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記憶體模組產業的轉型策略-以C公司為例 / Industrial transformation strategy of Memory Module - Case of Company C林婉菁 Unknown Date (has links)
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半導體設備測試廠商競爭策略之研究-外商在大陸之個案 / SemiTest equipment supplier competitive strategy in China : the case of a foreign firm王緯杰, Wang, Wei Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
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學科型教室與學習自我效能之研究:以政大附中國中部學生為例 / A study on variation type classroom and academic self-efficacy: An example of junior high students in AHS of NCCU林韋秀, Lin, Wei-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
(三)在研究內容方面,拓廣研究範圍,作更完整之用後評估,探討更廣泛之學習態度及行為。 / Variation type classroom is one of the operational models of school classrooms. In this model, all classrooms belong to subject teachers instead of students of the class. It is believed that this model could help teachers teach and students learn from the results of literature review. This study examines the relationship between the using satisfaction of variation type classroom and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in AHS of NCCU. It also examines behaviors of junior high school students in variation type classroom.
There are 158 junior high school students in AHS of NCCU surveyed, the secretary and 5 assistant class leaders interviewed, and 931 person-time and 2 classrooms observed in this study. Data gathered in this study indicated the following are the other key findings in this study:
1. The planning rationale of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU consists of the needs of teachers teaching and students learning, storage, classroom transferring, interpersonal interactions and longer class break for more interaction and smoother classroom transferring of students.
2. The junior high students’using behaviors of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU correspond to the planning rationale of it.
3. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have great using satisfaction toward variation type classroom.
4. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have general academic self-efficacy (2.88), with higher efficacy in verbal persuasion, physiological state, and enjoyment of learning. The female junior high students have higher academic self-efficacy than the male students do.
5. There is significant mid-level correlation between the using satisfaction and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in variation type classroom, and the higher the using satisfaction the students have, the higher their academic self-efficacy is.
The major implications of this study are as follows:
1. Variation type classroom operational model is worth promoting.
2. School planner should fully consider about the ground of the school, number of classes and faculty, curricula design and needs of teachers and students when planning space and facilities of variation type classroom.
3. In the variation type classroom operational model, classrooms should be equipped with enough teaching facilities and context of subjects should be emphasized to express the strengths of this model.
4. The convenience of the routes between subject classrooms and student lockers should be considered during arrangement process of the school and in correspondence with the class schedule.
5. The school in variation type classroom should provide safe lockers and convenient facilities for stay and wait to make students move with less stuff. Longer break (15-20 minutes) could be taken into account to promote interpersonal interaction and make students’ transferring of classrooms more smoothly.
6. The school administration needs to communicate and advocate consistently with the students, their parents and the faculty about the rationale of variation type classroom.
7. The school administration could survey about the users’ using satisfaction and opinion regularly to make necessary modification of the model or space and facilities of variation type classroom.
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美國量化寬鬆政策對商業銀行股價之影響- 暨資產負債表傳遞效果 / The impact of the US QE policy on commercial bank stock returns - balance sheet channel彭仲豪, Peng, Chung Hau Unknown Date (has links)
本研究致力於探討美國聯準會(FED)實施量化寬鬆政策(QE)與否,商業銀行資產負債表對於股價的影響。本文藉由總經指標(工業生產指數、製造業採購經理人指數)、利差變數(公司債利差、10年期公司債利差),以及資產負債表變數(存款、貸款等),對商業銀行股價進行解釋。並透過量化寬鬆政策(QE)的虛擬變數,了解該政策對股價的影響,以及實施該政策是否能夠改善資產負債表變數的顯著程度和影響方向。方法上,本文採用迴歸分析的方式進行實證分析。首先,研究以總經指標以及利差變數對股價進行解釋,且期間限定為量化寬鬆政策期間,藉此確認這兩類變數對股價的影響。後續則以加入資產負債表變數、量化寬鬆(QE)虛擬變數等,並將期間延伸至15年,以進一步釐清實施量化寬鬆(QE)政策的影響。本文實證結果顯示,美國量化寬鬆政策對於商業銀行股的股價有負面影響,且活期存款對股價的影響亦為負向。 / The thesis focuses on the FED policy – Quantitative Easing (QE) and how the policy affect the S&P 500 commercial bank sub-index return. Based on past researches, the article includes macroeconomic variables (IP, PMI), term structure variables, bank balance sheet variables (deposits and loans), and a QE dummy variable. With these variables, the outcomes are generated by regression. It can be observed that with the implementation of QE policy, stock returns are negative on average. Moreover, large banks would benefit from provide more commercial loans; on the other hand, small banks would obtain a positive return by lending more consumer loans. Demand deposits are another significant variable which would have negative impact on stock returns.
