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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

記憶體模組產業的轉型策略-以C公司為例 / Industrial transformation strategy of Memory Module - Case of Company C

林婉菁 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣記憶體模組廠商在全球的排名及佔有率約有10%~15%,故台灣現仍為全球記憶體模組的生產重鎮,但近兩年來,我國半導體製造業有逐年下降的現象,營收表現則受到國際情勢及消費性電子產品發展的影響而出現波動;當創新產品出現並大幅成長,造成PC及NB的需求惡化,再加上國內記憶體工廠生產成本沒有競爭力,國內DRAM大廠紛紛轉型或被迫退出市場,台灣記憶體產業的榮景已不復見。 現今台灣記憶體模組廠產業大多跳脫DRAM模組單一產品,而是多元化朝MP3播放器、數位相框、外接式硬碟盒等產品布局,但消費性產品的變化快,中小型記憶體模組廠在大廠大者恆大,小則轉型或被收購合併甚至面臨關廠的命運;中小型記憶體模組產業前景又將是營運艱辛的未來。為了解記憶體模組產業之現況及未來發展前景,因此本研究將針對國內記憶體模組公司-C公司的現況作詳細的了解,並提出對未來之建議。

論商業健康保險爭議與相關監理規範-以英美相關司法判決與監理規範為參考 / Study on Legal Issues and Supervision on Commercial Health Insurance-Reference to the Relevant Judicial Judgments and Supervision in United States and United Kingdom

何哉明 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於我國人民對商業健康保險的需求逐年提升,然伴隨著商業健康保險的新契約保件逐年提升,理賠爭議亦是層出不窮。本藉由介紹商業健康保險對我國國民健康所扮演的腳色及其移轉風險的特色,瞭解到商業健康重要性,及發現因隨醫療技術的進步導致保險人難以估計損失率及有舊有保單條款難以因應的困難之處。 而經由檢索分析我國法院與商業健康保險條款解釋有關的判決,發現因條款文字本身存有疑義之處、醫療技術的演進、醫療機構與保險人間缺乏溝通管道、保戶對複雜的健康保險商品認識不足等因素,致使關於商業健康保險理賠上的條款解釋爭議層出不窮。 因此本文參考美國相關司法判決及英美相關保險監理規範,建議將存有疑義的保險條款文字明確化、增進保單條款的易讀性、增訂銷售文件上的警語、統一商業健康保險資訊提供的格式及強化醫療機構與保險人的溝通,期能促使我國人民可以藉此更加瞭解健康保險商品的內容,拉近保險人與保戶間對商品的認知,並減少關於商業健康保險條款解釋爭議的發生,以提升保險人與被保險人間的信賴感及維持保險機制的對價平衡,進而使我國人民更能有效的利用商業健康保險,全面性的提高國民接受醫療的品質,創造三嬴的局面。

學科型教室與學習自我效能之研究:以政大附中國中部學生為例 / A study on variation type classroom and academic self-efficacy: An example of junior high students in AHS of NCCU

