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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王玉種 Unknown Date (has links)
工作滿足研究主要係以心理學研究途徑為基礎,來從事組織成員對工作情境的感受之研究。通常從事此項研究有一個基本的假設,乃是認為人是趨利避害的,因此組織必須提供成員以相當的報酬,來滿足組織成員的需要。吾人暫且不論此一假設是否完全正確,但有一點可以完全地肯定,即在從事組織成員工作滿足研究時,必然可以發掘出機關組織中存在的許多問題,有了此一研究結果,則對於管理措施上的改進更易正確與奏效。戶政為庶政之母,對於國家的政治、經濟及社會……等各方面影響甚矩,但目前戶政事務所存在著許多問題,有急需加以解決的必要。基於以上的認識,所以乃有台北市戶政事務所行政人員工作滿足之研究。 本論文共分六章,約八萬餘言。 第一章為緒論,分為三節。第一節說明從事此一研究的動機與目的,第二節說明研究的題旨與範圍,第三節說明本研究所採取的研究途徑與研究方法。 第二章為工作滿足理論剖析,分為三節。第一節說明工作滿足研究的發展,並對工作滿足此一概念的意義予以澄清;第二節說明工作滿足的理論基礎,其中包括有動機理論、公平理論及人性理論;第三節說明工作滿足與組織行為的關係。 第三章為工作滿足的測量,分為三節。第一節說明測量工作滿足的方法;第二節說明工作滿足的構面;第三節說明本研究問卷設計的方法與其內容。 第四章為戶政人員工作滿足之分析,分為五節。第一節說明調查樣本的特性;第二節說明戶政人員工作滿足的程度;第三節對於台北市各戶政事務所工作滿足的程度做一比較;第四節說明工作滿足各構面間的關係;第五節說明個人變數與工作滿足的關係。 第五章為戶政人員對工作滿足各構面的分析,分為六節。各節依次說明戶政人員對工作本身、升遷、工作條件、薪俸、監督及同仁關係的滿足情形,及個人變數與這些工作滿足構面的關係。 第六章為結論,分為兩節。第一節研究發現,用來說明戶政人員工作滿足程度所以形成的原因;第二節為改進建議,乃針對上述的問題,提出一些具體可行的建議,以供有關單位做為改進的參考。 本論文在構思階段蒙姜師占魁啟示不少觀念,及台北市警察局第六科范科長彥對於戶政問題瞭解的幫助,特致謝意。在資料蒐集過程中,蒙鄧師裕坤慨借資料,及行政院研究發展考核委員會林學長克昌贈予資料,特致謝意。在問卷及訪問進行中,非常感謝各戶政事務所主任、秘書及工作同仁的協助。大姊及小弟幫助整理初步的問卷資料,本校教育研究所丁與祥及統計研究所沈金祥兩位同學指點統計方法,非常感激他們。當然,對於本論文給予幫助最大者乃是指導教授張師潤書,若非張師提供觀念,及批閱初稿並祥加指正,則本論文實無法順利地加以完成。此外,本論文接受台北市政府的補助,使得本論文的經費問題得以解決;對於促成此一研究計劃的朱師堅章、林議員鈺祥及劉學長義周,特此致謝。 由於筆者學識能力所限,文中錯漏之處必然甚多,尚祈師長、專家惠予指正,俾做日後研究之改進。


