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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣、日本及南韓青年失業 之比較分析 / Youth unemployment in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea

韓彬銳 Unknown Date (has links)
青年失業率在求學到就業的轉變歷程對於個人發展、社會、經濟以及教育體系的瞭解是相當重要的議題。此議題在北美以及歐洲受到高度關注,但此議題在當今的東亞研究卻相對較少。有鑒於出生率急遽衰退、青年失業率高漲以及不完整的求學到就業的轉變歷程所導致的負面社會結果,此議題的相關分析與研究在東亞更顯得重要。此本文著重在探討台灣、日本、南韓青年失業率以及求學到就業的轉變歷程這樣一個公眾議題。此外,本文分析政策制定者是如何回應此議題,以及之間的公開討論與辯論。 本文採用質性研究法以求對此議題能夠有更充分的討論與更適切的解決方法。除了內容分析之外,本文也檢視東亞社會調查的結果,尤其是在與社會資本以及青年失業率的議題上。根據東亞社會調查的研究結果發現,對台灣、日本、南韓求學到就業的轉變歷程的挑戰為密集的考試文化、青年族群缺少社會資本、實際經驗與機會的缺乏,以及在教育體制中對學習的過度強調。有鑒於此,本文建議政策制定者應考慮除了考試成績外,其他的替代評量方式並進一步檢視造成決定青年族群的求學未來以及增進青年取得社會資本以及工作經驗。 / Youth unemployment in the context of the school-to-work transition is an important issue to understand given its implications for individual development, society, the economy, and the education system. While this topic has received strong attention in the North America and Europe, less research on the topic in East Asia exists. Given the sharp fall in fertility rates, rising youth unemployment, and the adverse social consequences of incomplete school-to-work transitions in East Asia, there is a need for greater analysis on the topic. This thesis sets out to investigate the context in which youth unemployment and the school-to-work transition emerged as a publicly concerned issue in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. Moreover, this thesis seeks to analyze the discourses that have been put forth in public discussions and deliberations and consequently how policymakers have responded. A qualitative method is used to provide a holistic understanding of the issue and generate more suitable solutions. In addition to analyzing the discourse, the thesis examines the results of the East Asia Social Survey (EASS), particularly the relevance of social capital to youth unemployment. Based on the findings in the discourse and the EASS data, it is found that the challenges to the school-to-work transition in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea are the intense exam culture, youth’s lack of social capital, a deficit of practical experience opportunities, and the strong emphasis on rote learning in the education systems. It is thus recommended that policymakers consider alternative measurements to exam results in determining the academic future of young people as well as increasing their opportunities to gain social capital and work experience.