林韋秀, Lin, Wei-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解政大附中學科型教室之規劃理念、學生使用現況、使用滿意度、使用感受與學生學習自我效能,分析不同性別學生在使用現況、滿意度、使用感受及學習自我效能之差異,探討學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受與其學習自我效能之相關,最後提出學科型教室在臺灣規劃實施之相關建議俾供參考。   本研究以政大附中國中部學生(有效樣本158人)為問卷調查對象,以秘書及各班副班長共六人為訪談對象,並以其中二班學生一日作息、在學科教室、班級基地、教學研究室及討論室中從事特定活動之學生(共計931人次),以及學科教室之設備與佈置情形為觀察對象。在資料分析上,主要採用描述性分析、次數百分比、平均數與標準差及Pearson積差相關等方法。研究結論如下: 一、政大附中學科型教室空間設備之規劃理念涵蓋班級課程、師生教學、學生置物、移動與人際交流等需求,延長下課時間以增加互動機會並使移動更平順。 二、政大附中學科型教室之國中部學生空間使用現況符合學科教室便利教與學、班級基地兼顧置物與學生交流、教學研究室方便師生談話、討論室供學生交流及停等以及學生移動便利等理念。 三、政大附中國中部學生學科型教室使用滿意度高,使用感受非常好。 四、政大附中國中部學生學習自我效能屬於普通偏高,其中以言語說服、生理狀態及樂意學習三向度平均較高,而整體學習效能為女生高於男生。 五、政大附中國中部學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受與其學習自我效能為中度正相關,且學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受越高,學習自我效能也越高,高低分組在言語說服及樂意學習之差異最明顯。      研究者根據文獻探討與研究發現,提出以下幾點建議: 一、對教育機關及人員之建議 (一)學科型教室空間營運模式值得推廣。 (二)學校規劃者在規劃學科型教室空間設備時,應將校地條件、班級數、教師員額、課程設計及師生需求融入規劃考量。 (三)實施學科型教室,教室應有充足教學設備並強化學科佈置,以突顯其特色。 (四)學科教室與班級基地之配置應注意動線便利性,並配合課表強化空間機能。 (五)實施學科型教室應提供安全置物空間及便利停等設施,以減少學生移動負擔,可延長下課時間至15到20分鐘,以增加人際互動機會並使移動更平順。 (六)推行學科型教室時,學校對教師、學生及家長均需持續加強溝通與理念宣導。 (七)定期調查使用者對學科型教室運作之意見,作為對現有措施調整參考。 二、對未來相關研究之建議 (一)在研究學校的選擇上,增加研究學校,與其他學科型教室學校比較。 (二)在研究對象的選擇上,擴大研究對象,納入全校學生或教職員。 (三)在研究內容方面,拓廣研究範圍,作更完整之用後評估,探討更廣泛之學習態度及行為。 / Variation type classroom is one of the operational models of school classrooms. In this model, all classrooms belong to subject teachers instead of students of the class. It is believed that this model could help teachers teach and students learn from the results of literature review. This study examines the relationship between the using satisfaction of variation type classroom and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in AHS of NCCU. It also examines behaviors of junior high school students in variation type classroom. There are 158 junior high school students in AHS of NCCU surveyed, the secretary and 5 assistant class leaders interviewed, and 931 person-time and 2 classrooms observed in this study. Data gathered in this study indicated the following are the other key findings in this study: 1. The planning rationale of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU consists of the needs of teachers teaching and students learning, storage, classroom transferring, interpersonal interactions and longer class break for more interaction and smoother classroom transferring of students. 2. The junior high students’using behaviors of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU correspond to the planning rationale of it. 3. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have great using satisfaction toward variation type classroom. 4. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have general academic self-efficacy (2.88), with higher efficacy in verbal persuasion, physiological state, and enjoyment of learning. The female junior high students have higher academic self-efficacy than the male students do. 5. There is significant mid-level correlation between the using satisfaction and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in variation type classroom, and the higher the using satisfaction the students have, the higher their academic self-efficacy is. The major implications of this study are as follows: 1. Variation type classroom operational model is worth promoting. 2. School planner should fully consider about the ground of the school, number of classes and faculty, curricula design and needs of teachers and students when planning space and facilities of variation type classroom. 3. In the variation type classroom operational model, classrooms should be equipped with enough teaching facilities and context of subjects should be emphasized to express the strengths of this model. 4. The convenience of the routes between subject classrooms and student lockers should be considered during arrangement process of the school and in correspondence with the class schedule. 5. The school in variation type classroom should provide safe lockers and convenient facilities for stay and wait to make students move with less stuff. Longer break (15-20 minutes) could be taken into account to promote interpersonal interaction and make students’ transferring of classrooms more smoothly. 6. The school administration needs to communicate and advocate consistently with the students, their parents and the faculty about the rationale of variation type classroom. 7. The school administration could survey about the users’ using satisfaction and opinion regularly to make necessary modification of the model or space and facilities of variation type classroom.

美國量化寬鬆政策對商業銀行股價之影響- 暨資產負債表傳遞效果 / The impact of the US QE policy on commercial bank stock returns - balance sheet channel

