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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台北巿高中圖書館轉型為「教學資源中心」之研究 / A Study on Taipei Senior High Schools Library Transformation into the Instructional Resources Center

黃瑞秋, Richel Huang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台北巿高中圖書館的組織編制、困境,並了解圖書館負責人對轉型為「教學資源中心」的看法,以期提出國內學校圖書館轉型為「教學資源中心」的建議方案及事項。 為達研究目的,首先蒐集國內外文獻,分析學校圖書館與「教學資源中心」的相關資料;其次藉由個案研究國內具有正式「教學資源中心」組織的明道高中,以了解其組織結構及經營模式;最後,全面性調查台北巿公私立45所高中圖書館的組織與困境、視聽資源及電腦主管單位的組織編制、以及台北巿高中圖書館負責人對轉型為「教學資源中心」的看法。 研究結果發現,台北巿高中圖書館有十大困境:1.私立學校圖書館組織比公立學校圖書館來得不健全。2.公私立高中圖書館多仍未能分組辦事。3.圖書館負責人乃由教師或幹事兼任,多須兼任課堂教學工作。4.圖書館專業人員不足。5.工作人員數量太少及職位太低。6.設置工讀生的學校未達半數,且工讀生人數少。7.圖書館委員會對圖書館的助益有限。8.圖書館所提供的視聽資源的種類不夠多,未能具備提供教學媒體製作的服務。9.圖書館雖多已自動化,但採購、期刊、參考諮詢三方面卻多數尚未自動化。10.圖書館半數以上沒有光碟資料庫,且只能在圖書館或館內使用光碟資料庫。 本研究提出高中圖書館轉型為「教學資源中心」的建議方案為:以圖書館為主導,整合校內包含所有軟體的視聽及電腦資源於同一個「圖書館教學資源中心」單位之中,設置圖書館教學資源中心主任,編列正式的圖書館專業人員、媒體專業人員、電腦資訊人員,其下的分組則至少包括基本的圖書館、視聽教育、電腦資訊三方面相關的組別。最後,提出的五大層面的建議事項:(一)制度層面:1.修改相關法令,提昇圖書館的地位及健全組織;2.轉型的名稱以「圖書館教學資源中心」為佳。(二)功能層面:1.落實傳統圖書館的功能;2.發揮「教學資源中心」的功能。(三)人員層面:1.增加圖書館人員編制及提昇專業素質;2.增列圖書館的媒體人員、資訊人員;3.結合與善用校內教師與學生的人力。(四)資源層面:1.充實圖書館館藏、媒體、資訊等設備;2.加強資訊軟硬環境。(五)教育層面:1.推廣圖書館利用教育,加強師生對圖書館的認識與使用;2.適應國家整體高中教育政策,配合多元入學方案。

國小圖書館自動化系統共建共享之研究:以全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網為例 / Collaborative building and sharing on the integrated library systems of elementary schools in Taoyuan

許嶸鴻, Hsu , Jung Hung Unknown Date (has links)
國民小學圖書館在缺乏人力、經費與技術支援的情況之下,圖書館自動化的發展明顯落後於其他類型的學校圖書館。為了改善此一現象,教育部自民國99學年度開始啟用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」來協助中小學學校圖書館進行閱讀推動與圖書館自動化的實施。透過網路的連結,達成系統共建、資源共享的目標。 為了解「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」在國小圖書館實際使用的情況以及國小圖書館人員對該系統的接受情形,筆者以桃園縣公立小學圖書館為對象,藉由TAM科技接受模式修正版來評估使用者實際使用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」的情形,並據此提出相關的建議。本研究以問卷調查法為主,訪談法為輔,以桃園縣188所公立小學圖書館的負責人為調查對象,透過問卷分析使用者對系統的認知情形與使用意願,並輔以訪談法蒐集使用者態度之後的原因來補充問卷資料的不足,以增加研究的正確性。 本研究調查發現「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」明顯的提升了國小圖書館實施自動化的比率,但由於使用者太多且集中在密集的時段使用系統,導致系統連線品質降低,影響系統的正常運作。教育訓練的不足與廠商服務的品質低落亦降低了使用者的滿意度。而「閱讀推動」的目標由於系統功能不符合學校實際推動閱讀的情境導致多數學校使用率偏低。研究者建議必須透過改善系統連線品質、加強教育訓練與提升服務品質來提升使用者的滿意度,達成系統建置的目標。 / Due to a lack of human resources, funding, and technical support for library automation, elementary school libraries have fallen much behind other types of school libraries in the development of library automation. To address this problem, Ministry of Education launched the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in 2010. This system can assist elementary school libraries in promotion of reading and implementation of library automation. Its goal is to achieve co-construction of library systems and sharing of resources through the network. In order to understand the practical usage of the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in elementary school libraries and acceptance of this website among librarians, this study investigated libraries of public elementary schools in Taoyuan County and applied the modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to evaluate practical usage of this system. The methodology was based on survey and interview. The survey was administered to directors of 188 public elementary school libraries in Taoyuan County to understand users’ perceptions and usage intentions. The interview was conducted to explore factors behind user attitude, which could make up the insufficiency of survey data and increase the value of research findings. Results showed that the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” has significantly enhanced the percentage of library automation among elementary school libraries. However, the huge number of users of the system and their concentration of usage of the system in certain hours have resulted in a reduction of system connection quality, affecting the normal functioning of the system. Besides, insufficient education training and poor service quality of the system provider have also lowered user satisfaction with the system. With regard to “reading promotion”, the system’s functions are not conformed to the practical situations of reading promotion among elementary schools. As a result, the utility of these functions is low among most schools. Therefore, this study suggested that the authority concerned enhance user satisfaction and achieve the goals of the system by improving system connection quality, education training, and service quality first.


