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臺灣圖書資訊學教育指南建構之研究 / Developing Guidelines for Library and Information Science Educational Programs in Taiwan蔡佳縈, Tsai, Chia-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最後所形成之圖書資訊學教育指南草案共分為圖書資訊學定義與範圍、教育任務與目標、課程、教師團隊、學生、行政管理、教學資源與設施等7大項,27小項,40個分項指標;教育指南草案適用範圍涵蓋大學部、研究所(碩士班、博士班)、專業學程與繼續教育。研究建議包括中華圖書資訊學教育學會舉辦論壇討論草案再行公佈、舉辦圖書資訊學學門意涵與教育工作坊、專案研究圖書資訊學教育評鑑制度、推動圖書資訊學教育評鑑與指南之實施。 / In 2006, the Ministry of Education commended the higher education evaluation to Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan. Higher education evaluation divided all universities into 47 colleges, to respond to schools’ variegation and to choose the evaluation members. Higher education evaluation center only sets related guidelines according to different colleges, but doesn’t provide related standards or guidelines to professional disciplines. In addition, library and information science schools are attached to different colleges in current evaluation, and that may cause unfair assessments and impact evaluation results.
Faced with the crises above, this thesis on guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is to make the educational evaluation of library and information science develop better, fit the professional needs, and enhance the quality of education.
This paper refers library and information science education standards and guidelines of Britain and the United States, as well as related researches in Taiwan. We used the content analysis to develop draft of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan, and then held four focus group interviews which were aimed at different targets of the Department of Library and Information Science: teachers, directors, students and librarians, to discuss the draft of guidelines and cohere the content and elements of guidelines.
The final form of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is divided into 7 parts, including the definition, goals and objectives, curriculum, faulty, students, administration, and physical resources and facilities. There are 27 indicators, and 40 sub-indicators. The guidelines offered here are primarily applied to the undergraduate, graduate(Master classes and PhD), professional programs and continuing education level. Finally, we suggested that the Association of Library and Information Science Education of Republic of China should hold discussion of the guidelines, and other related associations should hold workshops on education of library and information science as well as research in evaluation system of library and information science, and promote the educational evaluation and implementation of library and information science.
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臺灣地區博物館附設圖書館經營研究 / A Study on the Management of Museum Libraries in Taiwan陳穎儀, Chen, Ying-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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公共圖書館與小學圖書館圖書資源合作之研究-以新竹市為例 / The Library Resources Cooperation Between the Public Library and School Library:Hsinchu City as Example梁淑貞, Liang, Shu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
根據本研究結果顯示,提出下列幾點建議:一、中央政府方面:推行長期專案計畫、增加公共圖書館正式編制人員、設置小學圖書館每校一名圖書教師、區公所圖書館統籌由縣市文化局管理、成立縣市圖書館館員協會。二、地方政府方面:整合各單位之資源並重視公共圖書館經營與管理。三、公共圖書館方面:加強媒體宣傳、主動與市立小學進行合作、組成合作團隊。四、國民小學方面:主動爭取公共圖書館的資源、成立校內圖書館組織委員會、提供教師與學生所需要的資源與支援。 / Public libraries or libraries in elementary schools should coordinate the tasks and functions to change the management styles. The cooperation between schools and libraries could have reading habits being cultivated from childhood and allow students enhancing the reading intention in the reading atmosphere. The cooperation between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools is expected as a wonderful start, allowing reading and media information literary sustainably being rooted from elementary schools and every child becoming a learner in future era.
This study aims to discuss the cooperation examples between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools in foreign countries, domestic cooperation model between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools, and present cooperation situation of library resources between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools in Hsin Chu City. With literature review and semi-structured interviews, the public librarians and the teacher librarians in elementary schools in Hsin Chu City are selected as the research participants. The data analyses are concluded as below.
1. The cooperation between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools in foreign countries is rich. Professional librarians and complete reading education policies are established in the libraries. Such a cooperative scheme could benefit the management of school libraries and the promotion of reading education and enhance the library use.
2. Domestic cooperation model between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools focuses more on library card services and reading promotion, which not only provide library resources, but also combine local culture for characteristic activities.
3. Budget support, lack of professional librarians, and supports of relevant personnel are the major factors in little cooperative interaction of library resources between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools in Hsin Chu City.
According to the research results, the following suggestions are proposed. 1. The central government should promote long-term projects to increase formal personnel for public libraries, establish a teacher librarian for the library in each elementary school, arrange libraries of district offices by the country/city culture bureau, and establish county/city librarian associations. 2. Local government should integrate the resources in various sectors and stress on the management of public libraries. 3. Public libraries should reinforce media promotion, actively cooperate with municipal elementary schools, and construct cooperation teams. 4. Elementary schools should actively strive for resources in public libraries, establish library organizing committees on campus, and provide teachers and students with required resources and supports.
