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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

格魯吉亞民族問題研究 / The study of Georgia's ethnic conflicts

呂瑾玟, Lu, Chin Wen Unknown Date (has links)
格魯吉亞多民族組成的社會文化,使得自格魯吉亞獨立以來,少數民族分離運動造成國家內部動盪不安,為確保國家領土完整、主權及國防安全等考量,格魯吉亞以武力壓制南奧塞梯(South Ossetia)的民族分離運動,導致民族分離問題演變為格俄戰爭,進而使得原本國內問題升高至國際衝突。此次衝突在法國總統薩科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)斡旋下,於莫斯科簽訂六項停火協議,但目前中央政府與民族分離地區關係仍相當緊繃。俄羅斯對境內車臣(Chechnya)及印古什(Ingushetia)爭取獨立極力壓制,但卻不遺餘力的在南奧塞梯及阿布哈茲(Abkhazia)投入軍力資源及經濟投資;是什麼原因讓世界強權支持不同種族、不同語言的分離運動?2008年在格俄衝突爆發後,各國際組織及西歐勢力第一時間反映出國際政治角力的現實面,我們又應如何解讀其背後意涵。綜觀格魯吉亞內部因素及國際社會實際情況後,期能藉此預測未來格魯吉亞主權及領土完整性的變化。

科索沃、阿布哈茲與南奧塞提亞獨立議題之比較研究 / A comparative study of the independence issue in Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia

朱韋旭, Chu, Wei Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
20世紀因民族主義的興起,間接地促成了世界上許多地區性的民族開始爭取獨立,其中包括科索沃、阿布哈茲與南奧塞提亞。然而,在90年代共產勢力瓦解時期,此三區域因為歷史地位的關係並未獨立成功,而開始與各自的宗主國持續發生衝突。爾後,世界強權與國際組織介入處理此三區域的問題,卻因為國際法缺乏一致性規範的情況下,使得問題一直無法有效解決,反而淪為世界強權勢力擴張的棋子。因此,儘管科索沃、阿布哈茲與南奧塞提亞的獨立條件相似,最後卻因為不同的支持勢力而產生不同的獨立結果。獨立後,此三區域也將面臨一些難題。 關鍵字:科索沃、阿布哈茲、南奧塞提亞、國際法、獨立議題 / The emergence of Nationalism in the 20th century indirectly promoted the fight for independence of many regional races around the world, including Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Oss- etia. However, during the collapse of communist forces in the 1990s, these three regions failed in becoming independ- ent due to their historical status, and conflicts with their Metropolitan State persisted. The world powers and international organizations hence intervened in an attempt to solve the problems. Nevertheless, without consistency in the norms of international law, the issues could not be unr- aveled effectively, but rather became a tool abused by the world powers for territory expansion. Consequently,although Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia's had similar conditions for independence, the outcomes were different as they each had different supporting powers. Eventually, these three regions will also face challenges afterg aining independen- ce. Key words: Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, international law, independence issue

俄羅斯與格魯吉亞衝突之研究 / A Study of Russia-Georgia Conflict

張婉如 Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯在2008年8月8日北京奧運開幕期間對格魯吉亞 (Georgia)用兵,起因是格魯吉亞出兵南奧塞梯(South Ossetia)自治州,欲趁俄羅斯總理普欽(Putin)前往北京參加奧運開幕式之際,其可能對格魯吉亞出兵無法做出立即的反應,意圖以閃電戰收回長期以來有獨立運動的南奧塞梯自治州與阿布哈玆(Abkhazia)自治共和國,結果造成俄羅斯立即出兵格魯吉亞展開高加索反擊戰,受過車臣戰爭訓練有素的駐高加索俄軍,輕易地把局勢逆轉進入南奧塞梯首府茨欣瓦利(Ts khinvali)。兩國戰火持續了五天,格魯吉亞政府透過歐盟向俄方傳遞停火要求,於是雙方在歐盟主席輪值國的法國總統薩科奇(Sarkozy)的調停之下接受「俄法六原則」的停火協議。俄羅斯聯邦議會上下兩院更在25日全票通過兩地向俄羅斯提出欲獨立的呼籲書,呼籲俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫(Medvedev)正式承認兩地的獨立地位。無預警的戰事受到美國、歐盟、及中國的高度關切並在國際間專家、學者間興起研究的風潮,俄羅斯與格魯吉亞究竟如何爆發衝突為本文研究的第一個動機。

解釋2008年俄羅斯與喬治亞戰爭:守勢現實主義的觀點 / Explaining the 2008 Russo-Georgian war : a defensive realism perspective

許仁昱 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年的俄喬戰爭是俄羅斯自解體以來第一次境外用兵,本文試圖透過守勢現實主義 ( defensive realism ) 的角度來解釋這一場俄羅斯的對外衝突。守勢現實主義國家的行為模式包括維持守勢現狀、對外尋求合作,因此得以處理安全困境難題,而在威脅等級過高時可能採取預防性戰爭來消除威脅。本文藉由守勢現實主義的觀點與行為模式來解釋俄羅斯的外交行為,透過檢視俄羅斯自解體以來的國家行為模式確立俄羅斯為守勢現實主義國家。再者藉由探討俄喬衝突中分離主義問題與俄喬關係中的矛盾以說明衝突的遠因與近因。最後探討俄羅斯在外高加索地區的利益與衝突以解釋俄羅斯在俄喬戰爭中的出兵動機。俄羅斯在解體之後的外交政策大多採取不衝突與合作的策略,隨著喬治亞的政權更替,俄羅斯對喬治亞的關係從合作走向以政策制衡,最後基於俄羅斯南部的地緣安全與北約東擴等等來自西方的威脅之下,俄羅斯採取了協助喬治亞分離地區的軍事行動來解決自身威脅。本論文認為俄羅斯不僅在2008年前屬於守勢現實主義國家,以守勢現實主義的觀點來看,俄喬戰爭更是一場為了應對歐美威脅的防禦性戰爭。 / The 2008 Russo – Georgian war was the first military action outside borders since the collapse of USSR. In this thesis, I describe the conflict using the perspective of Defensive Realism. The behavior of a state using a defensive realism perspective includes remain status-quo of defensive, seeking cooperation, therefore are able to manage the security dilemma. When the threat level is too high, a state using a defensive realism perspective may launch a preventive war to eliminate the threat. First, by examining Russia’s state behavior between 1992 to 2008. We are able to determine that Russia follows defensive realism behavior. Secondly, by studying the separatism of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia and the change of relationship between Russia and Georgia, we are able to elucidate the factors that caused the Russo-Georgian war. Finally, we explore Russia’s interests and threats in South Caucasus area that reveal the motivation for Russia the launch the counter strike against Georgia. Russia has tended to take the non-conflict route and cooperative strategy in diplomacy after Soviet-era ended. Due to the regime change in Georgia, Russia changed its policy toward Georgia from cooperative to containment. Finally, as the threat from the West rose and another round of NATO enlargement occurred, while it’s threating the geopolitical security of the southern border, Russia decided to launch a preventive war to assist the separatist states within Georgia. In conclusion, not only Russia is a defensive realism state, from the perspective of defensive realism, the 2008 Russo-Georgia war is a preventive war against the threat of the West.

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