蕭驚鴻, XIAO, JING-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共計一冊,約十萬餘字,以五章十八節對國民小學圖書館建築規畫的主題進行 探究,其中包括: 第一章:緒論。說明本研究的動機、目的、範圍、價值、方法、資料來源及專用名詞 詮釋。 第二章:小學圖書館建築規畫的基本概念。其中的第一節以圖衵館的概念為主,就其 意義、本質、特性、功能、管理原則及發展情形做一描述;第二節以建築的概念為重 心,也就其意義、本質、特性、功能、原則及發展現況做一敘述;第三節則探討規畫 的概念,除說明意義、本質外,對於小學圖書館建築規畫時應有的理念、法令依據與 原則,亦一併列述。 第三章:小學圖書館建築規畫的重要問題。包括第一節對學生特質之研究,除了對學 生數量之考慮外,對學生的生理需求與心理特質亦一併研討;第二節分析圖書館的空 間配置,強調館藏、閱覽者、工作人員的三種空間均應做合理的安排;第三節研討圖 書館館址的選擇問題,對於基地應有的尺度、與周圍建築體的關係、全校人員分佈與 主動線情形、方位影響,均做了分析;第四節說明成立館舍規畫小組的理論,及參與 者的職責。 第四章:小學圖書館建築規畫的方法。第一節是確立規畫目標,透過對目標層次與性 質的分析,訂定目標。第二節研討資料的收集,對於資料種類、來源與資料選擇標準 ,提示了方向。第三節是資料處理的方式,包括對資料的分析、評估、綜合與組織。 第四節是說明規畫報告的編寫,除指出報告的要項外,尚列出編寫時應注意事項。 第五章:討論、結論與建議。綜合研究結果,建議(一)透過職前教育與在職進修, 以加強教育行政人員,對圖書館、建築、規畫的正確概念。(二)更周詳的訂定圖書 館建築標準法規。(三)集思廣益,善用社會資源的提高小學書館的品質。(四)不 斷研究、改進、創新、使小學圖書館能順應潮流趨勢。

國民小學教師對學校圖書館的認知與使用情形之研究:以基隆市為例 / The Cognition and Use of Library Services by the Teachers of Elementary Schools in Keelung County