Key words: public library﹔elementary school libraries﹔teacher librarian ﹔Interlibrary Cooperation.
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臺灣鄉鎮圖書館營運模式之研究:以宜蘭縣為例黃文玉, Huang, wen-yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議:落實推展公共圖書館營運基準施行,有效擴展鄉鎮圖書館經費來源,加強館際合作交流、規劃圖書館合理員額,充實專業人力,主動積極辦理行動圖書館、社區書香小站,修訂相關法令,改進鄉鎮圖書館體制與編制,以促進鄉鎮圖書館之發展。 / There’s no doubt that Taiwan public libraries’ future prosperity will depend heavily on rural libraries management. As we stride into the 21st century, it is important to have public libraries fit modern and technical trends while rural libraries play a very important role in this issue. The result of this study provides the relate master unit, library management team and those who intend to devote themselves in rural library services with the reference of amending related regulations to enhance effectiveness of library operation and to improve rural library services.
The methods of this study include questionnaire survey and interview. Questionnaire survey covers twelve rural libraries of I-Lan County, supported with libraries’ human resources to show the operation situation of each rural library. Interviews were made with one government officer from the Bureau of Cultural Affairs, twelve rural librarians and two rural government mayors.
The result of this study indicates that libraries in the I-Lan County are basically running smoothly but still need improvement for the following: 1) to strengthen the training program for librarians and to attractive the participation of specialists. 2) due to shortage of financial resources and budget limitation, it is encouraged that well manage culture resources and donation from society. 3) update the collection quality and quantity. 4)to unify the system of inter-library loan service procedure and to simplify the inter institutional transmission in order to meet reader’s satisfaction. 5)completing the network for rural libraries in order to meet the goal for the community learning center.
This study suggested the realization promotes the public library management into execution, effectively expands the rural libraries fund to originated, strengthens the inter institutional exchange program, the enrichment specialized manpower, initiative handles the motion library and circulating library also the revision correlation law to increase the effectiveness of operations and development for rural libraries.
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國立政治大學社資中心下落不明資料登記分析 / Application for missing materials in SSIC謝志誠, Hsieh, Chih-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
(二) 閉架調閱常見問題:
1. 調閱處理時限:自申請後二個工作日內供讀者取件,二個工作日包含回覆email時間。例如讀者於週一上午10點申請,至遲須於週三上午10點就可至櫃檯領取調閱書籍。由於時間短促,需確保調閱流程順暢無誤。
2. 借閱方式:調閱資料擬以越權方式辦理外借,並請讀者於當日閉館前三十分鐘歸還。校外讀者以臨時閱覽證辦理借閱,校內讀者以借書證辦理,但若校內讀者已借閱他館館藏、借閱冊數達上限時,可能造成讀者無法調閱資料。
3. 現場填單:未於線上申請調閱者,可於現場填寫申請單。
4. 急件判斷標準:以客為尊,讀者說了算,儘量滿足讀者要求。
5. 週六申請調閱問題:改行閉架之後,週六僅開放櫃檯取書,調閱申請案件將順延至週一處理。
6. 入口動線:施工期間讀者仍由一樓前棟大門進出,但門禁系統及入口櫃檯將拆除。需請廠商於施工時勿影響人員出入。
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論商業健康保險爭議與相關監理規範-以英美相關司法判決與監理規範為參考 / Study on Legal Issues and Supervision on Commercial Health Insurance-Reference to the Relevant Judicial Judgments and Supervision in United States and United Kingdom何哉明 Unknown Date (has links)
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社區資源應用於鄉鎮圖書館之研究 / A Study on the integrating community resources to the marketing of rural libraries洪聖傑, Hung, Sheng Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
最後本研究針對鄉鎮圖書館運用社區資源之方式及營運之困境提出以下建議:(一)改革鄉鎮圖書館體制,讓圖書館經營回歸專業;(二)有關單位應持續關注鄉鎮圖書館的發展,提供適當協助;(三)鄉鎮圖書館應確立自身的使命,扮演好應有的角色;(四)建立資料庫,整合社區資源;(五)強化人員培訓,切合實際需求。 / Rural libraries had become community resource centers after cooperated with communities. This is an important goal to the present rural library. However, there are still many issues to be resolved, including the lack of awareness of community resources and funding, human resources lacked. These problem formed obstacles to the development of rural libraries. This research focus on the marketing experience from those rural libraries which integrating community resources well, and expected to provide good examples to the future rural library’s management.