陳冠廷 Unknown Date (has links)
青年失業問題是目前世界各國所關心的主要議題之一,從1970年代開始先進國家已開始意識到青年失業問題的嚴重性。根據國際勞工組織估計,目前世界上至少有7,100萬青年處於沒有工作的狀態,全球的青年失業率在2007年高達11.9%。而台灣的整體失業率與青年失業率從1996年開始攀升,2009年2月的青年失業率已高達14.56%,創歷年最高,且青年為各年齡組群中失業率最高的一群,若青年失業問題持續惡化,勢必對社會造成不良的影響,增加社會成本。 面對越來越嚴重的青年失業問題,國際組織與先進各國均提出許多建議或政策來因應,本研究將探討國際組織ILO與OECD對青年就業政策之觀點,並以德國、英國、美國、香港、丹麥與荷蘭為例,借鏡其青年就業政策,以掌握世界主要工業國家之趨勢與對策。 台灣近年來隨著失業問題越來越嚴重,雖然政府開始注意到青年的失業問題,並已初步實施多面項的方案,但經由本研究分析與國際發展趨勢相較,發現目前台灣的青年就業政策還是有許多仍待補強之處。最後本研究將以國際的經驗當作借鏡,提出以下七點相關建議,以作為未來相關政策參考之方向: 一、應重視技職教育的發展,擴大投資技職教育。 二、提升正式教育過程中的就業力養成教育,並增加青年體驗職場的機會。 三、加強職業指導,培養正確的就業價值觀。 四、積極的消極勞動市場政策。 五、提供青年個人化的深度就業諮詢輔導服務,多關注弱勢青年。 六、建立職業訓練評估制度,完善規劃訓練課程以符合市場需求。 七、整合相關部會,制訂一套完整、長期性、針對性的青年就業促進方案。 / Nowadays the problem of youth unemployment is one of main topics that every countries concern. Since 1970s, the developed countries have realized the severity of the problem of youth unemployment. According to ILO estimates, there has at least 71 million youths unemployment in the world at present. The global youth unemployment rate reaches as high as 11.9% in 2007. And then Taiwan's overall unemployment rate and the youth unemployment rate have soared since 1996, the youth unemployment rate has reached as high as 14.56% in February of 2009. Youths have the highest unemployment rate among others.There will be negative impacts on society, if the problem of youth unemployment worsens continuously. Facing more and more serious problem of youth unemployment, the international organization and the advanced countries put forward a lot of suggestions or policies. This research will introduce ILO and OECD on youth employment policies of the opinion. In order to understand how to deal with the problem of youth unemployment in the advanced countries, this research will take Germany, Britain, US, Hong Kong, Denmark and Holland as the example, and introduce their youth employment policies. Because the unemployment problem is more and more serious in Taiwan, the government has begun to notice the problem of youth unemployment, and has implemented multi-surface policies. But this research found that there are still some things need to be improved in Taiwan’s youth employment policies. Finally I will put forward some suggestions from with the experience of foreign countries, in order to help the government resolve the problems of youth unemployment.

我國青年就業促進政策之探討-以「青年就業讚計畫」為例 / A Study on the Employment Promotion Policy of the youth in Taiwan

李雅銀, Lee, Ya-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化的發展下,勞動市場與就業結構也隨著改變,全球青年皆受到失業問題的衝擊,尤其是青年的失業率高於成年失業率。根據國際勞工組織ILO在「2015年全球就業與社會趨勢」報告中強調,2014年的全球青年失業率高達13%,有多達7,400萬名的青年處於失業困境中。而全球青年失業率是全球整體失業率的近3倍。突顯出青年高度失業的現象已成為各國必須積極面對的議題。 本研究係進行「青年就業讚計畫」之執行成效評估,藉由相關文獻回顧各國曾經施行的方案制度及我國近年相關的就業促進政策的制度,以作為分析「青年就業讚計畫」的基礎工作。透過半結構式的深度訪談青年、辦訓單位及公立就業中心就業服務員三方探討該計畫是否對青年之就業有所助益,並據以提出調整、改善後續工作之規劃與執行建議,以作為未來政策或制度設計修正之依據,期望能有效解決青年的高失業問題。 經過深度訪談,本研究發現如下: 一、青年就業讚計畫有助青年提升就業力,但缺乏後續協助就業配套措施 二、受訓青年訓後就業與參訓職類有相當程度關聯性 三、未建立就業追蹤平台,無法追踨訓後就業關聯性 四、課程審核流程時間過長,影響招生進度 五、參加訓練計畫需事先繳費,對經濟弱勢青年經濟負擔大 六、同質性計畫多, 造成資源重疊 本研究經訪談結果建議如下: 一、加強培訓公立就業服務中心人員職涯諮商、導引角色 二、課予辦訓單位就業媒合責任,提升青年就業率  三、青年調整就業心態,鼓勵及早規劃職涯,建立正確職業觀念 四、建置「訓後青年追蹤資料庫」,追蹤就業歷程 五、建立課程審核進度查詢機制,簡化行政流程 六、研擬課程分期付款機制,另設排富條款 / The phenomenon of economic globalization has affected labour market and employment structure, also impact on the unemployment rate around the world. In particular, Youth unemployment is higher than adult unemployment. According to the ILO “World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2015“report, it find that over 13% youth unemployed rate in 2014 around the world, and almost 74 million young people were looking for work in 2014. The youth unemployment rate is practically three times higher than the worldwide unemployment rate. Consequently, the high rising youth unemployment is a conspicuous problem that every countries around the world have to facing. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the“Youth’s Employment Ultimate Plan”by literature review of Taiwan’s and other countries’employment promoting policies, in addition, to explore whether the plan is helpful for youth employment by semi-structured in-depth interview with youth people, the staff of training resource center and employment service center, afterwards, give information on the plan, thus a reference can be provided for the suggestion of the policy modify in the future. After in-depth interviews, this study found the following: 1.The“Youth’s Employment Ultimate Plan” help to raise employment rate but it’s short of provide after assistance and complementary measures. 2.The youth people after vocational training employed have a significant degree and correlation to the trained categories. 3.Lack of establishing employed tracking platform, thus can not track the correlation to the trained categories. 4.The time of approving course is too long to affect recruiting. 5.Joining the“Youth’s Employment Ultimate Plan”requires payment in advance, economically disadvantaged youth people can’t afford. 6.Many homogeneity plans result in resources overlapping. After in-depth interviews, this study suggested: 1.To enhance the employment service center staffs’consulting and introducing abilities. 2.To assign the response for employment matching services. 3.To encourage youth to adjust the attitude, to plan career earlier, and to establish correct views about career. 4.To establish the”database of trained youth people” to track the employed history. 5.To establish the inquiry system of the approving course progress rate, and to simplify process. 6.To develop a course installment system, and to set clause of wealth restrictions.

