響為何,以及透過電子書平台業者了解目前電子書市場狀況。 結論與未來建議中,將電子書產業納入數位內容產業做說明,以四大構面做分析。產業組織政策,了解到政策的推行對於產業的影響,希望透過政策的制定,能建置更好的發展環境;產業結構政策,依市場問題、定價問題、數位化成本、出版社優勢及技術標準劃分,提出分析與建議;產業技術政策,對電子書及數位出版流程分析,出版社當前最應建立的是數位化之概念,並擁有數位出版編輯之能力以及數位發行企劃之能力;最後為產業區域佈局政策,本研究提出傳統出版業面對電子書數位出版時可能面臨之困難。 最後,對於未來電子書數位出版的發展,分別在「政策法規」、「出版流程與數位授權」、「人才與觀念培養」、「培養閱讀人口」、「推動重點」這五方面提供建議,提供後續研究者、對數位出版方面有意願投入或開發的業者與政府單位做為參考。


林煜程 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的出現對我們的生活造成了重大的改變,我們面臨的是一個全新的世界。不論是工作模式、娛樂型態皆產生極大的變化,那網際網路下一步是什麼?思科系統執行長 錢伯斯(John Chambers)告訴了我們一個答案:「網際網路中成長最巨,而日後也會證實是促進變革的最大動力,就是e-learning。」數位科技使得內容變成了「數位內容」,帶來了相當多的便利,但同時也帶來了許多的改變,不論是產業面、科技面、法律面或是管理面,皆須面臨新的挑戰與新的議題。 本研究除了二手資料的收集外,並針對e-learning個案公司做深入的訪談,從資源、著作權、數位課程開發流程等構面進行探討研究,分析歸納出e-learning業者如何進行數位課程的管理,以及既有資源是否影響其數位課程管理策略,並且對於e-learning公司在經營數位課程所會遭遇到的著作權議題進行初步的研究與探索。本研究的研究目的如下: 一、探討e-learning業者數位課程管理模式。 二、探討e-learning業者既有資源與數位課程管理間的關係。 三、探討數位課程的開發流程與著作權相關之議題。 四、探討數位課程著作權管理模式。 本研究架構乃先由個案訪談的結果收集個案公司所擁有的既有資源、數位課程開發流程以及數位課程管理方式,且藉由資源基礎論中對於資源的運用方式,分析解構個案公司其數位課程管理策略。而後以既有資源研究其對數位課程管理策略之影響,與以著作權的觀點探討數位課程開發流程中,所產生的著作權議題,並將兩者所得之結論,加以整合描繪出數位課程著作權管理模式。本研究引用經營策略與資源基礎論等相關文獻,來探討e-learning業者如何進行管理數位課程。本研究主要在說明所觀察現象的具體意義,而非嚴謹的在驗證變數間的因果關係,屬於探索性研究,故採定性研究之「個案研究」法,以個案訪談和次級資料蒐集的方式來瞭解企業實際運作情形。 本研究所得之結論如下: 在課程素材取得階段,課程素材取得策略有內尋策略、外尋策略。著作權議題則為與課程素材提中者簽訂課程素材授權(讓與)契約、課程素材著作權的保證。 在數位課程取得階段,數位課程取得策略有自製策略、委製策略、取得授權策略、買斷策略。著作權議題則為與數位課程開發人員進行數位課程著作權歸屬契約的簽訂、對數位課程開發人員進行著作權的教育。 在數位課程運用階段,數位課程運用策略有內訓策略、教學策略、委用策略、 賣斷策略。著作權管理議題則有與數位課程使用者進行契約的簽訂、數位課程其著作類型是多媒體著作、數位課程著作權保護方式的進行。 而個案公司在面臨數位課程時所採行的事業策略則有核心策略、合作策略、專業代製策略、通路策略。 此外,根據研究發現得知,個案公司在進行e-learning之前所擁有的既有資源,會影響個案公司各階段所採行的數位課程管理策略。 而在其他發現,在外部經營問題主要為市場需求不足,而內部經營問題則為教師合作意願不高、缺乏跨領域專業課程企畫人才、缺乏整合性業務人員。 / The rise of internet has changed people’s life style dramatically. Nowadays, we are facing a whole new world. E-learning is considered as the star of the next century. Even John Chambers once mentioned that “the next big killer application for the Internet is going to be education.” Digital technique has digitalized the existing contents. Internet does not only deliver much convenience, however, internet related topics are also conducted and challenged from the perspectives of industry, law, and management. The objective of this thesis is to examine 1) The general framework for e-learning management model, 2) The relationship between the primarily resources and the management on e-learning, 3) The instructional development process for e-learning and its related copyright issues, and 4) Management model for copyrights on digital contents. The method of this research is primarily based on case study, six e-learning related companies. The interviews with the e-learning companies have contributed the great insights about the information of company resources, development process of digital content, and the modes of content management. Furthermore, collected information from the interviews has been analyzed about how original resources affect the digital content management strategy and the copyright issues in the development process of digital content. This study has found that there are four stages: Instructional material acquisition, digitalized course acquisition, digital course application stage, and business Strategy. In the Instructional material acquisition stage, the strategies of acquiring the instructional materials for e-learning is in-house finding, outsourcing or both. Licensing contracts and guarantees on course materials become an important issue when dealing with the material providers. In the digitalized course acquisition step, the strategies are self-manufacture, out-source manufacture, copyright acquisition, and buying copyright. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital engineers, and in general, the company is responsible for the digital engineers. In the digital course application stage, the strategies are training, teaching, licensing, and selling. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital content users. One should notice that the digital contents belong to multi-media. Moreover, in the final stage, core business, collaboration, ODM, channeling are the business strategies that the companies use for e-learning applications. In additional findings, this study found that market demand is the primary problem of e-learning environment, and there are three major problems within the e-learning companies: the motivations of the teachers, the lack of cross boundary-expertise and integrated business manager.