The purpose of this study is to understand the successful marketing experience of rural libraries. The themes are as follows: (1) How rural library explore the community resources and to seek cooperation? (2) What types of community resources utilization? (3) What kinds of the benefits brought by integrating community resources to the rural library marketing? (4) What kind of difficulties will appear in the process of marketing? (5) How rural library respond to these problems?
This study used case studies and interview as the research methodology. The interview objects are choosen from the rural libraries in Taipei and Ilan County, including Shenkeng, Wanli, sindian, Nanao, Ilan and Jhuangwei. The interviewer contains the rural library staff and the community members.
For the community resources exploring, the rural library should have three priorities: (1) understanding the community resources fully, (2) managing public relations actively, (3) the cooperation among library and the community must be mutual beneficial. The type of community resources that rural libraries use can be divided into four categories:(1) culture Resources, (2) institutional resources, (3) human resources; (4) natural resources.
The benefit which brings for the library including (1) the reading population growth; (2) establishes the characteristics of library; (3) increases the populace’s sympathy to the library. The benefit brings for the community includes (1) promotion the reading atmosphere; (2) provides the opportunity for populace to grow and study (3) impetus to community develops.
The problems that the rural Library may faced in the process of marketing including (1) lack of resources, (2) the different perception between library and community, (3) political interference in professional, (4) lack of innovation and action. In order to solve these problems, rural libraries should (1) play important role to integrate community resource, (2) enhance interaction with the community, (3) promote government officer’s attention to the library.
Finally, the suggestions for future development about the integrating community resources to the rural library marketing are as follow: (1), the reform of rural library system, let the library management follow the professional practice. (2) government should pay attention to the development of rural libraries continuously, and provide appropriate assistance, (3) rural libraries should establish its own mission, play important role in community development, (4) construct and integrate the community resources database, (5) strengthen the training of personnel to meet the real demand.
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鄉鎮圖書館結合社區總體營造之研究林書廷 Unknown Date (has links)
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國民小學圖書館建築規畫之研究蕭驚鴻, XIAO, JING-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
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從著作權法探討學術圖書館參與Google Book Search 計畫之研究 / Study on Academic Libraries Join the Google Book Search Project under Copyright Law陳泓翔, Chen, Hong Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
最後建議為:(1)政府宜制訂法定數位送存制度;(2)大學或圖書館應設置有關著作權管理權責中心以利處理智慧財產權問題;(3)Google應強化安全保護措施機制與保證,以維護其形象;(4)Google應積極與作家與出版社協商對談以及取得授權來降低爭議;(5)對著作權權利人之建議應勇於嘗試新的商業模式。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the reasons that why foreign university libraries join the Google Book Search Library Project and copyright issues, so that conclude the issues related digital copyright law in digital library. Furthermore, the study used interviews for investigating the meaning, value, and legitimate issues of GBS Library Project from the viewpoint of academic libraries in Taiwan. According to the literature review, the study clarified digital copyright issues. In addition, the study obtained the views of foreign university libraries toward GBS Library Project by case studies. Finally, the study used interviews to understand the opinions of GBS Library Project from academic libraries in Taiwan.
The results of the study are summarized below: (1)The key copyright issues that related to related to Digital Library Project are copyright authorization, reproduction, the fair use, and the right to public transmission. (2)There are legitimacies and motivations for UK and USA libraries participate in GBS Library Project. (3)There are three models that adopted by UK and USA libraries for participating in GBS: all collection or part of collection and no copyright works to scan. (4)Considering copyright issues, UK and USA libraries take reasonable measures to restrict the use of digital copies. (5)UK and USA libraries contract with Google for its procedures and responsibility. (6)Foreign authors and publishers consider that GBS is accused of violating for their rights of the reproduce, distribute and display. (7)The academic libraries in Taiwan have bipolar view for joining GBS. (8)The academic libraries in Taiwan worry about copyright issues for joining GBS. (9)The academic libraries in Taiwan consider that the GBS project is lack of legitimacy to join it. (10)If the academic libraries in Taiwan join the GBS project, they would be inclined to put in out-of-copyright works.
Based on the final results of this study, several suggestions are as follow:(1)Government should establish a legal policy of digital deposit, (2)University or library should set up a copyright management center which has right and responsibility to deal with intellectual property rights issues; (3)Google should strengthen safety measures and guarantee mechanisms to protect it’s image. (4)In order to reduce the controversy, Google should consult with the authors and publishers actively to obtain authorization (5)The copyright owners should be willing to try a new business model.
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