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中、港、台公民社會現況與展望:公民社會指標的觀點王超群 Unknown Date (has links)
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馬來西亞國家機關與公民社會之研究潘永強 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣民主化過程中公民社會之研究(1987-2006)林宜慧 Unknown Date (has links)
依據過往經驗 ,公民社會力量與經濟發展是在民主政治發展中,扮演不可或缺的要角。然而,依杭廷頓對民主鞏固定義的雙翻轉理論(two-turn over test),台灣邁向民主鞏固之路仍尚待考驗;檢視過去,展望未來,在過去民主轉型扮演要角的經濟發展與公民社會,未來是否仍可期待持續為民主鞏固之路注入動能?從政治自由化、民主轉型,到現今歷經民主鞏固之際,面臨經濟衰退的現實面,公民社會的發展是否也受到影響?民主政治的發展是否增添變數等皆是值得思考的問題,是筆者主要的研究動機。本論文目的一方面嘗試將公民社會鑲嵌在台灣民主化過程中,檢視其發展與民主化之關係,並進一步探討資本主義深化的台灣現今經濟發展是否與公民社會發展存在正面或負面的影響,最後嘗試替目前台灣公民社會所面臨情勢與困境,思考可能的解決之道。
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台灣國家公園設立問題之社會學分析林珊如 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國大陸村民自治對公民社會發展的影響曾騰貫 Unknown Date (has links)
中國長期專制國家的歷史傳統,以致從來沒有出現過類似西方歷史上的公民社會階層。20世紀初期,曾出現公民社會生成發展的有利契機,但因國家動盪及社會衝突因而夭折。 改革開放促使公民社會在新的基礎上萌芽,社會自治和民間組織力量逐步活躍。
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當代新儒學民主觀之研究陳運星 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣後民主化時期公民社會的崛起:以太陽花運動為例分析國家與社會的互動關係 / Rising Civil Society in Post-Democratization Taiwan:劉雅慈, Liu, Ya Cih Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論透過文分析公民社會在台灣民主化過程所扮演的腳色來檢視國家與社會的互動;並聚焦於太陽花運動分析台灣後民主化時期公民社會的崛起。 / This dissertation seeks to examine the state-society relations in Taiwan through analyzing the role of civil society in different stages of Taiwan’s political development with a focus on the impact of the Sunflower Movement in March 2014 on Taiwan’s state-society relations. The Sunflower Movement is viewed by some observers and commentators as a significant sign of a (re-)rising civil society in Taiwan since the process of democratization was completed in the 1990s. Civil society, in the explanations of modernization theory, played a crucial role in Taiwan’s political transition from authoritarianism to democracy. However, civil society, as an important sphere for the contestation and formation of public consciousness, which is essential to democracy, seems to cease to play its democratic role adequately since the country had its first regime change when the major opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party (the DPP) took power from the ruling Kuomintang (the KMT) in 2000. Drawing upon civil society theories in relations to the role of civil society in the democratization process and in a democratic, this study aims to pursue the question as to how exactly the Sunflower Movement impact on the state policies and democratic discourse in Taiwan.
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從官僚行政到公共治理:一個社會學的考察 / From bureaucracy administration to public governance: a sociological perspective吳宗霖, Wu, Zong Lin Unknown Date (has links)
盱衡當前台灣政治社會,民間社會力除了必須突破過去威權統治所遺留的枷鎖,還必須主動給予官僚制指引與監督,將行政體系予以社會化,為行政與社會透過第三部門互動的機制找到其正當性的來源。 / Abstract
It will be crises to make a society step into the “good governance” stage if the modern governance theory still confined in the public administration theoretical perspective. But it doesn’t means the modern governance theory is valueless to be discussed. In fact, the modern governance theory stressed on the role of civil society in the governance situation, and which was ignored by Max Weber’s bureaucracy theory.
In Weber’s opinion, only the member of parliament could have the chance to communicate with the civil society and bureaucracy, and only the member of parliament have the power to take the responsibility of political communication. Later the public administration theory interpreted Weber’s viewpoint as “the separation of politics and administration theory” and made the traditional bureaucracy become a trouble maker.
In the viewpoint of governance theory, what politics represents will be a community for the future direction of the collective decision-making process, no one should not unload the political responsibility actual, whether public servants within the bureaucracy or in civil society civilians. The governance theory expanded the elite democracy theory, the problematics of politics is no longer the question how political elite will carry out their wills, but how to integrate the pluralistic political ideology into one coordinated consensus. This may take the Third Sector from the governanace theory to obtain the confirmation in the role which in the community policy forming process acts.
Looking at the current Taiwan's political society, civil society must break the force in addition to the legacy of past authoritarian rule chains, but also must take the initiative to give guidance and supervision of bureaucracy, then the administrative system will be socialized, as administrative and social interaction through the mechanism of the Third Sector to find its source of legitimacy
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台灣傳播政策產出之動力:解嚴後廣電媒體所有權監管政策變遷之研究 / Driving Forces of the Communication Policy Changes in Taiwan Since 1987: The Case of Policy Regulations on Broadcasting Media蕭婷方 Unknown Date (has links)
有別於過去以新自由主義理論為主的媒體研究(強調市場機制主宰媒體),本文強調,第一,在同時拉長時間軸及報紙、有線電視及無線電視三種媒體的交叉分析下,證明市場導向的政策只是表面的結果,實質上的主因是執政黨為鞏固自身權利;第二,國家、市場與公民三者價值各異的行為者之間互動關係的轉變會影響台灣媒體政策的產出,並非是純粹的市場導向;第三,政黨輪替前後結構的差異使國家、市場以及公民社會有不同的策略經營。 / The main purpose of this study is to discuss the transition of mass media after abolishing martial law through the approach of political economy. This study explains the different structural forms among nation, capital and civil society and how these forms shape the transitions of Taiwanese media policy after abolishing martial law. Considering the first party alternation as watershed, the transition can be divided into three periods. The first period is under the governance of Kuomintang and the relation between nation and capital is still clientelistic. Therefore media reformation groups in the civil society choose to alley with capital powers that try get out of governmental control. They also make use of political issues that are similar to their appeals to protest against governmental monopoly over media and ask political power to withdraw from media administration. In the second period capital power get rid of governmental control after party alternation, and capital and nation construct a new privileged power structure together. The media that should be shared by all citizens transform from national monopoly to the complex situation of mutualism between political and commercial powers. Civil society and media reformation groups are discontent with capital dominant media, therefore they request nation to control the abuse of commercial power through public authority and hope to create civil media spaces. In the last period, as capital power gets more monopolistic and effective, the higher is the co-competition between capital and nation. The contradiction in political-commercial structure turns out to benefit the structural reformation in market orientation structure carried out by social movements.
Different from the media studies that focused on New Liberalism in the past which concentrated on market mechanism control over media, this study emphasized on three points. First, based on longer period of time and cross analysis of newspaper, cable television and broadcast television, the study proves that market orientation policy is only surface result and the actual reason is that the ruling party wants to strengthen its own right. Second, the transitions of mutual relations among nation, market and citizens with different aims will affect the output of Taiwanese media policy and make it not purely market orientation. The third, the structural difference between pre-and post-party alternation makes nation, market and civil society design different business strategies.
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改革開放後中國大陸天主教發展研究王敬智 Unknown Date (has links)
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