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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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天主教大學教育理念與政策(第二屆梵蒂岡大公會議以後發展之研究) / Catholic University

陳錦子 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究的主要目的有二:其一,天主教與教育的關係如何?其二,天主教會為何興辦大學?天主教大學的使命及特徵為何?天主教大學的教學方法、教學內容有何特別之處?而探討的範圍,則集中在梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議以後發展的情形。 研究發現,教會傳福音就是一種廣義的教育,天主教會自古即興辦學校,大學產生於中古世紀後期,教會對其誕生前之孕育、誕生後之保護、引導、設立,幫助極大,而大學對教會教義之闡揚,亦貢獻良多。 本研究所得結果如下: 一、天主教會與教育之關係:天主教會自古迄今,藉著學校教育不停從事濟世救人的服務事業,透過愛對人生尊嚴及完整人格教育之宗旨,普遍辦各類各級學校培育人才。 二、天主教大學之本質與政府和教會之關係:天主教大學之本質尊重與維護大學的本質同時,也必須遵造教會福傳使命的領導。 三、天主教大學在天主教會內的地位:天主教大學雖然完全配合當地政府的教育制度,但也在各天主教大學設立梵蒂岡教育部之督導室而被指導。大學章程及主要政策必須由教廷教育部核准。 四、天主教大學之目的及使命:天主教大學工作所追求的目標為:(一)知識的整合(二)信仰與理性的對話(三)倫理道德的關注(四)神學方面的展望。天主教大學的使命為:(一)為教會與社會服務(二)牧靈職務(三)文化的交談(四)福傳工作 五、天主教大學教學方法的特徵:(一)注重神學,神學的研究即為神學的科學化的研究。(二)倫理道德的關注方面,則認為大學的階段為不斷追求人生意義及價值觀。 六、宗教與學術,信仰與理性的衝突方面:自創辦大學以來天主教為維護學術自由不曾間斷,教會和大學的目標互補而不相衝突。 天主教大學教育於世界文化貢獻至偉,其所本理念所採政策,因有基督愛與宗教使命作基礎,適應力特強,於學校所在地國家、社會、人民之利益,於教會本身之發展,於全人類之幸福前途軍有積極價值。 / The purpose of this study is to answer the following questions: First, what is the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Education? Second, why does the Roman Catholic Church has established the universities? Third, what are the missions and the charcateristics of the Roman Catholic Universities? Finally, in terms of the methods and the contents of the teaching and learning, what kind of things make the Roman Catholic Universities so different from the other universities? The results of this study are: The Church's evangelization work, in a sense, is one kind of education. The universities came out during the late Medieval Ages, and their reformation and thereafter development got much aids from the Church, and Church's doctrines got reasonable reorganization and advancement from them. I.The relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Education: The Roman Catholic has been undertaking services that helps people, the society and establishing schools of all levels to cultivate people with the aim of love toward human dignity and holistic education. II.The relationship between the nature of the Roman Catholic Universities and the government: The nature of the Roman Catholic Universities is to respect and maintain the nature of the universities; at the same time, these universities try to follow the guiding of the church in the mission of evangelization. III.The Status of the Roman Catholic Universities in the Roman Catholic Church: The Roman Catholic Universities cooperate with the educational systems of the local governments, but they are supervised by the Education Department of the Vatican. IV.The purposes and missions of the Roman Catholic Universities: The overall purposes of establishing the Roman Catholic Universities are :(1)The integration of knowledge;(2)the dialogues between religion and rationality;(3)the concern of ethics and morality; and (4)the vision of theology. The mission of the Roman Catholic Universities are :(1)The services for the church are the society;(2)the pastoral ministries;(3)the dialogue other cultures; and (4)the evangilical works. V.The characteristics of the methods of teaching and learning of the Roman Catholic Universities are the emphasis of the theology and the concerns of ethic and morality. VI.The conflicts between the religions and the academy, between faith and rationality: The Roman Catholic Church never cease defending the academic freedom since the setting-up of the Catholic universities. The aims of the Roman Catholic Church and Catholic Universities are complementary and not conflictiong. Historical facts testify that it's true the Roman Catholic University Education has made much advantage to the world. Its capacity has filled with religious charity and mission work, so its adjustment ability is such strong that the host country, community and people, even the local church's own development can get much help from it.