蔡志鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來傳統的音樂工業、影視娛樂業與廣播媒體業等產業正蓬勃發展,這些產業看似傳統,不像所謂「高科技產業」般大起大落,但隨著台灣文化資產的累積,這些所謂傳統產業卻逐漸形成一種新興的「文化創意產業」,若再將這些文化創意、創作的內容加以「數位化」,透過各種數位媒體通路加以傳播、付費收看收聽,便形成一種結合「內容」與「數位科技」的「數位內容加值服務產業」,若能有效將數位科技與文化內容的優勢充分結合,發揮綜效,台灣應有相當機會能在全球數位內容產業發展上佔有重要地位。 綜觀產業發展趨勢,可知數位內容產業在國內正不斷成長,而本文欲研究的「數位內容加值服務產業」為整體數位內容產業的一個子產業,概觀來說,數位內容加值服務產業便是將音樂、圖片、文字、影片等各式內容加以數位化,再透過寬頻網站、手機行動通訊、互動數位電視或Cable TV等三大電信與媒體通路來提供使用者各式加值服務的產業。科技先進大國中,國家資訊通訊高速公路NII均是由三大網路所組合,包括「電腦數據網路」、「無線電信網路」、「有線電視網路」三大網路,二十一世紀之3C產業將和三大網路結合,並對世界產生革命性的影響。 數位內容加值服務產業之市場主要可區分為三大市場,即寬頻影音網站市場、手機行動加值市場、互動數位電視市場。此三大市場中以寬頻影音網站發展最早也較為成熟。手機行動加值市場因MMS、Java download技術的創新,在近一兩年內開始成長,主要由遠傳、中華電信、台灣大哥大等五大電信公司與內容整合廠商合作經營,國內目前最大行動加值內容整合廠商即為滾石移動。至於互動電視與數位電視市場國內才剛起步,主要推動業者分為走ADSL系統的電信業者以及走Cable系統的有線電視業者, 因應整體產業價值鏈專業分工的需求,一種新興的角色:平台與內容整合廠商(Aggregator)也隨之誕生,在數位內容加值服務產業中扮演了非常關鍵的角色,然而國內幾乎沒有任何論文針對內容整合廠商之經營管理議題進行研究,因此本研究以內容整合廠商做為主要研究對象,並以下游合作電信系統廠商之研究加以比較。研究結果發現該產業中內容整合廠商與電信系統廠商實有密不可分之合作關係,而在經營策略與所需具備之核心能力方面各有其獨特之處。 以經營策略而言部份廠商選擇廣泛的進入三大市場,一方面增加獲利來源,一方面也可增加範疇經濟,有些廠商則選擇專注於某一塊市場,建立在該市場上的品牌地位與競爭優勢。而經營數位內容加值服務所需具備之核心能力,主要有三:(1)需有優秀的經營團隊與技術人才;(2)與上下游廠商建立密切合作關係並在平台系統上能相互整合;(3)擁有豐富影音內容,合作內容廠商廣泛。此外各廠商均有堅強的技術團隊,依據價值鏈地位與經營市場不同,建立自己獨特的數位內容管理系統及管理機制,此系統的功能通常包含內容本身的管理功能,以及與上下游廠商介接或提供使用者加值服務的功能模組,而像滾石移動的MASP系統更是一個多重接入的平台,能將電腦、行動通訊、電話三大系統整合於一套系統中。 跨足數位內容加值服務市場並非容易的事,要有足夠實力的技術人員開發內容管理系統,且依價值鏈不同地位要能與各大電信系統廠商建立合作關係,或是能整合上游唱片業、電視業、電影業、廣播業等內容來源,此外再加上擁有良好的專案管理能力,如此才能在此產業中長久經營,建立自己的競爭優勢。 本研究最後針對國內數位內容加值服務產業在寬頻影音、行動加值、數位互動電視三大市場的發展趨勢做一整理,並對政府機關、相關廠商提出具體之建議,期做為未來政府推動產業發展與業者投入產業經營之參考。 / An Exploratory Study on Business Management of Digital Content Aggregator:The Case of Digital Content Value-added Service Industry Advisor : Professor Paul C.B. Liu Author : C.H. Tsai Abstract The traditional musical industry, video entertainment industry, and broadcasting media industry in Taiwan are growing these years. Didn’t rise and fall violently like so called “high tech. companies”, these industries seem traditional and old-fashioned. Accompanies the accumulation of culture asset in Taiwan, however, these traditional industries gradually form a burgeoning “Creative Culture Industry”. If the cultural creativities and creative contents can be digitalized and been transmitted through variety of media with watching or listening fee, it becomes a new “Digital Content Value-added Service Industry” which is combined with “content” and “digitalization technology”. If we can integrate our digital technologies and rich cultural content efficiently to result in synergy, there is probably a big chance that Taiwan can play a major role of digital content industry in the world. Comprehensively surveying the trend of industry, we know the whole digital content industry is growing constantly. The “digital content value-added service industry” (DCVS) this thesis study on is a sub-industry of the whole digital content industry. Briefly speaking, the DCVS digitalize music, images, texts, videos, and any other types of contents, and provide variety