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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
一九九七年七月泰國爆發金融風暴,危及鄰近東南亞國家,台灣亦受波及,加上該年年底本國發生本土型金融風暴,一些企業集團陸續發生財務問題,致使金融機構授信品質迅速惡化,另一九九九年發生九二一大地震,使中部地區金融機構之不動產授信品質持續惡化,整體金融機構逾放比率節節升高,至二○○一年底整體金融機構列報之逾期放款金額達新台幣12,812億元,加計應予觀察放款5,528億元,整體金融機構逾期放款比率達13.0%,占該年GDP(98,170億元)之18.7%。以產業為分類標準,進一步探討這些逾期放款損失之內容,顯有風險集中於某些產業之現象。故本文首先探討目前本國銀行授信風險管理制度上之缺失,提出產業授信組合(Loan Portfolio)及信用風險集中度(Credit Risk Concentration )管理之觀念;同時採主觀分析法,以各種產業占前期國內生產毛額之比率為基礎,納入產業獲利能力、產業前景、產業類股股價變動及產業經營狀況、生產指數、單位勞動成本指數變動率等因素,設定各種產業授信之最高限額以控管產業授信風險集中度,並以某銀行民國九十一年六月底之各種產業授信及逾期放款資料進行實證。最後建議管理產業授信信用風險集中度之方法除了 1. 限制風險較高之產業占全體授信之比率 2. 對風險較高之產業客戶增提內部擔保及外部擔保 3. 限制客戶之經營策略,例如規範其處理資產之程序、限制其增加借款金額及限制股利分配或限制某項財務比率等; 另介紹國外管理授信組合信用風險之方法,如貸款交易(Loan Trading)、信用衍生性商品(Credit Derivatives)及資產證券化(Asset Securitization)等金融工具以規避信用風險過度集中之危機。

投資組合集中度之研究 —以RBC架構下台灣保險公司之投資組合為例 / A study of portfolio concentration and performance of insurance company under RBC structure in Taiwan

楊智皓, Yang, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
截至2016年的統計資料,我國產險與壽險業的保險公司家數來到54家,保險業資產總額佔了全台灣所有金融機構總資產的31.78%,資產規模來到新台幣22.6兆元,在如此龐大的資產規模下,保險公司的投資組合管理變成相當的重要,重點漸漸的從投資在什麼樣的商品可以讓資金獲取最大效益轉移到了投資後的管理與部位的調整,以避免不必要的非系統性風險,有鑑於此,台灣在2003年實施了RBC制度,讓保險公司的投資組合的分配有所依據,不過仍然免不了過度集中在某些資產的問題,所以本研究的目的在於能否運用風險集中度的概念來判斷投資組合是否過度集中,而不僅僅只有投資金額的比例來做判斷。 本論文的研究方法會根據各家保險公司的實際投資組合以每半年或每年的型式分別計算Marginal Risk Contribution(MRC)的値,並且進行分析後再以Herfindahl-Hirschman Index(HHI)與 Gini Index 來檢視長期資產組合集中度的趨勢,最後的研究結果可以發現若是從邊際風險貢獻的比例來看,各保險公司的風險分布主要是集中在國內上市普通股與ETF、海內外不動產投資、國外已開發國家或新興市場上市普通股與ETF以及A評等的國外固定收益債券,而利用HHI與Gini Index兩個指標來看,各保險公司的資產集中度是逐年上升的。 / According to the statistical data in 2016, there are 54 insurance companies which includes property and casualty insurance company and life insurance company. And the scale of insurance asset is NTD 2,260 billion, accounting for 31.78% of whole asset of financial institution in Taiwan. Under huge amount of asset, the portfolio management for insurance company become more and more important. The key points of this issue are transferring to the ratio of portfolio management from choosing asset class to get maximum profit in order to avoid the nonsystematic risk gradually. Therefore, the Risk-based Capital policy has established in 2003 in Taiwan. The ratio of the insurance companies’ portfolio had the reference to allocate. However, there were some issues about the excessive concentration of some asset classes. So, the target of this study is using the concept of the risk concentration to judge the portfolio too concentrated or not. Not just judge it by its amount invested. The research process of this thesis is to calculate the marginal risk contribution value of the insurance companies’ portfolio every half a year or every year. Moreover, using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) & Gini Index to observe the trend of long term portfolio concentration. From the marginal risk contribution ratio. We can found the result of this study is the risk concentrated on the domestic listed common stock & ETF, domestic or foreign Real Estate, foreign developed market or emerging market listed common stock & ETF and fixed income bond (A rating). Besides, using the Herfindahl – Hirschman index and Gini index. The concentrated ratio of insurance companies’ portfolio were raising recent years.

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