李俊毅, LI, JUN-YI Unknown Date (has links)
官僚體系在現代國家中的角色地位十分重要,行政人員如果工作上表現出強烈的保守 性,對於官僚體系達成社會角色功能可能會有負面的影響。本論文即在試圖對行政人 員保守行為現象的原因提出科學的解釋。 本論文全文約七萬言,共分五章,各章的內容重點如下: 第壹章前言,說明官僚體系在現代國家中的重要地位,行政人員保守行為可能傷害官 僚體系社會角色功能的達成,並對研究範圍及方法,本論文在理論與實務上的重要性 加以陳述。 第貳章文獻探討,針對社會科學中科學解釋模式的爭議加以論述,說明筆者主張採用 律理解釋模式(NOMOLOGICAL MODEL) 的理由,並且探討有關行政人員保守性的文獻 。 第參章研究架構,針對ANTHONY DOWNS(1967) 提出的“漸增保守性定律”加以 分析,並發展經驗研究指標,以作為經驗研究的參考架構。 第肆章經驗檢證,以台北市政府為個案,對“漸增保守性定律”進行經驗檢證,本否 證(FALSIFICATION) 的精神,試圖推翻該定律。 第伍章結論,依經驗檢證結果,以律理解釋模式對台北市政府行政人員的保守行為提 出科學的解釋,並提出政策及未來研究的建議。


張文華 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

第一線行政人員與民眾衝突成因及其對策-以臺北國稅局大安分局為例 / On the factors and solutions of conflict between front-line administrators and the general public: A case study on the Daan Branch National Taxation Bureau of Taipei

林靜虹 Unknown Date (has links)
民眾就是顧客,在現代民主國家中是不容置否的觀念。政府在推動各項政策或為民服務時,亦本著「顧客導向」的理念,期望能增進行政效率及服務品質。 然而,實務上發現,多數政策執行過程,均由第一線的行政人員負責與民眾接觸,進而完成,正因為第一線行政人員與民眾接觸頻繁,其與民眾間各式各樣的衝突情形,自然就會增加,這樣的衝突情形,將使得政府原先以客為尊的美意,大打折扣。因此,為了落實公部門為民服務之理念,使民眾能成為政府顧客導向的實質受惠者,應先瞭解究竟有那些因素會造成國稅機關的第一線行政人員與民眾間的衝突。 本研究採質性研究,以文獻分析及深度訪談等方式進行資料蒐集,以臺北國稅局所屬大安分局為個案,選定國稅機關中第一線行政人員做為訪談對象,將其在工作中的經驗整理,經研究發現,導致國稅機關第一線行政人員與民眾產生衝突的主要因素有:「業務性質」、「法令」、「稅務人員」及「民眾」等四項因素,並針對各項因素提出衝突原因及其對策,以利實際上發生衝突時,做為處理衝突的參考,並提供給各國稅機關運用,以能事先預測可能發生的衝突,提昇公部門為民服務的能力。 / In modern democratic countries, the general public are customers. When government servants promote polices and serve people, they always obey the rules with “customer-oriented” concept to enhance administrative efficiency and service. Most of polices are executed by the front-line administrators who contact with the general public. However, the general public usually argue with the front-line administrators because of failure communication that makes the customer-oriented intentions are greatly reduced. Therefore, in order to perform the concept of customer-oriented that benefit general public, find out the factors which lead to conflict between the front-line administrators tax authorities and the general public is important. Qualitative research is adopted and literature analysis and in-depth interview are utilized to conduct information collection. The front-line administrators in taxation registration work in National Taxation Bureau of Taipei, Daan Branch are interviewed for this research. This research discovers four main factors of conflict between the front-line administrators and the general public, including: ”Nature of business ”, ”regulation and policy”, ”the tax officers” and ”the general public”. Reasons of conflict are analyzed by this research. Besides, this research offers many strategies so the front-line administrators can use as a reference to deal with conflict. Furthermore, tax authorities can use this research to predict possible conflicts in advance and enhance the public sector’s ability when serve the people.