value-added services to end users through three major telecommunication and media channels including broadband websites, cellular phones, and digital interactive TV or Cable TV. The DCVS can be divided to three major market segments including broadband website market, mobile valued-added market, and interactive digital TV market. Among these three markets the broadband website market is most mature. Since the technology innovation of MMS and Java Download, the mobile value-added market started growing in recent years. This market monopolized by Fareastone, CHT, TCC, etc. five major telecom companies and some aggregators. Rockmobile corp. is the largest content aggregator of mobile value-added market domestically. As regards to interactive digital TV market, it just grows up and set into action by ADSL and Cable modem operators. Resulting from the increasing demand of specialty division of the industrial value chain, an emerging “content aggregator” appears and plays a critical role in DCVS industry. However, there is seldom thesis study on the issue of the operation and management of aggregator companies. Therefore, in this thesis, we choose aggregators as the major study object and compare with the study of its cooperative telecom companies. In our study, we found out the aggregator and telecom companies have a very tight cooperation relationship, but each has their special operation strategies and core capabilities. As regarding to the business strategy, most companies choose to enter the three major markets extensively. On one hand, it can increase the source of revenue; on the other hand, it can develop a scope economy. Some others choose to focus on only one market in order to build its brand status and competitive advantages. There are three significant core capabilities on operation of DCVS: (1) excellent business and technology group. (2) Building a well relationship with vertical cooperative companies and a platform which can integration with other’s system. (3) Have numerous video contents and a lot of cooperation content providers. Besides, each company has its great tech. group and builds a special digital content management system according to its position of value chain and its market segments. It’s very tough to survive in DCVS market, and a company should have a great tech. group to develop their content management system. In additional, it should build a well relationship with each telecom companies or integrate the popular record industry, TV industry, movie industry, broadcasting industry, etc. according to its position in value chain and should have great project management ability. Hence, it can operate permanently and build it own competitive advantage. Finally, this thesis point out the trend of DCVS industry in three major markets and also gives some concrete suggestions to our government and the related companies. Hope it can be a reference for government to advance the industry and for business operation of related companies.

