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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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美國量化寬鬆政策對商業銀行股價之影響- 暨資產負債表傳遞效果 / The impact of the US QE policy on commercial bank stock returns - balance sheet channel

彭仲豪, Peng, Chung Hau Unknown Date (has links)
本研究致力於探討美國聯準會(FED)實施量化寬鬆政策(QE)與否,商業銀行資產負債表對於股價的影響。本文藉由總經指標(工業生產指數、製造業採購經理人指數)、利差變數(公司債利差、10年期公司債利差),以及資產負債表變數(存款、貸款等),對商業銀行股價進行解釋。並透過量化寬鬆政策(QE)的虛擬變數,了解該政策對股價的影響,以及實施該政策是否能夠改善資產負債表變數的顯著程度和影響方向。方法上,本文採用迴歸分析的方式進行實證分析。首先,研究以總經指標以及利差變數對股價進行解釋,且期間限定為量化寬鬆政策期間,藉此確認這兩類變數對股價的影響。後續則以加入資產負債表變數、量化寬鬆(QE)虛擬變數等,並將期間延伸至15年,以進一步釐清實施量化寬鬆(QE)政策的影響。本文實證結果顯示,美國量化寬鬆政策對於商業銀行股的股價有負面影響,且活期存款對股價的影響亦為負向。 / The thesis focuses on the FED policy – Quantitative Easing (QE) and how the policy affect the S&P 500 commercial bank sub-index return. Based on past researches, the article includes macroeconomic variables (IP, PMI), term structure variables, bank balance sheet variables (deposits and loans), and a QE dummy variable. With these variables, the outcomes are generated by regression. It can be observed that with the implementation of QE policy, stock returns are negative on average. Moreover, large banks would benefit from provide more commercial loans; on the other hand, small banks would obtain a positive return by lending more consumer loans. Demand deposits are another significant variable which would have negative impact on stock returns.

後QE時代的國際金融市場 / The International Financial Market Post-QE Era

李丹青, Lee, Tan Ching Unknown Date (has links)
美日歐等先進國家在傳統貨幣政策提振經濟的效果逐漸失靈後,開始大膽啓用量化寛鬆(Quantitative Easing, QE)等非傳統貨幣政策(unconventional monetary policy)。本研究以此為背景,透過大量數據蒐集、整理與分析,比較國際金融市場在量化寛鬆貨幣政策前後的變化。 2007年美國次貸風暴引發全球金融危機後,FED於2008年開始實施密集、快速的QE政策,全面利用央行資產負債表與獨特而絕對在貨幣價格及數量的無限權力。本研究試圖從債券市場、股票市場、外匯市場、信貸與投資市場、各部門負債與去槓桿化程度與全球通貨膨脹現況等不同面向切入,嘗試以較長時間的統計資料比較並說明QE的有效性與侷限性。 在美日歐相繼實行規模程度不一的QE政策後,研究發現美國市場的各個層面已有顯著的改進,特別是在就業市場部分,其中失業率已逼近自然失業率的充分就業狀況,代表美國將逼近升息的時間點,並且不是只有單次調高基準利率(Fed Fund Rate,FFR),而是一個升息循環的開始,預期FFR將在未來數年內逐漸調高到正常經濟的水平。 與此同時,開發中國家則在資金外流回到美元體系的大環境下,呈現匯率貶值、股市表現不佳與主權債利差變大的金融現象,反應出國際金融市場風險正移轉至新興市場;尤其令人不安的是新興市場持續累積相對龐大的負債,以及國際商品大跌,嚴重衝擊以出口這些商品為主的新興經濟體與生產製造商。在各國央行貨幣政策趨於分岐,特別是美國啟動升息周期將成為美元持續走強的驅動力,龐大國際資金的流動亦會顯著帶來市場風險的移轉。 本研究蒐集各種不同領域的報告及資料,進行分析,主要結果整理如下: 一、量化寬鬆政策(Quantitative Easing)將在一開始造成實施國的貨幣明顯貶值。 二、量化寬鬆政策將造成實施國的股票市場持續走揚。 三、量化寬鬆政策將造成實施國的主權債券殖利率明顯下跌,特別是短天期的部分(short-end)。若實施國進一步採行負利率政策,短天期主權債券收益率亦會由正轉負。 四、量化寬鬆政策帶動全球通貨膨脹脫離偏低水準的效果不明顯,無論已開發或開發中國家都仍深陷通貨緊縮的壓力。 五、在美日歐相繼實施量化寬鬆政策後,全球各商品(市場)的波動趨於一致,呈現越來越高的關聯性。 六、全球金融市場流動性有逐漸降低的趨勢(受到各國管理金融業法規趨嚴影響),對照市場波動性時大時小,流動性風險影響國際資金的資產配置與流動成為一個重要議題。

量化寬鬆對信用風險的影響-以歐豬五國為例 / The impact of quantitative easing on credit risk in the Eurozone-take PIIGS for example

林顥峰, Lin, Hao Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以事件研究法的方式,研究歐洲央行宣布量化寬鬆(Quantitative Easing, QE)對歐豬五國信用風險的影響,本研究以各國主權信用違約交換的超額報酬顯著性衡量量化寬鬆政策對信用風險的影響。 研究結果為多數的QE政策宣告對歐豬五國信用風險的影響在事件期中有正向有負向,且時常交錯分布,未有一固定的模式,故無法得到一個明確的結論。 / This paper examines the impact of the ECB’s (European Central Bank) quantitative easing program on the credit risk of PIIGS. In this case, we used each underlying countries’ excess return of their sovereign CDSs to identify if their credit risks are decreased significantly. Our finding was that most QE announcements by the ECB had multiple impacts on the credit risk of PIIGS. They had both positive and negative impacts. Also, the patterns were not the same, so we do not have a clear conclusion on whether the QE policies are good or bad for the credit risk of PIIGS.