青年失業問題與青年就業政策之研究 ─從我國教育改革面向切入 / Youth Unemployment and Youth Employment Policy from the aspect of Taiwan's education reform

廖芷嫻, Liao, Chih Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
2008年金融危機,對全球經濟造成嚴重的衝擊,連帶影響勞動市場,青年失業問題日趨惡化,高失業率使許多青年放棄求職,或選擇繼續留在教育體系中,延後進入勞動市場。國際組織及各國政府皆致力於解決青年失業問題,我國也不例外,惟多年來我國青年就業情況卻未獲改善,是否我國的青年就業政策有不足之處值得深思。本研究主要針對青年失業問題與原因進行討論,亦欲藉由國際組織之建議及各國青年就業政策,來探討我國青年就業政策應加強之處,最後試圖從教育改革面向切入我國青年失業率升高之原因,並於文末提出建議。 / The global economy suffered a serious impact by financial crisis in 2008, also affected the labor market. The youth unemployment situation has been getting worse since 2008. Discouraged by high youth unemployment rates, many young people have either given up the job search altogether or have decided to postpone it and continue to stay in the education system. Both international organizations and governments have devoted effort to solve the youth unemployment problem─ our country is not an exception. But the youth unemployment situation has not improved for several years. Are there any insufficient in our country‘s Youth employment policy worth to think. This thesis focused on the problems and reasons of youth unemployment. Also discuss how to strengthen our youth employment policy and the high youth unemployment rates from the perspective of Taiwan's education reformation system. Finally, make recommendations to strengthen the current youth employment policy.

從新公共服務觀點探討青年就業政策之執行─以大專畢業生企業職場實習方案為例 / A study of the implementation of youth employment policy for the viewpoints of new public service: a case study of the internship program of college graduation. A study of the implementation of youth employment policy for the viewpoints of new public service: a case study of the internship program of college graduation.

