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Study of EMBA students using Instant Messaging software ¡V Taking National Sun Yat-Sen University IEMBA students as examples.Chu, Jui-Sui 23 August 2006 (has links)
¡§Human Needs Drive Technology.¡¨ Since internet comes into action, it brings dramatic changes in human culture. Internet technology does not change only the way of communication or how the business activity moves, but it also creates a whole new life model. Especially after the rising of instant messaging software, the real-time communication model is formed. Many studies on instant messaging focuses on the pros and cons of the software itself and the benefits it has generated. Besides, their study groups are more focused on people with specific roles, such as sales, marketing staff, or students. The results obtained often do not cover the aspects on people with multi-roles.
This study report takes EMBA students as the object of study, mainly because they carry the characteristics of both a student and a business man, whose behavior may lead us to see the general value that the instant messaging can generate. The study focuses on the behavior and motivation of EMBA students using instant messaging software, and it further discusses the changes that the instant messaging can bring at their study and their jobs.
9 EMBA students are chosen to conduct the case study, interviewed face-to-face and via instant messaging. The study finds that the instant messaging software have brought very positive benefits for EMBA students in their jobs, school work, and even in their interaction with their family.
Key words: Instant messaging software¡BSKYPE¡BEMBA
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The Effect of Consumer Decision Environment, Involvement and Knowledge to the Professional Service¡¦s Choice Model¡XTake EMBA for Example.Hsiao, Shu-wen 13 July 2004 (has links)
This research takes the Executive Master of Business Administrator¡]EMBA¡^, a kind of higher education, as an example to discuss the consumer¡¦s choice models in the professional service. The main purpose of the research is to realize whether consumer¡¦s decision environment, involvement and knowledge of EMBA service as well as their personal difference will have connection with their choice models.
About the research method, subjects were EMBA graduate students who ever had chosen experience. The sample came from north and south Taiwan where got more choices of EMBA school and received 192 valid questionnaires. For statistic analysis, the sample was separated into two groups by the number of decision environment¡¦s alternative and attribute quantity, and distinguished by both involvement and knowledge into low, median and high groups. The factor analysis, reliability analysis, chi-square test, discriminant analysis and one-way ANOVA are used as statistical analysis methods. The results are presented below:
1. When consumers choose EMBA, the number of alternatives has the connection with choice models. But there is no obvious connection between the number of attributes and the choice models.
2. When the degree of consumer involvement is different, the connection between alternative numbers and choice models will be different.
3. When the degree of consumer knowledge is different, the connection between alternative numbers and choice models will be different.
4. The difference of consumer personal factors only exist the connection with the consumer involvement of EMBA, but has no obvious connection with choice models and the knowledge of EMBA.
Comparing to the other related researches, most of them are based on such as EKB model, analyzing all consumer decision or purchase processes. But those researches didn¡¦t investigate deep enough about consumer purchasing behavior¡¦s final secret process of professional services. Thus, this is an exploratory research, trying to describe the consumer decision situation of internal EMBA. And that is this research¡¦s contribution and value.
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The Strategeiz Marketing Research Of National Sun Yat-sen University's EMBA ProgramLu, Ming-zhi 18 February 2005 (has links)
Facing environmental violent changes, rapid technological development and irresistible trends towards to internationalization of enterprises, the management suffered from more competitive pressure which makes further study become an important issue. Accordingly, more and more EMBA programs are becoming the channels of further study for the top management of company. However, under the situation of over-supplied on-job education, it would be an critical issue how managers choose the courses which meets their needs and universities utilize their core competences to develop the differentiate position.
Therefore, the case study and questionnaires are addressed in the thesis. First, four cases of National Taiwan University, National Cheng-chi University, National Sun Yat-sen University, and National Taiwan University of Technology were explored to delicately compare each other on courses and programs. In perspective of educational marketing, effective marketing strategy was well planned based on the current resources of NSYSU. Then, the questionnaire was delivered to the students majoring in NSYSU EMBA/IEMBA programs to verify if the well-planned marketing strategy can promote their willing and satisfactions.
The research findings are shown as the followings,
The major findings of this study are summarized as following:
1. The domestic EMBA programs need a strategic positioning to driver a unique type of value to executive managers and to achieve competitive advantage.
2. The domestic EMBA programs need to combine the theory with practice and to advance interaction among students. If the domestic universities can develop much more teaching methods, they will create better learning effectiveness.
3. However, class time, location convenience, programs design internationalization degree, material with practice, students with varies background and establish human network relations are the six important factors for EMBA students to chose EMBA/IEMBA programs.
4. About 50% subjects think that the class location is more flexible to learning in Taiwan, China and Singapore at the same time.
5. Over 60% subjects think that the class time is more favorable for them if they can get the overseas universities¡¦ EMBA/IEMBA programs according to their working locations. And the credits can be approved by NSYSU.
6. If the NSYSU EMBA/IEMBA programs can cooperate with China and Singapore to plan a ¡uAcross the universities and get double master degree¡vsystem or to design much more practice materials about Taiwan, China and Singapore, they will increase students¡¦ learning satisfaction.