盧文媛, Lu, Wen Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,運用資訊科技是現代人必備的基本能力。而學校圖書館因地利之便,是國小師生最容易接觸到的資訊來源之一。教師要培養學生利用圖書館的習慣與能力,則本身必須具備圖書館專業知能,並懂得善用圖書館的各項資源。 本研究以基隆市國民小學教師為對象,旨在調查教師對學校圖書館的認知與使用學校圖書的概況,並探討其差異情形。再綜合教師對學校圖書館的意見提出建議,供未來制定圖書館相關政策或研擬經營發展方向時的參考。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究結果摘要如下: 不同背景之教師對學校圖書館各面向的認知均有正面的評價。其中以「推展閱讀」面向的認知最為良好,其次依序為「與課程的關聯性」、「規劃設計」及「館藏、管理與服務」面向,而認同度最低的則為「支援教學」面向。 教師對學校圖書館的認知情形會隨著教師的目前職務、教育程度、年齡及性別等背景變項而有不同的差異情形。兼任行政教師最能認同「館藏、管理與服務」、「與課程的關連性」、「支援教學」與「推展閱讀」等面向的功能。一般大學畢業者對「規畫設計」面向的認同度最高;師範院系畢業者對「與課程的關聯性」面向的認知較為良好;年齡大的教師最能認同圖書館「推廣閱讀」的功能;男性教師則對「支援教學」面向感到較滿意。 教師在使用學校圖書館時,以支援教學為主要目的,但因教學上的需求使用圖書館的頻率與時間卻明顯偏低。教師最倚重網路資源以滿足資訊需求;在使用圖書館資料的情形方面則尚待加強;最需要圖書館提供教學新知資源;認為最需要改進的是館藏數量不足的問題。教師並不常參加圖書館利用專業知能的進修,但在圖書館利用能力上有很不錯的自我評價。 教師使用學校圖書館的情形會隨著教師的背景變項而有所差異。導師及兼任行政教師使用的情形較為類似。師範院校畢業、資深、年齡較長及女性教師,使用學校圖書館的情形則較為良好。 由研究結果歸納以下建議:地方政府及教育主管機關每年應提撥固定的經費;增設圖書館專職人員之編制;建立全市國民小學圖書館教學資源共享平台。學校方面應積極爭取經費;多元化增購館藏;整合學校圖書館為教學資源中心。教師方面,應把握專業進修的機會、將圖書館利用教育融入教學;善用學校圖書館資源,並適時主動提出建議,以落實學校圖書館支援教師教學之功能。 / For the coming alongside with the era of knowledge-based economy, it has become our fundamental capability that people today have to be able to make use of information technology. As of location convenience for school library, it has become one of the sources so that teachers and students elementary can access to information. In fact, if teachers must nurture students with habit and capability to exploit library, they must be able to be equipped with professional knowledge of library and are able to make use of various kinds of resources of library. This study has taken the teachers of elementary school teachers of Keelung City as its subjects, and aimed to investigate the cognition of teachers regarding school library as well as the scenario making use of school library. Besides, it would also explore the difference. This study will employ questionnaire survey, with its research results summarized found as follows: Teachers of diverse background are found with positive evaluation regarding each of the aspects for school library. Among them, the aspect of “promotion for reading” is considered to be of the best, seconded by aspects as “relevancy to curriculum,” “library collection, management, and service,” and “programming design,” whereas the aspect of “support to teaching” tails and is found with the lowest cognition. Teacher’s cognition of school library was different in accordance with the background variables such as current position, educational background, age and gender. Teachers with administrative position can recognize most school library’s functions in the aspects of “library collection, management, and service,” “relevancy to curriculum,” “support to teaching” and “promotion for reading”. Average college graduates gave highest approval to the aspect of “programming design,” while, teacher’s college graduates expressed more approval in the aspect of “relevancy to curriculum,”; older teachers approved most in the function of “promotion for reading”; male teachers were more satisfied with the aspect of “support to teaching”. The primary aim for teachers to use school library is supposedly to support their teaching demands; however, the results reflecting in frequency and time for this purpose were relatively low. As for teachers who rely on network resources to accommodate their information needs, it is found that the scenario making use of information with school library remains much to be improved. In fact, what teachers need most from school library is that it can provide resources of novel knowledge, while the problem of library collection is what teachers consider improvement must be made. Teachers do not often attend further training for professional competence of school library, but they do have rather favorable self-evaluation regarding the utility of library manpower. Teachers’ use of school library was found to vary in accordance with the variables of their background. Homeroom teachers and teachers with administration position seemed more identical in their use of school library. Teacher’s college graduates, senior teachers and older teachers as well as female teachers would show a better use of school library. As learned and concluded from study results, it is thus suggested: local government and competent authority of education should appropriate fixed amount of expenditure annually, increase the formation of specialized personnel for school library, and establish collective platform for teaching resources among school library of elementary schools for the entire city. On the part of schools, they should actively strive for more funding, increase library collections with diversified channels, and integrate school library as the center of teaching resources. On the part of teachers, they should take hold of chance for professional study and training, combine school library into their teaching, make good use of resources from school library, and appropriately put forth proposal, thus helping to realize the function of having school library in support teaching for teachers.

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