葉鴻儒, Hong, Ju Yeh Unknown Date (has links)
青年失業問題自從八十年代起就已成為先進工業國家中的一個重要議題,而在當今的台灣也不例外。2009年台灣的整體失業率已進逼6%大關,青年失業率更是達到近15%,情勢相當危急。對此政府推出預算高達120億元新台幣的「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」(簡稱企業實習方案),於95至97學年度的大學畢業生,以期能降低青年失業率,減緩經濟壓力。但方案在規劃之初與執行過程中,即遭受質疑與批評聲浪不斷,使得實行的美意與目標和實際狀況間呈現落差。 新公共服務(New Public Service)自2000年由Denhardt夫婦提出之後,有學者認為應該用新公共服務理論來檢視台灣的政府治理,並做為政府再造、行政革新的價值主流。因此本文首先根據國內外文獻及各國際組織如國際勞工組織(International Labour Organization,ILO)、經濟合作發展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD)與行政院主計處的統計資料,探討台灣青年失業問題現況與因素、特性與影響,以及各國對策等;接著就新公共服務的理論與核心概念及企業實習方案,進行整理與歸納。並就執行方案的學校行政人員、企業主管、大專畢業實習生、教育部與龍華科技大學等主管協辦機關等,進行面對面深度訪談,以了解該方案在執行層面上的現況。結果發現:在規劃面上,政府意欲解決當前青年失業問題、強化學校與企業產學合作,可謂立意良善;在執行上,因為時間急迫性與人力吃緊,而造成手忙腳亂的情形出現;在成果上,對於當前青年失業問題之緩解,及減少失業所造成的社會排除問題,確實有所裨益,然而因配套措施與規範不足,間接造成新鮮人起薪過低及人力資源低度運用等情形產生。 新公共服務精神的相符性上,服務構面獲得較高的認同;課責上因教育部非就業的專門機關,因此普遍不獲認同;至於信任構面,則是呈現分歧態度,總體而論,在某程度上符合新公共服務精神,然仍有相當大的改善幅度。政策建議方面,主責機關應再慎重選擇並及早規劃與配置人力,避免手忙腳亂局面;同時並加強配套措施。最後仍須從整體產業結構與產學發展,來規劃全面長遠的青年就業政策。

台灣失業青年之疤痕成因與效應 / The Scarring Cause and Effect of Youth Unemployment in Taiwan

鄒博全, Tsou, Po-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
疤痕效應(Scarring Effect)所指的當一個人的就業歷程出現失業,失業將會對往後的就業歷程產生長期性的影響,且影響的範圍相當廣,包含收入、就業狀況、身心健康等等。然而,在所有年齡層中,青年是最容易失業且待在勞動市場中時間最長的群體。   本研究將在疤痕效應的理論基礎上探討:台灣青年在失業後是否會影響終生的就業歷程、造成長期性工作貧窮的現象。本研究試著從青年找不到適得其所的工作時,其實際工作狀況和生活來理解失業的成因及長期性影響。   本研究採取多元方法的研究設計,透過「人力運用擬-追蹤調查資料庫」以及「華人家庭動態資料庫」比較15-29歲有失業經驗的青年及無失業經驗青年,往後薪資及就業狀況,觀察失業的短期性及長期性的影響。並以深度訪談的方式,訪談七位不同背景且在15-29歲期間有3個月以上失業經驗的受訪者,透過訪談青年失業理解連續性脈絡,藉此理解疤痕效應的成因及疤痕效應造成影響的詳細情形。   實證結果發現不論觀察期長短,有失業經驗的青年的收入漲幅普遍會低於沒有失業經驗的青年,失業確實會對收入水準造成長期影響。就業情形的差異上,有失業經驗青年陷入再度失業的機率普偏高於無失業經驗青年陷入失業的機率。   訪談結果發現疤痕效應的原因有(一)工作經驗不足,無法進入職場;(二)雇主對過短工作經驗的負面評價;(三)人力資本難以積累;(四)社會關係封閉,難以向外得到援助;(五)工作經驗的中斷。   本研究透過疤痕效應的理論,指出失業對青年所造成的長期性影響。藉由實證數據及訪談結果,深入理解青年失業所造成的長期性影響及成因,作為解決青年失業問題及工作貧窮上的政策參考。 / The “Scarring Effect” means the unemployment of a person's career path, which will have a long-term impact on the future career path, and have the influence of a wide range, including income, employment status, physical and mental health and so on. However, youth have the highest unemployment rate in all ages and have the longest time in the labor market.   This study will explore the theory of scarring effect: whether unemployment will affect Taiwanese youth’s lifetime career path after unemployment, resulting in long-term poverty. This study tries to understand the causes and long-term effects of unemployment from the time when youth find jobs that are not suitable for them.   This study is based on a multimethod research approach to compare youth from 15 to 29 years old with unemployed experience and young people with no unemployment experience. Through "Manpower Utilization Quasi-longitudinal Survey" and the “Panel Study of Family Dynamics" in subsequent earnings and employment status, we observe the short-term and long-term effects of unemployment. And through deep-interviews with seven different backgrounds and those who had more than three months of unemployment experience during the 15-29 year old period, we understand the continuity of unemployment, the causes of scar effects and the details of the impact.   The empirical results show that regardless of the length of the observation period, the income growth of youth with unemployed experience is generally lower than which of those without unemployed experience. Unemployment will indeed have a long-term impact on income levels. The difference in employment status, the re-unemployment rate of the youth with unemployment experience is higher than which of youth without unemployment experience.   The results of interviews finds that the cause of scarring effects are contributed to (1)Lack of working experiences to get work. (2)Employer have negative impression on short working experience.(3)The difficulty of accumulating human capital.(4) Closed social relationships, which is difficult to get assistance from others. (5)Interruption of work experience.   This study, through the theory of scarring, points out the long-term effects of unemployment on youth. Through empirical data and interviews, we will understand the long-term impact and causes of youth unemployment as a policy reference to solve the problem of youth unemployment and working poverty.