7. Over 80% subjects think that it¡¦s beneficial for them to meet EMBA students coming from diverse countries vie NSYSU EMBA/IEMBA programs.
8. All in all, the NSYSU Asia-Pacific EMBA and marketing strategy developed in this study indeed fit EMBA students¡¦ needs.
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Co-creating an EMBA Mentoring Program for Women Using a Sense of BelongingStreet, Kristin Robertson 11 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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En individs karriär efter en MBA/EMBA utbildning. : Finns det vissa faktorer som påverkar? / An individual’s career after an MBA/EMBA education : Are there some factors that affect?Pettersson, Amanda, Lingtell, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att kvinnor har svårare att göra karriär jämfört med män är något tidigare forskning menar kan bero på det som definieras som glastaket. Frågan är om detta glastak finns inom fler faktorer än kön? Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att ta reda på om kön, ålder, nationalitet, informella nätverk, samhällsklass och hemmabild påverkar individers möjlighet till att göra en högre karriär. Detta vill vi göra genom att studera hur faktorerna påverkar individers möjlighet till högre karriär efter att ha läst en MBA eller EMBA utbildning. Vi ämnar studera detta med hjälp utifrån de tre teorierna, sociala identitetsteorin, homosocialitet och human capital teorin, samt fenomenet glastak. Metod: Vi har använt oss av deduktiv ansats där vi utgår från teorierna den sociala identitetsteorin, homosocialitet och human capital teorin. Vi har valt att utgå från fenomenet glastak. Med hjälp av teorierna försöker vi besvara våra ställda hypoteser. Studien och informationen är insamlad och utförd under år 2017 genom en enkätundersökning. Materialet analyserades utifrån en bivariat korrelation samt regressionsanalyser. Slutsatser: Vi kan i vår studie påvisa att det finns ett glastak för variabeln ålder. De resterande variablerna (kön, nationalitet, informella nätverk, samhällsklass och hemmabilden) har vi inte funnit att ett glastak existerar för individerna som har genomgått en MBA/EMBA-utbildning.
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Lika barn leka bäst – hur vidareutbildningar skapar likformiga cheferDorén, Gabriella, Saalbach, Linn January 2013 (has links)
Det finns en skillnad mellan ledarskap och chefskap, det senare kan ofta ses ur ett merbyråkratiskt perspektiv och är alltid en utsedd roll. Ledarskap däremot kan vara en informell rolldär fokus kan ligga på att motivera och leda medarbetare. Dock är båda i starkt behov avvarandra för att nå framgång. Den organisatoriska världen har under de senaste åren haft enstark press på sina chefer och ledare där höga krav på kompetens och kvalitet har bidragit till attyrkesrollerna hamnat under en stor press. Som ett resultat har en större efterfrågan avvidareutbildningar för chefer och ledare skapats. En känd vidareutbildning för just chefer ochledare är Executive Master of Business Administration, (EMBA).DiMaggio och Powell menar att trots att organisationer vill vara unika finns en stor dragningmot homogenitet i det organisatoriska samhället och förklarar detta i sin teori om institutionellisomorfism. Tidigare forskning har studerat det organisatoriska livet med institutionell teori,men inte kombinerat med vidareutbildningar ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv som är aktuelltför uppsatsen i fråga. Genom att titta på vidareutbildningen EMBA som exempel är syftet attundersöka vad vidareutbildningar inom chef- och ledarskap förmedlar utöver enkunskapsteoretisk bas. Samtidigt är syftet att få en djupare förståelse för hur och varförvidareutbildningar inom chef- och ledarskap genom deltagarna bidrar till mer likaorganisationer. Uppsatsens metod bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med nio deltagare som gåtten svensk EMBA-utbildning och har positionen chef i arbetslivet. En fenomenologisk ansats harvalts i undersökningen för att kunna förstå hur respondenterna har sett på sin utbildning och vaddet bidragit till i deras roll som chef. Ansatsen har även valts för att göra det möjligt att studeraur både ett individ- och samhällsperspektiv om det finns fenomen som kan förklara hurvidareutbildningarna genom sina deltagare bidrar till likformiga organisationer.Fenomenet, som genom undersökningen upptäckts ur individens och samhällets perspektiv, ärkontaktnäten. Kontaktnäten bidrar till ett fortsatt erfarenhetsutbyte deltagarna emellan även efterutbildningens slut. Det kan också fastställas genom empirin att värdet av EMBA är att få kännagemenskap med andra i liknande positioner och nätverken uppfyller chefernas sociala behov,som det kan finnas en avsaknad av i arbetslivet på grund av deras position. Resultatet avempirin samt teorin kan påvisa att vidareutbildningen EMBA bidrar till mer homogena cheferoch i sin tur mer likformiga organisationer.Undersökningen kan inte generaliseras till en större population. Det hade därför varit intressantför vidare forskning att genomföra en större undersökning, för att se om alla vidareutbildningarbidrar till mer homogena chefer och varför utbildningarna inte främjar olikhet.
