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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


高麗芬, GAO, LI-FEN Unknown Date (has links)
當代經濟學僅包括公經濟與私經濟之經濟理論。事實上整個經濟體系,除了由公共部 門外,猶有一由非營利組織所構之「自願性非營利部門」(the Voluntary Nonprof- it Sector ),即本文所謂的「第三部門」共同連作而成。本文主要的研究目的乃在 探討非營利組織之經濟行為與功能,同時欲釐清傳統公、私兩部門之兩極化的經濟觀 念,並從效率面,對第三部門之功能加以評估,以期對我國非營利組織之發展現況有 進一步的瞭解。 本文第二章介紹非營利組織之理論基礎與發展背景,主要是以美國耶魯大學於198 7年所出版之有關非營利組織之研究結果為參考文獻。B .Weisbrod與Henry Hansm- ann 等學者從政府功能不足與契約失效的不同觀點來解釋非營利組織存在的原因。而 非營利組織之研究範圍,從早期之慈善事業,逐漸擴展至各種會員組織、工商會及政 治性團體等,故本文於第三章亦嘗試界定第三部門之規模與範疇,同時與公、私兩部 門之功能作一比較分析,並根據我國內政部統計提要有關人民團體之資料,作簡單的 比較歸納分析,對我國非營利組織發展的現況與功能加以探討。最後本文將探討第三 部門與政府的相互關係,我們發現不僅政府的政策會影響非營利組織之形成,同時政 府決策亦常受到非營利組織之影響。 當此經濟轉型時期,國內各種型態之非營利組織早已方興未艾,過去國內文獻已注意 到非營利組織之免稅問題及其產之弊病,本文則希望能對非營利組織之經濟活動作廣 泛性的探討,以期國內各界能重視非營利部門在經濟體系中所扮演的重要角色。


蔡欣雅 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊社會的到來,數位化的環境帶來希望也造成墜落。自90年代末期,數位落差的現象開始為國家、社會所關注,其中偏遠地區的學童往往因距離與社經條件的關係而存在嚴重的數位落差問題。 「數位人文希望關懷團隊」即是非營利部門參與此議題的力量之一,其特別處在於除了解決數位落差問題外,更認為資訊科技能帶來機會。其藉由營隊中的課程與兩校學童的交流,建立起部落學童的基礎資訊能力與因同儕而起的網路使用動機,再透過數位平台的建立與共讀活動的設計,讓部落學童能夠長期與學伴互動,得到陪伴與鼓勵,而達到促進學習動機與成就的目的。而本研究即是希望瞭解個案的歷程與影響及行動背後的運作。 透過訪談與問卷,研究發現在一年的行動後,方案引發的動機,的確讓部落學童的數位落差情形與學習狀況所改善,而在過程中部落社區的氛圍也有轉變,變得更有活力。只是行動也曾遇到不少困難,包括:部落需求的認知差距、資訊基礎建設的建置與維護及行動背後各團隊的合作問題。 而協調合作為本行動在運作上的重要課題,因此本文透過網絡分析、訪談及參與觀察的整理來探討此議題。其中,透過網絡分析發現,團隊的合作狀況緊密且不會過度集中,但仍有集中於部分成員的狀況。而透過訪談整理則發現五個影響協調合作關係的議題,包括:行動方案是有利的、組織的型態與性質、意見不被接受、距離與溝通困擾、認知好的成果等,其中訪談結果雖然並未直接提及網絡結構的影響,但透過比對,仍可發現網絡結構透露出行動者的基本限制而將間接影響合作關係。最後,本文也發現行動中存在著協調合作模式的認知差異,而應注意定位與合作制度化的問題。 根據以上研究發現,本文也對個案提出相關的建議,包括:加強部落電腦教室的管理與維護、在目標下創造各方合作的利基、確立團隊溝通管道與平台、確認各方權利義務與增加行動管理的合作夥伴。 / Digital environment contributes opportunity and divide at the coming of information society. Since the late 1990s, digital divide becomes a popular issue in governments and societies, among which children in the remote district are the one who need more concern. Digital and Cultural Hope (DCH), which is composed of a few groups, is one participant from the nonprofit sector. DCH believes it should not only just bridge the digital divide, but also use the information and communication technology (ICT) to create the opportunity for the children. Hence, it runs a project from an idea like email pal to encourage children’s motives of using ICT and acquiring knowledge in a rural community. This is an effective and unique way to solve the problem. Therefore, the study wants to explore the course and the impact of the DCH project. The study, through interview and questionnaire, finds the DCH project does make its goal after a year of implementing. The motives of children help them improve the digital literacy and school learning. Meanwhile, the DCH project also changes the atmosphere of the community. However, the DCH project does face some challenges. First, the different perception of demand between DCH and the community makes some conflicts. Second, it is difficult to maintain ICT infrastructure for the community. And, at last, one member of DCH closures the collaboration and quits the project. Collaboration is an important issue for the project, because its service is delivered by the collaboration of the groups in DCH. The study, through network analysis, finds the structure of DCH is dense, but not highly central. It also finds five issues of collaboration, and finds network does have an indirect impact of collaboration. Last but not least, the study discovers there is a perception gap of collaboration in DCH, and considers DCH needs to concern about the issues of responsibility between team members and institutionalization of collaboration. According to the findings, the study brings up some suggestions as follow. First, DCH needs to strengthen the maintenance and management of ICT infrastructure by training the community residents and acquiring other supports. Second, it should create the incentives of collaboration for the team members. Third, the information exchange platform is suggested for team communication. And, the right and the duty of the members should be confirmed by each other. At the end, the study advises to invite new participants for managing the project.

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