最適傳統與非傳統貨幣政策 / Optimal Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy

蘇醒文 Unknown Date (has links)
在面臨2008年金融危機後嚴峻之需求面衝擊下,多國央行紛紛調降利率,甚至調降至零利率,以期望國家能盡速脫離經濟衰退。在利率調降的過程中,由於受零利率下限的限制,單純藉由傳統貨幣政策之調控,仍可能無法使經濟從嚴峻的需求面衝擊下恢復。因此,非傳統貨幣政策也在美國、日本、英國、歐元區等國家被央行所採行做為對抗經濟衰退的政策工具。在此背景下,我們想了解如何實施最適非傳統貨幣政策。 在最適貨幣政策理論發展中,最適傳統貨幣政策發展較早,因此也較為完備。而在最適非傳統貨幣政策方面,前瞻指引(forward guidance)這項政策工具已被引入最適理論中來進行討論,但量化寬鬆(quantitative easing)直至今日還未被引入最適理論中來討論。 因此,本文建構一個封閉的新興凱因斯模型(New Keynesian),開創性的將量化寬鬆引入最適貨幣政策理論中,來討論最適傳統與非傳統貨幣政策,也藉此與過去文獻比較施行量化寬鬆與未施行量化寬鬆之影響。 / After financial crisis occurred in 2008, countries, such as United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan and the euro area, have been mired in slow economic growth, compared with long-term, and have confronted with severe negative demand shocks which can’t be offset by zero interest-rate policy. Under the circumstance where zero lower bound was present, unconventional monetary policy was implemented by central bank of each country to end up the economic recession prospectively. As a result, we are interested in how to implement optimal unconventional monetary policy. The literatures regarding implementing conventional optimal monetary policy under demand shock were developed maturely. Forward guidance, one of unconventional monetary policy, was already developed in field of optimal monetary policy under impacted by demand shock, but quantitative easing has not been conducted in the theory of optimal monetary policy so far. Thus, we construct a close-economy by New Keynesian model to conduct quantitative easing into the theory of optimal monetary policy to discuss the optimal conventional and unconventional monetary policy, and to compare the difference corresponding to the previous literatures which without quantitative easing.

貨幣同盟的三個議題 / Three essays on monetary union

劉世夫, Liu, Shih Fu Unknown Date (has links)
自從2008年全球經濟衰退以來,歐元區經濟顯著的衰退,特別是歐元區各成員國的經濟表現有明顯的差異。在本文中,我們試就成員國「貿易開放程度」和「財政基本面」這兩個重要特徵,來詮釋歐元區經濟穩定這個議題。在第二章中,我們在貿易開放程度不同的國家下,比較貨幣同盟制度與浮動匯率制度對於負向衝擊產生的影響。我們發現當貨幣當局愈重視產出穩定時,相較於浮動匯率制度,貨幣同盟制度將使產出下降的更多。在第三章中,我們將短期私人債券及長期政府債券引入貨幣同盟的兩國DSGE模型。我們推斷,歐洲央行(ECB)的公共部門債券購買計劃(PSPP),對於不同財政狀況的成員國,有著不對稱的總體經濟影響。在第四章中,我們建立貨幣同盟經濟的最適貨幣政策模型。我們發現成員國間經濟差異,將影響貨幣同盟的整體福利水準。相較於傳統零利率最適貨幣政策文獻,本研究的結果顯示不論是權衡或承諾制度,增加公共部門債券購買將緩和貨幣同盟的經濟波動。 / Since the global recession in 2008, the economic performance of the Euro area has declined significantly. In particular, there have been great differences in the economic performance among member states in the Euro area. In this dissertation, we attempt to address the issue of economic stability by focusing on two key features: the trade openness and the fiscal fundamentals among member states. In Chapter 2, we compare the impacts of the adverse shocks on countries with different degrees of openness under the monetary union regime, and our finding shows that the monetary union will result in a greater decline in output if the monetary authority attaches a higher weight to output stabilization. In Chapter 3, we build a two-country DSGE model representing a monetary union with both short-term and long-term government bonds. We deduce that the ECB’s public sector purchase programme (PSPP) has asymmetric macroeconomic effects on member states under different fiscal fundamentals. In Chapter 4, we set up an optimal monetary policy model of a monetary union. We find that the differences in the economic performance of individual member states will influence the union-wide welfare. Comparing our results with classical literature of optimal monetary policy at zero lower bound, by adding the PSPP, our study indeed reflects lower volatility of the union-wide economy under either discretion or commitment.

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