臺北市公立高中職校長空間領導與行政人員工作滿意度關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationship between the Public High School Level Principal’s Space Leadership and the Administrative Staff‘s Job Satisfaction in Taipei City

蔡宗湶, Tsai, Chung Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北市公立高中職校長空間領導與行政人員工作滿意度之現況為何,並分析不同背景變項之行政人員於知覺其校長空間領導和工作滿意度之差異情形,更進一步探究二者之相關程度高低情形;輔以分析校長空間領導對於行政人員工作滿意度之預測力效果,最後,再以結構方程模式檢定校長空間領導與行政人員工作滿意度之間的適配效果。 本研究採問卷調查研究法方式進行數據資料蒐集,抽取臺北市全部公立高中職合計35所學校,一共發出700份問卷,回收621份問卷,其中有效問卷計574份,問卷有效率為82%。調查問卷資料處理以平均數及標準差進行描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、多元逐步迴歸以及結構方程模式等統計方法進行探究。最後,本研究獲致相關結果如下: 一、公立高中職行政人員知覺「校長空間領導」整體屬中高程度,而以「融入課程教學」構面知覺程度最高。 二、公立高中職行政人員知覺其「工作滿意度」整體屬中高程度,而以「人際關係」構面知覺程度最高。 三、行政人員不同背景變項分析,對於校長空間領導的知覺上,在性別上男性高於女性;年齡上51歲以上高於31-40歲;服務總年資則是26年以上者高於1-10年及11-15年者;行政年資21年以上高於6-10年者;以及職務則是專職組長高於兼職組長者,均達顯著程度之差異。 四、行政人員不同背景變項分析,對於其工作滿意度的知覺上,服務總年資26年以上高於1-10年者;學制類別則以高職學校高於高中及完全中學者,均達顯著程度之差異。 五、公立高中職校長空間領導整體與行政人員工作滿意度整體之關係,達非常顯著程度相關,係屬高度正相關,意即校長空間領導的情形愈佳,行政人員工作滿意度也愈高。其中校長空間領導以「使用者共同參與」構面對於整體行政人員工作滿意度相關性最高;另校長空間領導整體對於行政人員工作滿意度之「校長領導」構面相關性最高。 六、公立高中職校長空間領導對於行政人員工作滿意度具有顯著預測效果,其中以「使用者共同參與」預測力最佳。 七、校長空間領導與行政人員工作滿意度結構方程模式適配性尚佳。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出各項建議供教育行政主管機關、校長以及未來後續研究之參考。 / This study aims to understand the status of a public high school level principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction in Taipei city, and analyze the administrative staffs of different background about their principal’s space leadership and job satisfaction of the case. And this study also investigates the relevance of principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction. In addition, analysis of principal’s space leadership for administrative staffs to predict the effects of job satisfaction. Finally, it tries to verify structural equation modeling for principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction. The study adopts the questionnaire survey method. The main subjects of the questionnaire survey are directors, leaders and staffs in the high school level in Taipei city. The total numbers of questionnaires that were distributed to school is 700, 574 of which are valid. That is, the percentage of availability is around 83%. The collected datas are analyzed by the statistical method of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, multiple stepwise regression analysis and structural equation modeling. So the findings of the study are as follows: 1.Principals in the Taipei public high school level have medium-high degree performance on their practice of leadership with regard to space. And the highest score is the dimension of “ integrating into curriculum teaching“. 2.Administrative staffs of the Taipei public high school level evaluate consequences of the job satisfaction as medium-high degree. And the highest score is the dimension of “ relationship between the people”. 3.Administrative staffs who are male , aged over 51, years of service working more than 26 , years of administrative working more than 21, and serving as full-time team leader evaluate the principal’s space leadership higher degree than the others of the subjects. 4.Administrative staffs who are service working more than 26 years, and working in vocational high schools have a higher evaluation on their job satisfaction. 5.The relation between principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction in Taipei city is positively correlated. The higher the principal’s space leadership is, the more administrative staff’s job satisfaction. 6.The principal’s space leadership shows a significant predictability on administrative staff’s job satisfaction, particularly 0n the dimension of “ the users joint participation “ with a highest predictability is on administrative staff’s job satisfaction. 7.The structural equation modeling shows the adaptability between principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction. According to the above conclusions, the researcher is trying to provide some suggestions as further reference for the institution of education administration, schools and whom wants to be a principal.