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透過文字探勘技術探討各校高階經營管理(EMBA)學程之特性-以九校國立大學為例 / Analyzing the Profiles of EMBA Program by Text Mining Methodology - A Case of Nine EMBA Programs林庭竹, Lin, Ting Chu Unknown Date (has links)
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共創新價值—以「政大一畝田」為例 / Thecase of NCCU's My-Farmland Project王耀德, Wang, Yao Ter Owen Unknown Date (has links)
此公益項目增進台灣有機稻農的生計,也為認養企業與家庭提供樂活體驗、二次公益等社會企業責任的價值,更透過媒體公關行銷,使策略夥伴以及有機議題得到大眾關注,以提昇國民對有機農產的認同與支持。 / Based on the Case of NCCU's My-Farmland Project by National ChengChi University EMBA Sustainable Agriculture Promoting Organization, this paper will discuss how Non-Profit Organizations create new value of sustainability with other stakeholders by strategic alliance and offer some advice to the agricultural organization in Taiwan to promote sustainable agriculture. This paper will also provide literature review on civil society, sustainable agriculture, social enterprise and strategic alliance.
According to the Council of Agriculture, the organic farmland officially recorded is 4217 hectares which only accounts for 0.4 percent of the total farmland in Taiwan. Now through the active promotion of the government, both the consumer identification and their support have increased dramatically. The agricultural organizations in Taiwan are made up almost entirely of farmers only. They produce and sell their products on their own. Their main sales channels are to wholesalers, distributors and some end consumers in low volumes. With low bargaining power, organic farmers in Taiwan have a difficult sales condition.
This researcher initiated the "National Chengchi University EMBA sustainable agriculture promotion teams" to promote the Case of NCCU's My-Farmland Project through resources and environmental analysis together with the networking, capital, business management knowledge and dedicated services of the members of the NCCU or ganization, plus the community resources of the National Chengchi University. It is the goal of this project to assist the agricultural organizations in Taiwan in prospering and expanding their business. We have selected Ilan Samsung organic cooperatives as a strategic partner to promote and execute the above project and create a sales pipeline for relevant domestic enterprises as target customers.
This charity project will provide Taiwan organic farmers with better lives, and also offer country life experiences for the corporations and families who join the project. Additionally, this project will allow the corporations to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities. Furthermore, with the promotion and attention through medias, this project will really increase the consumer identification and their support for the organic farmers in Taiwan.
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國際併購後整合與管理之研究-以臺灣企業併購德商為例 / International Post-merger Integration & Management – The Case of a Taiwanese Firm Merging a German Firm呂孟達, Lu, Meng-Ta Unknown Date (has links)
企業進行併購的目的是要將企業之間各自擁有的資源和優勢結合、互補產生綜效,最終達到增強企業競爭力、擴大企業規模之目標。全球化的趨勢之下,企業搶占市場最快的方法之一就是靠國際併購。然而,併購併並不是簡單的買賣而已,研究顯示其失敗率約為70-90%。有效的併後整合(Post Merger Integration, PMI)不但是決定企業併購案是否成功的主要因素,也更是最複雜且失敗率最高的部分。成功的併後整合在實務上,必須要有嚴謹的計劃與執行,投入足夠的財務及管理資源,重視文化上的整合,更重要的是高階管理的參與,讓整合的指令與工作能貫徹執行,減少失敗風險。
研究發現,若能事前縝密的規劃併後整合計畫,交由適當的專人領導管控團隊監督整個整合過程,相互尊重雙方組織與當事者母國文化,遇到困難或問題能適時溝通、調整流程、平息雙方可能的歧見,將能更順利地完成併後整合,並且達到新組織設定的預期目標。 / The purpose of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is to combine and complement two companies' own resources and advantages to create a synergy, and ultimately achieve the goal via enhancing the competitiveness and expanding the business scale. Under the trend of globalization, one of the fastest ways for companies to seize the market is to rely on international M&A. However, M&A is not simply buy and sell only. Research shows that the failure rate of international M&A is about 70-90%. Effective Post Merger Integration (PMI) is not only the main factor determining the success of a M&A. Successful PMI practices must be rigorously planned and implemented, be invested sufficient resources, pay attention on cultural integration, and involve high-level management, so that the integrated instructions and work can be implemented.
The case is a study of a Taiwanese business merging a German firm. The Taiwanese company wanted to buy back the trademark rights in European market and also to expand the market share with sales growth. In the process, through the negotiation process of acquisition to set goals for PMI, then mutual consensus was reached. Due to the economic conditions and cultural differences between two countries, the integration and compatibility of both cultures is an important issue. Therefore, via building formal and informal communication channels and the PMI management team to implement the goal of M&A through daily communication and operations. Company tried to retain talents and invested considerable resources to stabilize the morale of employees. They also encouraged employees to contribute their talents for maximizing the results of M&A. After those efforts which company has made, employees are all satisfied with the results of current stage of PMI.
The study found that if PMI projects can be properly planned in advance, appropriate management teams could be assigned to supervise the entire integration process, mutual respect for both parties’ cultures involved can lead to timely adjustment of the process in case of difficulties or problems. Suppressing the possible disagreements between the two sides will enable them to complete the PMI process more smoothly and achieve the expected goals set for the new organization.
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