薪資補貼政策對促進青年就業成效之研究-以「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」為例 / A study of the effect of wage subsidy on promoting youth employment : a case of directions for the University / College Graduate Corporate Workplace Internship Program

劉侑學 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年底源自於美國信貸市場的金融風暴席捲全球,影響層面襲擊實體經濟,無論在投資、消費、產出與貿易上都出現驟降的表現,世界經濟遭逢二次大戰以來最嚴重的衰退,勞動市場同樣受到嚴重的打擊,不過,因為年齡、性別、教育程度等條件的差異,不同群體所承受的就業風險也不盡相同。面對百年罕見的經濟危機,青年因先天上存在著缺乏技術、工作經驗、社會網絡、求職知識、經濟支持等劣勢,無疑成為景氣動盪下受衝擊最大的族體。 台灣青年在就業市場上的艱困處境,在金融海嘯的侵襲下更顯艱難。比較經濟危機的發生前後,青年失業率增漲達3.84%,高於全體失業率的漲幅1.94%,而2009年青年的平均失業率是全體平均失業率5.85%的2.48倍。其中值得注意的是,在青年失業者中,大專及以上學歷的人數為15萬1千人、佔55.73%,高居各教育程度之冠。政府為消除金融風暴下大專青年進入職場的障礙,於2009年4月推出「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」,補助企業聘僱員工時的薪資與社會保險等人事成本,短期目標是平衡勞動市場供需,長期則是期待透過實習經驗提升實習員的就業能力,達成促進就業的治理目的。 本研究擬針對教育部所規劃推動的「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」作為分析對象,其係屬積極勞動市場政策下針對雇主的薪資補貼政策,已在OECD國家行之有年,無論在推動經驗或評估報告上,都累積十分豐碩的資源,可作為後進國家之政策制訂者與研究者的參考依據。因此,在擬定寫作策略上,先行回顧各國曾經施行的方案制度和評估報告,緊接著整理我國近年相關的薪資補貼政策的制度差異,以作為分析「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」的基礎工作。最後,在「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」的成效評估上,採取積極勞動市場政策評估中的「績效檢視」與「過程評估」,透過質量並重之研究途徑,以問卷調查的研究方法以檢視企業職場實習方案之實習者離開方案後的再就業成效,同時為彌補量化取徑之限制與理解政策執行面,佐以深度訪談來獲得在研究主題上更寬廣的理解。

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