大學組織公平與行政人員組織公民行為關係之研究 / Research on the Relationship between University Organizational Justice and Administrative Staff’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior

林素霞, Lin, Su Hsia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學組織公平與行政人員組織公民行為之關係,並依據研究結果提出建議。首先,進行文獻探討,建立研究架構與工具。之後,以公立大學行政人員為研究對象,透過隨機抽樣進行問卷調查,總計有效樣本為 250 份,分別以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關分析、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析。依據研究結果分析,本研究主要發現如下: 一、目前大學行政人員對組織公平與組織公民行為之現況良好,在組織公平三個構面中,以「互動公平」平均數最高,「程序公平」最低。在組織公民行為三個構面中,以「利他人行為」平均數最高,「利組織行為」最低。 二、不同的現職服務學校年資、身分、職務、職等、學校規模及學校類別之行政人員對大學組織公平知覺有顯著差異。 三、不同年齡、現職學校服務年資、身分、職務及學校規模的行政人員之組織公民行為程度有顯著差異。 四、大學組織公平與行政人員組織公民行為具有高度相關,其中程序公平與整體組織公民行為、利組織行為呈現高度相關。 五、大學組織公平對行政人員組織公民行為具有預測力,其中以程序公平預測力最高,分配公平預測力最低。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,提供大學組織與未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the public university’s organizational justice and administrative staff’s organizational citizenship behavior . The research methods are literature review and questionnaire survey. The data was collected from 250 administrative staffs serving in public universities and was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way-ANOVA, correlation and multiple regressions. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The administrative staff’s perception toward university’s organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior is positive. Among the three aspects of university’s organizational justice, the highest score appears in “interactional justice“ and the lowest in “procedure justice“. Among the three aspects of administrative staff’s organizational citizenship behavior, the highest score appears in “organizational citizenship behavior - individual” and the lowest in “organizational citizenship behavior - organization”. 2.Administrative staffs with different years of service, identity, position, grade, university size and university category show significant differences on university’s organizational justice. 3.Administrative staffs with different age, years of service, identity, position and university size show significant differences on administrative staff’s organizational citizenship behavior. 4.There are positive correlations between the university’s organizational justice and administrative staff’s organizational citizenship behavior. Wherein the procedure justice, overall organizational citizenship behavior and organizational citizenship behavior – organization presented highly correlated. 5.The university’s organizational justice is able to predict administrative staff’s organizational citizenship behavior. Wherein the procedure justice is highly coorelated to prediction and distributive justice has lower correlation. The findings and conclusions as above can be references provided to universities for strategic management. In addition, the major results of this research can be also provided as references for future research in this area.


顏玉雲, YAN, YU-YUN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台北市為範圍,旨在探討國民中學校長領導型式和學校行校人員工作滿意的 情形,並分析學校行政人員個人因素與其工作滿意度的關係及求證校長領導型式與學 校行政人員工作滿意的相關情形,以期就「增加領導效能」與「提高學校行政人員工 作滿意度」兩方面提出建議,以供有關方面參考。 本研究從文獻探討著手,瞭解校長領導型式的理論基礎、測量、及其相關研究與發現 ,及影響學校行人員工作滿足之個人因素;然後從事實際調查。 研究對象是以台北市國民中學之學校行政人貝為範圍,依據班級數大小分為三級,每 級抽取大校,共計三十所,發出問卷922份,計得有效問卷646份,合計回收率 是70•06%。經將所得資料依編號、登錄處理後,利用T考驗與單因子變異數分 析法進行SPSSx 套裝程式的統計分析,以求歸納結論,提出建議。 本研究共計五章。第一章緒論,旨在闡述研究動機與目的,提出研究問題與假設,確 定範圍與步驟等。第二章為文獻探討,分別就工作滿足、領導型式、與個人因素等三 方面詳加探討,作為本研究理論依據。第三章為研究設計與實施,分別就研究樣本的 選取、使用工具和資料處理方式提出說明。第四章結果與討論。第五章結論與建議, 乃就研究結果發現,提出結論與建議,俾供參考。 研究結果發現:(1)學校行政人貝工作滿意確因校長領導型式之不同而有所差異; (2)學校行政人員工作滿足確因其個人因素不同而有所差異。 據此本研究建議:1•為提高學校行政人員之工作滿意度,應從工作環境、薪資調整 、升遷管道、工成本身在職進修等方面加以改善,2•校長身為一校之長,應定時施 以新觀念,使校長能以「高關懷、高領導」的領導型式來治理學校,使領導不只要達 到組織目標,更要兼顧到個人需求。