彭仲豪, Peng, Chung Hau Unknown Date (has links)
本研究致力於探討美國聯準會(FED)實施量化寬鬆政策(QE)與否,商業銀行資產負債表對於股價的影響。本文藉由總經指標(工業生產指數、製造業採購經理人指數)、利差變數(公司債利差、10年期公司債利差),以及資產負債表變數(存款、貸款等),對商業銀行股價進行解釋。並透過量化寬鬆政策(QE)的虛擬變數,了解該政策對股價的影響,以及實施該政策是否能夠改善資產負債表變數的顯著程度和影響方向。方法上,本文採用迴歸分析的方式進行實證分析。首先,研究以總經指標以及利差變數對股價進行解釋,且期間限定為量化寬鬆政策期間,藉此確認這兩類變數對股價的影響。後續則以加入資產負債表變數、量化寬鬆(QE)虛擬變數等,並將期間延伸至15年,以進一步釐清實施量化寬鬆(QE)政策的影響。本文實證結果顯示,美國量化寬鬆政策對於商業銀行股的股價有負面影響,且活期存款對股價的影響亦為負向。 / The thesis focuses on the FED policy – Quantitative Easing (QE) and how the policy affect the S&P 500 commercial bank sub-index return. Based on past researches, the article includes macroeconomic variables (IP, PMI), term structure variables, bank balance sheet variables (deposits and loans), and a QE dummy variable. With these variables, the outcomes are generated by regression. It can be observed that with the implementation of QE policy, stock returns are negative on average. Moreover, large banks would benefit from provide more commercial loans; on the other hand, small banks would obtain a positive return by lending more consumer loans. Demand deposits are another significant variable which would have negative impact on stock returns.

Wartime Training at Canadian Universities during the Second World War

Millar, Anne January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation provides an account of the contributions of Canadian universities to the Second World War. It examines the deliberations and negotiations of university, government, and military officials on how best to utilize and direct the resources of Canadian institutions of higher learning towards the prosecution of the war and postwar reconstruction. During the Second World War, university leaders worked with the Dominion Government and high-ranking military officials to establish comprehensive training programs on campuses across the country. These programs were designed to produce service personnel, provide skilled labour for essential war and civilian industries, impart specialized and technical knowledge to enlisted service members, and educate returning veterans. University administrators actively participated in the formation and expansion of these training initiatives and lobbied the government for adequate funding to ensure the success of their efforts. This study shows that university heads, deans, and prominent faculty members eagerly collaborated with both the government and the military to ensure that their institutions’ material and human resources were best directed in support of the war effort and that, in contrast to the First World War, skilled graduates would not be heedlessly wasted. At the center of these negotiations was the National Conference of Canadian Universities, a body consisting of heads of universities and colleges from across the country. This organization maintained an active presence in all major deliberations and exercised substantial influence over the policies affecting the mobilization of university resources.

國際併購後整合與管理之研究-以臺灣企業併購德商為例 / International Post-merger Integration & Management – The Case of a Taiwanese Firm Merging a German Firm

呂孟達, Lu, Meng-Ta Unknown Date (has links)
企業進行併購的目的是要將企業之間各自擁有的資源和優勢結合、互補產生綜效,最終達到增強企業競爭力、擴大企業規模之目標。全球化的趨勢之下,企業搶占市場最快的方法之一就是靠國際併購。然而,併購併並不是簡單的買賣而已,研究顯示其失敗率約為70-90%。有效的併後整合(Post Merger Integration, PMI)不但是決定企業併購案是否成功的主要因素,也更是最複雜且失敗率最高的部分。成功的併後整合在實務上,必須要有嚴謹的計劃與執行,投入足夠的財務及管理資源,重視文化上的整合,更重要的是高階管理的參與,讓整合的指令與工作能貫徹執行,減少失敗風險。 本研究個案為一臺灣企業併購德商的併後整合之研究,主併公司期望除了透過併購買回品牌在當地的商標權之外,更重要的是擴大市場佔有率及銷售的實質成長。過程中,經由併購協商,訂定出併後整合之目標,形成雙方共識。而由於兩國經濟發展、民族及文化上的差異,雙方文化的融合與兼容並蓄是一個重要的課題。因此主併公司透過建立正式與非正式的溝通管道,由專人負責併後整合與管理,將併購的目標透過日常的溝通與合作中貫徹執行。個案主併公司在這項國際併購案中,設法留住人才,並投入相當資源以穩定軍心,也鼓勵員工發揮讓併購的成果極大化,更在併後的人力資源與管理上達到100%留住人才,且得到員工對併後整合感到滿意的成果。 研究發現,若能事前縝密的規劃併後整合計畫,交由適當的專人領導管控團隊監督整個整合過程,相互尊重雙方組織與當事者母國文化,遇到困難或問題能適時溝通、調整流程、平息雙方可能的歧見,將能更順利地完成併後整合,並且達到新組織設定的預期目標。 / The purpose of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is to combine and complement two companies' own resources and advantages to create a synergy, and ultimately achieve the goal via enhancing the competitiveness and expanding the business scale. Under the trend of globalization, one of the fastest ways for companies to seize the market is to rely on international M&A. However, M&A is not simply buy and sell only. Research shows that the failure rate of international M&A is about 70-90%. Effective Post Merger Integration (PMI) is not only the main factor determining the success of a M&A. Successful PMI practices must be rigorously planned and implemented, be invested sufficient resources, pay attention on cultural integration, and involve high-level management, so that the integrated instructions and work can be implemented. The case is a study of a Taiwanese business merging a German firm. The Taiwanese company wanted to buy back the trademark rights in European market and also to expand the market share with sales growth. In the process, through the negotiation process of acquisition to set goals for PMI, then mutual consensus was reached. Due to the economic conditions and cultural differences between two countries, the integration and compatibility of both cultures is an important issue. Therefore, via building formal and informal communication channels and the PMI management team to implement the goal of M&A through daily communication and operations. Company tried to retain talents and invested considerable resources to stabilize the morale of employees. They also encouraged employees to contribute their talents for maximizing the results of M&A. After those efforts which company has made, employees are all satisfied with the results of current stage of PMI. The study found that if PMI projects can be properly planned in advance, appropriate management teams could be assigned to supervise the entire integration process, mutual respect for both parties’ cultures involved can lead to timely adjustment of the process in case of difficulties or problems. Suppressing the possible disagreements between the two sides will enable them to complete the PMI process more smoothly and achieve the expected goals set for the new organization.