《枋寮100番地誌》:地方志的數位實驗創作 / In No. 100, Fang-Liau : An Experiment of Digital Chorography

呂 凌慧, Lu, Ling Huei Unknown Date (has links)
數位地方志—《枋寮100番地誌》是創作者對於家與土地的追尋與紀錄。透過新媒體iPad為敘事平台,運用新媒體敘事的互動性、行動與多媒體特色,將文學的創作結合空間系統,賦予地方志閱讀立體的空間感知。 本創作蒐集了中和枋寮在地歷史、人物與故事,並以地方的片段影像、聲音勾勒枋寮的輪廓與地方感。在敘事上,轉化原來以時間作為陳述順序的地方志結構,提出「空間」概念作為敘事主題。內容安置在地圖的經緯度間,由讀者透過街道的介面設計,展開地方內容的探索與漫遊。作品進一步結合定位與主動推播,創造在地閱讀的互動情境,內容對應著讀者所佇立的當下,空間的今昔對比形成「此在」、「此曾在」的跨時經驗。 數位地方志的互動閱讀體驗,賦予地方閱讀空間與探索的趣味,使地方志文本不再只是單向、平面的陳述。對於中和在地人而言,閱讀的過程是一場地方記憶的召喚;對於外地讀者,作品賦予漫遊者一種穿梭時空的地方體驗,提供不同觀看地方的角度與視野,文本意義皆內涵著觀者獨特的地方經驗、感受與記憶。 / "No. 100, Fang-Liau" is a chorography that displays the history of streets in Fang-Liau, Zhong-he District (中和枋寮) through an application on iPad/iPad mini. Using the iPad device as a communication platform, the project was carried out by the interactive design components, mobility, and features of “digital narrative,” in contrast to the traditional context of history. Contents of digital chorography are built base on “space” rather than the timeline structure; the design then brings user an interactive experience in reading: This project gathered local history, culture and stories of Fang-Liau; with the input of local images, video clips, audio track, and old photos of the residence, the literature is combined with space, creating a 3D perception of reading/experiencing the chorography. To enhance the sense of space, the stories are stored in a location database for user to retrieve. The “street view” interface of UI/UX design provides user the function of exploring in the context and finding stories they may be interested in, as if they’re wondering in physical space. In addition, the function of Global Positional System (GPS) and Location-based Service allows the system to notify user where they are, telling them historical stories of the place and showing them what the surrounding was like in the past. Integrating the function of visual and sound, users are immersed in the atmosphere of “space” and can further get a glance of what daily lives were like in the past. For local residents, the application can actually recalled their emotions and memories according to their own life experiences; for visitors or travelers, on the other hand, the application provides an innovation way of accessing Fang-Liau.


吳政達, ChengTaWu Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路的盛行,許多產品或服務可以開始考慮由網路進行派送。特別是一些可以用0與1位元方式進行編碼的資訊或資料尤為適合。 基於在這樣的大環境之下, 本論文將著重於兩個部份的研究: 第一部份將設計一個新的商業模式,可以當作數位內容的發行商或通路商;第二部份將進一步闡述該商業模式在數位內容產業的應用模式。 本論文研究產生了幾個重要與有趣的研究發現。首先,虛擬通路商將會在未來數位內容的流通與發行上,扮演一個重要的角色。其次,虛擬通路商必須在”四流”(金流、物流、資訊流與商流)上扮演積極的角色,將有更大的機會可以勝出。再者,類似像點對點這樣的資訊科技將會非常適合用來應用在數位流通的議題之上,這些資訊科技也有助於提供虛擬通路商和其他競爭者間的差異化。最後,版權管理機制、智慧財產權管理、代收代付服務、會員募集與清算中心等服務,都是一個虛擬通路商可能應該關注的課題與建構成為核心能力的主要服務。 / Due to the high penetration rate of Internet, a lot of products and services could try to deliver on net; especially for those data or information could be transferred into the bits 0 and 1. Under this kind of circumstance, this research will focus on two parts: the first part is proposing a new business model of digital content distributor based on Gary Hamel’s theory; the second part is further elaborating the application of the business model in digital content industry based on the field studies. The research results in several important implications and discoveries on this topic. First of all, the virtual distributors will play an important role in the publishing of digital content; Secondly, the virtual distributors have to take care of “Four Key Flows”, including money flow、information flow、goods flow and Internet traffic, to enhance her services. Thirdly, some new IT technologies, like P2P technology, is very appropriate to apply into the business model of virtual distributors and it will be helpful to differentiate her services to those potential competitors. Finally, DRM service、Intellectual property management、Payment service、Member collection and Clearing house service are the major tasks that a virtual distributor should focus, but member collection and clearing service for consumers and digital content developers will be the first priority.