鄭美玉, ZHENG, MEI-YU Unknown Date (has links)
「十年樹木,百年樹人」,教育乃百年大業,影響國家民族前途至鉅。而教師工作滿 足的程度,除影響其服務精神與態度外,並進而影響其教學成效與對學生的培育。至 於學校行政人員,除從事教學工作外,並肩負推動教學工作與組織運作的使命,可見 其對教育工作的成敗有決定性的影響。然而學校行政人員管理動機的強弱,內外控的 信念,又與其工作滿足程度密切相關。因此,本文擬從理論與實證兩方面,檢視我國 國「學校行政人員管理動機、內外控制與其工作滿足之關係」,並據以提出結論與建 議,以供參考。 本論文共五章。第一章緒論:說明研究動機與目的,並提出研究假設。第二章文獻探 討:就管理動機、內外控與工作滿足三方面,探討其涵義與相互間的關係,以為本研 究之理論依據。第三章研究方法:詳細說明本文之研究設計與實施。第四章結果與討 論:乃就所得資料之統計結果,加以分析與討論。第五章結論與建議:乃依據理論探 討與實驗發現,歸納成結論,並據以提出建議,以供參考。


劉建宏, Liu,Jeng-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
一個組織行政人員穩定性關係著組織效能的良窳,因此教師兼行政人員的穩定性以及離職情形對學校效能有著重大的影響,再加上工作壓力及工作滿意與離職與否息息相關,因此本研究旨在探究目前桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員行政職務平均任期以及教師兼行政人員工作壓力、工作滿意和離職傾向的關係。最後作出結論和建議供教育行政機關、學校行政主管、教師兼行政人員及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究調查表資料以桃園縣89學年度(含)以前成立之國民中學進行普查,共計發出46份調查表,回收40份,回收率為87%,有效的調查表計33份,可用率為83%。問卷調查也以上述46所桃園縣國民中學之教師兼行政人員為資料分析對象,從桃園縣13鄉鎮市抽出33所國民中學之全部教師兼行政人員,抽取樣本共有463人,問卷回收433份,回收率為94%,有效問卷計410份,可用率為95%。在資料分析上,問卷調查資料主要用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、多元及逐步迴歸分析、因素分析等方法。 本研究獲致以下結論: 一、桃園縣國民中學學校規模越大,教師兼行政人員平均任期越長,教師 兼行政人員離職率越低。 二、桃園縣國民中學學校歷史短,主任及組長的平均任期較長;學校歷史 短,組長平均任期較長。學校歷史長,主任及組長的離職率較高;學 校歷史長,組長離職率較高。 三、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員工作壓力感受屬於中等程度,以工作 負荷壓力最高;工作滿意感受屬於中等程度,以主管領導滿意最高; 離職傾向屬於中等程度。 四、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員在整體工作壓力感受上,30歲以下顯 著大於41歲-50歲、任教5年以下顯著大於任教16-25年、未婚顯著大 於已婚、訓導(學務)處組長顯著大於教務(教導)處主任、行政年 資5年以下顯著大於行政年資6-15年、設校50年以上顯著大於設校10- 20年、20-30年、30-40年及40-50年、研究所碩士以上顯著小於師 大、師院或大學教育系畢業及一般大學院校畢業。 五、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員在整體工作滿意感受上,51歲以上顯 著大於31歲-40歲、任教26年以上顯著大於任教5年以下及6-15年、學 校規模73班以上顯著大於13-36班、設校20-30年顯著高於設校10年以 下、30-40年、40-50年及50年以上。 六、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員的離職傾向,30歲以下顯著大於41 歲-50歲及51歲以上、任教5年以下顯著大於任教16-25年及26年以 上、未婚顯著大於已婚、教務(教導)處組長及訓導(學務)處組長 顯著大於輔導室主任、行政年資5年以下顯著大於行政年資6-15年、 學校規模13-36班及37-72班顯著大於73班以上。 七、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作壓力與離職傾向關係呈顯著 正相關。 八、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作滿意與離職傾向關係呈顯著 負相關。 九、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作滿意與整體工作壓力關係呈 負相關。 十、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員工作壓力的角色衝突層面對離職傾向 最具預測力。 根據研究結論,本研究的建議如下: 一、辦理教師兼行政人員職前研習及輔導制度,適時給予鼓勵、獎勵及關 懷。 二、爭取經費改善學校環境設備。 三、同性質業務合併,減少不必要的公文。 四、適量地交辦工作,減少不必要的行政程序和規定。 五、鼓勵教師兼行政人員進修學位。 六、學習壓力調適,建立良好人際關係。 關鍵字:教師兼行政人員、工作壓力、工作滿意、離職傾向 / Administrative personnel have a critical impact to the overall success of the organization; therefore, the stability and turnover situation of those teachers who also perform administrative functions (referred as administrative teachers) is very important to the school itself. In addition, the work pressure and job satisfaction have close relationship to the turnover rate, so the goal of this dissertation is to study the correlations among those length of service, work pressure, job satisfaction and turnover frequency of these teachers. Also a set of conclusions and suggestions were proposed for future study reference for education administrations, school’s management board and those administrative teachers. The survey of this dissertation was distributed to those junior high schools established prior than YR2000; total of 46 copies