考慮時間價值的兩階段群組訊息網路編碼的散播機制 / A two-phase network coding design for mobile time-valued group-message dissemination

劉亭侁, Liu, Ting Shen Unknown Date (has links)
現今因無線通訊技術的進步,使得人們能方便地利用智慧型裝置透過3G,4G和Wi-Fi等技術彼此溝通聊天。其中,聊天應用是最受智慧型裝置使用者歡迎的應用程式。大部分的聊天應用程式需依賴網路以達到訊息交換的目的。然而網路的頻寬是非常有限的,當使用者處在擁擠的環境中時,他們可能會面臨資源耗盡問題。此外,例如在漫遊的情況下有些使用者並沒有行動網路的存取,導致使用者無法使用聊天應用。 因此我們希望利用無線廣播傳輸的特性,開發一個應用於間歇性網路連接的聊天應用程式。然而,廣播傳輸的散播策略若沒有設計得宜,可能導致廣播風暴的問題,使得整體網路效能低落。我們研究的目標是要如何在間歇性網路增加訊息的傳輸效率。為了達成此目標,在我們的研究中考量了許多技術要求,如:訊息具有截止時間與優先權特性、多聊天室應用、傳輸效率。 我們提出了一種兩階段基於網絡編碼設計的訊息散播方法,實現在機會性社群網路中的訊息散播。網絡編碼階段,提高網路頻寬的傳輸效率,也能增加網路傳輸的可靠性;預熱階段能提升網路編碼訊息被解開的機率。最後,利用政大的真實軌跡紀錄評估我們所設計的訊息傳播方法。結果顯示,我們的方法是有效率且優於氾濫式的路由協議和一般的網絡編碼散播技術。 / Nowadays, the advancement of wireless communication technology has allowed people to use smart phones to communicate with each other more easily via 3G/4G, Wi-Fi, etc. One kind of popular mobile Apps is “chat” App. Most chat Apps rely on the Internet to exchange the messages. However, the bandwidth of network is limited in some circumstances. When users stay in the crowded environment, they will face the resource depletion problem. Besides, some people may not subscribe to any cellular network access, e.g. in roaming scenarios. Therefore, we want to develop a novel mobile Chat APP in intermittently connected networks. We utilize the characteristic of the wireless broadcast transmission. However, it may cause the broadcast storm problem without careful design. How to increase the efficiency of message delivery in such intermittently connected networks is our research goal. To achieve this, technical issues in our research involve message priority, multi-chatroom, deadline and transmission efficiency. We proposed a two-phase network coding design for message dissemination to enable the multi-hop instant messaging in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks. The network coding phase can increase the bandwidth utility and transmission efficiency. Moreover, it can improve transmission robustness and adaptability. The warm up phase can increase the decoding probability of coded packets. Finally, we evaluated our approach with real trace data from NCCU. The results showed that our approach is effective and superior to the flooding based routing protocol and the pure network coding technique.

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