游傳勝, YU, CHUAN-SHENG Unknown Date (has links)
數位內容產業即將成為台灣未來下一個重要的策略性產業,對於現有業者與企盼進入的業者,在市場需求快速成長的吸引下,本研究主要目的為利用個案公司之營運策略與規劃,提出相關建議以作為有興趣業者的參考,同時俾利於後續研究者進一步的深入探討。 本研究的主要架構係根據David A. Aaker的理論架構基礎來進行內在與外在分析,同時探討研擬策略規劃方向。整個研究架構分為四個階段:一、探討相關的文獻,以作為研究的原則基礎。二、進行內、外在分析,以界定外在環境中可能發生的機會與威脅,並界定該產業的關鍵成功因素,接著分析個案公司所擁有的優劣勢。三、綜合根據前述之分析,歸納出個案公司所面臨的問題。四、提出可行的策略方向與目標,並擬定個案公司之競爭策略與營運策略。 研究分析結果呈現國內數位內容產業之關鍵成功因素為:擴大內需市場規模、提升產品技術水平、培訓高階專業人才與提供租稅獎勵。而數位內容產業業者之關鍵成功因素為:能夠提供顧客未滿足的需求、將新科技所帶來不同的應用方式延伸、徹底瞭解顧客行業的特性,並從其角度思考、長期上、中、下游的配合關係與信任度、專案管理的執行能力與品質、專案業務累積的經驗與良好口碑、對於長期經營的態度與信念必須誠信及落實、危機趨勢及風險的處理暨因應能力與健全的董事會功能。


王亨佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究相信未來數位內容產業的動力來源是具有原創、獨特性、且與國家文化能有所連結的多元內容。內容提供者也不再侷限於少數創意工作者身上,消費者未來也可能成為產品開發的生產者之一,而廠商創造的互動式社群平台相對來說反倒是成為核心能力累積的一項重要經營指標。因此本研究的目的與主題在於希望透過大膽的環境假設,根據一些領先廠商的經驗與平台設計,歸納出不同知識特性的內容其經營模式的差異,且不同的經營模式又是如何做有效的知識管理。本研究結果顯示如下: 一、 內容廠商經營使用者協作平台目的與經營模式管理 1. 內容廠商經營目的不同,將會影響使用者協作平台的設計。使用者平台的種類將分成: □ 垂直設計的使用者協作平台 □ 水平設計的使用者協作平台 □ 垂直與水平綜合設計的使用者協作平台 二、 內容知識特質與使用者協作平台經營 2. 內容的知識複雜程度的不同,將會影響到使用者協作平台的設計。但相同的知識複雜程度在不同的經營目的下,也會影響到協作平台的設計 3. 內容知識的複雜度越高,水平平台的經營者必須設計較具標準化的模組提供給網友使用及創作 4. 內容知識的複雜度越高,若單純只提供一個上傳的空間給網友使用,則吸引的社群將越專業化。 5. 網友所創造的內容,其知識特質複雜程度高低,將會影響公司後續商品化動作的難易度,因此建立垂直化社群協作平台的公司必需要有很強的後製網絡能力。 6. 內容知識的內隱程度越高,多以面對面的溝通方式和網友進行智慧財產權的規範與設計。 三、 社群的分類與使用者協作平台經營 7. 內容廠商經營目的不同,影響使用者協作平台的設計,也會吸引不同類別的社群進入。水平設計的使用者協作平台社群忠誠度較高。 8. 垂直設計平台的社群忠誠度較低,必須不斷的提供具體商業化的誘因來吸引作品上傳。 9. 內容知識特質的內隱程度越高,讓具有垂直水平綜合設計的使用者協作平台中,容易產生族群的分裂與衝突,因盡量避免積極的推廣具有爭議性的排行榜於社群互動中。 四、 使用者協作平台經營與協作回饋 10. 水平設計的使用者協作平台所帶來價值將會經由社群間的互動所創造出來的,而垂直設計的使用者平台所產生的價值乃是將更多好作品成功的商品化。 11. 水平設計的使用者協作平台所需耗費的成本和人力相對低於垂直設計的使用者協作平台,所產生的利潤風險也比垂直設計的平台低。 / We believe that the digital content industry is driven by original, personalized, and culture-connected contents. In such a trend, customers will be the content providers in the digital content industry, so the platform that makes the company in collaboration with the customers on the product innovation and development will be very important.Therefore, the purpose of this study is that to generalize different operations come form digital contents of various knowledge properties and to research different kinds of platform designs will contribute to a variety of management approach.The study concluded that: I. The purpose of the user collaboration innovation community platform established and management by digital content companies. 1. The different purposes of the user collaboration innovation community platform established will influence the platform desiged.The categries of the platform are: □ Vertical-designed platform □ Horizontal-designed platform □ Vertical and Horizontal incorporation-designed plarform II. The Properties of Digital Content Knowledge & The Management of the User Collaboration Innovation Community Platform 2. The differents properties of Digital Content Knowledge will influence the design of the platform.But the same properties of Digital Content Knowledge that in differents purposes of business plan will also influence the design of the plarform. 3. Horizontal-designed platform must design some Multi-functional tools to customer used easily in the high-complicated properties of digital content knowledge. 4. If companies only provide a simple space for users to uplink their ideas in the high-complicated properties of digital content knowledge.The platform will attract lots of professional community. 5. The companies which have horizontal-designed platform must need powerful production network. 6. Companies and user mostly discuss face-to-face about the intellectual property of design in the high-complicated properties of digital content knowledge. III. The Categories of the Community & The Management of the User Collaboration Innovation Community Platform 7. Different business properties will affect the design of platform.Different design of platform will attract various community.The community in Horizontal-designed platform will have strong loyalty. 8. Vertical-designed platform must provide some commercial motivation to attract user that uplink their ideas. 9. The virtual community usually comes into collision in the Vertical and Horizontal incorporation-designed plarform. Therefore, companies need to decrease league table from the interaction whthin the community. IV. The Management of the User Collaboration Innovation Community Platform & Feedback of the Collaboration 10. The value of horizontal-designed platform will be created from the interaction whthin the community; the value of vertical-designed platform will be created from the commercialization of good ideas. 11. Horizontal-designed platform costs relatively less than vertical-designed platform, and its revenue risk is lower too.