were sent out and received 40 back (87% of return rate) with 33 sets of completions (83%).The survey population was based on those administrative teachers among those 46 schools; sampling size was 463 teachers with 433 returns (94%) and 410 effective results (95%).For the data analytical tools: descriptive statistics,T-test,one-way-ANOVA,canonical correlation,Pearson product-mo- ment correlation,multiple regression analysis,stepwise multiple regression analysis , factor analysis were utilized. The conclusions are as follows: I. The larger the size of Taoyuan junior high schools, the length of service (LOS) is longer for those administrative teachers, and the turnover rate is lower. II. With Taoyuan junior high schools’ history being not long, the LOS of Directors and Supervisors was longer. For older schools, the LOS of Supervisors is longer, but with higher turnover rate of Directors and Supervsiors. III. The pressure level of those administrative teachers is Medium and the work load pressure tends to be the highest. The job satisfaction is Medium, and the leadership satisfaction is the highest, while the turnover tendency tends to be Medium. IV. For the overall work pressure level of those administrative teachers: 30 yrs old > 41-50 yrs old; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 yrs; single > married; student affairs supervisor > academic affairs Director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school history longer than 50 yrs > 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 yrs; master degree and above < university (college) degree V. For overall job satisfaction (for administrative teachers): age of 51 and above > 31-40; LOS greater than 26 yrs > 5/under and 6-15 yrs; school size 73 classes and more > 13-36 classes; school’s history with 20 to 30 yrs > 10 yrs and below, 30-40 yrs, 40-50 yrs, and 50 yrs above. VI. For overall turnover tendency: 30 yrs and below > 41-50 yrs old and above; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 and 26 yrs and above; single > married; academic affairs supervisors and student affairs supervisor > counseling director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school size with 13-36 classes and 37-72 classes > 73 classes. VII. Overall work pressure and turnover tendency have a positive correlation. VIII. Overall job satisfaction and turnover tendency have a negative correlation. IX. Overall job satisfaction and overall work pressure have a negative correlation. X. The job role conflict situation could be used as an indictor of future turnover tendency. Based on the conclusions of the study, the suggestions of this dissertation are as follows: I. Set up training and counseling system for administrative teachers; provide sufficient encouragement, rewards and care. II. Apply for more funds to improve the overall school environment and facilities. III. Combine similar businesses to reduce unnecessary paperwork. IV. Set up appropriate job-assigning process to reduce administrative procedures. V. Encourage continuous learning (ex. pursuing for higher degree) VI. Learn to adjust pressure and to build up good communication skills. KEY WORDS: administrative teachers, work pressure, job satisfaction, turnover tendency