吳宗龍 Unknown Date (has links)
東南亞諸國除泰國之外大都具有被殖民的歷史背景,自十六世紀起西班牙殖民時期傳教士將天主教傳入菲律賓島,經過了數百年的發展,使得天主教成為當地居民普遍信奉的宗教。自大航海時代開始之後,歐洲列強將勢力拓展進入東南亞,開始進行大規模的統治及殖民,並同時引進了大量西方的文明思想及典章制度,其對於東南亞之政治、經濟、文化以及各項制度均造成相當大的影響,觀察現今東南亞各國,仍然能夠可以見到殖民時期遺留下來的遺產。但隨著歐洲列強而進來的基督教文明,在東南亞之影響程度各地均有別,例如印尼和馬來西亞仍維持伊斯蘭信仰,緬甸、寮國和柬埔寨仍維持佛教信仰。比較起同樣曾經淪為殖民地的美洲及非洲諸國,現今幾乎已完全成為基督教以及天主教的世界。基督教及天主教並未能成為東南亞各國普遍主要的信仰,但菲律賓卻是這其中少數的例外。 「一手拿著聖經,一手拿著刀劍」的西班牙政權在近三百多年的統治領導之中,不僅使得菲律賓成為天主教的國家,其政教合一的傳統更成為菲律賓政治上的一大特色。在西班牙統治菲律賓時期曾經實行政教合一的殖民統治模式,雖然在隨後取而代之的美國殖民統治時期,這種模式有了大幅的轉變,轉而改行政教分離制度。而在戰後初期,成功爭取獨立的菲律賓政府也繼續繼承美國殖民時期所留下的傳統,天主教教會在戰後初期只是作為社會的精神力量,而廣泛的成為菲島人民的心靈寄託,對於政治方面採取不直接干預的立場,也不對政治立場表態:這樣的態度到了1960年代中期卻開始發生大幅度的改變,菲律賓天主教教會開始更多元的關懷社會的種種問題,當然也包括政治問題,從馬可仕執政開始,教會對於政治立場的介入有了大幅度的轉變,由不介入到介入支持,進而「批判性合作」,以致於到後來的全面反對獨裁政府,進而直接導致馬可仕政權的垮台,於此之後介入兩次「人民力量」革命,菲律賓天主教教會在戰後政治上的立場及影響有著相當大幅度的變化,這也是在研究戰後東亞各國在民主化的過程中,十分引人注目的一項課題,也是菲律賓在戰後政治發展的過程中,相當獨特的特色。 對於戰後菲律賓天主教在政治上的影響力,菲國在走向民主化的政治發展過程中所扮演的角色,在關鍵時刻所發揮的功能,以及在這其中角色的轉化過程,以及影響天主教會轉化及立場的主要原因,是本文所要探討的主要方向。


王敬智 Unknown Date (has links)

中文聖歌集 心頌 、 頌恩 之語言風格初探 = The stylistic exploration of Chinese hymns in Xin Song and Song En / Stylistic exploration of Chinese hymns in Xin Song and Song En;"中文聖歌集心頌頌恩之語言風格初探"

鄭寧人 January 2000 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

論明清時期澳門詩詞中的天主教描寫 =The representations of Catholicism in Macau-themed poetry of the Ming and Qing dynasties / Representations of Catholicism in Macau-themed poetry of the Ming and Qing dynasties

曾瑋彤 January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Department of Chinese

台灣天主教中等學校校長道德領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之關係研究 / A Study on the Relationship Among the Principals’ Moral Leadership,School Organization Health, and School Effectiveness in Taiwan Catholic Secondary Schools

陳海鵬, Chen, Haiporn Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係對台灣天主教中等學校校長道德領導、學校組織健康與學校效能三個變項進行受訪教職員知覺調查與描述、比較不同背景變項的教職員差異是否顯著、探討校長道德領導、學校組織健康對學校效能相關性及預測性,依據研究所得結論,分別對台灣天主教中等學校董事會、學校當局、教育人員及後續研究者提出建議,以做為推展校長道德領導、精進學校組織健康及提高學校效能之參考。 本研究使用問卷調查法,以t檢訂、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸等統計方法,探討台灣天主教中等學校校長道德領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之關係。 經由文獻的蒐集與探討,提出本研究的研究架構模式圖。研究對象為台灣天主教中等學校435位教職員,研究工具係組合陳浩、秦夢群、蔡玲玲三位各自編寫之「校長道德領導」、「學校組織健康」與「學校效能」問卷。 透過統計分析與討論,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、台灣天主教中等學校教職員知覺校長道德領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之現況屬中高程度。 二、台灣天主教中等學校教職員在人員背景變項對校長道德領導、學校組織健康與學校效能的知覺,大部分未達顯著差異。 三、台灣天主教中等學校校長道德領導、學校組織健康與學校效能三者間具有正向關聯性。 四、台灣天主教中等學校校長道德領導與學校組織健康對學校效能均具有正向預測力。 / This study aims to examine the relationship among the principals’ moral leadership, school organization health, and school effectiveness in Taiwan Catholic secondary schools. Through the organization status description, comparison between different teacher background variables, the correlation with the principals’ moral leadership, school organizational health to forecast school effectiveness was discussed. Finally, it proposes suggestions for Taiwan's Catholic secondary school boards, school authorities, educators and subsequent researchers for further improvement of school effectiveness. This study uses questionnaires survey, t test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple regression and other statistical methods to explore Taiwan's Catholic secondary school moral leadership, the organizational health and schools' effectiveness. Through the collection and discussion of the literature, this study proposes the study frmaework. The questionnaire interviewing 435 Taiwan Catholic secondary school faculties, is developed by the results of moral leadership, school organization and school effectiveness relationship of health from the research of Chen, Qin, and Tsai. Through statistical analysis and discussion, this study obtains the following conclusions: 1. Taiwan Catholic secondary school staff has medium-to-high perception of moral leadership, organizational status of school health and school performance. 2. Taiwan Catholic secondary school faculty staff’s background variancees show insignificant differences in surveying the principals’ moral leadership of principals, school organization and school effectiveness of health. 3. Taiwan Catholic secondary school moral leadership, school health and school performance of the organizations have a positive correlation. 4. Taiwan Catholic secondary school moral leadership and school organization health have a positive predictive power for the effectiveness of school.

澳門天主教小學對教青局品德教育大綱認知和實行情況的調查 / Investigative study of the Education & Youth Department's moral education guideline's state of recognition and implementation in Macau catholic elementary schools;"Investigative study of the Education and Youth Department's moral education guideline's sta

劉金玲 January 2002 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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