曾慕曦 Unknown Date (has links)

協同式數位內容設計服務市場 – 以語意為基礎之遺傳法優化模糊機構設計 / Semantic- Based Digital Content Design in Collaborative Service Marketplace

吳彥成, Wu,Yen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
科技進步使人類生活不斷改善,產業的發展逐漸轉變,服務業的崛起已成為世界趨勢。在資訊科技的推動下,服務業除了關注人與人的互動與商業的交換之外,科技漸漸成為另一個重要因素,服務產業的核心轉為由科技、人、及商業流程所組成,新的科學理論─「服務科學」應運而生。服務科學的目的在整合各領域之知識以促進服務創新。另一方面,服務產業的重要成員─數位內容產業正迅速發展,在數位內容創作領域中,消費者與生產者角色逐漸模糊,成為協同互利的夥伴,這樣的轉變衍生許多新的問題有待解決,包括夥伴關係如何建立與平台機制的發展等。因此,透過服務科學解決數位內容產業的問題,當是一項值得採用之方法。本研究透過服務科學的三個面向─服務組成、服務流程、以及服務價值作為研究的背景架構,並採用結合語意網路、模糊規則、基因演算法所組成之語意式模糊基因演算法作為數位內容問題的解決方案,在電子市集的環境推動下,以協同式夥伴配對的方式,達到使用者的創作利益。系統共分三大服務組成:本體發展模組、語意式模糊基因演算夥伴配對模組、以及協同價值評價模組,以語意定義創作問題與產品的概念,並透過基因演算法改善模糊規則,釐清概念間的關係,最後透過市場機制完成配對達成雙方利益。本系統之預期貢獻分為:(1)利用服務科學改善數位內容問題。(2)為服務科學方法之應用提供發展方向。 / The economies of the world have been shifting labor from agriculture and manufacturing into services. In the emergent concept of service science, competition will center on value co-creation experiences with information technology and service innovation refers to invented service system designs yielding values to real service problems. This paper presents a novel service system design for the digital content industry. This service design is unfolded with a marketplace featuring producers/consumers collaboratively co-creating digital contents and a self-regulating mechanism enabled by a semantic-based fuzzy genetic approach. In the marketplace, the roles of consumers and producers blur, and they are partners who collaborate to attain mutual benefits. The service system encompasses three service components (ontology developer, S-FGA partnership matcher and co-created value appraiser) that altogether work to empower producers/consumers who can effectively co-create their digital contents in a novel collaborative way. In addition to presenting a solution to digital content creation, this paper also showcases a new methodology for service innovation referred in service science.

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