戶政資訊化後對戶政機關人力配置的影響探討 / The Influence on the Human Resource Allocation of Computerization

張月紅, Chang, Yueh Hung Unknown Date (has links)
戶政實施電腦化至今已逾10年,它開啟我國政府機關資訊化的新紀元,對處理案件的迅速、工作流程的簡化,有相當助益;在提供民眾更便捷服務之時,台北市戶政同仁却未感受到工作量的減輕,尤其因資訊化造成工作量的遽增,反而覺得工作壓力更重,離職人數更多,對此現象實有研究探討的空間。 本研究採用質化研究方法,對於資訊化後對人力配置的影響,依作業方式改變、人員配置面作實務深度訪談,並以資訊化前後辦理之案件數加以比較分析,研究發現: 一、組織編制,未能隨社會變遷調整,並依等待人數及案件類別分析,致人力配置不平衡,無法配合實際需求。 二、戶政業務有其專業性,人員替代困難。 三、部份業務未回歸相關機關辦理,又增加許多非關戶籍「業外」項目。 伍、網路憑證未能有效利用。 六、資訊化不完整,人工作業仍多,前後線作業系統無法逕為連結。 七、政策推行不够周延,配套措施不足。 因此本研究建議政府在大力推動數位化之際,對各機關間戶籍資料的介面連結,加強推動自然人憑證使用,書證的減量,有其必要性;應早日通過組織法,提高基層人員職等,解決人員流動率過高問題;政府政策實施,須有完善配套措施,如此方能落實組織再造、電子化政府的政策。 / Residential Record & Administration (RR&A) business has been computerized for over 10 years now. It opens up a new era for our government office to utilize information system technology. The system simplifies the overall work procedure and increases the efficiency of processing cases. It provides quick and convenient service to the public. However, the technology does not bring any relief in terms of work load to the staff of RR&A office in Taipei. In particular, the linking of the systems of the whole nation not only increases their work load but also brings more pressure to them. As a result, more people have quit their jobs. There is indeed a need to have further discussion about this situation. This study uses a quantitative research method to study the impact of the utilization of information system technology upon the allocation of manpower. An in-depth interview has been conducted according to the change of work procedure and the allocation of staff. In addition, the study also compares the number of cases processed before and after the use of information technology. The study discovered that: 1. The organization of RR&A office is unable to adapt quickly enough to satisfy society’s needs. The staff of RR&A is not proportioned properly according to the amount and variety of pending cases. 2. The occupation of RR&A is highly specialized, which makes it difficult to find replacement workers. 3. Some of the tasks are unrelated to the RR&A, which increase the workload of the staff. Those additional services should be assigned to their appropriate offices. 4. Online verification of identification can not be efficiently used. 5. Counter clerks and supporting staff as well as different government departments cannot communicate well with each other because the system is not comprehensive enough and a large number of work needs to be done manually. 6. Government policies are not implemented well and lack supporting resources. Therefore, this study suggests that when the government implements the digitalization on a widespread scale, it is necessary to establish system interface capability among government institutes, promote the uses of Certficate Authority of MOL(MOICA) and the reduction of certification. The constitutive law should be quickly passed to elevate the level of basic workers and decrease the amount of worker resignations. Government policies should have complete supporting resources. By doing so, the policy of restructuring the current organization to achieve a true E-government can be fully implemented.

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