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共創新價值—以「政大一畝田」為例 / Thecase of NCCU's My-Farmland Project王耀德, Wang, Yao Ter Owen Unknown Date (has links)
此公益項目增進台灣有機稻農的生計,也為認養企業與家庭提供樂活體驗、二次公益等社會企業責任的價值,更透過媒體公關行銷,使策略夥伴以及有機議題得到大眾關注,以提昇國民對有機農產的認同與支持。 / Based on the Case of NCCU's My-Farmland Project by National ChengChi University EMBA Sustainable Agriculture Promoting Organization, this paper will discuss how Non-Profit Organizations create new value of sustainability with other stakeholders by strategic alliance and offer some advice to the agricultural organization in Taiwan to promote sustainable agriculture. This paper will also provide literature review on civil society, sustainable agriculture, social enterprise and strategic alliance.
According to the Council of Agriculture, the organic farmland officially recorded is 4217 hectares which only accounts for 0.4 percent of the total farmland in Taiwan. Now through the active promotion of the government, both the consumer identification and their support have increased dramatically. The agricultural organizations in Taiwan are made up almost entirely of farmers only. They produce and sell their products on their own. Their main sales channels are to wholesalers, distributors and some end consumers in low volumes. With low bargaining power, organic farmers in Taiwan have a difficult sales condition.
This researcher initiated the "National Chengchi University EMBA sustainable agriculture promotion teams" to promote the Case of NCCU's My-Farmland Project through resources and environmental analysis together with the networking, capital, business management knowledge and dedicated services of the members of the NCCU or ganization, plus the community resources of the National Chengchi University. It is the goal of this project to assist the agricultural organizations in Taiwan in prospering and expanding their business. We have selected Ilan Samsung organic cooperatives as a strategic partner to promote and execute the above project and create a sales pipeline for relevant domestic enterprises as target customers.
This charity project will provide Taiwan organic farmers with better lives, and also offer country life experiences for the corporations and families who join the project. Additionally, this project will allow the corporations to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities. Furthermore, with the promotion and attention through medias, this project will really increase the consumer identification and their support for the organic farmers in Taiwan.
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考慮時間價值的兩階段群組訊息網路編碼的散播機制 / A two-phase network coding design for mobile time-valued group-message dissemination劉亭侁, Liu, Ting Shen Unknown Date (has links)
我們提出了一種兩階段基於網絡編碼設計的訊息散播方法,實現在機會性社群網路中的訊息散播。網絡編碼階段,提高網路頻寬的傳輸效率,也能增加網路傳輸的可靠性;預熱階段能提升網路編碼訊息被解開的機率。最後,利用政大的真實軌跡紀錄評估我們所設計的訊息傳播方法。結果顯示,我們的方法是有效率且優於氾濫式的路由協議和一般的網絡編碼散播技術。 / Nowadays, the advancement of wireless communication technology has allowed people to use smart phones to communicate with each other more easily via 3G/4G, Wi-Fi, etc. One kind of popular mobile Apps is “chat” App. Most chat Apps rely on the Internet to exchange the messages. However, the bandwidth of network is limited in some circumstances. When users stay in the crowded environment, they will face the resource depletion problem. Besides, some people may not subscribe to any cellular network access, e.g. in roaming scenarios.
Therefore, we want to develop a novel mobile Chat APP in intermittently connected networks. We utilize the characteristic of the wireless broadcast transmission. However, it may cause the broadcast storm problem without careful design. How to increase the efficiency of message delivery in such intermittently connected networks is our research goal. To achieve this, technical issues in our research involve message priority, multi-chatroom, deadline and transmission efficiency.
We proposed a two-phase network coding design for message dissemination to enable the multi-hop instant messaging in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks. The network coding phase can increase the bandwidth utility and transmission efficiency. Moreover, it can improve transmission robustness and adaptability. The warm up phase can increase the decoding probability of coded packets. Finally, we evaluated our approach with real trace data from NCCU. The results showed that our approach is effective and superior to the flooding based routing protocol and the pure network coding technique.
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